CData Python Connector for Amazon Marketplace

Build 23.0.8839


The ConfirmShipment operation updates the shipment confirmation status for a specified order.


Name Type Required Description
AmazonOrderId String True Required. An Amazon-defined order identifier, in 3-7-7 format.
MarketplaceId String True Required. The unobfuscated marketplace identifier.
CodCollectionMethod String False The cod collection method, support in JP only.
PackageReferenceId String True Required. A seller-supplied identifier that uniquely identifies a package within the scope of an order. Note that only a positive numeric value is supported.
CarrierCode String False The code of the carrier.
CarrierName String False The name of the carrier.
ShippingMethod String False The shipping method of the order.
TrackingNumber String True Required. The tracking number of the order.
ShipDate Datetime True Required. The shipping date of the order.
ShipFromSupplySourceId String False The supply source id of the order.
OrderItems String True Required. The list of order items, quantities and transparency codes to be updated. Aggregate field.

Result Set Columns

Name Type Description
Success String Boolean indicating whether the stored procedure was successfully executed.

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Build 23.0.8839