Power BI Connector for Amazon Marketplace

Build 23.0.8839


Returns the estimated fees for the listed products.


Name Type References Description
IdValue [KEY] String Required. The item identifier.
SellerID String The seller identifier.
TimeOfFeesEstimation Datetime The time at which the fees were estimated.
TotalFeesEstimateAmount Decimal Total estimated fees for a given item, price and fulfillment channel.
TotalFeesEstimateCurrencyCode String The currency code for the total estimated fees.
FeeType String The type of fee charged to a seller.
FeeAmount Decimal The amount charged for a given fee.
FeeAmountCurrencyCode String The currency code for the charged amount.
FeePromotionAmount Decimal The promotion amount for a given fee.
FeePromotionCurrencyCode String The currency code for the promotion amount.
TaxAmount Decimal The tax amount for a given fee.
TaxCurrencyCode String The currency code for the tax amount .
FinalFeeAmount Decimal The final fee amount for a given fee.
FinalFeeCurrencyCode String The currency code for the final fee amount.
MarketplaceId String Required. The marketplace identifier.
IdType String Required. The item type.

The allowed values are ASIN, SellerSku.

Identifier String Required. The unique identifier provided by the caller to track this request.
IsAmazonFulfilled Boolean When true, the offer is fulfilled by Amazon.
ListingPriceAmount Decimal Required. The price of the item.
ListingPriceCurrencyCode String Required. The currency code for the price of the item.
ShippingAmount Decimal Required. The shipping cost.
ShippingCurrencyCode String Required. The currency code for the shipping cost.
PointsNumber Decimal Required. The number of Amazon Points offered with the purchase of an item.
PointsAmount Decimal Required. The monetary value for points.
PointsCurrencyCode String Required. The currency code for points.

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Build 23.0.8839