Power BI Connector for Amazon Marketplace

Build 23.0.8839


Returns information about a package, including dimensions, weight, time slot information for handover, invoice and item information, and status.


Name Type Required Description
AmazonOrderID String True An Amazon-defined order identifier. Identifies the order that the seller wants to deliver using Amazon Easy Ship.
MarketplaceId String True An identifier for the marketplace in which the seller is selling.

Result Set Columns

Name Type Description
AmazonOrderId String An Amazon-defined order identifier. Identifies the order that the seller wants to deliver using Amazon Easy Ship.
PackageId String An Amazon-defined identifier for the scheduled package.
DimensionLength Decimal The length dimension.
DimensionWidth Decimal The width dimension.
DimensionHeight Decimal The height dimension.
DimensionUnit String The unit of measurement used to measure the length.
DimensionIdentifier String Identifier for custom package dimensions.
WeightValue Decimal The weight of the package.
WeightUnit String The unit of measurement used to measure the weight.
PackageItems String A list of items contained in the package.
SlotId String An Amazon-defined identifier for a time slot.
StartTime Datetime The start date and time of the time slot.
EndTime Datetime The end date and time of the time slot.
HandoverMethod String The method by which a seller will hand a package over to Amazon Logistics.
PackageIdentifier String Optional seller-created identifier that is printed on the shipping label to help the seller identify the package.
InvoiceNumber String The invoice number.
InvoiceDate Datetime The date that the invoice was generated.
PackageStatus String The status of the package.
TrackingId String The tracking identifier for the scheduled package.

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Build 23.0.8839