FireDAC Components for Act-On

Build 23.0.8839


Upsert, delete and query records of a Optout list.

Table Specific Information


The component will use the Act-On API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the component.

  • Timestamp supports the '>=' , '>' , '<=' and '<' operator.

For example:

SELECT * FROM Optout WHERE Timestamp >= '2022-09-15 08:53:50.111' AND  Timestamp <= '2022-09-16 00:30:33.14'

SELECT * FROM Optout WHERE Timestamp > '2022-09-15 08:53:50.111' AND  Timestamp < '2022-09-16 00:30:33.14'


Upsert can be executed by specifying the Email column. Following is an example of how to insert a single email into this table

UPSERT INTO Optout(Email) VALUES ('')

Multiple emails can also be added or updated. Following is an example of how to insert multiple emails into this table

UPSERT INTO Optout(Email) VALUES (';')


Delete can be executed by specifying the Email column in the WHERE Clause. Following is an example of how to delete a single email from this table

DELETE FROM Optout WHERE Email = ''

Multiple emails can also be deleted. Following is an example of how to delete multiple emails into this table

DELETE FROM Optout WHERE Email = ';'


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Email String False

Email of the user.

Origin String True


Timestamp Timestamp True

When the user joined the list.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 23.0.8839