This table is part of Vendor Direct Fulfillment Shipping API. Returns a list of shipping labels created during the time frame that you specify. You define that time frame using the createdAfter and createdBefore parameters. The date range to search must not be more than 7 days.
The following fields are filtered server-side:- PurchaseOrderNumber supports the '=' comparison
- CreatedDate supports all the >, >=, =, <=, < comparisons
Some example queries:
SELECT * FROM VendorShippingLabels WHERE PurchaseOrderNumber = '12345'
SELECT * FROM VendorShippingLabels WHERE CreatedDate > '2022-09-10T12:00:00' AND CreatedDate < '2022-09-15T12:00:00'
When inserting, you can also use temp tables in order to insert fields for aggregate objects, as shown in the example below:INSERT INTO Items#TEMP (ItemSequenceNumber, BuyerProductIdentifier, VendorProductIdentifier, Amount, UnitOfMeasure)
VALUES ( 1, 'item_id', 'prod_id', 10, 'unit');
INSERT INTO Container#TEMP (ContainerType, ContainerIdentifier, TrackingNumber, PackedItems)
VALUES ( 'carton', 'container_id', 'string', 'Items#TEMP');
INSERT INTO Address1#TEMP ( Name, AddressLine1, City, County, CountryCode)
VALUES ('Name', 'Fayettville NC', 'Fayettville', 'North Carolina', 'NC');
INSERT INTO TaxTest#TEMP (RegistrationType, RegistrationNumber, RegistrationMessages, RegistrationAddress)
VALUES ( 'VAT', 'string', 'string', 'Address1#TEMP');
INSERT INTO VendorShippingLabels (PurchaseOrderNumber, SellingPartyPartyId, SellingPartyTaxRegistrationDetails, ShipFromPartyPartyId, Containers)
VALUES ('1234567890', '11111', 'TaxTest#TEMP', '22222', 'Container#TEMP');
In order to get the Transaction ID returned from the API for the INSERT statement, you can issue a select statement from the LastResultInfo temp table, as shown below:
*The temporary table must be defined and used within the same connection. Closing the connection will clear out any temporary tables in memory.
Container temporary table schema info:
Column Name | Type | Required | Description |
ContainerType | String | True | The type of container. |
ContainerIdentifier | String | True | The container identifier. |
TrackingNumber | String | False | The tracking number. |
ContainerSequenceNumber | Integer | False | An integer that must be submitted for multi-box shipments only, where one item may come in separate packages. |
ManifestId | String | False | The manifest identifier. |
ManifestDate | String | False | The date of the manifest. |
ShipMethod | String | False | The shipment method. |
ScacCode | String | False | SCAC code required for NA VOC vendors only. |
Carrier | String | False | Carrier required for EU VOC vendors only. |
Length | String | False | Physical dimensional measurements of a container. |
Width | String | False | Physical dimensional measurements of a container. |
Height | String | False | Physical dimensional measurements of a container. |
DimensionUnit | String | False | Physical dimensional measurements of a container. |
Value | String | False | The weight. |
WeightUnit | String | False | The weight. |
PackedItems | Aggregate | True | A list of packed items. See: PackedItems table schema. |
PackedItems temporary table schema info:
Column Name | Type | Required | Description |
ItemSequenceNumber | Integer | True | Item Sequence Number for the item. This must be the same value as sent in the order for a given item. |
BuyerProductIdentifier | String | False | Buyer's Standard Identification Number (ASIN) of an item. Either buyerProductIdentifier or vendorProductIdentifier is required. |
VendorProductIdentifier | String | False | The vendor selected product identification of the item. Should be the same as was sent in the Purchase Order, like SKU Number. |
Amount | Decimal | True | Quantity of units shipped for a specific item at a shipment level. If the item is present only in certain packages or pallets within the shipment, please provide this at the appropriate package or pallet level. |
UnitOfMeasure | String | True | Unit of measure for the shipped quantity. |
TaxRegistrationDetails temporary table schema info:
Column Name | Type | Required | Description |
RegistrationType | String | True | Tax registration type for the entity. Allowed Values: VAT, GST. |
RegistrationNumber | String | True | Tax registration number for the party. For example, VAT ID. |
RegistrationMessages | String | False | Tax registration message that can be used for additional tax related details |
RegistrationAddress | Aggregate | False | Address of the party. See: AddressDetails table schema. |
Address temporary table schema info:
Column Name | Type | Required | Description |
Name | String | True | The name of the person, business or institution at that address. |
AddressLine1 | String | True | First line of street address. |
AddressLine2 | String | False | Additional address information, if required. |
AddressLine3 | String | False | Additional address information, if required. |
City | String | False | The city where the person, business or institution is located. |
County | String | False | The county where person, business or institution is located. |
District | String | False | The district where person, business or institution is located. |
StateOrRegion | String | False | The state or region where person, business or institution is located. |
PostalOrZipCode | String | False | The postal or zip code of that address. It contains a series of letters or digits or both, sometimes including spaces or punctuation. |
CountryCode | String | True | The two digit country code. In ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format. |
Phone | String | False | The phone number of the person, business or institution located at that address. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
PurchaseOrderNumber [KEY] | String | False | ||
LabelFormat | String | True |
使用できる値は次のとおりです。PNG, ZPL | |
LabelData | String | True | ||
SellingPartyPartyId | String | False | ||
SellingPartyAddressLine1 | String | False | ||
SellingPartyAddressLine2 | String | False | ||
SellingPartyAddressLine3 | String | False | ||
SellingPartyAddressCity | String | False | ||
SellingPartyAddressCountryCode | String | False | ||
SellingPartyAddressCounty | String | False | ||
SellingPartyAddressDistrict | String | False | ||
SellingPartyAddressName | String | False | ||
SellingPartyAddressPhone | String | False | ||
SellingPartyAddressPostalCode | String | False | ||
SellingPartyAddressStateOrRegion | String | False | ||
SellingPartyTaxRegistrationDetails | String | False | ||
ShipFromPartyPartyId | String | False | ||
ShipFromPartyAddressLine1 | String | False | ||
ShipFromPartyAddressLine2 | String | False | ||
ShipFromPartyAddressLine3 | String | False | ||
ShipFromPartyAddressCity | String | False | ||
ShipFromPartyAddressCountryCode | String | False | ||
ShipFromPartyAddressCounty | String | False | ||
ShipFromPartyAddressDistrict | String | False | ||
ShipFromPartyAddressName | String | False | ||
ShipFromPartyAddressPhone | String | False | ||
ShipFromPartyAddressPostalCode | String | False | ||
ShipFromPartyAddressStateOrRegion | String | False | ||
ShipFromPartyTaxRegistrationDetails | String | False |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
CreatedDate | String | |
Containers | String |