CData Cloud は、クラウドホスト型のソリューションで、複数の標準サービスやプロトコルにまたがるAmazon Marketplace へのアクセスを実現します。MySQL またはSQL Server データベースに接続できるアプリケーションであれば、CData Cloud を介してAmazon Marketplace に接続できます。
CData Cloud により、他のOData エンドポイントや標準SQL Server / MySQL データベースと同じように、Amazon Marketplace への接続を標準化し、構成することができます。
このページでは、CData Cloud でのAmazon Marketplace への接続の確立 のガイド、利用可能なリソースに関する情報、および使用可能な接続プロパティのリファレンスについて説明します。
接続の確立 は、CData Cloud にデータベースを作成するためのAmazon Marketplace への認証方法と必要な接続プロパティの設定方法について示します。
利用可能な標準サービスを経由してAmazon Marketplace からデータにアクセスする方法と、CData Cloud の管理については、CData Cloud ドキュメント で詳しく説明します。
Database タブで対応するアイコンを選択して、Amazon Marketplace に接続します。必須プロパティはSettings にリストされています。Advanced タブには、通常は必要ない接続プロパティが表示されます。
Amazon MWS (Marketplace Web Services) API は以前からあるAmazon Marketplace のAPI であり、Selling Partner (SP) API は、JSON ベースのREST API 設計基準やOAuth 2.0 など、MWS API と比べて多くの改良点があります。SP-API は、Amazon MWS API で利用可能なすべての機能を含みます。
どちらのAPI を接続に使用するかは、Schema で指定できます。 それぞれのAPI で、次に説明する異なる接続オプションを利用可能です。
Amazon Selling Partner API を使用してAmazon Marketplace に接続する場合、以下のプロパティが必要です。
Amazon MWS API を使用してAmazon Marketplace に接続する場合、接続プロパティとしてSellerId、Marketplace、Marketplace が必要です。Schema をMarketplace に設定します。
Amazon Marketplace に接続するには、はじめにCData デベロッパーを認可します。認可するには、次の手順に従ってください。
または、 Amazon Marketplace CData Driver に移動して右パネルの今すぐ承認をクリックします。
MWS 認証トークンを取得する方法は次のとおりです。
下記の手順に従って、出品者ID を取得します。
Amazon Marketplace はOAuth 認証標準を利用しています。
OAuth で認証するには、組み込みアプリケーションを使用するか、新しいカスタムOAuth アプリを作成する必要があります。組み込みアプリケーションは、デスクトップアプリケーションおよびヘッドレスマシンをサポートします。Web アプリケーションでは、カスタムOAuth アプリケーションを作成する必要があります。
カスタムOAuth アプリケーションを使用して、サービスアカウントまたはユーザーアカウントで認証できます。詳しくは、カスタムOAuth アプリの作成 を参照してください。
Amazon Marketplace は埋め込みクレデンシャルを6ヶ月ごとに入れ替える必要があるため、CData のクレデンシャルは でホストされます。カスタムクレデンシャルを指定しない場合、CData のWeb サービスから埋め込みクレデンシャルがダウンロードされ、デフォルトでOAuthClientLocation で指定した場所に保存されます。 NOTE:ファイアウォールが をブロックしないことを確認してください。
For security, Amazon Marketplace restricts access to PII (Personally Identifiable Information). You can only retain PII for 30 days after order delivery and only for the purpose of, and as long as is necessary to
This means, for example, that the Amazon Marketplace driver no longer displays customer shipping address information after 30 days. See the Amazon documentation for more information:
デフォルトでは、Cloud はサーバーの証明書をシステムの信頼できる証明書ストアと照合してSSL / TLS のネゴシエーションを試みます。
別の証明書を指定するには、利用可能なフォーマットについてSSLServerCert プロパティを参照してください。
Windows のシステムプロキシ経由の接続では、接続プロパティを追加で設定する必要はありません。他のプロキシに接続するには、ProxyAutoDetect をfalse に設定します。
さらにHTTP プロキシへの認証には、ProxyServer とProxyPort に加えてProxyAuthScheme、ProxyUser、およびProxyPassword を設定します。
CData Cloud は、Amazon Marketplace オブジェクトをリレーショナルテーブルおよびビューとしてモデル化します。 Amazon Marketplace オブジェクトは他のオブジェクトとリレーションを持ちます。テーブルでは、これらのリレーションは外部キーを使用して表されます。 次のセクションでは、利用可能なAPI オブジェクトを示し、Amazon Marketplace API へのSQL の実行について詳しく説明します。
See Marketplace Data Model for the available entities in the Marketplace API.
See Selling Partner Data Model for the available entities in the Selling Partner API.
The CData Cloud models the Amazon Marketplace API as relational views, and stored procedures.
To use Marketplace Data Model, simply set Schema to Marketplace.
ビュー are tables that cannot be modified, such as Orders, Products. Typically, model data that is read-only and cannot be updated are shown as views.
ストアドプロシージャ are function-like interfaces to the data source. They can be used to search, update, and modify information in the data source.
Created reports can be exposed as views by setting IncludeReports connection property to true. Reports can be created with the RequestReport stored procedure.
After a report has been created and finished processing with a status _DONE_ it will be exposed as a view with the name "Report{ReportType}{ReportID}".
Only Tab-Delimited reports can be used as views. You can find a full list of reports here: Report Types.
In order to avoid API throttling, it is suggested to use the CreateSchema stored procedure to create report table schemas.
Name | Description |
FeedSubmissionList | The GetFeedSubmissionList operation returns a list of feed submissions. |
FeedSubmissionResult | The GetFeedSubmissionResult operation returns the feed processing report for a specific feed. |
InboundShipmentItems | Returns a list of items in a specified inbound shipment. |
InboundShipments | Returns a list of inbound shipments based on criteria that you specify. |
InventorySupply | Returns information about the availability of inventory that a seller has in Amazon's fulfillment network and in current inbound shipments. You can check the current availability status for your Fulfillment by Amazon inventory as well as discover when availability status changes. |
OrderItems | Returns order items based on the Amazon Order Id that you specify. |
Orders | Returns orders created or updated during a time frame that you specify. |
Products | The Products Table helps you get information to match your products to existing product listings on Amazon Marketplace websites. |
ReportList | Usage information for the operation ReportList.rsd. |
ReportRequestList | Usage information for the operation ReportRequestList.rsd. |
The GetFeedSubmissionList operation returns a list of feed submissions.
The Cloud will use the Amazon Marketplace API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Cloud.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM FeedSubmissionList WHERE FeedSubmissionId = '50377017868'
SELECT * FROM FeedSubmissionList WHERE FeedType = '_POST_PRODUCT_DATA_
SELECT * FROM FeedSubmissionList WHERE SubmittedDate = '2018-12-03T09:42:06'
SELECT * FROM FeedSubmissionList WHERE FeedProcessingStatus = '_DONE_'
Name | Type | References | Description |
FeedSubmissionId [KEY] | String | The Id of the FeedSubmission. | |
FeedType | String | The Type of the feed. | |
SubmittedDate | Datetime | The Date when the feed is submitted. | |
FeedProcessingStatus | String | The Status of the Feed.
StartedProcessingDate | Datetime | The Date when the feed started processing. | |
CompletedProcessingDate | Datetime | The Date when the feed stopped processing. |
The GetFeedSubmissionResult operation returns the feed processing report for a specific feed.
The Cloud will use the Amazon Marketplace API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Cloud.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM FeedSubmissionResult WHERE FeedSubmissionId = '50377017868'
Name | Type | References | Description |
DocumentTransactionID [KEY] | String | The Transaction ID of the Document. | |
FeedSubmissionId | String | The Feed Submission Id. | |
StatusCode | String | The status code of the feed. | |
MessagesProcessed | Integer | The number of messages processed. | |
MessagesSuccessful | Integer | The number of messages processed successfully. | |
MessagesWithError | Integer | The number of messages processed with errors. | |
MessagesWithWarning | Integer | The number of messages processed with warnings. | |
MessageID [KEY] | String | The Message ID. | |
ResultCode | String | The Result Code. | |
ResultMessageCode | String | The Result Message Code. | |
ResultDescription | String | The result description. | |
AdditionalInfo_SKU | String | The SKU. | |
AdditionalInfo_FulfillmentCenterID | String | The Fulfillment Center Id. | |
AdditionalInfo_AmazonOrderID | String | The Amazon Order Id. | |
AdditionalInfo_AmazonOrderItemCode | String | The Amazon Order Item Code. |
Returns a list of items in a specified inbound shipment.
The Cloud will use the Amazon Marketplace API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Cloud.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM InboundShipments WHERE ShipmentId = '503-9993250-1405404'
Name | Type | References | Description |
ShipmentId [KEY] | String |
InboundShipments.ShipmentId | The ID of the shipment. |
SellerSKU [KEY] | String | The Seller SKU of the item. | |
QuantityShipped | Int | The item quantity that you are shipping. | |
QuantityInCase | Int | The item quantity in each case, for case-packed items. | |
QuantityReceived | Int | The item quantity that has been received at an Amazon fulfillment center. | |
FulfillmentNetworkSKU | String | Amazon's fulfillment network SKU of the item. | |
PrepDetailsListPrepInstruction | String | Preparation instructions for shipping an item to Amazon's fulfillment network. | |
PrepDetailsListPrepOwner | String | Indicates who will prepare the item. | |
ReleaseDate | Date | The date that a pre-order item will be available for sale. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description | |
LastUpdatedDate | Datetime |
Returns a list of inbound shipments based on criteria that you specify.
The Cloud will use the Amazon Marketplace API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Cloud.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM InboundShipments WHERE ShipmentStatus = 'Working'
SELECT * FROM InboundShipments WHERE ShipmentStatus IN ('Working', 'SHIPPED', 'IN_TRANSIT')
SELECT * FROM InboundShipments WHERE ShipmentId = '503-9993250-1405404'
SELECT * FROM InboundShipments WHERE LastUpdatedDate >= '2016-12-12'
Name | Type | References | Description |
ShipmentId [KEY] | String | The ID of the shipment. | |
ShipmentStatus | String | The status of your inbound shipment. Possible values are WORKING, SHIPPED, IN_TRANSIT, DELIVERED, CHECKED_IN, RECEIVING, CLOSED, CANCELLED, DELETED, and ERROR. | |
ShipmentName | String | The unique name of the inbound shipment. | |
ShipFromPostalCode | String | The PostalCode of the return address. | |
ShipFromName | String | The Name of the return address. | |
ShipFromCountryCode | String | The CountryCode of the return address. | |
ShipFromStateOrProvinceCode | String | The State Or Province Code of the return address. | |
ShipFromAddressLine1 | String | The AddressLine of the return address. | |
ShipFromCity | String | The City of the return address. | |
LabelPrepType | String | The type of label preparation. | |
AreCasesRequired | Boolean | Boolean that indicates whether or not an inbound shipment contains case-packed boxes. | |
DestinationFulfillmentCenterId | String | The Amazon fulfillment center identifier created by Amazon. | |
ConfirmedNeedByDate | Date | Date that the shipment must arrive at an Amazon fulfillment center for pre-ordered items. | |
EstimatedBoxContentsFeeTotalUnits | Int | The number of units to ship for an estimate of the manual processing fee charged by Amazon for boxes without box content information. | |
EstimatedBoxContentsFeePerUnitCurrencyCode | String | The currency code for an estimate of the manual processing fee charged by Amazon for boxes without box content information. | |
EstimatedBoxContentsFeePerUnitValue | Decimal | The manual processing fee per unit for an estimate of the manual processing fee charged by Amazon for boxes without box content information. | |
EstimatedBoxContentsTotalFeeCurrencyCode | String | The Total fee currency code for an estimate of the manual processing fee charged by Amazon for boxes without box content information. | |
EstimatedBoxContentsTotalFeeValue | Decimal | The Total fee value for an estimate of the manual processing fee charged by Amazon for boxes without box content information. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description | |
LastUpdatedDate | Datetime |
Returns information about the availability of inventory that a seller has in Amazon's fulfillment network and in current inbound shipments. You can check the current availability status for your Fulfillment by Amazon inventory as well as discover when availability status changes.
The Cloud will use the Amazon Marketplace API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Cloud.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM InventorySupply WHERE SellerSKU = 'Stest'
SELECT * FROM InventorySupply WHERE QueryStartDateTime = '2016-03-16'
Name | Type | References | Description |
UID [KEY] | String | Auto Generated Primary Key field. | |
FNSKU | String | The Fulfillment Network SKU (FNSKU) of the item. The FNSKU is a unique identifier for each inventory item stored in an Amazon fulfillment center. | |
SellerSKU | String | The Seller SKU of the item. Required if the QueryStartDateTime is not specified. | |
ASIN | String | The Amazon Standard Identification Number (ASIN) of the item. | |
Condition | String | The condition of the item. | |
TotalSupplyQuantity | Integer | The total item quantity that a seller has in Amazon's fulfillment network supply chain. This includes inventory that is available for shipping, inventory in inbound shipments, and inventory being transferred between Amazon fulfillment centers. | |
InStockSupplyQuantity | Integer | The item quantity that a seller has in Amazon fulfillment centers that is available for shipping. | |
EarliestAvailability_TimepointType | String | Indicates whether inventory is immediately available for picking, whether inventory availability is unknown, or whether inventory is expected to be available for picking by a specific date. | |
EarliestAvailability_DateTime | Datetime | The date and time by which inventory is expected to be available for picking. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description | |
QueryStartDateTime | Datetime | A date used for selecting items that have had changes in inventory availability after (or at) a specified time. Required if SellerSKU is not specified. |
Returns order items based on the Amazon Order Id that you specify.
The Cloud will use the Amazon Marketplace API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Cloud. OrderItems table supports server side filtering with = and IN operators for AmazonOrderId field.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM OrderItems WHERE AmazonOrderId = '503-9993250-1405404'
SELECT * FROM OrderItems WHERE AmazonOrderId IN ('503-9993250-1405404', '503-9993250-1405404')
Name | Type | References | Description |
OrderItemId [KEY] | String | The item ID of the order. | |
AmazonOrderId | String |
Orders.AmazonOrderId | The Amazon ID of the order. |
ASIN | String | The ASIN Code. | |
SellerSKU | String | The SellerSKU. | |
BuyerCustomizedInfoCustomizedURL | String | The Buyer CustomizedURL. | |
Title | String | Title. | |
QuantityOrdered | Integer | The quantity of items ordered. | |
QuantityShipped | Integer | The quantity of items shipped. | |
GrantedPointsNumber | Integer | The Granted Points Number. | |
GrantedPointsMonetaryValueAmount | Decimal | The Granted Points Amount. | |
GrantedPointsMonetaryValueCurrencyCode | String | The Granted Points CurrencyCode. | |
NumberOfItems | Integer | The Number Of Items. | |
ItemPriceAmount | Decimal | The Item Price Amount. | |
ItemPriceCurrencyCode | String | The Item Price Currency Code. | |
ShippingPriceAmount | Decimal | The Shipping Price Amount. | |
ShippingPriceCurrencyCode | String | The Shipping Price Currency Code. | |
GiftWrapPriceAmount | String | The Gift Wrap Price Amount. | |
GiftWrapPriceCurrencyCode | String | The Gift Wrap Price Currency Code. | |
TaxCollectionName | String | The TaxCollection Name. | |
TaxCollectionValue | String | The TaxCollection Value. | |
ItemTaxAmount | Decimal | The Item Tax Amount. | |
ItemTaxCurrencyCode | String | The Item Tax Currency Code. | |
ShippingTaxAmount | String | The Shipping Tax Amount. | |
ShippingTaxCurrencyCode | String | The ShippingTax Currency Code. | |
GiftWrapTaxAmount | Decimal | The Gift Wrap Tax Amount. | |
GiftWrapTaxCurrencyCode | String | The Gift Wrap Tax Currency Code. | |
ShippingDiscountAmount | String | The Shipping Discount Amount. | |
ShippingDiscountCurrencyCode | String | The Shipping Discount Currency Code. | |
PromotionDiscountAmount | Decimal | The Promotion Discount Amount. | |
PromotionDiscountCurrencyCode | String | The Promotion Discount Currency Code. | |
PromotionIds | String | The IDs of Promotions. | |
CODFeeAmount | Decimal | The COD FeeAmount. | |
CODFeeCurrencyCode | String | The COD FeeCurrency Code. | |
CODFeeDiscountAmount | String | The COD FeeDiscount Amount. | |
CODFeeDiscountCurrencyCode | String | The COD FeeDiscount Currency Code. | |
IsGift | Boolean | Boolean specifying if the item is gift. | |
GiftMessageText | String | The Gift Message Text. | |
GiftWrapLevel | String | The Gift Wrap Level. | |
InvoiceDataInvoiceRequirement | String | The requirement of InvoiceData. | |
InvoiceDataBuyerSelectedInvoiceCategory | String | The selected categories of the InvoiceData. | |
InvoiceDataInvoiceTitle | String | The Title of the InvoiceData. | |
InvoiceDataInvoiceInformation | String | The Information of the InvoiceData. | |
ConditionNote | String | The Condition Note. | |
ConditionId | String | The Condition Id. | |
ConditionSubtypeId | String | The Condition Subtype Id. | |
ScheduledDeliveryStartDate | Datetime | The Scheduled Delivery StartDate. | |
ScheduledDeliveryEndDate | Datetime | The Scheduled Delivery EndDate. | |
PriceDesignation | String | The Price Designation. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description | |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | The last time the order is updated. |
Returns orders created or updated during a time frame that you specify.
The Cloud will use the Amazon Marketplace API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Cloud.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM Orders WHERE AmazonOrderId = '249-7638334-8161403'
SELECT * FROM Orders WHERE LastUpdateDate >= '2016-12-12'
SELECT * FROM Orders WHERE PurchaseDate >= '2016-12-12'
SELECT * FROM Orders WHERE PurchaseDate >= '2016-12-12' AND OrderStatus = 'Canceled'
SELECT * FROM Orders WHERE PurchaseDate >= '2016-12-12' AND FulfillmentChannel = 'MFN'
SELECT * FROM Orders WHERE PurchaseDate >= '2016-12-12' AND BuyerEmail = '[email protected]'
SELECT * FROM Orders WHERE PurchaseDate >= '2016-12-12' AND PaymentMethod = 'Other'
Name | Type | References | Description |
AmazonOrderId [KEY] | String | The Amazon ID of the order. | |
SellerOrderId | String | The Seller ID of the order. | |
PurchaseDate | Datetime | The date of the purchase. | |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | The last update date. | |
OrderStatus | String | Status of the order. | |
FulfillmentChannel | String | The Fulfillment Channel. | |
SalesChannel | String | The Sales Channel. | |
OrderChannel | String | The Order Channel. | |
ShipServiceLevel | String | The level of the Ship Service. | |
ShippingAddressName | String | The Shipping Address Name. | |
ShippingAddressAddressLine1 | String | The Shipping Address AddressLine. | |
ShippingAddressAddressLine2 | String | The Shipping Address AddressLine. | |
ShippingAddressAddressLine3 | String | The Shipping Address AddressLine. | |
ShippingAddressCity | String | The Shipping Address City. | |
ShippingAddressCountry | String | The Shipping Address Country. | |
ShippingAddressDistrict | String | The Shipping Address District. | |
ShippingAddressStateOrRegion | String | The Shipping Address State Or Region. | |
ShippingAddressPostalCode | String | The Shipping Address Postal Code. | |
ShippingAddressCountryCode | String | The Shipping Address Country Code. | |
ShippingAddressPhone | String | The Shipping Address Phone. | |
ShippingAddress_AddressType | String | The Shipping Address Type. | |
OrderTotalCurrencyCode | String | The Order Currency Code. | |
OrderTotalAmount | Decimal | The Order Amount. | |
NumberOfItemsShipped | Integer | The Number Of Items Shipped. | |
NumberOfItemsUnshipped | Integer | The Number Of Items Unshipped. | |
PaymentExecutionDetail | String | The Payment Execution Detail. | |
PaymentMethod | String | The Payment Method. | |
PaymentMethodDetail | String | The Details of payment method. | |
IsReplacementOrder | Boolean | Boolean specifying if it is a replacement order. | |
ReplacedOrderId | String | The Replaced OrderId. | |
MarketplaceId | String | The MarketplaceId. | |
BuyerEmail | String | The Buyer Email. | |
BuyerName | String | The Buyer Name. | |
BuyerCounty | String | The Buyer Country. | |
BuyerTaxInfo | String | The Buyer Tax Info. | |
ShipmentServiceLevelCategory | String | The Shipment Service Level Category. | |
ShippedByAmazonTFM | Boolean | The Shipped By Amazon TFM. | |
TFMShipmentStatus | String | The TFM Shipment Status. | |
CbaDisplayableShippingLabel | String | The Cba Displayable Shipping Label. | |
OrderType | String | The Type of Order. | |
EarliestShipDate | Datetime | The Earliest Ship Date. | |
LatestShipDate | Datetime | The Latest Ship Date. | |
EarliestDeliveryDate | Datetime | The Earliest Delivery Date. | |
LatestDeliveryDate | Datetime | The Latest Delivery Date. | |
IsBusinessOrder | Boolean | Boolean specifying if it is a Business Order. | |
IsIBA | Boolean | When true, the item within this order was bought and re-sold by Amazon Business EU SARL (ABEU). | |
PurchaseOrderNumber | String | The Purchase Order Number. | |
IsPrime | Boolean | Boolean specifying if it is a Prime Order. | |
IsPremiumOrder | Boolean | Boolean specifying if it is a Premium Order. |
The Products Table helps you get information to match your products to existing product listings on Amazon Marketplace websites.
The Cloud will use the Amazon Marketplace API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Cloud.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM Products WHERE SearchTerms = '249-7638334-8161403'
SELECT * FROM Products WHERE idType = 'SellerSKU' AND idlist = '{SellerSku code}'
SELECT * FROM Products WHERE idType = 'ASIN' AND idlist = '{ASIN code}'
SELECT * FROM Products WHERE idType = 'GCID' AND idlist = '{GCID code}'
SELECT * FROM Products WHERE idType = 'UPC' AND idlist = '{UPC code}'
SELECT * FROM Products WHERE idType = 'EAN' AND idlist = '{EAN code}'
SELECT * FROM Products WHERE idType = 'ISBN' AND idlist = '{ISBN code}'
SELECT * FROM Products WHERE idType = 'JAN' AND idlist = '{JAN code}'
SELECT * FROM Products WHERE idType = 'JAN' AND idlist IN ('{JAN code}', '{ISBN code}', '{GCID code}')
Name | Type | References | Description |
MarketplaceASIN [KEY] | String | The Marketplace ASIN. | |
MarketplaceASINMarketplaceId | String | The MarketplaceId of Marketplace ASIN. | |
SKUIdentifierMarketplaceId | String | The SKUIdentifier of MarketplaceId. | |
SKUIdentifierSelerId | String | The MarketplaceId of SellerId. | |
SKUIdentifierSellerSKU | String | The MarketplaceId of SellerSKU. | |
AttributeSets | String | The product attributes. | |
Relationships | String | The product relationships. | |
SalesRankings | String | The product sales rankings. | |
SearchTerms | String | ||
IdType | String | The product ID type.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。ASIN, GCID, SellerSKU, UPC, EAN, ISBN, JAN | |
IdList | String | A list of product IDs. |
Usage information for the operation ReportList.rsd.
