Excel Add-In for Teradata

Build 24.0.9062





AuthenticationStringAuthenticationString enables support for mechanisms that require additional authentication information.
DataSourceThe Teradata server name or, equivalently, the DBC Name or TDPID.
AuthSchemeSpecifies the Logon Mechanism, which determines the connection's authentication and encryption capabilities
User認証で使用されるTeradata ユーザーアカウント。
DatabaseThe database selected as the default database when a Teradata connection is opened.
PortConnects to the Teradata Database on the TCP/IP port specified. The default Teradata Database port is 1025.
AccountSpecifies an account string to override the default account string defined for the Teradata Database user.
AccountStringIdentifies an individual user account and is associated with a specific User Id.
IntegatedSecuritySet this to true to use Single Sign On.


ConnectionTimeoutSpecifies the time in seconds to wait for a Teradata session to be opened or established.
ConnectionPoolingEnables or disables connection pooling.
ConnectionPoolingTimeoutSpecifies the time a connection may stay idle inside the pool.
ConnectMaxRetryCountThe maximum number of reattempts before the connection will fail.


FirewallServerプロキシベースのファイアウォールの名前もしくはIP アドレス。
FirewallPortプロキシベースのファイアウォールのTCP ポート。


Verbosityログファイルの記述をどの程度の詳細さで記載するかを決定するverbosity レベル。


BrowsableSchemasこのプロパティは、使用可能なスキーマのサブセットにレポートされるスキーマを制限します。例えば、BrowsableSchemas=SchemaA,SchemaB,SchemaC です。
Tablesこのプロパティは、使用可能なテーブルのサブセットにレポートされるテーブルを制限します。例えば、Tables=TableA,TableB,TableC です。
Views使用可能なテーブルのサブセットにレポートされるビューを制限します。例えば、Views=ViewA,ViewB,ViewC です。


AutoCacheSELECT クエリの結果を、 CacheLocation 、または CacheConnection と CacheProvider の両方で指定されたキャッシュデータベースに自動的にキャッシュします。
CacheConnectionキャッシュデータベースの接続文字列。このプロパティは、常に CacheProvider と一緒に使用します。両プロパティを設定すると、データをキャッシュするための CacheLocation のバリューセットがオーバーライドされます。
CacheToleranceAutoCache 使用時のキャッシュ内の失効データに対する許容範囲の秒数。


CommandTimeoutThe timeout before the command is aborted and the transaction rolled back.
DataEncryptionEnables or disables session-level encryption. Default: false.
DataIntegrityEnables or disables session-level integrity. Default: false.
DataSourceDnsEntriesThe number of entries defined in DNS for the DataSource .
DisableAutoCommitInBatchSpecifies whether or not disable the autocommit when executing the batch operation.
EnableDateTimeOffsetEnables and disables the mapping of TIMESTAMP WITH ZONE to DateTimeOffset. Default: true.
EnableTdDateTimeEnables and disables mapping date-time types to provider-specific types. Default: true.
EnableTdDecimalEnables and disables mapping of Decimal(18) to the TdDecimal provider-specific type.
HttpsPortConnects to the database on the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) port specified for HTTPS/TLS connections.
MaxDecimalPrecisionUsed to set the maximum precision of a decimal that can be retrieved from Teradata.
MaxRowsクエリで集計またはGROUP BY を使用しない場合に返される行数を制限します。これはLIMIT 句よりも優先されます。
NodeDownTimeout(Obsolete) the number of seconds that must elapse before a connection attempt is made to a node previously marked as unavailable.
PersistSecurityInfoSet this to true to persist sensitive authentication information (false by default).
ProfileNameSpecifies the profile name to access supported properties from the application configuration file.
QueryBandGets or sets the Query Bands that are to be defined at the connection level.
QueryPassthroughこのオプションは、クエリをTeradata サーバーにas-is で渡します。
ReadAheadEnables additional buffering of results, while the current buffer is consumed by an application. True by default.
Readonlyこのプロパティを使用して、provider からTeradata へのアクセスを読み取り専用に設定できます。
RecoverySets Recoverable Network Protocol (RNP) and Redrive properties used during a network error or database failure.
RecoveryCommandTimeoutOverrideEnables a RecoveryTimeout value to be supplied during reconnection for commands that contain a finite CommandTimeout . True by default.
RecoveryIntervalFactorThis represents the adjustment in the recovery interval period from the preceding interval period. The factor is an additive factor in seconds (2 by default).
RecoveryMaximumIntervalThis represents the maximum interval time in seconds to wait while attempting to reconnect to the database.
RecoveryStartIntervalThe starting time interval (in seconds) after which an attempt to retry a reconnection is performed.
RecoveryTimeoutRecovery timeout in seconds used to re-establish a connection.
ResponseBufferSizeGets and sets the initial size of the internal communication data buffers.
RestrictToDefaultDatabaseSet this to true to restrict schema queries invoking GetSchema to the default database (false by default).
SessionCharacterSetGets or sets the character encoding (Text.Encoding) for the connection.
SessionModeSpecifies the session mode on a Teradata Database V2R2.0 or later system. The selected mode applies for the duration of the session.
SslCaSpecifies the file name of a PEM file that contains Certificate Authority (CA) certificates for use with SSLMODE=VERIFY-CA or VERIFY-FULL.
SslCaPathSpecifies a directory of PEM files that contain Certificate Authority (CA) certificates for use with SSLMODE=VERIFY-CA or VERIFY-FULL.
SslModeSpecifies the mode for connections to the database.
SslProtocolSpecifies the TLS protocol for HTTPS/TLS connections.
UpperCaseIdentifiersThis property reports all identifiers in uppercase. This is the default for Oracle databases and thus allows better integration with Oracle tools such as the Oracle Database Gateway.
UseEnhancedSchemaTableGets or sets a Boolean value that indicates whether the GetSchemaTable method returns additional result set metadata (default: true).
UseXViewsSpecifies which Data Dictionary views should be queried to return result sets from DatabaseMetaData methods.

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Build 24.0.9062