Returns a list of fulfillment order previews based on shipping criteria that you specify.
Name | Type | References | Description |
SellerFulfillmentOrderItemId [KEY] | String | A fulfillment order item identifier that the seller created with a call to the createFulfillmentOrder operation. | |
EarliestArrivalDate | Datetime | The earliest date that the shipment is expected to arrive at its destination. | |
EarliestShipDate | Datetime | The earliest date that the shipment is expected to be sent from the fulfillment center, in ISO 8601 date time format. | |
EstimatedShippingWeightUnit | String | The estimated shipping unit weight of the item quantity for a single item, as identified by sellerSku, in a shipment. | |
EstimatedShippingWeightValue | String | The estimated shipping weight value of the item quantity for a single item, as identified by sellerSku, in a shipment. | |
IsCodCapable | Boolean | Indicates whether this fulfillment order preview is for COD (Cash On Delivery). | |
IsFulfillable | Boolean | Indicates whether this fulfillment order preview is fulfillable. | |
LatestArrivalDate | Datetime | The latest date that the shipment is expected to arrive at its destination, in ISO 8601 date time format. | |
LatestShipDate | Datetime | The latest date that the shipment is expected to be sent from the fulfillment center, in ISO 8601 date time format. | |
MarketplaceId | String | The marketplace the fulfillment order is placed against. | |
Quantity | Integer | The item quantity. | |
SellerSku | String | The seller SKU of the item. | |
ShippingSpeedCategory | String | The shipping method used for the fulfillment order. When this value is ScheduledDelivery, choose Ship for the fulfillmentAction. Hold is not a valid fulfillmentAction value when the shippingSpeedCategory value is ScheduledDelivery. | |
ScheduledDeliveryInfo | String | Provides additional insight into the shipment timeline when exact delivery dates are not able to be precomputed. | |
ShippingWeightCalculationMethod | String | The method used to calculate the estimated shipping weight. | |
UnfulfilledItemSellerSku | String | The seller SKU of the unfulfillable item. | |
UnfulfilledItemQuantity | Integer | The item quantity of the unfulfillable item. | |
UnfulfilledItemSellerFulfillmentOrderItemId | String | The fulfillment order item identifier of the unfulfillable item. | |
UnfulfilledItemUnfulfillableReasons | String | Error codes associated with the fulfillment order preview that indicate why the item is unfulfillable. | |
AddressLine1 | String | The first line of the address. | |
AddressLine2 | String | Additional address information. | |
AddressLine3 | String | Additional address information. | |
City | String | The city where the person, business, or institution is located. This property is required in all countries except Japan. It should not be used in Japan. | |
CountryCode | String | The two digit country code. In ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format. | |
DistrictOrCounty | String | The district or county where the person, business, or institution is located. | |
AddressName | String | The name of the person, business or institution at the address. | |
PostalCode | String | The postal code of the address. | |
StateOrRegion | String | The state or region where the person, business or institution is located. | |
Phone | String | The phone number of the person, business, or institution located at the address. | |
IncludeCODFulfillmentPreview | Boolean | When true, returns all fulfillment order previews both for COD and not for COD. Otherwise, returns only fulfillment order previews that are not for COD. | |
IncludeDeliveryWindows | Boolean | When true, returns the ScheduledDeliveryInfo response object, which contains the available delivery windows for a Scheduled Delivery. The ScheduledDeliveryInfo response object can only be returned for fulfillment order previews with ShippingSpeedCategories = ScheduledDelivery. |