The Cloud will use the Amazon Marketplace API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Cloud.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM ReportList WHERE ReportRequestId = '50566018029'
SELECT * FROM ReportList WHERE ReportRequestId IN ('50566018029', '50564018026')
SELECT * FROM ReportList WHERE AvailableDate > '2016-12-12' AND AvailableDate < '2018-11-12 12:00:00'
SELECT * FROM ReportList WHERE AvailableDate >= '2016-12-12' AND Acknowledged = 'true'
Name | Type | References | Description |
ReportId [KEY] | String | Report ID. | |
ReportType | String | The type of the Report. | |
ReportRequestId | String | The Report Request ID. | |
Acknowledged | Boolean | A boolean value that indicates whether the order report has been acknowledged. | |
AvailableDate | Datetime | Date on which the report was available. By default, reports available from the last 90 days will be returned. |
Usage information for the operation ReportRequestList.rsd.
The Cloud will use the Amazon Marketplace API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Cloud.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM ReportRequestList WHERE ReportRequestId = '50566018029'
SELECT * FROM ReportRequestList WHERE ReportRequestId IN ('50566018029', '50564018026')
SELECT * FROM ReportRequestList WHERE RequestedDate > '2016-12-12'
SELECT * FROM ReportRequestList WHERE RequestedDate > '2016-12-12' AND RequestedDate > '2018-12-12 13:00'
SELECT * FROM ReportRequestList WHERE RequestedDate <= '2016-12-12' AND ReportProcessingStatus = '_DONE_'
SELECT * FROM ReportRequestList WHERE ReportProcessingStatus IN ('_DONE_', '_SUBMITTED_', '_CANCELLED_')
Name | Type | References | Description |
ReportRequestId [KEY] | String | The Report Request Id. | |
ReportType | String | The type of the Report. | |
StartDate | Datetime | The start date of the request. | |
EndDate | Datetime | The end date of the request. | |
Scheduled | Boolean | A boolean value that indicates whether the report request was scheduled. | |
SubmittedDate | Datetime | The date and time the report was submitted. | |
ReportProcessingStatus | String | Processing status of the report. Possible values are: _SUBMITTED_, _IN_PROGRESS_, _CANCELLED_, _DONE_, _DONE_NO_DATA_ | |
GeneratedReportId | String | The report id generated from Amazon MWS. | |
StartedProcessingDate | Datetime | The date and time that the report stated to be processed. | |
CompletedDate | Datetime | The date and time that the report was completed. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description | |
RequestedDate | Datetime | The date and time that the report was requested. By default, reports requested within the range of the last 90 days will be returned. |
ストアドプロシージャはファンクションライクなインターフェースで、Amazon Marketplace の単純なSELECT/INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE 処理にとどまらずCloud の機能を拡張します。
ストアドプロシージャは、パラメータのリストを受け取り、目的の機能を実行し、プロシージャが成功したか失敗したかを示すとともにAmazon Marketplace から関連するレスポンスデータを返します。
Name | Description |
CancelFeed | The CancelFeed cancels one or more feed submissions and returns a count of the canceled feed submissions and the feed submission information. Note that if you do not specify a FeedSubmmissionId, all feed submissions are canceled. |
CancelReportRequests | CancelReportRequests operation cancels one or more report requests and returns the number of report requests canceled and report request information. |
CreateReportSchema | Creates a schema file based on the specified report. |
GetReport | Creates and/or returns data for a specific report. |
RequestReport | The RequestReport operation creates a report request. |
SubmitImageFeed | The Image feed allows you to upload various images for a product. Amazon can display several images for each product. |
SubmitInventoryFeed | The Inventory feed allows you to update inventory quantities (stock levels) for your items. |
SubmitOrderAcknowledgementFeed | The Order Acknowledgment feed allows you to acknowledge your success or failure with downloading an order. |
SubmitOrderAdjustmentFeed | The Order Adjustment feed allows you to issue a refund (adjustment) for an order. You must provide a reason for the adjustment, such as Customer Return, and the adjustment amount, broken down by price component (principle, shipping, tax, and so on). |
SubmitOrderFulfillmentFeed | The Order Fulfillment feed allows your system to update Amazon's system with order fulfillment information. |
SubmitOverrideFeed | The Override feed allows you to set an exception to your account-level shipping settings for an individual product (SKU). |
SubmitPriceFeed | The Price feed allows you to set the current price and sale price (when applicable) for an item. |
SubmitProductFeed | The Product feed contains descriptive information about the products in your catalog. This information allows Amazon to build a record and assign a unique identifier known as an ASIN (Amazon Standard Item Number) to each product. |
SubmitRelationshipFeed | The Relationship feed allows you to set up optional relationships between items in your catalog. |
SubmitSourcingOnDemandFeed | Usage information for the operation SubmitSourcingOnDemandFeed.rsb. |
The CancelFeed cancels one or more feed submissions and returns a count of the canceled feed submissions and the feed submission information. Note that if you do not specify a FeedSubmmissionId, all feed submissions are canceled.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
FeedSubmissionId | String | True | Required. A unique identifier for the feed submission. |
FeedType | String | False | The type of feed submitted. |
SubmittedFromDate | Datetime | False | Beginning of the date range specified when the feed was submitted. |
SubmittedToDate | Datetime | False | End of the date range specified when the feed was submitted. |
CancelFeedAggregate | String | False | An aggregate representing the feed. Can be in the form of XML or a #TEMP table. |
Name | Type | Description |
FeedSubmissionId | String | Required. A unique identifier for the feed submission. |
FeedType | String | The type of feed submitted. |
SubmittedDate | Datetime | The date and time when the feed was submitted. |
FeedProcessingStatus | String | The processing status of the feed submission |
StartedProcessingDate | Datetime | The date when the feed processing started. |
CompletedProcessingDate | Datetime | The date when the feed processing completed. |
SwitchFulfillmentTo | String | Used only when switching the fulfillment of an item from MFN (merchant fulfilled) to AFN (Amazon fulfilled) or vice versa. |
OperationType | String | Required. Used to specify the type of operation (Update or Delete) to be performed on the data. |
CancelReportRequests operation cancels one or more report requests and returns the number of report requests canceled and report request information.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
ReportRequestIdList | String | False | A structured list of ReportRequestId values. If a ReportRequestId value is specified, other query conditions are ignored. If not specified, all report requests will be canceled. |
ReportTypeList | String | False | A structured list of ReportType values. |
ReportProcessingStatusList | String | False | A structured list of report processing statuses used to filter report requests. The values for ReportProcessingStatusList are: _SUBMITTED_,_IN_PROGRESS_,_CANCELLED_,_DONE_,_DONE_NO_DATA_ |
RequestedFromDate | Datetime | False | The start date of the date range used to select the data to report. Default: 90 days ago. |
RequestedToDate | Datetime | False | End of the date range used to select the data to report. Default: current date. |
Name | Type | Description |
Count | Integer | A nonnegative integer representing the total number of canceled report requests. |
Creates a schema file based on the specified report.
The generated schema file outlines the metadata for the report, such as columns and column data types. You can edit the file to adjust data types, rename columns, and include or exclude columns.
EXECUTE [CreateReportSchema] [ReportName] = "TestReportTest2", [CustomFieldIdsPrimitive] = "1459925,1459928", [CustomFieldIdsDropdown] = "1469785", [CustomDimensionKeyIds] = "13539564", [BaseReportName] = "TestReportTest1", [FileName] = "...\\TestReportTest2.rsd"
Name | Type | Required | Description |
TableName | String | True | The name for the new table. |
ReportId | String | True | The report id. |
ReportName | String | True | The name of the report. |
FileName | String | False | The full file path and name of the schema to generate. Begin by choosing a parent directory (this parent directory should be set in the Location property). Complete the filepath by adding a directory corresponding to the schema used (Marketplace), followed by a .rsd file with a name corresponding to the desired table name. For example : 'C:\\Users\\User\\Desktop\\AmazonMarketplace\\Marketplace\\Filters.rsd' |
Description | String | False | An optional description for the table. |
WriteToFile | String | False | Whether to write the contents of the generated schema to a file or not. The input defaults to true. Set it to false to write to FileStream or FileData. |
Name | Type | Description |
Success | String | Whether or not the schema was created successfully. |
FileData | String | The generated schema encoded in base64. Only returned if FileName is not set. |
Creates and/or returns data for a specific report.
We can use GetReport stored procedure in two ways:
To create and download a report in which case you must at least set ReportType, StartDate and DownloadPath attributes. The stored procedure will wait until the report is processed server side.
EXEC GetReport @ReportType = '_GET_FLAT_FILE_ORDERS_DATA_', @StartDate = '08-27-2020', @DownloadPath = 'C:\Tests\AmazonMarketplaceTest'To download an existing report in which case you must at least set ReportID and DownloadPath attributes for ex:
EXEC GetReport @ReportID = '50815018501', @DownloadPath = 'C:\Tests\AmazonMarketplaceTest'
Note:このプロシージャは、インデックス付きパラメータを使用します。 インデックス付きパラメータは、プロシージャの入力として単一のパラメータを複数のインスタンスに提供することを容易にします。
Param# という名前の入力パラメータがあるとします。このようなインデックス付きパラメータの複数のインスタンスを入力するには、次のように実行します。
EXEC ProcedureName Param#1 = "value1", Param#2 = "value2", Param#3 = "value3"
以下の表では、インデックス付きの入力パラメータは、名前の末尾に '#' 文字が付きます。
Name | Type | Required | Description |
ReportId | String | False | Unique ID of the report to download. |
DownloadPath | String | True | The File path to write the report data. |
CheckSum | Boolean | False | Boolean used to check sum of the report.
デフォルト値はfalseです。 |
ReportType | String | False | Indicates the report type to request. |
StartDate | Datetime | False | The start date of the date range used to select the data to report. By default it is the current date. If specified, it must be before the current date. |
EndDate | Datetime | False | End date of the date range used to select the data to report. By default it is the current date. If specified, it must be before the current date. |
ReportOptions | String | False | Additional information to pass to the report. If the report accepts ReportOptions, the information is displayed in the report description in the ReportType enumerator section. |
MarketplaceIdList# | String | False | One or more marketplace IDs for the marketplace that registered the listing account. Default: The marketplace where you first registered your Selling Account. |
Name | Type | Description |
Success | Boolean | Boolean indicating the result of the operation. |
MD5SUM | String | The MD5 Sum of the report content. |
GeneratedReportId | String | A unique identifier for the report. |
ReportRequestId | String | A unique identifier for the report request. |
ReportProcessingStatus | String | The processing status of the request. |
The RequestReport operation creates a report request.
Note:このプロシージャは、インデックス付きパラメータを使用します。 インデックス付きパラメータは、プロシージャの入力として単一のパラメータを複数のインスタンスに提供することを容易にします。
Param# という名前の入力パラメータがあるとします。このようなインデックス付きパラメータの複数のインスタンスを入力するには、次のように実行します。
EXEC ProcedureName Param#1 = "value1", Param#2 = "value2", Param#3 = "value3"
以下の表では、インデックス付きの入力パラメータは、名前の末尾に '#' 文字が付きます。
Name | Type | Required | Description |
ReportType | String | True | Required. Indicates the report type to request. |
StartDate | Datetime | False | The start date of the date range used to select the data to report.By default it is the current date. If specified, it must be before the current date. |
EndDate | Datetime | False | End date of the date range used to select the data to report. By default it is the current date. If specified, it must be before the current date. |
ReportOptions | String | False | Additional information to pass to the report. If the report accepts ReportOptions, the information is displayed in the report description in the ReportType enumerator section. |
MarketplaceIdList# | String | False | One or more marketplace IDs for the marketplace that registered the listing account. Default: The marketplace where you first registered your Selling Account. |
Name | Type | Description |
ReportRequestId | String | A unique identifier for the report request. |
ReportProcessingStatus | String | The processing status of the request. |
The Image feed allows you to upload various images for a product. Amazon can display several images for each product.
The stored procedure accepts two aggregated formats: #TEMP tables and XML aggregate
You must include in your query:
INSERT INTO ImageFeedAggregate#TEMP (SKU, ImageType, ImageLocation, OperationType) VALUES ('15700', 'Main', '', 'Update')
Then you execute the procedure by specifying the value of ImageFeedAggregate with the name of #TEMP table used ImageFeedAggregate#TEMP.
EXEC SubmitImageFeed ProductImageFeedAggregate = 'ImageFeedAggregate#TEMP'
*The temporary table must be defined and used within the same connection. Closing the connection will clear out any temporary tables in memory.
The XML aggregate must follow the API structure (
<Message> <MessageID>1</MessageID> <OperationType>Update</OperationType> <ProductImage> <SKU>15700</SKU> <ImageType>Main</ImageType> <ImageLocation></ImageLocation> </ProductImage> </Message>
EXEC SubmitImageFeed ProductImageFeedAggregate = '...(the above XML)...'
Name | Type | Required | Description |
SKU | String | True | Required. Used to identify an individual product. Each product must have a SKU, and each SKU must be unique. |
ImageType | String | False | Required. Available Values are Main, Swatch, BKLB, PT1, PT2, PT3, PT4, PT5, PT6, PT7, PT8, Search, PM01, MainOfferImage, OfferImage1, OfferImage2, OfferImage3, OfferImage4, OfferImage5, PFEE, PFUK, PFDE, PFFR, PFIT, PFES, EEGL, PT98, PT99, and ELFL. |
ImageLocation | String | False | The exact location of the image using a full URL (such as |
OperationType | String | True | Required. Used to specify the type of operation (Update or Delete) to be performed on the data. |
ProductImageFeedAggregate | String | False | An aggregate representing the feed. Can be in the form of XML or a #TEMP table. |
Name | Type | Description |
FeedSubmissionId | String | A unique identifier for the feed submission. |
FeedType | String | The type of feed submitted. |
SubmittedDate | Datetime | The date and time when the feed was submitted. |
FeedProcessingStatus | String | The processing status of the feed submission. |
The Inventory feed allows you to update inventory quantities (stock levels) for your items.
The stored procedure accepts two aggregated formats: #TEMP tables and XML aggregate
You must include in your query:
INSERT INTO InventoryFeed#TEMP (SKU, Quantity, FulfillmentLatency) VALUES ('15700', 11, '2')
INSERT INTO InventoryFeed#TEMP (SKU, Quantity, FulfillmentLatency) VALUES ('99987867', 10, '2')
Then you execute the procedure by specifying the value of InventoryFeedAggregate with the name of #TEMP table used InventoryFeed#TEMP.
EXEC SubmitInventoryFeed InventoryFeedAggregate = 'InventoryFeed#TEMP'
*The temporary table must be defined and used within the same connection. Closing the connection will clear out any temporary tables in memory.
The XML aggregate must follow the API structure (
<Message> <MessageID>1</MessageID> <Inventory> <SKU>15700</SKU> <Quantity>11</Quantity> <FulfillmentLatency>2</FulfillmentLatency> </Inventory> </Message> <Message> <MessageID>2</MessageID> <Inventory> <SKU>99987867</SKU> <Quantity>10</Quantity> <FulfillmentLatency>2</FulfillmentLatency> </Inventory> </Message>
EXEC SubmitInventoryFeed InventoryFeedAggregate = '...(the above XML)...';
Name | Type | Required | Description |
SKU | String | False | Required. Used to identify an individual product. Each product must have a SKU, and each SKU must be unique. |
FulfillmentCenterID | String | False | Seller-defined identifier for a fulfillment center. |
Available | Boolean | False | Indicates whether or not the item is available (true = available; false = not available). |
Quantity | Integer | False | Indicates whether or not an item is available (any positive number = available; 0 = not available). |
RestockDate | Date | False | Date the item will be restocked, if not currently available. |
FulfillmentLatency | String | False | The number of days between the order date and the ship date (a whole number between 1 and 30). |
SwitchFulfillmentTo | String | False | Used only when switching the fulfillment of an item from MFN (merchant fulfilled) to AFN (Amazon fulfilled) or vice versa. |
OperationType | String | False | Required. Used to specify the type of operation (Update or Delete) to be performed on the data. |
InventoryFeedAggregate | String | False | An aggregate representing the feed. Can be in the form of XML or a #TEMP table or a #TEMP table. |
Name | Type | Description |
FeedSubmissionId | String | A unique identifier for the feed submission. |
FeedType | String | The type of feed submitted. |
SubmittedDate | Datetime | The date and time when the feed was submitted. |
FeedProcessingStatus | String | The processing status of the feed submission. |
The Order Acknowledgment feed allows you to acknowledge your success or failure with downloading an order.
The stored procedure accepts two aggregated formats: #TEMP tables and XML aggregate
You must include in your query:
INSERT INTO OrderAcknowledgementFeedAggregate#TEMP (AmazonOrderId, StatusCode, AmazonOrderItemCode, CancelReason) VALUES ('249-6070298-2783041', 'Failure', '25959136016214', 'NoInventory')
Then you execute the procedure by specifying the value of OrderAcknowledgementFeedAggregate with the name of #TEMP table used OrderAcknowledgementFeedAggregate#TEMP.
EXEC SubmitOrderAcknowledgementFeed OrderAcknowledgementFeedAggregate = 'OrderAcknowledgementFeedAggregate#TEMP'
*The temporary table must be defined and used within the same connection. Closing the connection will clear out any temporary tables in memory.
The XML aggregate must follow the API structure (
<Message> <MessageID>1</MessageID> <OrderAcknowledgement> <AmazonOrderID>249-6070298-2783041</AmazonOrderID> <StatusCode>Failure</StatusCode> <Item> <AmazonOrderItemCode>25959136016214</AmazonOrderItemCode> <CancelReason>NoInventory</CancelReason> </Item> </OrderAcknowledgement> </Message>
EXEC SubmitOrderAcknowledgementFeed OrderAcknowledgementFeedAggregate = '...(the above XML)...'
Name | Type | Required | Description |
AmazonOrderID | String | False | Amazon's unique identifier for an order, which identifies the entire order, regardless of the number of individual items in the order. |
MerchantOrderID | String | False | Optional seller-supplied order ID. Amazon will map the MerchantOrderID to the AmazonOrderID, and you can then use your own order ID (MerchantOrderID) for subsequent feeds relating to the order. |
StatusCode | String | False | Allows you to acknowledge your success or failure with downloading an order. StatusCode can be either Success or Failure. |
AmazonOrderItemCode | String | False | Amazon's unique identifier for an item in an order. |
MerchantOrderItemID | String | False | Optional seller-supplied ID for an item in an order. If the MerchantOrderItemID is specified with the AmazonOrderItemCode, Amazon will map the two IDs and you can then use your own order item ID for subsequent feeds relating to that order item. |
CancelReason | String | False | Used only when sending a StatusCode of Failure. |
ItemAggregate | String | False | An aggregate representing an order Item. Can be in the form of XML or a #TEMP table. Use this field when multiple items in the order need to be acknowledged. |
OrderAcknowledgementFeedAggregate | String | False | An aggregate representing the feed. Can be in the form of XML or a #TEMP table. |
Name | Type | Description |
FeedSubmissionId | String | A unique identifier for the feed submission. |
FeedType | String | The type of feed submitted. |
SubmittedDate | Datetime | The date and time when the feed was submitted. |
FeedProcessingStatus | String | The processing status of the feed submission. |
The Order Adjustment feed allows you to issue a refund (adjustment) for an order. You must provide a reason for the adjustment, such as Customer Return, and the adjustment amount, broken down by price component (principle, shipping, tax, and so on).
The stored procedure accepts two aggregated formats: #TEMP tables and XML aggregate
You must include in your query:
INSERT INTO ItemPriceAdjustmentsAggregate#TEMP (ItemPriceAdjustmentsComponentType, ItemPriceAdjustmentsComponentAmount, ItemPriceAdjustmentsComponentAmountCurrency) VALUES ('Shipping', '150', 'JPY')
INSERT INTO AdjustedItemAggregate#TEMP (AdjustedItemAmazonOrderItemCode, AdjustedItemAdjustmentReason, ItemPriceAdjustmentsAggregate) VALUES ('25959136016214', 'CustomerReturn', 'ItemPriceAdjustmentsAggregate#TEMP')
INSERT INTO OrderAdjustmentFeedAggregate#TEMP (AmazonOrderID, OperationType, AdjustedItemAggregate) VALUES ('503-0717426-9080645', 'Update', 'AdjustedItemAggregate#TEMP')
Then you execute the procedure by specifying the value of OrderAdjustmentFeedAggregate with the name of #TEMP table used OrderAdjustmentFeedAggregate#TEMP.
EXEC SubmitOrderAdjustmentFeed OrderAdjustmentFeedAggregate = 'OrderAdjustmentFeedAggregate#TEMP'
*The temporary table must be defined and used within the same connection. Closing the connection will clear out any temporary tables in memory.
The XML aggregate must follow the API structure (
<Message> <MessageID>1</MessageID> <OperationType>Update</OperationType> <OrderAdjustment> <AmazonOrderID>503-0717426-9080645</AmazonOrderID> <AdjustedItem> <AmazonOrderItemCode>25959136016214</AmazonOrderItemCode> <AdjustmentReason>CustomerReturn</AdjustmentReason> <ItemPriceAdjustments> <Component> <Type>Shipping</Type> <Amount currency="JPY">150</Amount> </Component> </ItemPriceAdjustments> </AdjustedItem> </OrderAdjustment> </Message>
EXEC SubmitOrderAdjustmentFeed OrderAdjustmentFeedAggregate = '...(the above XML)...'
