CData Python Connector for Amazon Marketplace

Build 23.0.8839


Returns time slots available for Easy Ship orders to be scheduled based on the package weight and dimensions that the seller specifies.


Name Type Required Description
MarketplaceId String True A string of up to 255 characters.
AmazonOrderID String True An Amazon-defined order identifier. Identifies the order that the seller wants to deliver using Amazon Easy Ship.
PackageDimensionLength Decimal True The length dimension.
PackageDimensionWidth Decimal True The width dimension.
PackageDimensionHeight Decimal True The height dimension.
PackageDimensionUnit String True The unit of measurement used to measure the length.

The allowed values are Cm.

PackageDimensionIdentifier String True Identifier for custom package dimensions.
PackageWeightValue Decimal True The weight of the package.
PackageWeightUnit String True The unit of measurement used to measure the weight.

The allowed values are G.

Result Set Columns

Name Type Description
SlotId String An Amazon-defined identifier for a time slot.
StartTime String The start date and time of the time slot.
EndTime Datetime The end date and time of the time slot.

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Build 23.0.8839