CData Python Connector for Amazon Marketplace

Build 23.0.8839


Returns one or more inbound shipment plans, which provide the information you need to create one or more inbound shipments for a set of items that you specify.


Name Type Required Description
LabelPrepPreference String True The seller's preference for label preparation for an inbound shipment.
ShipToCountryCode String False The two-character country code for the country where the inbound shipment is to be sent. Default: The country code for the seller's home marketplace.
ShipToCountrySubdivisionCode String False The two-character country code, followed by a dash and then up to three characters that represent the subdivision of the country where the inbound shipment is to be sent. For example,
InboundShipmentPlanRequestItems String True List of item information for creating an inbound shipment plan.
ShipFromAddressLine1 String True The street address information.
ShipFromAddressLine2 String False Additional street address information, if required.
ShipFromAddressCity String True The city.
ShipFromAddressCountryCode String True The country code in two-character ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format.
ShipFromAddressDistrictOrCounty String False The district or county.
ShipFromAddressName String True Name of the individual or business.
ShipFromAddressPostalCode String True The postal code. If postal codes are used in your marketplace, we recommended that you include one with your request.
ShipFromAddressStateOrProvinceCode String True The state or province code. If state or province codes are used in your marketplace, it is recommended that you include one with your request.

Result Set Columns

Name Type Description
Success Boolean Boolean indicating whether the stored procedure was successfully executed.
ShipmentId String A shipment identifier originally returned by the createInboundShipmentPlan operation.
DestinationFulfillmentCenterId String An Amazon fulfillment center identifier created by Amazon.
EstimatedBoxFeePerUnitCurrencyCode String The manual processing currency code fee per unit.
EstimatedBoxFeePerUnitValue Integer The manual processing value fee per unit.
EstimatedBoxTotalFeeCurrencyCode String The total manual processing currency code fee for the shipment.
EstimatedBoxTotalFeeValue Integer The total manual processing value fee for the shipment.
EstimatedBoxTotalUnits Integer The number of units to ship.
SellerSKU String The seller SKU of the item.
FulfillmentNetworkSKU String Amazon's fulfillment network SKU of the item.
Quantity String The item quantity that you are shipping.
PrepInstruction String Preparation instructions for shipping an item to Amazon's fulfillment network. For more information about preparing items for shipment to Amazon's fulfillment network, see the Seller Central Help for your marketplace.
PrepOwner String Indicates who will prepare the item.
LabelPrepType String The type of label preparation that is required for the inbound shipment.
ShipToAddressLine1 String The address line 1 of the Amazon fulfillment center to which to ship the items.
ShipToAddressLine2 String The address line 2 of the Amazon fulfillment center to which to ship the items.
ShipToAddressCity String The address city of the Amazon fulfillment center to which to ship the items.
ShipToAddressCountryCode String The address country code of the Amazon fulfillment center to which to ship the items.
ShipToAddressDistrictOrCounty String The address district or county of the Amazon fulfillment center to which to ship the items.
ShipToAddressName String The address name of the Amazon fulfillment center to which to ship the items.
ShipToAddressPostalCode String The address postal code of the Amazon fulfillment center to which to ship the items.
ShipToAddressStateOrProvinceCode String The address state or province code of the Amazon fulfillment center to which to ship the items.

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Build 23.0.8839