Name | Type | Required | Description |
AmazonOrderID | String | False | Amazon's unique identifier for an order, which identifies the entire order regardless of the number of individual items in the order. |
OperationType | String | False | Required. Used to specify the type of operation (Update or Delete) to be performed on the data. |
MerchantOrderID | String | False | Optional seller-supplied order ID. The first step is to establish the MerchantOrderID in the acknowledgment feed. Amazon will map the MerchantOrderID to the AmazonOrderID, and you can then use your own order ID (MerchantOrderID) for subsequent feeds relating to that order. See the base XSD for the definition. |
AdjustedItemQuantityCancelled | Integer | False | Quantity of items being canceled. Used only for partial cancellations. |
AdjustedItemAmazonOrderItemCode | String | False | Amazon's unique ID for an item in an order. |
AdjustedItemMerchantOrderItemID | String | False | Optional seller-supplied ID for an item in an order. It can be used in order processing if the pairing was established in the acknowledgment feed. |
AdjustedItemMerchantAdjustmentItemID | String | False | Optional seller-supplied unique ID for the adjustment (not used by Amazon). |
AdjustedItemAdjustmentReason | String | False | Reason for the adjustment. |
ItemPriceAdjustmentsComponentType | String | False | The Type of price adjustment for the item. Values include: Principal, Shipping, Tax, ShippingTax, RestockingFee, RestockingFeeTax, GiftWrap, GiftWrapTax, Surcharge, ReturnShipping, Goodwill, ExportCharge, COD, CODTax, Other, FreeReplacementReturnShipping |
ItemPriceAdjustmentsComponentAmount | Decimal | False | The Amount of the adjustment. |
ItemPriceAdjustmentsComponentAmountCurrency | String | False | The Currency for the Amount. |
ItemPriceAdjustmentsAggregate | String | False | An aggregate representing the Amount the buyer is to be refunded for the item. Can be in the form of XML, JSON, or a #TEMP table. Use this field if multiple item price adjustments need to be applied. |
PromotionAdjustmentsPromotionClaimCode | String | False | The ClaimCode for the Promotion Adjustment. |
PromotionAdjustmentsMerchantPromotionID | String | False | The Promotion Id for the Promotion Adjustment. |
PromotionAdjustmentsComponentType | String | False | The Type of price adjustment for the promotion. |
PromotionAdjustmentsComponentAmount | Decimal | False | The Amount of price adjustment for the promotion. |
PromotionAdjustmentsComponentAmountCurrency | String | False | The Currency for the Amount. |
PromotionAdjustmentsComponentAggregate | String | False | An aggregate representing the Amount the buyer is to be refunded for the promotion, broken down by type. Can be in the form of XML, JSON, or a #TEMP table. Use this field if multiple promotion price adjustments need to be applied. |
PromotionAdjustmentsAggregate | String | False | An aggregate representing the promotion. Child Elements include PromotionClaimCode, MerchantPromotionID, ComponentAggregate (Type, Amount and Amount@Currency). Use this field if multiple promotions need to be applied. |
AdjustedItemAggregate | String | False | An aggregate representing order adjustment information for a specific item. Can be in the form of XML, JSON, or a #TEMP table. Use this field if multiple items need adjusting in 1 order. |
OrderAdjustmentFeedAggregate | String | False | An aggregate representing the feed. Can be in the form of XML or a #TEMP table. |
Name | Type | Description |
FeedSubmissionId | String | A unique identifier for the feed submission. |
FeedType | String | The type of feed submitted. |
SubmittedDate | Datetime | The date and time when the feed was submitted. |
FeedProcessingStatus | String | The processing status of the feed submission. |
The Order Fulfillment feed allows your system to update Amazon's system with order fulfillment information.
The stored procedure accepts two aggregated formats: #TEMP tables and XML aggregate
You must include in your query:
INSERT INTO ItemAggregate#TEMP (ItemAmazonOrderItemCode, ItemQuantity) VALUES ('25959136016214', '1');
INSERT INTO OrderFulfillmentFeedAggregate#TEMP (AmazonOrderID, FulfillmentDate, FulfillmentDataCarrierName, FulfillmentDataShippingMethod, FulfillmentDataShipperTrackingNumber, ItemAggregate) VALUES ('249-6070298-2783041', '2017-02-01T00:00:00Z', 'CData Delivery Company', 'Normal Delivery', '1223525345234', 'ItemAggregate#TEMP')
Then you execute the procedure by specifying the value of OrderFulfillmentFeedAggregate with the name of #TEMP table used OrderFulfillmentFeedAggregate#TEMP.
EXEC SubmitOrderFulfillmentFeed OrderFulfillmentFeedAggregate = 'OrderFulfillmentFeedAggregate#TEMP'
*The temporary table must be defined and used within the same connection. Closing the connection will clear out any temporary tables in memory.
The XML aggregate must follow the API structure (
<Message> <MessageID>1</MessageID> <OrderFulfillment> <AmazonOrderID>249-6070298-2783041</AmazonOrderID> <FulfillmentDate>2017-02-01T00:00:00Z</FulfillmentDate> <FulfillmentData> <CarrierName>CData Delivery Company</CarrierName> <ShippingMethod>Normal Delivery</ShippingMethod> <ShipperTrackingNumber>1223525345234</ShipperTrackingNumber> </FulfillmentData> <Item> <AmazonOrderItemCode>25959136016214</AmazonOrderItemCode> <Quantity>1</Quantity> </Item> </OrderFulfillment> </Message>
EXEC SubmitOrderFulfillmentFeed OrderFulfillmentFeedAggregate = '...(the above XML)...'
Name | Type | Required | Description |
AmazonOrderID | String | False | Amazon's unique identifier for an order, which identifies the entire order regardless of the number of individual items in the order. |
MerchantOrderID | String | False | Optional seller-supplied order ID. The first step is to establish the MerchantOrderID in the acknowledgment feed. Amazon will map the MerchantOrderID to the AmazonOrderID, and you can then use your own order ID (MerchantOrderID) for subsequent feeds relating to that order. See the base XSD for the definition. |
OperationType | String | True | Required. Used to specify the type of operation (Update or Delete) to be performed on the data. |
MerchantFulfillmentID | Integer | False | Seller-supplied unique identifier for the shipment (not used by Amazon). |
FulfillmentDate | Datetime | False | The date the item was actually shipped or picked up, depending on the fulfillment method specified in the order. |
FulfillmentDataCarrierCode | String | False | The shipping carrier code. |
FulfillmentDataCarrierName | String | False | The shipping carrier name. |
FulfillmentDataShippingMethod | String | False | The shipping method used to deliver the item. |
FulfillmentDataShipperTrackingNumber | String | False | The tracking number for the shipment. |
CODCollectionMethod | String | False | Cash on delivery collection mode of an order. |
ItemAmazonOrderItemCode | String | False | Amazon's unique ID for an item in an order. |
ItemMerchantOrderItemID | String | False | The shipping Optional seller-supplied ID for an item in an order. |
ItemMerchantFulfillmentItemID | String | False | Seller-supplied unique identifier for an item in the shipment (not used by Amazon). |
ItemQuantity | Integer | False | The quantity of an item shipped. |
ItemAggregate | String | False | An aggregate representing order-fulfillment information for a specific item. Can be in the form of XML, JSON, or a #TEMP table. Use this field when multiple Items need to be included in the feed. |
FulfillmentDataAggregate | String | False | An aggregate representing order-fulfillment information for a specific item. Can be in the form of XML, JSON, or a #TEMP table. Use this field when multiple Items need to be included in the feed. |
OrderFulfillmentFeedAggregate | String | False | An aggregate representing the feed. Can be in the form of XML, JSON, or a #TEMP table. |
Name | Type | Description |
FeedSubmissionId | String | A unique identifier for the feed submission. |
FeedType | String | The type of feed submitted. |
SubmittedDate | Datetime | The date and time when the feed was submitted. |
FeedProcessingStatus | String | The processing status of the feed submission. |
The Override feed allows you to set an exception to your account-level shipping settings for an individual product (SKU).
The stored procedure accepts two aggregated formats: #TEMP tables and XML aggregate
You must include in your query:
INSERT INTO ShippingOverrideAggregate#TEMP (ShipOption, IsShippingRestricted) VALUES ('Std JP Kanto8', 'true')
INSERT INTO ShippingOverrideAggregate#TEMP (ShipOption, Type, ShipAmount, ShipAmountCurrency) VALUES ('Std JP Kantoa8', 'Exclusive', '400.0', 'JPY')
INSERT INTO OverrideFeedAggregate#TEMP (SKU, OperationType, ShippingOverrideAggregate) VALUES ('15700', 'Update', 'ShippingOverrideAggregate#TEMP')
Then you execute the procedure by specifying the value of OverrideFeedAggregate with the name of #TEMP table used OverrideFeedAggregate#TEMP.
EXEC SubmitOverrideFeed OverrideFeedAggregate = 'OverrideFeedAggregate#TEMP'
*The temporary table must be defined and used within the same connection. Closing the connection will clear out any temporary tables in memory.
The XML aggregate must follow the API structure (
<Message> <MessageID>1</MessageID> <OperationType>Update</OperationType> <Override> <SKU>15700</SKU> <ShippingOverride> <ShipOption>Std JP Kanto8</ShipOption> <IsShippingRestricted>true</IsShippingRestricted> </ShippingOverride> <ShippingOverride> <ShipOption>Std JP Kantoa8</ShipOption> <Type>Exclusive</Type> <ShipAmount currency="JPY">400.0</ShipAmount> </ShippingOverride> </Override> </Message>
EXEC SubmitOverrideFeed OverrideFeedAggregate = '...(the above XML)...'
Name | Type | Required | Description |
SKU | String | False | Required. Used to identify an individual product. Each product must have a SKU, and each SKU must be unique. |
OperationType | String | False | Required. Used to specify the type of operation (Update or Delete) to be performed on the data. |
ShipOption | String | False | Locale and shipping service. |
IsShippingRestricted | Boolean | False | Indicates whether the SKU can or cannot be shipped to the specified locale using the specified shipping service (ShipOption). |
Type | String | False | The type of override shipping charge (Additive or Exclusive) being applied to the SKU. |
ShipAmount | Decimal | False | The Additive or Exclusive shipping charge amount. |
ShipAmountCurrency | Decimal | False | The currency used for the ShipAmount. |
ShippingOverrideAggregate | String | False | An aggregate representing the the shipping override. Can be in the form of XML or a #TEMP table. Use this field if multiple Shipping Overrides are needed. |
OverrideFeedAggregate | String | False | An aggregate representing the feed. Can be in the form of XML or a #TEMP table. |
Name | Type | Description |
FeedSubmissionId | String | A unique identifier for the feed submission. |
FeedType | String | The type of feed submitted. |
SubmittedDate | Datetime | The date and time when the feed was submitted. |
FeedProcessingStatus | String | The processing status of the feed submission. |
The Price feed allows you to set the current price and sale price (when applicable) for an item.
The stored procedure accepts two aggregated formats: #TEMP tables and XML aggregate
You must include in your query:
INSERT INTO PriceFeedAggregate#TEMP (SKU, StandardPrice, StandardPriceCurrency, MAP, MAPCurrency, SalePrice, SalePriceCurrency, SaleStartDate, SaleEndDate) VALUES ('15700', '134', 'JPY', '100', 'JPY', '150', 'JPY', '2017-02-01T00:00:00Z', '2020-02-01T00:00:00Z')
INSERT INTO PriceFeedAggregate#TEMP (SKU, StandardPrice, StandardPriceCurrency, MAP, MAPCurrency, SalePrice, SalePriceCurrency, SaleStartDate, SaleEndDate) VALUES ('99987867', '134', 'JPY', '100', 'JPY', '150', 'JPY', '2017-02-01T00:00:00Z', '2020-02-01T00:00:00Z')
Then you execute the procedure by specifying the value of PriceFeedAggregate with the name of #TEMP table used PriceFeedAggregate#TEMP.
EXEC SubmitPriceFeed PriceFeedAggregate = 'PriceFeedAggregate#TEMP'
*The temporary table must be defined and used within the same connection. Closing the connection will clear out any temporary tables in memory.
The XML aggregate must follow the API structure (
<Message> <MessageID>1</MessageID> <Price> <SKU>15700</SKU> <StandardPrice currency="JPY">134</StandardPrice> <MAP currency="JPY">100</MAP> <Sale> <StartDate>2017-02-01T00:00:00Z</StartDate> <EndDate>2020-02-01T00:00:00Z</EndDate> <SalePrice currency="JPY">150</SalePrice> </Sale> </Price> </Message> <Message> <MessageID>2</MessageID> <Price> <SKU>99987867</SKU> <StandardPrice currency="JPY">134</StandardPrice> <MAP currency="JPY">100</MAP> <Sale> <StartDate>2017-02-01T00:00:00Z</StartDate> <EndDate>2020-02-01T00:00:00Z</EndDate> <SalePrice currency="JPY">150</SalePrice> </Sale> </Price> </Message>
EXEC SubmitPriceFeed PriceFeedAggregate = '...(the above XML)...'
Name | Type | Required | Description |
SKU | String | False | Required. Used to identify an individual product. Each product must have a SKU, and each SKU must be unique. |
OperationType | String | False | Required. Used to specify the type of operation (Update or Delete) to be performed on the data. |
StandardPrice | Double | False | Required. Price of the item (non-sale price). |
StandardPriceCurrency | String | False | Required. The currency for the Standard Price. |
MAP | String | False | Minimum Advertised Price. Use only if dictated by the manufacturer. Both the standard and sale price (if applicable) must be higher than the MAP value. |
MAPCurrency | String | False | Minimum Advertised Price. Use only if dictated by the manufacturer. Both the standard and sale price (if applicable) must be higher than the MAP value. |
SalePrice | Double | False | The price of the sale. |
SalePriceCurrency | String | False | The currency of the sale. |
SaleStartDate | Datetime | False | The starting date of the sale. |
SaleEndDate | Datetime | False | The ending date of the sale. |
PriceFeedAggregate | String | False | An aggregate representing the feed. Can be in the form of XML or a #TEMP table. |
Name | Type | Description |
FeedSubmissionId | String | A unique identifier for the feed submission. |
FeedType | String | The type of feed submitted. |
SubmittedDate | Datetime | The date and time when the feed was submitted. |
FeedProcessingStatus | String | The processing status of the feed submission. |
The Product feed contains descriptive information about the products in your catalog. This information allows Amazon to build a record and assign a unique identifier known as an ASIN (Amazon Standard Item Number) to each product.
The Driver Uses #TEMP tables as fields for aggregate information entered.
SubmitProductFeed Has Two main aggregates that need to be entered.
You must include in your query :
ProductDescriptionDataAggregate information needs to be entered using ProductDescriptionDataAggregate#TEMP temp table.
INSERT INTO ProductDescriptionDataAggregate#TEMP (Title, Brand, Description, BulletPoint, Manufacturer) VALUES ('test Title', 'test Brand', 'test Description', 'test BulletPoint', 'test Manufacturer')
ProductDataAggregate info varies by the Category used. The List of all XSD provided by amazon can be found here
This example will be using the Sports category
To add a valid ProductData Sports.xsd must be followed thoroughly and the xml aggregate must be created correctly. This example has the following product Data
By following the order of Sports.xsd XSD file the aggregate is :
This Aggregate is the value of ProductDataAggregate.
INSERT INTO ProductFeedAggregate#TEMP (SKU, ProductDescriptionDataAggregate, ProductDataAggregate) VALUES ('test SKU', 'ProductDescriptionDataAggregate#TEMP', '<Sports> <ProductType>SportingGoods</ProductType> <VariationData> <Parentage>parent</Parentage> <VariationTheme>Size</VariationTheme> <Size>S</Size> </VariationData> <MaterialComposition>Metal</MaterialComposition> </Sports>')
Then you execute the procedure by specifying the value of ProductFeedAggregate with the name of #TEMP table used ProductFeedAggregate#TEMP.
EXEC SubmitProductFeed ProductFeedAggregate = 'ProductFeedAggregate#TEMP'
*The temporary table must be defined and used within the same connection. Closing the connection will clear out any temporary tables in memory.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
SKU | String | True | Required. Used to identify an individual product. Each product must have a SKU, and each SKU must be unique. |
OperationType | String | True | Required. Used to specify the type of operation (Update, Delete or PartialUpdate) to be performed on the data. |
StandardProductID | String | False | A standard, unique identifier for a product, consisting of a type (ISBN, UPC, or EAN) and a value that conforms to the appropriate format for the type specified. This is a required field if Type is provided for StandardProductID in the base XSD. |
ProductTaxCode | String | False | Amazon's standard code to identify the tax properties for a product. |
LaunchDate | Datetime | False | Controls when the product appears from searches and browsing on the Amazon website. |
DiscontinueDate | Datetime | False | Controls when the product disappears from searches and browsing on the Amazon website. |
ReleaseDate | Datetime | False | The date a product is released for sale. |
Condition | String | False | The condition of the item. |
Rebate | String | False | The rebate of the product. |
ItemPackageQuantity | Integer | False | Number of the same product contained within one package. For example, if you are selling a case of 10 packages of socks, ItemPackageQuantity would be 10. |
NumberOfItems | Integer | False | Number of discrete items included in the product you are offering for sale, such that each item is not packaged for individual sale. For example, if you are selling a case of 10 packages of socks, and each package contains 3 pairs of socks, NumberOfItems would be 30. |
Title | String | True | Required. Short description of the product. |
Brand | String | False | Brand of the product. |
Designer | String | False | Designer of the product. |
Description | String | False | Long Description of the product. |
BulletPoint | String | False | Brief descriptions of the product's features. |
PackageDimensionsLength | String | False | Calculated dimensions of the package. |
PackageDimensionsWidth | String | False | Calculated dimensions of the package. |
PackageDimensionsHeight | String | False | Calculated dimensions of the package. |
PackageDimensionsWeight | String | False | Calculated dimensions of the package. |
ItemDimensionsLength | String | False | Calculated dimensions of the item. |
ItemDimensionsWidth | String | False | Calculated dimensions of the item. |
ItemDimensionsHeight | String | False | Calculated dimensions of the item. |
ItemDimensionsWeight | String | False | Calculated dimensions of the item. |
PackageWeight | String | False | Weight of the package |
ShippingWeight | String | False | Weight of the product when packaged to ship. |
MerchantCatalogNumber | String | False | Seller's catalog number for the product, if different from the SKU. |
MSRP | Double | False | Manufacturer's suggested retail price. |
MaxOrderQuantity | Integer | False | Maximum quantity of the product that a customer can order. |
SerialNumberRequired | Boolean | False | Indicates whether the product must have a serial number. |
Prop65 | Boolean | False | Used if the product is subject to prop 65 regulations in California. US only. |
LegalDisclaimer | String | False | Any legal disclaimer needed for the product. |
Manufacturer | String | False | Maker of the product. |
MfrPartNumber | String | False | Part number provided by the original manufacturer. |
SearchTerms | String | False | Terms you submit that give product search results. |
PlatinumKeywords | String | False | Values used to map products to nodes in a custom browse structure. |
RecommendedBrowseNode | String | False | Value used to classify an item. |
Memorabilia | Boolean | False | Used if the product is a memorabilia item. |
Autographed | Boolean | False | Used if the product is an autographed item. |
UsedFor | String | False | What the product is used for (affects the product's placement in the Amazon browse structure). |
ItemType | String | False | Pre-defined value that specifies where the product should appear within the Amazon browse structure. |
OtherItemAttributes | String | False | Used to further classify the product within the Amazon browse structure. |
TargetAudience | String | False | Used to further classify the product within the Amazon browse structure. |
SubjectContent | String | False | Used to relate the product to a specific idea or concept for merchandising. |
IsGiftWrapAvailable | Boolean | False | Indicates whether gift wrapping is available for the product. |
IsGiftMessageAvailable | Boolean | False | Indicates whether gift messaging is available for the product. |
IsDiscontinuedByManufacturer | Boolean | False | Indicates that the manufacturer has stopped making the item. |
MaxAggregateShipQuantity | Integer | False | The maximum number of the same item that can be shipped in the same package. |
ProductDescriptionDataAggregate | String | False | Section containing category-specific information such as variations. Can be in the form of XML or a #TEMP table. |
ProductDataAggregate | String | False | Section containing category-specific information such as variations. Can be in the form of XML or a #TEMP table. |
ProductFeedAggregate | String | False | An aggregate representing the feed. Can be in the form of XML or a #TEMP table. |
Name | Type | Description |
FeedSubmissionId | String | A unique identifier for the feed submission. |
FeedType | String | The type of feed submitted. |
SubmittedDate | Datetime | The date and time when the feed was submitted. |
FeedProcessingStatus | String | The processing status of the feed submission. |
The Relationship feed allows you to set up optional relationships between items in your catalog.
The stored procedure accepts two aggregated formats: #TEMP tables and XML aggregate
You must include in your query:
INSERT INTO RelationAggregate#TEMP (Type, SKU) VALUES ('Variation', '99987867')
INSERT INTO RelationAggregate#TEMP (Type, SKU) VALUES ('Variation', '99987867')
INSERT INTO RelationshipFeedAggregate#TEMP (ParentSKU, RelationAggregate) VALUES ('15700', 'RelationAggregate#TEMP')
Then you execute the procedure by specifying the value of RelationshipFeedAggregate with the name of #TEMP table used RelationshipFeedAggregate#TEMP.
EXEC SubmitRelationshipFeed RelationshipFeedAggregate = 'RelationshipFeedAggregate#TEMP'
*The temporary table must be defined and used within the same connection. Closing the connection will clear out any temporary tables in memory.
The XML aggregate must follow the API structure (
<Message> <MessageID>1</MessageID> <Relationship> <ParentSKU>15700</ParentSKU> <Relation> <SKU>99987867</SKU> <Type>Variation</Type> </Relation> <Relation> <SKU>99987867</SKU> <Type>Variation</Type> </Relation> </Relationship> </Message>
EXEC SubmitRelationshipFeed RelationshipFeedAggregate = '...(the above XML)...'
Name | Type | Required | Description |
ParentSKU | String | False | Required. The master SKU for a product with variations. |
OperationType | String | False | Required. Used to specify the type of operation (Update or Delete) to be performed on the data. |
Type | String | False | Type of relationship; currently supported are Variation or Accessory. |
SKU | String | False | Used to identify an individual product, one (child) variation of the parent SKU. |
RelationAggregate | String | False | An aggregate representing the the relation. Can be in the form of XML, JSON or a #TEMP table. Use this field when applying multiple relations |
RelationshipFeedAggregate | String | False | An aggregate representing the feed. Can be in the form of XML or #TEMP table. |
Name | Type | Description |
FeedSubmissionId | String | A unique identifier for the feed submission. |
FeedType | String | The type of feed submitted. |
SubmittedDate | Datetime | The date and time when the feed was submitted. |
FeedProcessingStatus | String | The processing status of the feed submission. |
Usage information for the operation SubmitSourcingOnDemandFeed.rsb.
The stored procedure accepts two aggregated formats: #TEMP tables and XML aggregate
You must include in your query:
INSERT INTO OrderSourcingOnDemandFeedAggregate#TEMP (AmazonOrderID, SKU, EstimatedShipDate) VALUES ('250-4747727-9303810', '15700', '2018-12-08T00:00:00Z');
Then you execute the procedure by specifying the value of OrderSourcingOnDemandFeedAggregate with the name of #TEMP table used OrderSourcingOnDemandFeedAggregate#TEMP.
EXEC SubmitSourcingOnDemandFeed OrderSourcingOnDemandFeedAggregate = 'OrderSourcingOnDemandFeedAggregate#TEMP'
*The temporary table must be defined and used within the same connection. Closing the connection will clear out any temporary tables in memory.
The XML aggregate must follow the API structure (
<Message> <MessageID>1</MessageID> <OrderSourcingOnDemand> <AmazonOrderID>250-4747727-9303810</AmazonOrderID> <SKU>15700</SKU> <EstimatedShipDate>2018-12-08T00:00:00Z</EstimatedShipDate> </OrderSourcingOnDemand> </Message>
EXEC SubmitSourcingOnDemandFeed OrderSourcingOnDemandFeedAggregate = '...(the above XML)...'
Name | Type | Required | Description |
AmazonOrderID | String | False | Amazon Order ID. |
SKU | String | True | Required. Used to identify an individual product. Each product must have a SKU, and each SKU must be unique. |
EstimatedShipDate | Datetime | True | Required. Estimated ship date. |
OrderSourcingOnDemandFeedAggregate | String | False | An aggregate representing the feed. Can be in the form of XML or a #TEMP table. |
Name | Type | Description |
FeedSubmissionId | String | A unique identifier for the feed submission. |
FeedType | String | The type of feed submitted. |
SubmittedDate | Datetime | The date and time when the feed was submitted. |
FeedProcessingStatus | String | The processing status of the feed submission. |
The CData Cloud models the Selling Partner API as relational views, and stored procedures.
To use Amazon Selling Partner Data Model, simply set Schema to SellingPartner.
ビュー are tables that cannot be modified, such as Orders, Products. Typically, data that are read-only and cannot be updated are shown as views.
ストアドプロシージャ are function-like interfaces to the data source. They can be used to search, update, and modify information in the data source.
For each report type there is a view exposed. For example, report type FEE_DISCOUNTS_REPORT will be exposed as a view named REPORT_FEE_DISCOUNTS_REPORT. These views can then be queried by using 'DataStartTime' and 'DataEndTime' optional datetime parameters. When both datetime parameters are specified, the driver automatically searches for an existing report that matches the specified interval, and if not found a new report is created. Reports can be manually created with the RequestReport stored procedure. You can also use ReportOptions JSON-aggregate pseudo-column to specify additional fields that may be required depending on report type. For more details about report options please check Amazon Selling-Partner API Documentation
After a report has been created and pushed to the result set, the next time you query this report type with the 'DataStartTime' and 'DataEndTime' same filters, the previously created report is downloaded instead of creating a new report.
Cloud はAmazon Marketplace のデータを、標準のSQL ステートメントを使用してクエリできるリレーショナルデータベースのテーブルのリストとしてモデル化します。
Name | Description |
Destinations | Returns information about all destinations. |
InboundShipments | Returns a list of inbound shipments based on criteria that you specify. |
InboundShipmentTransportDetails | Inbound shipment information, including carrier details, shipment status, and the workflow status for a request for shipment with an Amazon-partnered carrier. |
ListingsItems | Returns details about a listings item for a selling partner. |
ListingsItemsAttributes | The GetFeedSubmissionList operation returns a list of feed submissions. |
OutboundFulfillmentOrders | Returns a list of fulfillment orders fulfilled after (or at) a specified date-time, or indicated by the next token parameter. |
Subscriptions | Returns information about subscriptions of the specified notification type. |
VendorShippingLabels | This table is part of Vendor Direct Fulfillment Shipping API. Returns a list of shipping labels created during the time frame that you specify. You define that time frame using the createdAfter and createdBefore parameters. The date range to search must not be more than 7 days. |
Returns information about all destinations.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
DestinationId [KEY] | String | False |
The destination identifier generated when you created the destination. | |
Name | String | False |
The developer-defined name for this destination. | |
ResourceSqsArn | String | False |
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) associated with the SQS queue (Amazon Simple Queue Service queue destination). | |
ResourceEventBridgeName | String | False |
The name of the partner event source associated with the destination (Amazon EventBridge destination). | |
ResourceEventBridgeRegion | String | False |
The AWS region in which you will be receiving the notifications (Amazon EventBridge destination). | |
ResourceEventBridgeAccountId | String | False |
The identifier for the AWS account that is responsible for charges related to receiving notifications (Amazon EventBridge destination). |
Returns a list of inbound shipments based on criteria that you specify.
The Cloud will use the Amazon Marketplace API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Cloud.
SELECT * FROM InboundShipments WHERE ShipmentStatus = 'Working'
SELECT * FROM InboundShipments WHERE ShipmentStatus IN ('Working', 'SHIPPED', 'IN_TRANSIT')
SELECT * FROM InboundShipments WHERE ShipmentId = '503-9993250-1405404'
SELECT * FROM InboundShipments WHERE MarketplaceId = 'ATVPDKIKX0DER'
SELECT * FROM InboundShipments WHERE LastUpdatedDate >= '2016-12-12'
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
ShipmentId [KEY] | String | False |
The ID of the shipment. | |
ShipmentStatus | String | False |
The status of your inbound shipment. | |
ShipmentName | String | False |
The unique name of the inbound shipment. | |
ShipFromPostalCode | String | False |
The PostalCode of the return address. | |
ShipFromName | String | False |
The Name of the return address. | |
ShipFromCountryCode | String | False |
The CountryCode of the return address. | |
ShipFromDistrictOrCounty | String | False |
The district or county of the return address. | |
ShipFromStateOrProvinceCode | String | False |
The State Or Province Code of the return address. | |
ShipFromAddressLine1 | String | False |
The street address information of the return address. | |
ShipFromAddressLine2 | String | False |
Additional street address information of the return address. | |
ShipFromCity | String | False |
The City of the return address. | |
LabelPrepType | String | False |
The type of label preparation. | |
AreCasesRequired | Boolean | False |
Boolean that indicates whether or not an inbound shipment contains case-packed boxes. | |
DestinationFulfillmentCenterId | String | False |
The Amazon fulfillment center identifier created by Amazon. | |
ConfirmedNeedByDate | Date | False |
Date that the shipment must arrive at an Amazon fulfillment center for pre-ordered items. | |
MarketplaceId | String | False |
Marketplace identifier for the report. | |
BoxContentsSource | String | False |
Where the seller provided box contents information for a shipment. | |
EstimatedBoxContentsFeeTotalUnits | Int | False |
The number of units to ship for an estimate of the manual processing fee charged by Amazon for boxes without box content information. | |
EstimatedBoxContentsFeePerUnitCurrencyCode | String | False |
The currency code for an estimate of the manual processing fee charged by Amazon for boxes without box content information. | |
EstimatedBoxContentsFeePerUnitValue | Decimal | False |
The manual processing fee per unit for an estimate of the manual processing fee charged by Amazon for boxes without box content information. | |
EstimatedBoxContentsTotalFeeCurrencyCode | String | False |
The Total fee currency code for an estimate of the manual processing fee charged by Amazon for boxes without box content information. | |
EstimatedBoxContentsTotalFeeValue | Decimal | False |
The Total fee value for an estimate of the manual processing fee charged by Amazon for boxes without box content information. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
LastUpdatedDate | Datetime |
A date used for selecting inbound shipments that were last updated before/after a specified time. |
InboundShipmentItemList | String |
A list of inbound shipment item information. |
Inbound shipment information, including carrier details, shipment status, and the workflow status for a request for shipment with an Amazon-partnered carrier.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
ShipmentId [KEY] | String | True |
A shipment identifier originally returned by the createInboundShipmentPlan operation. | |
PartneredSmallParcelData | String | False |
Information that is required by an Amazon-partnered carrier to ship a Small Parcel inbound shipment. | |
NonPartneredSmallParcelData | String | False |
Information that you provide to Amazon about a Small Parcel shipment shipped by a carrier that has not partnered with Amazon. | |
PartneredLtlData | String | False |
Information that is required by an Amazon-partnered carrier to ship a Less Than Truckload/Full Truckload (LTL/FTL) inbound shipment. | |
NonPartneredLtlData | String | False |
Information that you provide to Amazon about a Less Than Truckload/Full Truckload (LTL/FTL) shipment by a carrier that has not partnered with Amazon. | |
IsPartnered | Boolean | False |
Indicates whether a putTransportDetails request is for a partnered carrier. | |
SellerId | String | False |
The Amazon seller identifier. | |
ShipmentType | String | False |
Specifies the carrier shipment type in a putTransportDetails request. | |
ErrorCode | String | False |
An error code that identifies the type of error that occured. | |
ErrorDescription | String | False |
A message that describes the error condition. | |
TransportStatus | String | False |
Indicates the status of the Amazon-partnered carrier shipment. |
Returns details about a listings item for a selling partner.
The following filters are required:
SELECT * FROM ListingsItems WHERE SKU = '12345' AND SellerId = 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXX'
INSERT INTO ListingsItems (ProductType, Requirements, Attributes, SKU, SellerId)
VALUES ('product_type', 'LISTING', '{\"AttributeName\": \"test_attribute\", \"AttributeValue\": \"value\"}', '12345', 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXX')
When inserting, you can also use temp tables in order to insert multiple attributes, as shown in the example below:
INSERT INTO Attributes#TEMP (AttributeName, AttributeValue) VALUES ('attr1', 'val1')
INSERT INTO Attributes#TEMP (AttributeName, AttributeValue) VALUES ('attr2', 'val2')
INSERT INTO Attributes#TEMP (AttributeName, AttributeValue) VALUES ('attr3', 'val3')
INSERT INTO ListingsItems (ProductType, Requirements, Attributes, SKU, SellerId)
VALUES ('product_type', 'LISTING', 'Attributes#TEMP', '12345', 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXX')
*The temporary table must be defined and used within the same connection. Closing the connection will clear out any temporary tables in memory.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
SKU [KEY] | String | True |
A selling partner provided identifier for an Amazon listing. | |
FulfillmentAvailability | String | False |
Fulfillment availability for the listings item. | |
ProcurementCostCurrency | String | True |
The price (ISO4217 currency code) that you want Amazon to pay you for this product. | |
ProcurementCostAmount | String | True |
The price (numeric value) that you want Amazon to pay you for this product. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Attributes | String |
This field is required for INSERT statements. Aggregate field containing structured 'AttributeName' and 'AttributeValue' fields. |
SellerId | String |
A selling partner identifier, such as a merchant account or vendor code. |
Requirements | String |
This field can be specified for INSERT statements. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。LISTING, LISTING_PRODUCT_ONLY, LISTING_OFFER_ONLY |
ProductType | String |
This field is required for INSERT statements. |
The GetFeedSubmissionList operation returns a list of feed submissions.
The following filters are required:
SELECT * FROM ListingsItemsAttributes WHERE SKU = '12345' AND SellerId = 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXX'
UPDATE ListingsItemsAttributes SET AttributeValue = 'test_value', ProductType = 'LUGGAGE'
WHERE SKU = '12345' AND AttributeName = 'item_name_value'
You can also retrieve all SKU fields from another sub-query, for example:
SELECT DISTINCT(SKUIdentifierSellerSKU) FROM CatalogItems WHERE MarketplaceId = 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXX' AND Query = 'test' AND SkuIdentifierSellerSku IS NOT NULL
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
SKU [KEY] | String | True |
A selling partner provided identifier for an Amazon listing. | |
AttributeName [KEY] | String | False |
The attribute name for the listings item. | |
AttributeValue | String | False |
The attribute value for the listings item. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
ProductType | String |
The Amazon product type of the listings item. Required for Updating an attribute. |
SellerId | String |
A selling partner identifier, such as a merchant account or vendor code. |
Returns a list of fulfillment orders fulfilled after (or at) a specified date-time, or indicated by the next token parameter.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
SellerFulfillmentOrderId [KEY] | String | False |
The fulfillment order identifier. | |
DisplayableOrderId | String | False |
A fulfillment order identifier submitted when creating a fulfillment order. Displays as the order identifier in recipient-facing materials such as the packing slip. | |
DisplayableOrderComment | String | False |
A text block submitted when creating a fulfillment order. Displays in recipient-facing materials such as the packing slip. | |
DisplayableOrderDate | Datetime | False |
A date and time submitted when creating a fulfillment order. Displays as the order date in recipient-facing materials such as the packing slip. | |
FeatureConstraints | String | False |
A list of features and their fulfillment policies to apply to the order. | |
FulfillmentAction | String | False |
Specifies whether the fulfillment order should ship now or have an order hold put on it. | |
FulfillmentOrderStatus | String | False |
The current status of the fulfillment order. | |
FulfillmentPolicy | String | False |
The FulfillmentPolicy value specified when creating a fulfillment order. | |
ReceivedDate | Datetime | False |
The date and time that the fulfillment order was received by an Amazon fulfillment center. | |
ShippingSpeedCategory | String | False |
The shipping method used for the fulfillment order. | |
StatusUpdatedDate | Datetime | False |
The date and time that the status of the fulfillment order last changed, in ISO 8601 date time format. | |
AddressLine1 | String | False |
The first line of the address. | |
AddressLine2 | String | False |
Additional address information. | |
AddressLine3 | String | False |
Additional address information. | |
City | String | False |
The city where the person, business, or institution is located. This property is required in all countries except Japan. It should not be used in Japan. | |
CountryCode | String | False |
The two digit country code. In ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format. | |
DistrictOrCounty | String | False |
The district or county where the person, business, or institution is located. | |
AddressName | String | False |
The name of the person, business or institution at the address. | |
PostalCode | String | False |
The postal code of the address. | |
StateOrRegion | String | False |
The state or region where the person, business or institution is located. | |
Phone | String | False |
The phone number of the person, business, or institution located at the address. | |
ReturnAuthorizations | String | False |
A JSON object of return authorization information. | |
ReturnItems | String | False |
A JSON object of items that Amazon accepted for return. Returns empty if no items were accepted for return. | |
FulfillmentShipments | String | False |
A JSON object of fulfillment shipment information. | |
FulfillmentOrderItems | String | False |
A JSON object of fulfillment order item information. | |
MarketplaceId | String | False |
The marketplace identifier. | |
QueryStartDate | String | False |
A date used to select fulfillment orders that were last updated after (or at) a specified time. An update is defined as any change in fulfillment order status, including the creation of a new fulfillment order. |
Returns information about subscriptions of the specified notification type.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
SubscriptionId [KEY] | String | False |
The subscription identifier generated when the subscription is created. | |
NotificationType [KEY] | String | False |
PayloadVersion | String | False |
The version of the payload object to be used in the notification. | |
DestinationId | String | False |
The identifier for the destination where notifications will be delivered. | |
MarketplaceIds | String | False |
A list of marketplace identifiers to subscribe to (e.g. ATVPDKIKX0DER). To receive notifications in every marketplace, do not provide this list. | |
AggregationTimePeriod | String | False |
The supported time period to use to perform marketplace-ASIN level aggregation. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。FiveMinutes, TenMinutes | |
EventFilterType | String | False |
An eventFilterType value that is supported by the specific notificationType. This is used by the subscription service to determine the type of event filter. |
This table is part of Vendor Direct Fulfillment Shipping API. Returns a list of shipping labels created during the time frame that you specify. You define that time frame using the createdAfter and createdBefore parameters. The date range to search must not be more than 7 days.
Some example queries:
SELECT * FROM VendorShippingLabels WHERE PurchaseOrderNumber = '12345'
SELECT * FROM VendorShippingLabels WHERE CreatedDate > '2022-09-10T12:00:00' AND CreatedDate < '2022-09-15T12:00:00'
INSERT INTO Items#TEMP (ItemSequenceNumber, BuyerProductIdentifier, VendorProductIdentifier, Amount, UnitOfMeasure)
VALUES ( 1, 'item_id', 'prod_id', 10, 'unit');
INSERT INTO Container#TEMP (ContainerType, ContainerIdentifier, TrackingNumber, PackedItems)
VALUES ( 'carton', 'container_id', 'string', 'Items#TEMP');
INSERT INTO Address1#TEMP ( Name, AddressLine1, City, County, CountryCode)
VALUES ('Name', 'Fayettville NC', 'Fayettville', 'North Carolina', 'NC');
INSERT INTO TaxTest#TEMP (RegistrationType, RegistrationNumber, RegistrationMessages, RegistrationAddress)
VALUES ( 'VAT', 'string', 'string', 'Address1#TEMP');
INSERT INTO VendorShippingLabels (PurchaseOrderNumber, SellingPartyPartyId, SellingPartyTaxRegistrationDetails, ShipFromPartyPartyId, Containers)
VALUES ('1234567890', '11111', 'TaxTest#TEMP', '22222', 'Container#TEMP');
In order to get the Transaction ID returned from the API for the INSERT statement, you can issue a select statement from the LastResultInfo temp table, as shown below:
*The temporary table must be defined and used within the same connection. Closing the connection will clear out any temporary tables in memory.
Column Name | Type | Required | Description |
ContainerType | String | True | The type of container. |
ContainerIdentifier | String | True | The container identifier. |
TrackingNumber | String | False | The tracking number. |
ContainerSequenceNumber | Integer | False | An integer that must be submitted for multi-box shipments only, where one item may come in separate packages. |
ManifestId | String | False | The manifest identifier. |
ManifestDate | String | False | The date of the manifest. |
ShipMethod | String | False | The shipment method. |
ScacCode | String | False | SCAC code required for NA VOC vendors only. |
Carrier | String | False | Carrier required for EU VOC vendors only. |
Length | String | False | Physical dimensional measurements of a container. |
Width | String | False | Physical dimensional measurements of a container. |
Height | String | False | Physical dimensional measurements of a container. |
DimensionUnit | String | False | Physical dimensional measurements of a container. |
Value | String | False | The weight. |
WeightUnit | String | False | The weight. |
PackedItems | Aggregate | True | A list of packed items. See: PackedItems table schema. |
Column Name | Type | Required | Description |
ItemSequenceNumber | Integer | True | Item Sequence Number for the item. This must be the same value as sent in the order for a given item. |
BuyerProductIdentifier | String | False | Buyer's Standard Identification Number (ASIN) of an item. Either buyerProductIdentifier or vendorProductIdentifier is required. |
VendorProductIdentifier | String | False | The vendor selected product identification of the item. Should be the same as was sent in the Purchase Order, like SKU Number. |
Amount | Decimal | True | Quantity of units shipped for a specific item at a shipment level. If the item is present only in certain packages or pallets within the shipment, please provide this at the appropriate package or pallet level. |
UnitOfMeasure | String | True | Unit of measure for the shipped quantity. |
Column Name | Type | Required | Description |
RegistrationType | String | True | Tax registration type for the entity. Allowed Values: VAT, GST. |
RegistrationNumber | String | True | Tax registration number for the party. For example, VAT ID. |
RegistrationMessages | String | False | Tax registration message that can be used for additional tax related details |
RegistrationAddress | Aggregate | False | Address of the party. See: AddressDetails table schema. |
Column Name | Type | Required | Description |
Name | String | True | The name of the person, business or institution at that address. |
AddressLine1 | String | True | First line of street address. |
AddressLine2 | String | False | Additional address information, if required. |
AddressLine3 | String | False | Additional address information, if required. |
City | String | False | The city where the person, business or institution is located. |
County | String | False | The county where person, business or institution is located. |
District | String | False | The district where person, business or institution is located. |
StateOrRegion | String | False | The state or region where person, business or institution is located. |
PostalOrZipCode | String | False | The postal or zip code of that address. It contains a series of letters or digits or both, sometimes including spaces or punctuation. |
CountryCode | String | True | The two digit country code. In ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format. |
Phone | String | False | The phone number of the person, business or institution located at that address. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
PurchaseOrderNumber [KEY] | String | False | ||
LabelFormat | String | True |
使用できる値は次のとおりです。PNG, ZPL | |
LabelData | String | True | ||
SellingPartyPartyId | String | False | ||
SellingPartyAddressLine1 | String | False | ||
SellingPartyAddressLine2 | String | False | ||
SellingPartyAddressLine3 | String | False | ||
SellingPartyAddressCity | String | False | ||
SellingPartyAddressCountryCode | String | False | ||
SellingPartyAddressCounty | String | False | ||
SellingPartyAddressDistrict | String | False | ||
SellingPartyAddressName | String | False | ||
SellingPartyAddressPhone | String | False | ||
SellingPartyAddressPostalCode | String | False | ||
SellingPartyAddressStateOrRegion | String | False | ||
SellingPartyTaxRegistrationDetails | String | False | ||
ShipFromPartyPartyId | String | False | ||
ShipFromPartyAddressLine1 | String | False | ||
ShipFromPartyAddressLine2 | String | False | ||
ShipFromPartyAddressLine3 | String | False | ||
ShipFromPartyAddressCity | String | False | ||
ShipFromPartyAddressCountryCode | String | False | ||
ShipFromPartyAddressCounty | String | False | ||
ShipFromPartyAddressDistrict | String | False | ||
ShipFromPartyAddressName | String | False | ||
ShipFromPartyAddressPhone | String | False | ||
ShipFromPartyAddressPostalCode | String | False | ||
ShipFromPartyAddressStateOrRegion | String | False | ||
ShipFromPartyTaxRegistrationDetails | String | False |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
CreatedDate | String | |
Containers | String |
Name | Description |
CatalogItems | The Catalog Items table helps you retrieve item details for items in the catalog. |
CompetitivePricing | Returns competitive pricing information for a seller's offer listings based on seller SKU or ASIN. |
Feeds | The GetFeedSubmissionList operation returns a list of feed submissions. |
FeesEstimate | Returns the estimated fees for the listed products. |
InboundItemsGuidance | Returns a list of items in a specified inbound shipment. |
InboundPreparationInstructions | Returns labeling requirements and item preparation instructions to help prepare items for shipment to Amazon's fulfillment network. |
InboundShipmentItems | Returns a list of items in a specified inbound shipment. |
InboundShipmentPreorders | Returns a list of items in a specified inbound shipment. |
InventorySupply | Returns information about the availability of inventory that a seller has in Amazon's fulfillment network and in current inbound shipments. You can check the current availability status for your Fulfillment by Amazon inventory as well as discover when availability status changes. |
ItemOffers | Returns the lowest priced offers for a single item based on ASIN. |
ListingOffers | Generated schema file. |
ListingsItemsIssues | The GetFeedSubmissionList operation returns a list of feed submissions. |
ListingsItemsOffers | The GetFeedSubmissionList operation returns a list of feed submissions. |
ListingsItemsSummaries | The GetFeedSubmissionList operation returns a list of feed submissions. |
OrderItems | Returns order items based on the Amazon Order Id that you specify. |
OrderMetrics | Returns aggregated order metrics for a given interval, broken down by granularity, for a given buyer type. |
Orders | Returns orders created or updated during a time frame that you specify. |
OrderScheduleDetailsListInternal | Usage information for the operation OrderScheduleDetailsListInternal.rsd. |
OutboundFeatures | Returns a list of features available for Multi-Channel Fulfillment orders in the marketplace you specify, and whether the seller for which you made the call is enrolled for each feature. |
OutboundFulfillmentOrderItems | Returns the fulfillment order items indicated by the specified order identifier. |
OutboundFulfillmentsPreview | Returns a list of fulfillment order previews based on shipping criteria that you specify. |
OutboundPackageTracking | Returns delivery tracking information for a package in an outbound shipment for a Multi-Channel Fulfillment order. |
OutboundReturnItems | An array of items that Amazon accepted for return. Returns empty if no items were accepted for return. |
OutboundReturnReasons | Returns a list of return reason codes for a seller SKU in a given marketplace. |
PackageItemsInternal | Usage information for the operation PackageItemsInternal.rsd. |
ProductPricing | Generated schema file. |
ReportList | Returns report details for the reports that match the filters that you specify. |
ReportTypes | Returns report details for the reports that match the filters that you specify. |
ShippingDocuments | Returns the shipping documents associated with a package in a shipment. |
ShippingRates | Returns the available shipping service offerings. |
ShippingTracking | Returns tracking information for a purchased shipment. |
UpdatePackageDetailsListInternal | Usage information for the operation UpdatePackageDetailsListInternal.rsd. |
VendorCustomerInvoices | This view is part of Vendor Direct Fulfillment Shipping API. Returns a list of customer invoices created during a time frame that you specify. The date range to search must be no more than 7 days. |
VendorOrders | The Selling Partner API for Retail Procurement Orders provides programmatic access to vendor orders data. |
VendorPackingSlips | This view is part of Vendor Direct Fulfillment Shipping API. Returns a list of packing slips for the purchase orders that match the criteria specified. Date range to search must not be more than 7 days. |
The Catalog Items table helps you retrieve item details for items in the catalog.
The following filters are required:
Name | Type | References | Description |
MarketplaceASIN [KEY] | String | The Marketplace ASIN. | |
AdultProduct | Boolean | Identifies an Amazon catalog item is intended for an adult audience or is sexual in nature. | |
Autographed | Boolean | Identifies an Amazon catalog item is autographed by a player or celebrity. | |
Brand | String | Name of the brand associated with an Amazon catalog item. | |
BrowseClassificationClassificationId | String | Classification Id (browse node) associated with an Amazon catalog item. | |
BrowseClassificationDisplayName | String | Classification Name (browse node) associated with an Amazon catalog item. | |
Color | String | Name of the color associated with an Amazon catalog item. | |
ContributorsRole | String | Role of an individual contributor in the creation of an item, such as author or actor. | |
ContributorsName | String | Name of the contributor. | |
ItemClassification | String | Classification type associated with the Amazon catalog item. | |
ItemName | String | Name, or title, associated with an Amazon catalog item. | |
Manufacturer | String | Name of the manufacturer associated with an Amazon catalog item. | |
Memorabilia | Boolean | Identifies an Amazon catalog item is memorabilia valued for its connection with historical events, culture, or entertainment. | |
ModelNumber | String | Model number associated with an Amazon catalog item. | |
PackageQuantity | Integer | Quantity of an Amazon catalog item in one package. | |
PartNumber | String | Part number associated with an Amazon catalog item. | |
ReleaseDate | String | First date on which an Amazon catalog item is shippable to customers. | |
Size | String | Name of the size associated with an Amazon catalog item. | |
Style | String | Name of the style associated with an Amazon catalog item. | |
TradeInEligible | Boolean | Identifies an Amazon catalog item is eligible for trade-in. | |
WebsiteDisplayGroup | String | Identifier of the website display group associated with an Amazon catalog item. | |
WebsiteDisplayGroupName | String | Display name of the website display group associated with an Amazon catalog item. | |
Attributes | String | A JSON object containing structured item attribute data keyed by attribute name. Catalog item attributes conform to the related Amazon product type definitions available in the Selling Partner API for Product Type Definitions. | |
Dimensions | String | A JSON object of the dimensions for an item in the Amazon catalog. | |
Identifiers | String | A JSON object of the identifiers associated with the item in the Amazon catalog, such as UPC and EAN identifiers. | |
Images | String | A JSON object of the images for an item in the Amazon catalog. | |
ProductTypes | String | A JSON object of the product types associated with the Amazon catalog item. | |
Relationships | String | A JSON object of the relationship details of an Amazon catalog item (for example, variations). | |
SalesRankings | String | A JSON object of the sales ranks of an Amazon catalog item. | |
VendorDetails | String | A JSON object of the vendor details associated with an Amazon catalog item. Vendor details are available to vendors only. | |
ASIN | String | Amazon Standard Identification Number that identifies a product. | |
EAN | String | A European Article Number that uniquely identifies the catalog item, manufacturer, and its attributes. | |
GTIN | String | A Global Trade Item Number that uniquely identifies a product. | |
ISBN | String | The unique commercial book identifier used to identify books internationally. | |
JAN | String | A Japanese article number that uniquely identifies the product, manufacturer, and its attributes. | |
MINSAN | String | A Minsan Code that uniquely identifies an item. | |
SellerSKU | String | Used to identify an item in the given marketplace. SellerSKU is qualified by the seller's SellerId | |
UPC | String | A 12-digit bar code used for retail packaging. | |
IncludedData | String | A comma-delimited list of item details to request. If none are specified, will default to returning summaries data. Values: attributes, dimensions, identifiers, images, productTypes, relationships, salesRanks, summaries, vendorDetails. | |
Locale | String | Locale for retrieving localized summaries. Defaults to the primary locale of the marketplace. | |
SellerId | String | A selling partner identifier, such as a seller account or vendor code. Note: Required when setting identifier SellerSKU. | |
PageSize | String | Number of results to be returned per page. | |
Query | String | Keyword(s) to use to search for items in the catalog. | |
BrandNames | String | A comma-delimited list of brand names to limit the search for keywords-based queries. Note: Cannot be used with identifiers. | |
ClassificationIds | String | A comma-delimited list of classification identifiers to limit the search for keywords-based queries. Note: Cannot be used with identifiers. | |
KeywordsLocale | String | The language of the keywords provided for keywords-based queries. Defaults to the primary locale of the marketplace. Note: Cannot be used with identifiers. | |
MarketplaceId | String | Specifies the marketplace for which items are returned. |
Returns competitive pricing information for a seller's offer listings based on seller SKU or ASIN.
Name | Type | References | Description |
ASIN [KEY] | String | The value of Amazon Standard Identification Number for the product. | |
SellerSKU | String | Stock Keeping Unit that identifies a product in the Amazon catalog. | |
MarketplaceId | String | A marketplace identifier. Specifies the marketplace for which prices are returned. | |
CompetitivePriceId | String | The competitive price Id of the product. | |
LandedPriceAmount | Decimal | The landed price amount of the price. | |
LandedPriceCurrencyCode | String | The landed price currency code of the price. | |
ListingPriceAmount | Decimal | The listing price amount of the price. | |
ListingPriceCurrencyCode | String | The listing price currency code of the price. | |
PointsNumber | Integer | The points number of the price. | |
PointsMonetaryValueAmount | Decimal | The points monetary value amount of the price. | |
PointsMonetaryValueCurrencyCode | String | The points monetary value currency code of the price. | |
ShippingAmount | Decimal | The shipping amount of the buyying price. | |
ShippingCurrencyCode | String | The shipping currency code of the buyying price. | |
TradeInValueAmount | Decimal | The trade-in value amount of the buyying price. | |
TradeInValueCurrencyCode | String | The trade-in value currency code of the buyying price. | |
ProductCategoryId | String | The product category Id. | |
Rank | Integer | The value of the sales rankings. | |
BelongsToRequester | Boolean | The boolean value if the product belongs to the requester. | |
Condition | String | The condition of the product. | |
Status | String | The status of the product. | |
ItemType | String | Required. Indicates whether ASIN values or seller SKU values are used to identify items.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。Asin, Sku | |
CustomerType | String | Indicates whether to request pricing information from the point of view of consumer or business buyers. Default is Consumer.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。Consumer, Business |
The GetFeedSubmissionList operation returns a list of feed submissions.
The Cloud will use the Amazon Marketplace API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Cloud.
Note: 'FeedType' attribute is required to query the view. You can view available values for 'FeedType' here.
Following are example queries that are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM Feeds WHERE FeedId = '50950018754'
SELECT * FROM Feeds WHERE FeedType = 'POST_PRODUCT_PRICING_DATA' AND CreatedTime > '2021-06-20' AND CreatedTime < '2021-08-01 12:00:00'
Note: When filtering with CreatedTime, values older than 90 days will not be accepted.
Name | Type | References | Description |
FeedId [KEY] | String | The Id of the Feed. This identifier is unique only in combination with a seller ID. | |
FeedType | String | The Type of the feed. FeedType is not required when UseSandbox=True. | |
MarketplaceIds | String | A list of marketplace identifiers for the report. | |
CreatedTime | Datetime | The date and time when the feed was created. While filtering, CreatedTime value is only accepted till 90 days old. | |
ProcessingStatus | String | The processing status of the report. | |
ProcessingStartTime | Datetime | The Date when the feed processing started. | |
ProcessingEndTime | Datetime | The Date when the feed processing completed. | |
ResultFeedDocumentId | String | The identifier for the feed document. This identifier is unique only in combination with a seller ID. |
Returns the estimated fees for the listed products.
Name | Type | References | Description |
IdValue [KEY] | String | Required. The item identifier. | |
SellerID | String | The seller identifier. | |
TimeOfFeesEstimation | Datetime | The time at which the fees were estimated. | |
TotalFeesEstimateAmount | Decimal | Total estimated fees for a given item, price and fulfillment channel. | |
TotalFeesEstimateCurrencyCode | String | The currency code for the total estimated fees. | |
FeeType | String | The type of fee charged to a seller. | |
FeeAmount | Decimal | The amount charged for a given fee. | |
FeeAmountCurrencyCode | String | The currency code for the charged amount. | |
FeePromotionAmount | Decimal | The promotion amount for a given fee. | |
FeePromotionCurrencyCode | String | The currency code for the promotion amount. | |
TaxAmount | Decimal | The tax amount for a given fee. | |
TaxCurrencyCode | String | The currency code for the tax amount . | |
FinalFeeAmount | Decimal | The final fee amount for a given fee. | |
FinalFeeCurrencyCode | String | The currency code for the final fee amount. | |
MarketplaceId | String | Required. The marketplace identifier. | |
IdType | String | Required. The item type.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。ASIN, SellerSku | |
Identifier | String | Required. The unique identifier provided by the caller to track this request. | |
IsAmazonFulfilled | Boolean | When true, the offer is fulfilled by Amazon. | |
ListingPriceAmount | Decimal | Required. The price of the item. | |
ListingPriceCurrencyCode | String | Required. The currency code for the price of the item. | |
ShippingAmount | Decimal | Required. The shipping cost. | |
ShippingCurrencyCode | String | Required. The currency code for the shipping cost. | |
PointsNumber | Decimal | Required. The number of Amazon Points offered with the purchase of an item. | |
PointsAmount | Decimal | Required. The monetary value for points. | |
PointsCurrencyCode | String | Required. The currency code for points. |
Returns a list of items in a specified inbound shipment.
Name | Type | References | Description |
ASIN [KEY] | String | The Amazon Standard Identification Number (ASIN) of the item. | |
SellerSKU [KEY] | String | The seller SKU of the item. | |
MarketplaceId | String | Required. Marketplace identifier for the report. | |
GuidanceReasonList | String | A list of reasons for the current inbound guidance for this item. | |
InboundGuidance | String | Specific inbound guidance for an item. | |
ErrorReason | String | The reason why the seller SKU or ASIN is invalid. |
Returns labeling requirements and item preparation instructions to help prepare items for shipment to Amazon's fulfillment network.
Name | Type | References | Description |
ASIN [KEY] | String | The Amazon Standard Identification Number (ASIN) of the item. | |
SellerSKU [KEY] | String | The seller SKU of the item. | |
ShipToCountryCode | String | Required. The country code of the country to which the items will be shipped. | |
BarcodeInstruction | String | Labeling requirements for the item. For more information about FBA labeling requirements, see the Seller Central Help for your marketplace. | |
PrepGuidance | String | Item preparation instructions. | |
PrepInstructionList | String | A list of preparation instructions to help with item sourcing decisions. | |
PrepInstruction | String | Preparation instructions for shipping an item to Amazon's fulfillment network. | |
FeePerUnitCurrencyCode | String | The fee currency code for Amazon to prepare 1 unit. | |
FeePerUnitValue | Decimal | The fee amount for Amazon to prepare 1 unit. | |
ErrorReason | String | The reason why the SellerSKU/ASIN is invalid. |
Returns a list of items in a specified inbound shipment.
The Cloud will use the Amazon Marketplace API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Cloud.
SELECT * FROM InboundShipmentItems WHERE MarketplaceId = 'ATVPDKIKX0DER'
SELECT * FROM InboundShipmentItems WHERE ShipmentId = 'FBA8J3K9LZPX'
SELECT * FROM InboundShipmentItems WHERE LastUpdatedDate > '2020-01-01'
Name | Type | References | Description |
ShipmentId [KEY] | String | The ID of the shipment. | |
SellerSKU [KEY] | String | The Seller SKU of the item. | |
QuantityShipped | Int | The item quantity that you are shipping. | |
QuantityInCase | Int | The item quantity in each case, for case-packed items. | |
QuantityReceived | Int | The item quantity that has been received at an Amazon fulfillment center. | |
FulfillmentNetworkSKU | String | Amazon's fulfillment network SKU of the item. | |
PrepDetailsList | String | A JSON aggregate of preparation instructions and who is responsible for that preparation. | |
MarketplaceId | String | Marketplace identifier for the report. | |
ReleaseDate | Date | The date that a pre-order item will be available for sale. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description | |
LastUpdatedDate | Datetime | A date used for selecting inbound shipments that were last updated before/after a specified time. |
Returns a list of items in a specified inbound shipment.
Name | Type | References | Description |
MarketplaceId [KEY] | String | Required. A marketplace identifier. Specifies the marketplace the shipment is tied to. | |
ShipmentId [KEY] | String | Requried. A shipment identifier originally returned by the createInboundShipmentPlan operation. | |
ShipmentContainsPreorderableItems | Boolean | Indicates whether the shipment contains items that have been enabled for pre-order. For more information about enabling items for pre-order, see the Seller Central Help. | |
ShipmentConfirmedForPreorder | Boolean | Indicates whether this shipment has been confirmed for pre-order. | |
NeedByDate | Date | Date that the shipment would need to arrive at an Amazon fulfillment center to avoid delivery promise breaks for pre-ordered items if this shipment is later confirmed for pre-order. In YYYY-MM-DD format. | |
ConfirmedFulfillableDate | Date | Date in YYYY-MM-DD format that determines which pre-order items in the shipment are eligible for pre-order. If this shipment is confirmed for pre-order with a subsequent call to the confirmPreorder operation, the pre-order Buy Box will appear for any pre-order items in the shipment with a release date on or after this date. |
Returns information about the availability of inventory that a seller has in Amazon's fulfillment network and in current inbound shipments. You can check the current availability status for your Fulfillment by Amazon inventory as well as discover when availability status changes.
The Cloud will use the Amazon Marketplace API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Cloud.
Note: Attributes 'GranularityType' and 'GranularityId' are required to query the view. You must set GranularityId to the MarketplaceId from the API matching your region.
Following are example queries which are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM InventorySupply WHERE GranularityType = 'Marketplace' AND GranularityId = 'ATVPDKIKX0DER' AND SellerSKU = '123'
SELECT * FROM InventorySupply WHERE GranularityType = 'Marketplace' AND GranularityId = 'ATVPDKIKX0DER' AND StartDateTime > '2020-01-01'
Name | Type | References | Description |
UID [KEY] | String | Auto Generated Primary Key field. | |
FNSKU | String | The Fulfillment Network SKU (FNSKU) of the item. The FNSKU is a unique identifier for each inventory item stored in an Amazon fulfillment center. | |
SellerSKU | String | The Seller SKU of the item. Required if the QueryStartDateTime is not specified. | |
ASIN | String | The Amazon Standard Identification Number (ASIN) of the item. | |
Condition | String | The condition of the item. | |
GranularityType | String | ||
GranularityId | String | ||
TotalQuantity | Integer | The total number of units in an inbound shipment or in Amazon fulfillment centers. | |
ProductName | String | The localized language product title of the item within the specific marketplace. | |
LastUpdatedTime | String | The date and time that any quantity was last updated. | |
FulfillableQuantity | Integer | The item quantity that can be picked, packed, and shipped. | |
InboundWorkingQuantity | Integer | The item quantity that can be picked, packed, and shipped. | |
InboundShippedQuantity | Integer | The item quantity that can be picked, packed, and shipped. | |
InboundReceivingQuantity | Integer | The item quantity that can be picked, packed, and shipped. | |
TotalReservedQuantity | Integer | The total number of units in Amazon's fulfillment network that are currently being picked, packed, and shipped. | |
PendingCustomerOrderQuantity | Integer | The number of units reserved for customer orders. | |
PendingTransshipmentQuantity | Integer | The number of units being transferred from one fulfillment center to another. | |
FcProcessingQuantity | Integer | The number of units that have been sidelined at the fulfillment center for additional processing. | |
TotalUnfulfillableQuantity | Integer | The total number of units in Amazon's fulfillment network in unsellable condition. | |
CustomerDamagedQuantity | Integer | The number of units in customer damaged disposition. | |
WarehouseDamagedQuantity | Integer | The number of units in warehouse damaged disposition. | |
DistributorDamagedQuantity | Integer | The number of units in distributor damaged disposition. | |
CarrierDamagedQuantity | Integer | The number of units in carrier damaged disposition. | |
DefectiveQuantity | Integer | The number of units in defective disposition. | |
ExpiredQuantity | Integer | The number of units in expired disposition. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description | |
StartDateTime | Datetime | A start date and time in ISO8601 format. If specified, all inventory summaries that have changed since then are returned. You must specify a date and time that is no earlier than 18 months prior to the current date and time. | |
MarketplaceId | String | The marketplace ID for the marketplace for which to return inventory summaries. |
Returns the lowest priced offers for a single item based on ASIN.
Name | Type | References | Description |
ASIN | String | Required. The Amazon Standard Identification Number (ASIN) of the item. | |
MarketplaceId | String | A marketplace identifier. Specifies the marketplace for which prices are returned. | |
ItemCondition | String | The condition of the lowest priced product listed.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。New, Used, Collectible, Refurbished, Club | |
OffersListingPriceAmount | Decimal | The listing price amount of the offered price. | |
OffersListingPriceCurrencyCode | String | The listing price currency code of the offered price. | |
OffersShippingAmount | Decimal | The shipping amount of the offered price. | |
OffersShippingCurrencyCode | String | The shipping currency code of the offered price. | |
FeedbackCount | Integer | The feedback count. | |
SellerPositiveFeedbackRating | Double | The positive feedback rating of the seller. | |
SellerId [KEY] | String | The seller Id. | |
ShippingTimeAvailabilityType | String | The shipping time availability type. | |
ShippingTimeMaximumHours | Integer | The maximum hours of shipping time. | |
ShippingTimeMinimumHours | Integer | The minimum hours of shipping time. | |
ShippingTimeAvailableDate | String | The date when the item will be available for shipping. Only displayed for items that are not currently available for shipping. | |
QuantityDiscountPrices | String | Contains pricing information that includes special pricing when buying in bulk. | |
PointsNumber | Integer | The number of points. | |
PointsMonetaryValueCurrencyCode | String | The currency code in ISO 4217 format. | |
PointsMonetaryValueAmount | String | The monetary value. | |
IsBuyBoxWinner | Boolean | When true, the offer is currently in the Buy Box. There can be up to two Buy Box winners at any time per ASIN, one that is eligible for Prime and one that is not eligible for Prime. | |
IsPrime | Boolean | Indicates whether the offer is an Amazon Prime offer. | |
IsNationalPrime | Boolean | Indicates whether the offer is an Amazon Prime offer throughout the entire marketplace where it is listed. | |
ShipsFromCountry | String | The country from where the product is shipped. | |
ShipsFromState | String | The state from where the product is shipped. | |
IsFeaturedMerchant | Boolean | The boolean value of the merchant being featured. | |
IsFulfilledByAmazon | Boolean | The boolean value of the merchant being fulfilled by Amazon. | |
CustomerType | String | Indicates whether to request pricing information from the point of view of consumer or business buyers. Default is Consumer.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。Consumer, Business | |
MyOffer | Boolean | When true, this is the seller's offer. | |
OfferType | String | Indicates the type of customer that the offer is valid for. | |
SubCondition | String | The subcondition of the item. Subcondition values: New, Mint, Very Good, Good, Acceptable, Poor, Club, OEM, Warranty, Refurbished Warranty, Refurbished, Open Box, or Other. | |
ConditionNotes | String | Information about the condition of the item. |
Generated schema file.
Name | Type | References | Description |
SellerSKU [KEY] | String | Identifies an item in the given marketplace. | |
MarketplaceId | String | A marketplace identifier. Specifies the marketplace for which prices are returned. | |
ItemCondition | String | The condition of the lowest priced product listed.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。New, Used, Collectible, Refurbished, Club | |
OffersListingPriceAmount | Decimal | The listing price amount of the offered price. | |
OffersListingPriceCurrencyCode | String | The listing price currency code of the offered price. | |
OffersShippingAmount | Decimal | The shipping amount of the offered price. | |
OffersShippingCurrencyCode | String | The shipping currency code of the offered price. | |
FeedbackCount | Integer | The feedback count. | |
SellerPositiveFeedbackRating | Double | The positive feedback rating of the seller. | |
SellerId | String | The seller Id. | |
ShippingTimeAvailabilityType | String | The shipping time availability type. | |
ShippingTimeMaximumHours | Integer | The maximum hours of shipping time. | |
ShippingTimeMinimumHours | Integer | The minimum hours of shipping time. | |
ShippingTimeAvailableDate | String | The date when the item will be available for shipping. Only displayed for items that are not currently available for shipping. | |
QuantityDiscountPrices | String | Contains pricing information that includes special pricing when buying in bulk. | |
PointsNumber | Integer | The number of points. | |
PointsMonetaryValueCurrencyCode | String | The currency code in ISO 4217 format. | |
PointsMonetaryValueAmount | String | The monetary value. | |
IsBuyBoxWinner | Boolean | When true, the offer is currently in the Buy Box. There can be up to two Buy Box winners at any time per ASIN, one that is eligible for Prime and one that is not eligible for Prime. | |
IsPrime | Boolean | Indicates whether the offer is an Amazon Prime offer. | |
IsNationalPrime | Boolean | Indicates whether the offer is an Amazon Prime offer throughout the entire marketplace where it is listed. | |
ShipsFromCountry | String | The country from where the product is shipped. | |
ShipsFromState | String | The state from where the product is shipped. | |
IsFeaturedMerchant | Boolean | The boolean value of the merchant being featured. | |
IsFulfilledByAmazon | Boolean | The boolean value of the merchant being fulfilled by Amazon. | |
CustomerType | String | Indicates whether to request pricing information from the point of view of consumer or business buyers. Default is Consumer.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。Consumer, Business | |
MyOffer | Boolean | When true, this is the seller's offer. | |
OfferType | String | Indicates the type of customer that the offer is valid for. | |
SubCondition | String | The subcondition of the item. Subcondition values: New, Mint, Very Good, Good, Acceptable, Poor, Club, OEM, Warranty, Refurbished Warranty, Refurbished, Open Box, or Other. | |
ConditionNotes | String | Information about the condition of the item. |
The GetFeedSubmissionList operation returns a list of feed submissions.
The following filters are required:
SELECT * FROM ListingsItemsIssues WHERE SKU = '12345' AND SellerId = 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXX'
Name | Type | References | Description |
SKU | String | A selling partner provided identifier for an Amazon listing. | |
Code | String | An issue code that identifies the type of issue. | |
Message | String | A message that describes the issue. | |
Severity | String | The severity of the issue.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。INFO, WARNING, ERROR |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description | |
SellerId | String | A selling partner identifier, such as a merchant account or vendor code. |
The GetFeedSubmissionList operation returns a list of feed submissions.
The following filters are required:
SELECT * FROM ListingsItemsOffers WHERE SKU = '12345' AND SellerId = 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXX'
Name | Type | References | Description |
SKU | String | A selling partner provided identifier for an Amazon listing | |
MarketplaceId | String | A marketplace identifier. Identifies the Amazon marketplace for the listings item. | |
OfferType | String | Type of offer for the listings item.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。B2B, B2C | |
PriceAmount | String | Purchase price amount of the listings item. | |
PriceCurrency | String | Purchase price currency of the listings item. | |
Points | String | The number of Amazon Points offered with the purchase of an item, and their monetary value. Note that the Points element is only returned in Japan (JP). |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description | |
SellerId | String | A selling partner identifier, such as a merchant account or vendor code. |
The GetFeedSubmissionList operation returns a list of feed submissions.
The following filters are required:
SELECT * FROM ListingsItemsSummaries WHERE SKU = '12345' AND SellerId = 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXX'
Name | Type | References | Description |
SKU | String | A selling partner provided identifier for an Amazon listing. | |
Asin | String | Amazon Standard Identification Number (ASIN) of the listings item. | |
ConditionType | String | Identifies the condition of the listings item.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。new_new, new_open_box, new_oem, refurbished_refurbished, used_like_new, used_very_good, used_good, used_acceptable, collectible_like_new, collectible_very_good, collectible_good, collectible_acceptable, club_club | |
CreatedDate | Datetime | Date the listings item was created, in ISO 8601 format. | |
ItemName | String | Name, or title, associated with an Amazon catalog item. | |
LastUpdatedDate | Datetime | Date the listings item was last updated, in ISO 8601 format. | |
MainImageLink | String | Link, or URL, for the main image. | |
MainImageHeight | Integer | Height of the main image in pixels. | |
MainImageWidth | Integer | Width of the main image in pixels. | |
MarketplaceId | String | A marketplace identifier. Identifies the Amazon marketplace for the listings item. | |
ProductType | String | The Amazon product type of the listings item. | |
Status | String | Statuses that apply to the listings item. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description | |
SellerId | String | A selling partner identifier, such as a merchant account or vendor code. |
Returns order items based on the Amazon Order Id that you specify.
The Cloud will use the Amazon Marketplace API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Cloud. OrderItems table supports server side filtering with = and IN operators for AmazonOrderId field.
SELECT * FROM OrderItems WHERE AmazonOrderId = '503-9993250-1405404'
Name | Type | References | Description |
OrderItemId [KEY] | String | An Amazon-defined order item identifier. | |
AmazonOrderId | String |
Orders.AmazonOrderId | The Amazon ID of the order. |
ASIN | String | The Amazon Standard Identification Number (ASIN) of the item. | |
SellerSKU | String | The seller stock keeping unit (SKU) of the item. | |
BuyerCustomizedInfoCustomizedURL | String | The Buyer CustomizedURL. | |
Title | String | The name of the item. | |
QuantityOrdered | Integer | The quantity of items ordered. | |
QuantityShipped | Integer | The quantity of items shipped. | |
GrantedPointsNumber | Integer | The Granted Points Number. | |
GrantedPointsMonetaryValueAmount | Decimal | The Granted Points Amount. | |
GrantedPointsMonetaryValueCurrencyCode | String | The Granted Points CurrencyCode. | |
NumberOfItems | Integer | The total number of items that are included in the ASIN. | |
ItemPriceAmount | Decimal | The Item Price Amount. | |
ItemPriceCurrencyCode | String | The Item Price Currency Code. | |
ShippingPriceAmount | Decimal | The Shipping Price Amount. | |
ShippingPriceCurrencyCode | String | The Shipping Price Currency Code. | |
ItemTaxAmount | Decimal | The Item Tax Amount. | |
ItemTaxCurrencyCode | String | The Item Tax Currency Code. | |
ShippingTaxAmount | String | The Shipping Tax Amount. | |
ShippingTaxCurrencyCode | String | The ShippingTax Currency Code. | |
ShippingDiscountAmount | String | The Shipping Discount Amount. | |
ShippingDiscountCurrencyCode | String | The Shipping Discount Currency Code. | |
ShippingDiscountTaxAmount | String | The Shipping Discount Tax Amount. | |
ShippingDiscountTaxCurrencyCode | String | The Shipping Discount Tax Currency Code. | |
PromotionDiscountAmount | Decimal | The Promotion Discount Amount. | |
PromotionDiscountCurrencyCode | String | The Promotion Discount Currency Code. | |
PromotionDiscountTaxAmount | Decimal | The Promotion Discount Tax Amount. | |
PromotionDiscountTaxCurrencyCode | String | The Promotion Discount Tax Currency Code. | |
PromotionIds | String | The IDs of Promotions. | |
CODFeeAmount | Decimal | The COD FeeAmount. | |
CODFeeCurrencyCode | String | The COD FeeCurrency Code. | |
CODFeeDiscountAmount | String | The COD FeeDiscount Amount. | |
CODFeeDiscountCurrencyCode | String | The COD FeeDiscount Currency Code. | |
IsGift | Boolean | Boolean specifying if the item is gift. | |
ConditionNote | String | The Condition Note. | |
ConditionId | String | The Condition Id. | |
ConditionSubtypeId | String | The Condition Subtype Id. | |
ScheduledDeliveryStartDate | Datetime | The Scheduled Delivery StartDate. | |
ScheduledDeliveryEndDate | Datetime | The Scheduled Delivery EndDate. | |
PriceDesignation | String | The Price Designation. | |
TaxCollectionModel | String | The tax collection model applied to the item. | |
TaxCollectionResponsibleParty | String | The party responsible for withholding the taxes and remitting them to the taxing authority. | |
SerialNumberRequired | Boolean | When true, the product type for this item has a serial number. Returned only for Amazon Easy Ship orders. | |
IsTransparency | Boolean | When true, transparency codes are required. | |
IossNumber | String | The IOSS number for the marketplace. | |
StoreChainStoreId | String | The store chain store identifier. Linked to a specific store in a store chain. | |
DeemedResellerCategory | String | Applies to selling partners that are not based in the EU and is used to help them meet the VAT Deemed Reseller tax laws in the EU and UK. | |
IsBuyerRequestedCancel | Boolean | When true, the buyer has requested cancellation. | |
BuyerCancelReason | String | The reason that the buyer requested cancellation. | |
BuyerCustomizedInfoURL | String | The location of a zip file containing Amazon Custom data. | |
GiftWrapPriceAmount | String | The Gift Wrap Price Amount. | |
GiftWrapPriceCurrencyCode | String | The Gift Wrap Price Currency Code. | |
GiftWrapTaxAmount | String | The Gift Wrap Tax Amount. | |
GiftWrapTaxCurrencyCode | String | The Gift Wrap Tax Currency Code. | |
GiftMessageText | String | A gift message provided by the buyer. | |
GiftWrapLevel | String | The gift wrap level specified by the buyer. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description | |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | The last time the order is updated. |
Returns aggregated order metrics for a given interval, broken down by granularity, for a given buyer type.
Name | Type | References | Description |
IntervalTime | String | A time interval used for selecting order metrics. This takes the form of two dates separated by two hyphens (first date is inclusive; second date is exclusive). Dates are in ISO8601 format and must represent absolute time (either Z notation or offset notation). Example: 2018-09-01T00:00:00-07:00--2018-09-04T00:00:00-07:00 requests order metrics for Sept 1st, 2nd and 3rd in the -07:00 zone. | |
UnitCount | String | The number of units in orders based on the specified filters. | |
OrderItemCount | String | The number of order items based on the specified filters. | |
OrderCount | String | The number of orders based on the specified filters. | |
AverageUnitPriceCurrencyCode | String | Three-digit currency code. In ISO 4217 format. | |
AverageUnitPriceAmount | String | The currency amount. | |
TotalSalesCurrencyCode | String | Three-digit currency code. In ISO 4217 format. | |
TotalSalesAmount | String | The currency amount. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description | |
GranularityTimeZone | String | An IANA-compatible time zone for determining the day boundary. Required when specifying a granularity value greater than Hour. The granularityTimeZone value must align with the offset of the specified interval value. | |
Granularity | String | The granularity of the grouping of order metrics, based on a unit of time. Specifying granularity=Hour results in a successful request only if the interval specified is less than or equal to 30 days from now. For all other granularities, the interval specified must be less or equal to 2 years from now. | |
MarketplaceId | String | A marketplace identifier. This specifies the marketplace in which the order was placed. Only one marketplace can be specified. | |
BuyerType | String | Filters the results by the buyer type that you specify, B2B (business to business) or B2C (business to customer). Example: B2B, if you want the response to include order metrics for only B2B buyers. | |
FulfillmentNetwork | String | Filters the results by the fulfillment network that you specify, MFN (merchant fulfillment network) or AFN (Amazon fulfillment network). Do not include this filter if you want the response to include order metrics for all fulfillment networks. | |
FirstDayOfWeek | String | Specifies the day that the week starts on when granularity=Week, either Monday or Sunday. Default: Monday. | |
Asin | String | Filters the results by the ASIN that you specify. Specifying both ASIN and SKU returns an error. Do not include this filter if you want the response to include order metrics for all ASINs. | |
Sku | String | Filters the results by the SKU that you specify. Specifying both ASIN and SKU returns an error. Do not include this filter if you want the response to include order metrics for all SKUs. |
Returns orders created or updated during a time frame that you specify.
The Cloud will use the Amazon Marketplace API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Cloud.
SELECT * FROM Orders WHERE AmazonOrderId = '249-7638334-8161403'
SELECT * FROM Orders WHERE SellerOrderId = '249-7638334' AND purchasedate > '2010-01-01'
SELECT * FROM Orders WHERE LastUpdateDate >= '2016-12-12'
SELECT * FROM Orders WHERE PurchaseDate >= '2016-12-12'
SELECT * FROM Orders WHERE BuyerEmail = '[email protected]'
SELECT * FROM Orders WHERE PurchaseDate >= '2016-12-12' AND OrderStatus = 'Canceled'
SELECT * FROM Orders WHERE PurchaseDate >= '2016-12-12' AND FulfillmentChannel = 'MFN'
SELECT * FROM Orders WHERE PurchaseDate >= '2016-12-12' AND BuyerEmail = '[email protected]'
SELECT * FROM Orders WHERE PurchaseDate >= '2016-12-12' AND PaymentMethod = 'Other'
Name | Type | References | Description |
AmazonOrderId [KEY] | String | The Amazon ID of the order. | |
SellerOrderId | String | The Seller ID of the order. | |
PurchaseDate | Datetime | The date of the purchase. | |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | The last update date. | |
OrderStatus | String | Status of the order. | |
FulfillmentChannel | String | The Fulfillment Channel. | |
SalesChannel | String | The Sales Channel. | |
OrderChannel | String | The Order Channel. | |
ShipServiceLevel | String | The level of the Ship Service. | |
ShippingAddressName | String | The Shipping Address Name. | |
ShippingAddressAddressLine1 | String | The Shipping Address AddressLine. | |
ShippingAddressAddressLine2 | String | The Shipping Address AddressLine. | |
ShippingAddressAddressLine3 | String | The Shipping Address AddressLine. | |
ShippingAddressCity | String | The Shipping Address City. | |
ShippingAddressCounty | String | The Shipping Address County. | |
ShippingAddressDistrict | String | The Shipping Address District. | |
ShippingAddressStateOrRegion | String | The Shipping Address State Or Region. | |
ShippingAddressPostalCode | String | The Shipping Address Postal Code. | |
ShippingAddressCountryCode | String | The Shipping Address Country Code. | |
ShippingAddressPhone | String | The Shipping Address Phone. | |
ShippingAddressMunicipality | String | The Shipping Municipality. | |
ShippingAddress_AddressType | String | The Shipping Address Type. | |
DefaultShipAddressName | String | The Shipping Address Name. | |
DefaultShipAddressLine1 | String | Default Ship From Location Address AddressLine. | |
DefaultShipAddressLine2 | String | Default Ship From Location Address AddressLine. | |
DefaultShipAddressLine3 | String | Default Ship From Location Address AddressLine. | |
DefaultShipCity | String | Default Ship From Location Address City. | |
DefaultShipCounty | String | Default Ship From Location Address County. | |
DefaultShipDistrict | String | Default Ship From Location Address District. | |
DefaultShipStateOrRegion | String | Default Ship From Location Address State Or Region. | |
DefaultShipPostalCode | String | Default Ship From Location Address Postal Code. | |
DefaultShipCountryCode | String | Default Ship From Location Address Country Code. | |
DefaultShipPhone | String | Default Ship From Location Address Phone. | |
DefaultShipMunicipality | String | The Default Ship Municipality. | |
DefaultShip_AddressType | String | Default Ship From Location Address Type. | |
OrderTotalCurrencyCode | String | The Order Currency Code. | |
OrderTotalAmount | Decimal | The Order Amount. | |
NumberOfItemsShipped | Integer | The Number Of Items Shipped. | |
NumberOfItemsUnshipped | Integer | The Number Of Items Unshipped. | |
PaymentExecutionDetail | String | The Payment Execution Detail. | |
PaymentMethod | String | The Payment Method. | |
PaymentMethodDetails | String | The Details of payment method. | |
IsReplacementOrder | Boolean | Boolean specifying if it is a replacement order. | |
ReplacedOrderId | String | The Replaced OrderId. | |
MarketplaceId | String | The MarketplaceId. | |
BuyerEmail | String | The Buyer Email. | |
BuyerName | String | The Buyer Name. | |
BuyerCounty | String | The Buyer Country. | |
BuyerTaxInfo | String | The Buyer Tax Info. | |
BuyerInvoicePreference | String | Can be individual or business. | |
ShipmentServiceLevelCategory | String | The Shipment Service Level Category. | |
ShippedByAmazonTFM | Boolean | The Shipped By Amazon TFM. | |
TFMShipmentStatus | String | The TFM Shipment Status. | |
CbaDisplayableShippingLabel | String | The Cba Displayable Shipping Label. | |
OrderType | String | The Type of Order. | |
HasAutomatedShippingSettings | Boolean | If true, this order has automated shipping settings generated by Amazon. This order could be identified as an SSA order. | |
AutomatedCarrier | String | Auto-generated carrier for SSA orders | |
AutomatedShipMethod | String | Auto-generated ship method for SSA orders. | |
EarliestShipDate | Datetime | The Earliest Ship Date. | |
EasyShipShipmentStatus | String | The status of the Amazon Easy Ship order. This property is included only for Amazon Easy Ship orders. | |
HasRegulatedItems | Boolean | Whether the order contains regulated items which may require additional approval steps before being fulfilled. | |
PromiseResponseDueDate | Datetime | Indicates the date by which the seller must respond to the buyer with an estimated ship date. Returned only for Sourcing on Demand orders. | |
LatestShipDate | Datetime | The Latest Ship Date. | |
EarliestDeliveryDate | Datetime | The Earliest Delivery Date . | |
LatestDeliveryDate | Datetime | The Latest Delivery Date. | |
IsBusinessOrder | Boolean | Boolean specifying if it is a Business Order. | |
IsEstimatedShipDateSet | Boolean | When true, the estimated ship date is set for the order. Returned only for Sourcing on Demand orders. | |
IsSoldByAB | Boolean | When true, the item within this order was bought and re-sold by Amazon Business EU SARL (ABEU). | |
IsIBA | Boolean | When true, the item within this order was bought and re-sold by Amazon Business EU SARL (ABEU). | |
IsISPU | Boolean | When true, this order is marked to be picked up from a store rather than delivered. | |
IsGlobalExpressEnabled | Boolean | When true, the order is a GlobalExpress order. | |
PurchaseOrderNumber | String | The Purchase Order Number. | |
IsPrime | Boolean | Boolean specifying if it is a Prime Order. | |
IsPremiumOrder | Boolean | Boolean specifying if it is a Premium Order. |
Usage information for the operation OrderScheduleDetailsListInternal.rsd.
Name | Type | References | Description |
AmazonOrderId | String | ||
PackageIdentifier | String | ||
Slotid | String | ||
StartTime | Datetime | ||
EndTime | Datetime | ||
HandoverMethod | String |
Returns a list of features available for Multi-Channel Fulfillment orders in the marketplace you specify, and whether the seller for which you made the call is enrolled for each feature.
Name | Type | References | Description |
MarketplaceId [KEY] | String | Required. The marketplace identifier. | |
FeatureName | String | The feature name. | |
FeatureDescription | String | The feature description. | |
SellerEligible | Boolean | Indicates whether the seller is eligible to use the feature. | |
SellerSku | String | Used to identify an item in the given marketplace. SellerSKU is qualified by the seller's SellerId, which is included with every operation that you submit. | |
FnSku | String | The unique SKU used by Amazon's fulfillment network. | |
Asin | String | The Amazon Standard Identification Number (ASIN) of the item. | |
SkuCount | String | The number of SKUs available for this service. | |
OverlappingSkus | String | Other seller SKUs that are shared across the same inventory. | |
IneligibleReasons | String | A list of one or more reasons that the seller SKU is ineligible for the feature. |
Returns the fulfillment order items indicated by the specified order identifier.
Name | Type | References | Description |
SellerFulfillmentOrderId [KEY] | String | The fulfillment order identifier | |
SellerFulfillmentOrderItemId [KEY] | String | A fulfillment order item identifier submitted with a call to the createFulfillmentOrder operation. | |
SellerSku | String | The seller SKU of the item. | |
CancelledQuantity | Integer | The item quantity that was cancelled by the seller. | |
EstimatedArrivalDate | Datetime | The estimated arrival date and time of the item quantity. Note that this value can change over time. If the shipment that contains the item quantity has been cancelled, estimatedArrivalDate is not returned. | |
EstimatedShipDate | Datetime | The estimated date and time that the item quantity is scheduled to ship from the fulfillment center. Note that this value can change over time. If the shipment that contains the item quantity has been cancelled, estimatedShipDate is not returned. | |
FulfillmentNetworkSku | String | Amazon's fulfillment network SKU of the item. | |
OrderItemDisposition | String | Indicates whether the item is sellable or unsellable. | |
Quantity | Integer | The item quantity. | |
UnfulfillableQuantity | Integer | The item quantity that is unfulfillable. | |
GiftMessage | String | A message to the gift recipient, if applicable. | |
DisplayableComment | String | Item-specific text that displays in recipient-facing materials such as the outbound shipment packing slip. | |
PerUnitDeclaredValue | Decimal | The monetary value assigned by the seller to this item. | |
PerUnitDeclaredCurrencyCode | String | The currency code of the monetary value assigned by the seller to this item. | |
PerUnitTaxValue | Decimal | The tax on the amount to be collected from the recipient for this item in a COD (Cash On Delivery) order. | |
PerUnitTaxCurrencyCode | String | The currency code of the tax on the amount to be collected from the recipient for this item in a COD (Cash On Delivery) order. | |
PerUnitPriceValue | Decimal | The amount to be collected from the recipient for this item in a COD (Cash On Delivery) order. | |
PerUnitPriceCurrencyCode | String | The currency code of the amount to be collected from the recipient for this item in a COD (Cash On Delivery) order. |
Returns a list of fulfillment order previews based on shipping criteria that you specify.
Name | Type | References | Description |
SellerFulfillmentOrderItemId [KEY] | String | A fulfillment order item identifier that the seller created with a call to the createFulfillmentOrder operation. | |
EarliestArrivalDate | Datetime | The earliest date that the shipment is expected to arrive at its destination. | |
EarliestShipDate | Datetime | The earliest date that the shipment is expected to be sent from the fulfillment center, in ISO 8601 date time format. | |
EstimatedShippingWeightUnit | String | The estimated shipping unit weight of the item quantity for a single item, as identified by sellerSku, in a shipment. | |
EstimatedShippingWeightValue | String | The estimated shipping weight value of the item quantity for a single item, as identified by sellerSku, in a shipment. | |
IsCodCapable | Boolean | Indicates whether this fulfillment order preview is for COD (Cash On Delivery). | |
IsFulfillable | Boolean | Indicates whether this fulfillment order preview is fulfillable. | |
LatestArrivalDate | Datetime | The latest date that the shipment is expected to arrive at its destination, in ISO 8601 date time format. | |
LatestShipDate | Datetime | The latest date that the shipment is expected to be sent from the fulfillment center, in ISO 8601 date time format. | |
MarketplaceId | String | The marketplace the fulfillment order is placed against. | |
Quantity | Integer | The item quantity. | |
SellerSku | String | The seller SKU of the item. | |
ShippingSpeedCategory | String | The shipping method used for the fulfillment order. When this value is ScheduledDelivery, choose Ship for the fulfillmentAction. Hold is not a valid fulfillmentAction value when the shippingSpeedCategory value is ScheduledDelivery. | |
ScheduledDeliveryInfo | String | Provides additional insight into the shipment timeline when exact delivery dates are not able to be precomputed. | |
ShippingWeightCalculationMethod | String | The method used to calculate the estimated shipping weight. | |
UnfulfilledItemQuantity | Integer | The item quantity of the unfulfillable item. | |
UnfulfilledItemSellerFulfillmentOrderItemId | String | The fulfillment order item identifier of the unfulfillable item. | |
UnfulfilledItemUnfulfillableReasons | String | Error codes associated with the fulfillment order preview that indicate why the item is unfulfillable. | |
AddressLine1 | String | The first line of the address. | |
AddressLine2 | String | Additional address information. | |
AddressLine3 | String | Additional address information. | |
City | String | The city where the person, business, or institution is located. This property is required in all countries except Japan. It should not be used in Japan. | |
CountryCode | String | The two digit country code. In ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format. | |
DistrictOrCounty | String | The district or county where the person, business, or institution is located. | |
AddressName | String | The name of the person, business or institution at the address. | |
PostalCode | String | The postal code of the address. | |
StateOrRegion | String | The state or region where the person, business or institution is located. | |
Phone | String | The phone number of the person, business, or institution located at the address. | |
IncludeCODFulfillmentPreview | Boolean | When true, returns all fulfillment order previews both for COD and not for COD. Otherwise, returns only fulfillment order previews that are not for COD. | |
IncludeDeliveryWindows | Boolean | When true, returns the ScheduledDeliveryInfo response object, which contains the available delivery windows for a Scheduled Delivery. The ScheduledDeliveryInfo response object can only be returned for fulfillment order previews with ShippingSpeedCategories = ScheduledDelivery. |
Returns delivery tracking information for a package in an outbound shipment for a Multi-Channel Fulfillment order.
Name | Type | References | Description |
PackageNumber [KEY] | Integer | Required.The package identifier. | |
AdditionalLocationInfo | String | Additional location information. | |
CarrierCode | String | The name of the carrier. | |
CarrierPhoneNumber | String | The phone number of the carrier. | |
CarrierURL | String | The URL of the carrier's website. | |
CustomerTrackingLink | String | Link on that allows customers to track the package. | |
CurrentStatus | String | The current delivery status of the package. | |
CurrentStatusDescription | String | Description corresponding to the CurrentStatus value. | |
EstimatedArrivalDate | Datetime | The estimated arrival date. | |
ShipDate | Datetime | The shipping date for the package. | |
ShipToAddressCity | String | The destination city address information for tracking the package. | |
ShipToAddressCountry | String | The destination state address information for tracking the package. | |
ShipToAddressState | String | The destination country address information for tracking the package. | |
SignedForBy | String | The name of the person who signed for the package. | |
EventAddressCity | String | The city address information where the delivery event took place. | |
EventAddressCountry | String | The country address information where the delivery event took place. | |
EventAddressState | String | The state address information where the delivery event took place. | |
EventCode [KEY] | String | The event code where the delivery event took place. | |
EventDate | Datetime | The date and time that the delivery event took place, in ISO 8601 date time format. | |
EventDescription | String | A description for the corresponding event code. | |
TrackingNumber | String | The tracking number for the package. |
An array of items that Amazon accepted for return. Returns empty if no items were accepted for return.
Name | Type | References | Description |
SellerFulfillmentOrderId [KEY] | String | The fulfillment order identifier. | |
SellerReturnItemId | String | An identifier assigned by the seller to the return item. | |
RmaPageURL | String | A URL for a web page that contains the return authorization barcode and the mailing label. This does not include pre-paid shipping. | |
ReturnAuthorizationId | String | An identifier for the return authorization. This identifier associates return items with the return authorization used to return them. | |
SellerFulfillmentOrderItemId | String | The identifier assigned to the item by the seller when the fulfillment order was created. | |
AmazonReturnReasonCode | String | The return reason code that the Amazon fulfillment center assigned to the return item. | |
AmazonShipmentId | String | The identifier for the shipment that is associated with the return item. | |
ReturnComment | String | An optional comment about the return item. | |
Status | String | Indicates if the return item has been processed by an Amazon fulfillment center. | |
StatusChangedDate | Datetime | Indicates when the status last changed. | |
AmazonRmaId | String | The return merchandise authorization (RMA) that Amazon needs to process the return. | |
FulfillmentCenterId | String | An identifier for the Amazon fulfillment center that the return items should be sent to. | |
ReturnToAddressAddressLine1 | String | The first line of the address. | |
ReturnToAddressAddressLine2 | String | Additional address information. | |
ReturnToAddressAddressLine3 | String | Additional address information. | |
ReturnToAddressCity | String | The city where the person, business, or institution is located. This property is required in all countries except Japan. It should not be used in Japan. | |
ReturnToAddressCountryCode | String | The two digit country code. In ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format. | |
ReturnToAddressDistrictOrCounty | String | The district or county where the person, business, or institution is located. | |
ReturnToAddressName | String | The name of the person, business or institution at the address. | |
ReturnToAddressPostalCode | String | The postal code of the address. | |
ReturnToAddressStateOrRegion | String | The state or region where the person, business or institution is located. |
Returns a list of return reason codes for a seller SKU in a given marketplace.
Name | Type | References | Description |
ReturnReasonCode [KEY] | String | A code that indicates a valid return reason. | |
Description | String | A human readable description of the return reason code. | |
TranslatedDescription | String | A translation of the description. The translation is in the language specified in the Language request parameter. | |
SellerSku | String | Required. The seller SKU for which return reason codes are required. | |
MarketplaceId | String | The marketplace for which the seller wants return reason codes. | |
Language | String | The language that the TranslatedDescription property of the ReasonCodeDetails response object should be translated into. | |
SellerFulfillmentOrderId | String | Required. The fulfillment order identifier. |
Usage information for the operation PackageItemsInternal.rsd.
Name | Type | References | Description |
orderItemId | String | ||
orderItemSerialNumbers | String |
Generated schema file.
Name | Type | References | Description |
ASIN [KEY] | String | The value of Amazon Standard Identification Number for the product. | |
SellerSKU | String | Stock Keeping Unit that identifies a product in the Amazon catalog. | |
MarketplaceId | String | A marketplace identifier. Specifies the marketplace for which prices are returned. | |
LandedPriceAmount | Decimal | The landed price amount of the buying price. | |
LandedPriceCurrencyCode | String | The landed price currency code of the buying price. | |
ListingPriceAmount | Decimal | The listing price amount of the buying price. | |
ListingPriceCurrencyCode | String | The listing price currency code of the buying price. | |
ShippingAmount | Decimal | The shipping amount of the buying price. | |
ShippingCurrencyCode | String | The shipping currency code of the buying price. | |
FulfillmentChannel | String | The fulfillment channel for the product listed. | |
ItemCondition | String | The condition of the product listed. | |
ItemSubCondition | String | The sub-condition of the product listed. | |
RegularPriceAmount | Decimal | The regular price amount of the product. | |
RegularPriceCurrencyCode | String | The regular price currecny code for the product. | |
Status | String | The status of the product. | |
ItemType | String | Required. Indicates whether ASIN values or seller SKU values are used to identify items.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。Asin, Sku | |
CustomerType | String | Indicates whether to request pricing information from the point of view of consumer or business buyers. Default is Consumer.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。Consumer, Business | |
OfferType | String | Indicates whether to request pricing information for the seller's B2C (business-to-consumer) or B2B (business-to-business) offers. Default is B2C.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。B2C, B2B |
Returns report details for the reports that match the filters that you specify.
The Cloud will use the Amazon Marketplace API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Cloud.
Note: 'ReportType' attribute is required to query the view. You can view available values for 'ReportType' in Amazon Selling-Partner API Documentation, or you can query the 'ReportTypes' view.
Following are example queries that are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM ReportList WHERE ReportId = '51013018828'
SELECT * FROM ReportList WHERE ReportType = 'GET_FLAT_FILE_OPEN_LISTINGS_DATA' AND CreatedTime > '2021-06-12' AND CreatedTime < '2021-08-01 12:00:00'
SELECT * FROM ReportList WHERE ReportType = 'GET_FLAT_FILE_OPEN_LISTINGS_DATA' AND MarketplaceIds = 'A1VC38T7YXB528'
Note: When filtering with CreatedTime, values older than 90 days will not be accepted.
Name | Type | References | Description |
ReportId [KEY] | String | Report Id. | |
ReportType | String | The type of the Report. ReportType is not required when UseSandbox=True. | |
ReportDocumentId | String | The identifier for the report document. | |
CreatedTime | Datetime | The date and time when the report was created. While filtering, CreatedTime value is only accepted till 90 days old. | |
DataStartTime | Datetime | The start of a date and time range used for selecting the data to report. | |
DataEndTime | Datetime | The end of a date and time range used for selecting the data to report. | |
MarketplaceIds | String | A list of marketplace identifiers for the report. | |
ProcessingStartTime | Datetime | The date and time when the report processing started. | |
ProcessingEndTime | Datetime | The date and time when the report processing completed. | |
ProcessingStatus | String | The processing status of the report. |
Returns report details for the reports that match the filters that you specify.
This view lists all the available Report Types of Selling Partner API and their respective format (JSON, XML, CSV, TSV, PDF, XLSX).
SELECT * FROM ReportTypes
Name | Type | References | Description |
ReportTypeId [KEY] | String | Sequential id of the report type. | |
ReportTypeValue | String | Enumeration value of the report type. | |
ReportFormat | String | The download format of the report type
使用できる値は次のとおりです。JSON, XML, CSV, TSV, PDF, XLSX | |
Category | String | Report format category. | |
Description | String | Report format description. | |
URL | String | Amazon Selling-Partner API Documentation link of the report type. |
Returns the shipping documents associated with a package in a shipment.
Name | Type | References | Description |
ShipmentId [KEY] | String | Required. The unique shipment identifier provided by a shipping service. | |
PackageClientReferenceId | String | Required. A client provided unique identifier for a package being shipped. This value should be saved by the client to pass as a parameter to the getShipmentDocuments operation. | |
PackageDocumentType | String | The type of shipping document. | |
PackageDocumentFormat | String | The file format of the document. | |
PackageDocumentContents | String | A Base64 encoded string of the file contents. | |
PackageDocumentDPI | Long | The resolution of the document (for example, 300 means 300 dots per inch). | |
TrackingId | String | The carrier generated identifier for a package in a purchased shipment. | |
ShippingBusinessId | String | Amazon shipping business to assume for this request. The default is AmazonShipping_UK. Refer X-amzn-shipping-business-id for other marketplaces. |
Returns the available shipping service offerings.
Name | Type | References | Description |
ServiceId [KEY] | String | An identifier for the shipping service. | |
IsEligible | Boolean | A boolean value that indicates whether the shipping service offering is eligible. | |
RequestToken | String | A unique token generated to identify a getRates operation. | |
AvailableValueAddedServiceGroups | String | A JSON format of value-added services available for a shipping service offering. | |
BilledWeightUnit | String | The weight unit. | |
BilledWeightValue | Decimal | The weight value. | |
CarrierId | String | The carrier identifier for the offering, provided by the carrier. | |
CarrierName | String | The carrier name for the offering. | |
DeliveryWindowStartTime | Datetime | The promised start time of delivery. | |
DeliveryWindowEndTime | Datetime | The promised end time of delivery. | |
PickupWindowStartTime | Datetime | The promised start time of pickup. | |
PickupWindowEndTime | Datetime | The promised end time of pickup. | |
RequiresAdditionalInputs | Boolean | When true, indicates that additional inputs are required to purchase this shipment service. | |
RateId | String | An identifier for the rate (shipment offering) provided by a shipping service provider. | |
ServiceName | String | The name of the shipping service. | |
SupportedDocumentSpecifications | String | A JSON format of the document specifications supported for a shipment service offering. | |
TotalChargeUnit | String | The currency code of the total charge. | |
TotalChargeValue | Decimal | The monetary value of the total charge. | |
IneligibilityReasons | String | A JSON aggregate of reasons why a shipping service offering is ineligible. | |
ShipTo | String | Required. The ship to address. | |
ShipFrom | String | The ship from address. | |
ReturnTo | String | The return to address. | |
ShipDate | Datetime | The ship date and time (the requested pickup). This defaults to the current date and time. | |
Packages | String | A list of packages to be shipped through a shipping service offering. | |
ValueAddedServicesValue | Decimal | A collection's monetary value of supported value-added services. | |
ValueAddedServicesUnit | String | A collection's currency code of supported value-added services. | |
TaxDetailsType | String | Indicates the type of tax. | |
TaxDetailsRegistrationNumber | String | The shipper's tax registration number associated with the shipment for customs compliance purposes in certain regions. | |
ChannelType | String | The shipment source channel type.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。AMAZON, EXTERNAL デフォルト値はAMAZONです。 | |
AmazonOrderDetails | String | The Amazon order ID associated with the Amazon order fulfilled by this shipment.. This is required if the shipment source channel is Amazon. | |
AmazonShipmentDetails | String | The encrypted shipment ID. This attribute is required only for a Direct Fulfillment shipment. | |
ShippingBusinessId | String | Amazon shipping business to assume for this request. The default is AmazonShipping_UK. Refer X-amzn-shipping-business-id for other marketplaces. |
Returns tracking information for a purchased shipment.
Name | Type | References | Description |
TrackingId [KEY] | String | A carrier-generated tracking identifier originally returned by the purchaseShipment operation. | |
CarrierId | String | A carrier identifier originally returned by the getRates operation for the selected rate. | |
AlternateLegTrackingId | String | The carrier generated reverse identifier for a returned package in a purchased shipment. | |
PromisedDeliveryDate | Datetime | The date and time by which the shipment is promised to be delivered. | |
SummaryStatus | String | A package status summary. | |
EventCode | String | The tracking event type. | |
EventTime | Datetime | The ISO 8601 formatted timestamp of the event. | |
City | String | The city or town where the event is located. | |
CountryCode | String | The two digit country code. Follows ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format. | |
PostalCode | String | The postal code of that address. It contains a series of letters or digits or both, sometimes including spaces or punctuation. | |
StateOrRegion | String | The state, county or region where the event is located. | |
ShippingBusinessId | String | Amazon shipping business to assume for this request. The default is AmazonShipping_UK. Refer X-amzn-shipping-business-id for other marketplaces. |
Usage information for the operation UpdatePackageDetailsListInternal.rsd.
Name | Type | References | Description |
AmazonOrderId | String | ||
PackageId | String | ||
SlotId | String | ||
StartTime | String | ||
EndTime | String | ||
HandoverMethod | String |
This view is part of Vendor Direct Fulfillment Shipping API. Returns a list of customer invoices created during a time frame that you specify. The date range to search must be no more than 7 days.
Some example queries:
SELECT * FROM VendorCustomerInvoices WHERE PurchaseOrderNumber = '12345'
SELECT * FROM VendorCustomerInvoices WHERE CreatedDate > '2022-09-10T12:00:00' AND CreatedDate < '2022-09-15T12:00:00'
Name | Type | References | Description |
PurchaseOrderNumber [KEY] | String | This field will contain the Purchase Order Number for this order. | |
Content | String | The Base64encoded customer invoice. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description | |
CreatedDate | String | Filters for created date. If left empty the default specified range is from 6 days earlier to today. |
The Selling Partner API for Retail Procurement Orders provides programmatic access to vendor orders data.
The Cloud will use the Amazon Marketplace API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Cloud.
Following are example queries which are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM VendorOrders
SELECT * FROM VendorOrders WHERE PurchaseOrderNumber = '123456789'
SELECT * FROM VendorOrders WHERE PurchaseOrderState = 'New'
SELECT * FROM VendorOrders ORDER BY PurchaseOrderDate DESC
SELECT * FROM VendorOrders WHERE PurchaseOrderDate > '2022-06-01T12:00:00' AND PurchaseOrderDate < '2022-06-10T12:00:00'
SELECT * FROM VendorOrders WHERE PurchaseOrderChangedDate > '2022-06-01T12:00:00' AND PurchaseOrderChangedDate < '2022-06-10T12:00:00'
SELECT * FROM VendorOrders WHERE SellerPartyId = '123456789'
Name | Type | References | Description |
PurchaseOrderNumber | String | The purchase order number for this order. | |
PurchaseOrderState | String | The current state of the purchase order.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。New, Acknowledged, Closed | |
DealCode | String | If requested by the recipient, this field will contain a promotional/deal number. | |
DeliveryWindow | String | This indicates the delivery window. Format is start and end date separated by double hyphen (--) | |
ShipWindow | String | This indicates the ship window. Format is start and end date separated by double hyphen (--). | |
Items | String | A list of items in this purchase order. | |
PaymentMethod | String | Payment method used.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。Prepaid, CreditCard, Consignment, Invoice | |
PurchaseOrderDate | Datetime | The date the purchase order was placed. | |
PurchaseOrderChangedDate | Datetime | The date when purchase order was last changed by Amazon after the order was placed. | |
PurchaseOrderStateChangedDate | Datetime | The date when current purchase order state was changed. | |
PurchaseOrderType | String | Type of purchase order.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。RushOrder, NewProductIntroduction, ConsignedOrder, RegularOrder | |
BillPartyId | String | Assigned identification for the party. For example, warehouse code or vendor code. | |
BillAddressAddressLine1 | String | First line of the address. | |
BillAddressAddressLine2 | String | Additional address information, if required. | |
BillAddressAddressLine3 | String | Additional address information, if required. | |
BillAddressCity | String | The city where the person, business or institution is located. | |
BillAddressCountryCode | String | The two digit country code in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format. | |
BillAddressCounty | String | The county where person, business or institution is located. | |
BillAddressDistrict | String | The district where person, business or institution is located. | |
BillAddressName | String | The name of the address of the person, business or institution. | |
BillAddressPhone | String | The phone number of the person, business or institution located at that address. | |
BillAddressPostalCode | String | The postal code of that address. It contains a series of letters or digits or both. | |
BillAddressStateOrRegion | String | The state or region where person, business or institution is located. | |
BillTaxRegistrationNumber | String | Tax registration number for the entity. For example, VAT ID. | |
BillTaxRegistrationType | String | Tax registration type for the entity.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。VAT, GST | |
ShipPartyId | String | Assigned identification for the party. For example, warehouse code or vendor code. | |
ShipAddressAddressLine1 | String | First line of the address. | |
ShipAddressAddressLine2 | String | Additional address information, if required. | |
ShipAddressAddressLine3 | String | Additional address information, if required. | |
ShipAddressCity | String | The city where the person, business or institution is located. | |
ShipAddressCountryCode | String | The two digit country code in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format. | |
ShipAddressCounty | String | The county where person, business or institution is located. | |
ShipAddressDistrict | String | The district where person, business or institution is located. | |
ShipAddressName | String | The name of the address of the person, business or institution. | |
ShipAddressPhone | String | The phone number of the person, business or institution located at that address. | |
ShipAddressPostalCode | String | The postal code of that address. It contains a series of letters or digits or both. | |
ShipAddressStateOrRegion | String | The state or region where person, business or institution is located. | |
ShipTaxRegistrationNumber | String | Tax registration number for the entity. For example, VAT ID. | |
ShipTaxRegistrationType | String | Tax registration type for the entity. | |
BuyerPartyId | String | Assigned identification for the party. For example, warehouse code or vendor code. | |
BuyerAddressAddressLine1 | String | First line of the address. | |
BuyerAddressAddressLine2 | String | Additional address information, if required. | |
BuyerAddressAddressLine3 | String | Additional address information, if required. | |
BuyerAddressCity | String | The city where the person, business or institution is located. | |
BuyerAddressCountryCode | String | The two digit country code in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format. | |
BuyerAddressCounty | String | The county where person, business or institution is located. | |
BuyerAddressDistrict | String | The district where person, business or institution is located. | |
BuyerAddressName | String | The name of the address of the person, business or institution. | |
BuyerAddressPhone | String | The phone number of the person, business or institution located at that address. | |
BuyerAddressPostalCode | String | The postal code of that address. It contains a series of letters or digits or both. | |
BuyerAddressStateOrRegion | String | The state or region where person, business or institution is located. | |
BuyerTaxRegistrationNumber | String | Tax registration number for the entity. For example, VAT ID. | |
BuyerTaxRegistrationType | String | Tax registration type for the entity. | |
SellerPartyId | String | Assigned identification for the party. For example, warehouse code or vendor code. | |
SellerAddressAddressLine1 | String | First line of the address. | |
SellerAddressAddressLine2 | String | Additional address information, if required. | |
SellerAddressAddressLine3 | String | Additional address information, if required. | |
SellerAddressCity | String | The city where the person, business or institution is located. | |
SellerAddressCountryCode | String | The two digit country code in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format. | |
SellerAddressCounty | String | The county where person, business or institution is located. | |
SellerAddressDistrict | String | The district where person, business or institution is located. | |
SellerAddressName | String | The name of the address of the person, business or institution. | |
SellerAddressPhone | String | The phone number of the person, business or institution located at that address. | |
SellerAddressPostalCode | String | The postal code of that address. It contains a series of letters or digits or both. | |
SellerAddressStateOrRegion | String | The state or region where person, business or institution is located. | |
SellerTaxRegistrationNumber | String | Tax registration number for the entity. For example, VAT ID. | |
SellerTaxRegistrationType | String | Tax registration type for the entity. | |
ImportContainers | String | Types and numbers of container(s) for import purchase orders. Can be a comma-separated list if the shipment has multiple containers. | |
InternationalCommercialTerms | String | Incoterms (International Commercial Terms) are used to divide transaction costs and responsibilities between buyer and seller and reflect state-of-the-art transportation practices. | |
MethodOfPayment | String | If the recipient requests, contains the shipment method of payment. This is for import PO's only.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。PaidBySeller, PrepaidBySeller, FOBPortOfCall, DefinedByBuyerAndSeller, CollectOnDelivery, PaidByBuyer | |
PortOfDelivery | String | The port where goods on an import purchase order must be delivered by the vendor. | |
ShippingInstructions | String | Special instructions regarding the shipment. |
This view is part of Vendor Direct Fulfillment Shipping API. Returns a list of packing slips for the purchase orders that match the criteria specified. Date range to search must not be more than 7 days.
Some example queries:
SELECT * FROM VendorPackingSlips WHERE PurchaseOrderNumber = '12345'
SELECT * FROM VendorPackingSlips WHERE CreatedDate > '2022-09-10T12:00:00' AND CreatedDate < '2022-09-15T12:00:00'
Name | Type | References | Description |
PurchaseOrderNumber [KEY] | String | This field will contain the Purchase Order Number for this order. | |
Content | String | A Base64encoded string of the packing slip PDF. | |
ContentType | String | The format of the file such as PDF, JPEG etc |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description | |
CreatedDate | String | Filters for created date. If left empty the default specified range is from 6 days earlier to today |
ストアドプロシージャはファンクションライクなインターフェースで、Amazon Marketplace の単純なSELECT/INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE 処理にとどまらずCloud の機能を拡張します。
ストアドプロシージャは、パラメータのリストを受け取り、目的の機能を実行し、プロシージャが成功したか失敗したかを示すとともにAmazon Marketplace から関連するレスポンスデータを返します。
Name | Description |
CancelFeed | The CancelFeed cancels feed submission for the given FeedId |
CancelFulfillmentOrder | Requests that Amazon stop attempting to fulfill the fulfillment order indicated by the specified order identifier. You cannot cancel a fulfillment order with a status of Processing, Complete, or CompletePartialled. |
CancelReport | CancelReport operation cancels report request for the given ReportId. |
CancelShipment | Cancels a purchased shipment. |
CheckVendorTransactionStatus | Returns the status of the transaction that you specify. |
ConfirmInboundShipmentPreorder | Returns information needed to confirm a shipment for pre-order. Call this operation after calling the getPreorderInfo operation to get the NeedByDate value and other pre-order information about the shipment. |
ConfirmInboundShipmentTransport | Initiates the process of estimating the shipping cost for an inbound shipment by an Amazon-partnered carrier. |
ConfirmShipment | The ConfirmShipment operation updates the shipment confirmation status for a specified order. |
CreateFulfillmentReturn | Creates a fulfillment return. |
CreateInboundShipmentPlan | Returns one or more inbound shipment plans, which provide the information you need to create one or more inbound shipments for a set of items that you specify. |
CreateProductReviewAndSellerFeedbackSolicitation | Sends a solicitation to a buyer asking for seller feedback and a product review for the specified order. Send only one productReviewAndSellerFeedback or free form proactive message per order. |
CreateReportSchema | Creates a schema file based on the specified report. |
CreateScheduledPackage | Schedules an Easy Ship order |
CreateScheduledPackageBulk | The ConfirmShipment operation updates the shipment confirmation status for a specified order. |
EstimateInboundShipmentTransport | Initiates the process of estimating the shipping cost for an inbound shipment by an Amazon-partnered carrier. |
GetAdditionalInputsSchema | Returns the JSON schema to use for providing additional inputs when needed to purchase a shipping offering. |
GetFeedProcessingReport | Creates and/or returns data for a specific report. |
GetInboundShipmentBillOfLading | Returns a bill of lading for a Less Than Truckload/Full Truckload (LTL/FTL) shipment. |
GetInboundShipmentLabel | Returns package/pallet labels for faster and more accurate shipment processing at the Amazon fulfillment center. |
GetReport | Creates and/or returns data for a specific report. |
GetScheduledPackage | Returns information about a package, including dimensions, weight, time slot information for handover, invoice and item information, and status. |
GetSolicitationActionsForOrder | Returns a list of solicitation types that are available for an order that you specify. |
ListHandoverSlots | Returns time slots available for Easy Ship orders to be scheduled based on the package weight and dimensions that the seller specifies. |
PurchaseShipment | Purchases a shipping service and returns purchase related details and documents. |
RequestReport | The RequestReport operation creates a report request. |
SubmitCartonContentFeed | Submits carton content information for FBA inbound shipments. |
SubmitFulfillmentOrderStatus | Requests that Amazon update the status of an order in the sandbox testing environment. This is a sandbox-only operation and must be directed to a sandbox endpoint. |
SubmitImageFeed | The Image feed allows you to upload various images for a product. Amazon can display several images for each product. |
SubmitInventoryFeed | The Inventory feed allows you to update inventory quantities (stock levels) for your items. |
SubmitOrderAcknowledgementFeed | The Order Acknowledgment feed allows you to acknowledge your success or failure with downloading an order. |
SubmitOrderAdjustmentFeed | The Order Adjustment feed allows you to issue a refund (adjustment) for an order. You must provide a reason for the adjustment, such as Customer Return, and the adjustment amount, broken down by price component (principle, shipping, tax, and so on). |
SubmitOrderFulfillmentFeed | The Order Fulfillment feed allows your system to update Amazon's system with order fulfillment information. |
SubmitOverrideFeed | The Override feed allows you to set an exception to your account-level shipping settings for an individual product (SKU). |
SubmitPriceFeed | The Price feed allows you to set the current price and sale price (when applicable) for an item. |
SubmitProductFeed | The Product feed contains descriptive information about the products in your catalog. This information allows Amazon to build a record and assign a unique identifier known as an ASIN (Amazon Standard Item Number) to each product. |
SubmitRelationshipFeed | The Relationship feed allows you to set up optional relationships between items in your catalog. |
SubmitSourcingOnDemandFeed | Usage information for the operation SubmitSourcingOnDemandFeed.rsb. |
SubmitVATInvoiceFeed | Submit a VAT invoice against a shipment. The invoice must be a PDF document. Note that UPLOAD_VAT_INVOICE is only available in the EU marketplace (VAT program). The throttling limit for the Invoicing Feed is one invoice upload every three seconds. This type is permitted by the Tax Invoicing (Restricted) role. |
SubmitVendorOrderAcknowledgement | Submits acknowledgements for one purchase order. |
SubmitVendorPayments | Submit new invoices to Amazon Marketplace. |
SubmitVendorShipmentConfirmations | Submits shipment confirmations for vendor orders. |
UpdateScheduledPackages | Updates the time slot for handing over the package indicated by the specified scheduledPackageId. You can get the new slotId value for the time slot by calling the listHandoverSlots operation before making another patch call. |
UpdateShipmentStatus | Update the shipment status for a specific order. Intended to be used with sellers who are participating in the In-store Pickup program. |
The CancelFeed cancels feed submission for the given FeedId
Name | Type | Required | Description |
FeedId | String | True | Required. The identifier for the feed. This identifier is unique only in combination with a seller ID. |
Name | Type | Description |
Success | Boolean | Whether the CancelFeed operation successful or not |
Requests that Amazon stop attempting to fulfill the fulfillment order indicated by the specified order identifier. You cannot cancel a fulfillment order with a status of Processing, Complete, or CompletePartialled.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
SellerFulfillmentOrderId | String | True | The fulfillment order identifier. |
Name | Type | Description |
Success | String | Boolean indicating whether the stored procedure was successfully executed. |
CancelReport operation cancels report request for the given ReportId.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
ReportId | String | True | Required. The identifier for the report. This identifier is unique only in combination with a seller ID. |
Name | Type | Description |
Success | Boolean | Whether the CancelReport operation successful or not. |
Cancels a purchased shipment.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
ShipmentId | String | True | The unique shipment identifier provided by a shipping service. |
ShippingBusinessId | String | True | Amazon shipping business to assume for this request. The default is AmazonShipping_UK. Refer X-amzn-shipping-business-id for other marketplaces. |
Name | Type | Description |
Success | String | Boolean indicating whether the stored procedure was successfully executed. |
Returns the status of the transaction that you specify.
Below you can find an example query for executing this stored procedure:
EXECUTE CheckVendorTransactionStatus TransactionId = '1b2ba545-d325-4fc6-bdf1-93ff967cb964'
Name | Type | Required | Description |
TransactionId | String | True | The GUID provided by Amazon in the 'transactionId' field in response to the post request of a specific transaction. |
Name | Type | Description |
Success | String | Boolean indicating whether the stored procedure was successfully executed. |
Status | String | Current processing status of the transaction. Values: Failure, Processing, Success. |
Returns information needed to confirm a shipment for pre-order. Call this operation after calling the getPreorderInfo operation to get the NeedByDate value and other pre-order information about the shipment.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
ShipmentId | String | True | A shipment identifier originally returned by the createInboundShipmentPlan operation. |
NeedByDate | Date | True | Date that the shipment must arrive at the Amazon fulfillment center to avoid delivery promise breaks for pre-ordered items. Must be in YYYY-MM-DD format. The response to the getPreorderInfo operation returns this value. |
MarketplaceId | String | True | A marketplace identifier. Specifies the marketplace the shipment is tied to. |
Name | Type | Description |
Success | Boolean | Boolean indicating whether the stored procedure was successfully executed. |
ConfirmedNeedByDate | Date | Date passed in with the NeedByDate parameter. The confirmed shipment must arrive at the Amazon fulfillment center by this date to avoid delivery promise breaks for pre-ordered items. In YYYY-MM-DD format. |
ConfirmedFulfillableDate | Date | Date that determines which pre-order items in the shipment are eligible for pre-order. The pre-order Buy Box will appear for any pre-order item in the shipment with a release date on or after this date. In YYYY-MM-DD format. |
Initiates the process of estimating the shipping cost for an inbound shipment by an Amazon-partnered carrier.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
ShipmentId | String | False | Required. A shipment identifier originally returned by the createInboundShipmentPlan operation. |
Name | Type | Description |
Success | Boolean | Whether the operation was successful or not. |
TransportStatus | String | Indicates the status of the Amazon-partnered carrier shipment. |
ErrorCode | String | An error code that identifies the type of error that occured. |
ErrorDescription | String | A message that describes the error condition. |
The ConfirmShipment operation updates the shipment confirmation status for a specified order.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
AmazonOrderId | String | True | Required. An Amazon-defined order identifier, in 3-7-7 format. |
MarketplaceId | String | True | Required. The unobfuscated marketplace identifier. |
CodCollectionMethod | String | False | The cod collection method, support in JP only. |
PackageReferenceId | String | True | Required. A seller-supplied identifier that uniquely identifies a package within the scope of an order. Note that only a positive numeric value is supported. |
CarrierCode | String | False | The code of the carrier. |
CarrierName | String | False | The name of the carrier. |
ShippingMethod | String | False | The shipping method of the order. |
TrackingNumber | String | True | Required. The tracking number of the order. |
ShipDate | Datetime | True | Required. The shipping date of the order. |
ShipFromSupplySourceId | String | False | The supply source id of the order. |
OrderItems | String | True | Required. The list of order items, quantities and transparency codes to be updated. Aggregate field. |
Name | Type | Description |
Success | String | Boolean indicating whether the stored procedure was successfully executed. |
Creates a fulfillment return.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
SellerFulfillmentOrderId | String | True | The fulfillment order identifier. |
SellerReturnItemId | String | True | An identifier assigned by the seller to the return item. |
SellerFulfillmentOrderItemId | String | True | The identifier assigned to the item by the seller when the fulfillment order was created. |
AmazonReturnReasonCode | String | True | The return reason code that the Amazon fulfillment center assigned to the return item. |
AmazonShipmentId | String | True | The identifier for the shipment that is associated with the return item. |
ReturnComment | String | False | An optional comment about the return item. |
Name | Type | Description |
Success | String | Boolean indicating whether the stored procedure was successfully executed. |
RmaPageURL | String | A URL for a web page that contains the return authorization barcode and the mailing label. This does not include pre-paid shipping. |
AmazonRmaId | String | The return merchandise authorization (RMA) that Amazon needs to process the return. |
InvalidItemReasonCode | String | A code for why the item is invalid for return. |
InvalidItemReasonDescription | String | A human readable description of the invalid item reason code. |
FulfillmentCenterId | String | An identifier for the Amazon fulfillment center that the return items should be sent to. |
ReturnToAddressAddressLine1 | String | The first line of the address. |
ReturnToAddressAddressLine2 | String | Additional address information. |
ReturnToAddressAddressLine3 | String | Additional address information. |
ReturnToAddressCity | String | The city where the person, business, or institution is located. This property is required in all countries except Japan. It should not be used in Japan. |
ReturnToAddressCountryCode | String | The two digit country code. In ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format. |
ReturnToAddressDistrictOrCounty | String | The district or county where the person, business, or institution is located. |
ReturnToAddressName | String | The name of the person, business or institution at the address. |
ReturnToAddressPostalCode | String | The postal code of the address. |
ReturnToAddressStateOrRegion | String | The state or region where the person, business or institution is located. |
SellerReturnItemId | String | An identifier assigned by the seller to the return item. |
ReturnAuthorizationId | String | An identifier for the return authorization. This identifier associates return items with the return authorization used to return them. |
SellerFulfillmentOrderItemId | String | The identifier assigned to the item by the seller when the fulfillment order was created. |
AmazonReturnReasonCode | String | The return reason code that the Amazon fulfillment center assigned to the return item. |
AmazonShipmentId | String | The identifier for the shipment that is associated with the return item. |
ReturnComment | String | An optional comment about the return item. |
Status | String | Indicates if the return item has been processed by an Amazon fulfillment center. |
StatusChangedDate | Datetime | Indicates when the status last changed. |
Returns one or more inbound shipment plans, which provide the information you need to create one or more inbound shipments for a set of items that you specify.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
LabelPrepPreference | String | True | The seller's preference for label preparation for an inbound shipment. |
ShipToCountryCode | String | False | The two-character country code for the country where the inbound shipment is to be sent. Default: The country code for the seller's home marketplace. |
ShipToCountrySubdivisionCode | String | False | The two-character country code, followed by a dash and then up to three characters that represent the subdivision of the country where the inbound shipment is to be sent. For example, |
InboundShipmentPlanRequestItems | String | True | List of item information for creating an inbound shipment plan. |
ShipFromAddressLine1 | String | True | The street address information. |
ShipFromAddressLine2 | String | False | Additional street address information, if required. |
ShipFromAddressCity | String | True | The city. |
ShipFromAddressCountryCode | String | True | The country code in two-character ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format. |
ShipFromAddressDistrictOrCounty | String | False | The district or county. |
ShipFromAddressName | String | True | Name of the individual or business. |
ShipFromAddressPostalCode | String | True | The postal code. If postal codes are used in your marketplace, we recommended that you include one with your request. |
ShipFromAddressStateOrProvinceCode | String | True | The state or province code. If state or province codes are used in your marketplace, it is recommended that you include one with your request. |
Name | Type | Description |
Success | Boolean | Boolean indicating whether the stored procedure was successfully executed. |
ShipmentId | String | A shipment identifier originally returned by the createInboundShipmentPlan operation. |
DestinationFulfillmentCenterId | String | An Amazon fulfillment center identifier created by Amazon. |
EstimatedBoxFeePerUnitCurrencyCode | String | The manual processing currency code fee per unit. |
EstimatedBoxFeePerUnitValue | Integer | The manual processing value fee per unit. |
EstimatedBoxTotalFeeCurrencyCode | String | The total manual processing currency code fee for the shipment. |
EstimatedBoxTotalFeeValue | Integer | The total manual processing value fee for the shipment. |
EstimatedBoxTotalUnits | Integer | The number of units to ship. |
SellerSKU | String | The seller SKU of the item. |
FulfillmentNetworkSKU | String | Amazon's fulfillment network SKU of the item. |
Quantity | String | The item quantity that you are shipping. |
PrepInstruction | String | Preparation instructions for shipping an item to Amazon's fulfillment network. For more information about preparing items for shipment to Amazon's fulfillment network, see the Seller Central Help for your marketplace. |
PrepOwner | String | Indicates who will prepare the item. |
LabelPrepType | String | The type of label preparation that is required for the inbound shipment. |
ShipToAddressLine1 | String | The address line 1 of the Amazon fulfillment center to which to ship the items. |
ShipToAddressLine2 | String | The address line 2 of the Amazon fulfillment center to which to ship the items. |
ShipToAddressCity | String | The address city of the Amazon fulfillment center to which to ship the items. |
ShipToAddressCountryCode | String | The address country code of the Amazon fulfillment center to which to ship the items. |
ShipToAddressDistrictOrCounty | String | The address district or county of the Amazon fulfillment center to which to ship the items. |
ShipToAddressName | String | The address name of the Amazon fulfillment center to which to ship the items. |
ShipToAddressPostalCode | String | The address postal code of the Amazon fulfillment center to which to ship the items. |
ShipToAddressStateOrProvinceCode | String | The address state or province code of the Amazon fulfillment center to which to ship the items. |
Sends a solicitation to a buyer asking for seller feedback and a product review for the specified order. Send only one productReviewAndSellerFeedback or free form proactive message per order.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
AmazonOrderId | String | True | Required. An Amazon order identifier. This specifies the order for which you want a list of available solicitation types. |
MarketplaceId | String | True | Required. A marketplace identifier. This specifies the marketplace in which the order was placed. Only one marketplace can be specified. |
Name | Type | Description |
Success | Boolean | Whether the GetSolicitationActionsForOrder operation successful or not |
Creates a schema file based on the specified report.
The generated schema file outlines the metadata for the report, such as columns and column data types. You can edit the file to adjust data types, rename columns, and include or exclude columns.
EXECUTE [CreateReportSchema] [ReportName] = "TestReportTest2", [CustomFieldIdsPrimitive] = "1459925,1459928", [CustomFieldIdsDropdown] = "1469785", [CustomDimensionKeyIds] = "13539564", [BaseReportName] = "TestReportTest1", [FileName] = "...\\TestReportTest2.rsd"
Name | Type | Required | Description |
TableName | String | True | The name for the new table. |
ReportId | String | True | The report document id. |
ReportName | String | True | The name of the report. |
FileName | String | False | The full file path and name of the schema to generate. Begin by choosing a parent directory (this parent directory should be set in the Location property). Complete the filepath by adding a directory corresponding to the schema used (SellingPartner), followed by a .rsd file with a name corresponding to the desired table name. For example : 'C:\\Users\\User\\Desktop\\AmazonMarketplace\\SellingPartner\\Filters.rsd' |
Description | String | False | An optional description for the table. |
WriteToFile | String | False | Whether to write the contents of the generated schema to a file or not. The input defaults to true. Set it to false to write to FileStream or FileData. |
Name | Type | Description |
Success | String | Whether or not the schema was created successfully. |
FileData | String | The generated schema encoded in base64. Only returned if FileName is not set. |
Schedules an Easy Ship order
Name | Type | Required | Description |
AmazonOrderID | String | True | An Amazon-defined order identifier. Identifies the order that the seller wants to deliver using Amazon Easy Ship. |
MarketplaceId | String | True | A string of up to 255 characters. |
PackageItems | String | False | A time window to hand over an Easy Ship package to Amazon Logistics. |
SlotId | String | True | TAn Amazon-defined identifier for a time slot. |
StartTime | Datetime | True | The start date and time of the time slot. |
EndTime | Datetime | True | The end date and time of the time slot. |
HandoverMethod | String | False | The method by which a seller will hand a package over to Amazon Logistics.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。Pickup, Dropoff |
PackageIdentifier | String | False | Optional seller-created identifier that is printed on the shipping label to help the seller identify the package. |
Name | Type | Description |
Success | String | Boolean indicating whether the stored procedure was successfully executed. |
The ConfirmShipment operation updates the shipment confirmation status for a specified order.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
LabelFormat | String | True | The file format in which the shipping label will be created. |
MarketplaceId | String | True | A string of up to 255 characters. |
OrderScheduleDetailsList | String | True | An array allowing users to specify orders to be scheduled. |
Name | Type | Description |
Success | String | Boolean indicating whether the stored procedure was successfully executed. |
Initiates the process of estimating the shipping cost for an inbound shipment by an Amazon-partnered carrier.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
ShipmentId | String | False | Required. A shipment identifier originally returned by the createInboundShipmentPlan operation. |
Name | Type | Description |
Success | Boolean | Whether the operation was successful or not. |
TransportStatus | String | Indicates the status of the Amazon-partnered carrier shipment. |
ErrorCode | String | An error code that identifies the type of error that occured. |
ErrorDescription | String | A message that describes the error condition. |
Returns the JSON schema to use for providing additional inputs when needed to purchase a shipping offering.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
RequestToken | String | True | The request token returned in the response to the getRates operation. |
RateId | String | True | The rate identifier for the shipping offering (rate) returned in the response to the getRates operation. |
ShippingBusinessId | String | True | Amazon shipping business to assume for this request. The default is AmazonShipping_UK. Refer X-amzn-shipping-business-id for other marketplaces. |
Name | Type | Description |
Success | String | Boolean indicating whether the stored procedure was successfully executed. |
Schema | String | The JSON schema to use to provide additional inputs when required to purchase a shipping offering. |
Creates and/or returns data for a specific report.
Use the GetFeedProcessingReport stored procedure to download the processing report of a feed based on feedDocumentId. FeedDocumentId can be retrieved from the Feeds view as 'ResultFeedDocumentId'.
EXEC GetFeedProcessingReport @FeedDocumentId = '1234', @DownloadPath = 'C:\Tests\AmazonMarketplaceTest'
Name | Type | Required | Description |
FeedDocumentId | String | True | Unique ID of the feed processing report to download. |
DownloadPath | String | False | The File path to write the report data. If no path is specified, the file is kept in memory in the FileData output. |
Name | Type | Description |
Success | Boolean | Boolean indicating the result of the operation. |
URL | String | A unique identifier for the report. |
FileData | String | The file data output, if the LocalPath input is empty. |
Returns a bill of lading for a Less Than Truckload/Full Truckload (LTL/FTL) shipment.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
ShipmentId | String | False | Required. A shipment identifier originally returned by the createInboundShipmentPlan operation. |
Name | Type | Description |
Success | Boolean | Whether the operation was successful or not. |
TransportStatus | String | URL to download the bill of lading for the package. Note: The URL will only be valid for 15 seconds. |
Returns package/pallet labels for faster and more accurate shipment processing at the Amazon fulfillment center.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
ShipmentId | String | False | Required. A shipment identifier originally returned by the createInboundShipmentPlan operation. |
PageType | String | True | Required. The page type to use to print the labels. Submitting a PageType value that is not supported in your marketplace returns an error. |
LabelType | String | True | Required. The type of labels requested. |
NumberOfPackages | Integer | False | The number of packages in the shipment. |
PackageLabelsToPrint | String | False | A list of identifiers that specify packages for which you want package labels printed. |
NumberOfPallets | Integer | False | The number of pallets in the shipment. This returns four identical labels for each pallet. |
PageSize | Integer | False | The page size for paginating through the total packages' labels. This is a required parameter for Non-Partnered LTL Shipments. Max value:1000. |
PageStartIndex | Integer | False | The page start index for paginating through the total packages' labels. This is a required parameter for Non-Partnered LTL Shipments. |
Name | Type | Description |
Success | Boolean | Whether the operation was successful or not. |
TransportStatus | String | URL to download the label for the package. Note: The URL will only be valid for 15 seconds. |
Creates and/or returns data for a specific report.
We can use GetReport stored procedure in two ways:
To create and download a report in which case you must at least set ReportType, StartDate and DownloadPath attributes. The stored procedure will wait until the report is processed server side.
EXEC GetReport @ReportDocumentId = '1234', @DownloadPath = 'C:\Tests\AmazonMarketplaceTest'
Name | Type | Required | Description |
ReportDocumentId | String | True | Unique ID of the report to download. |
DownloadPath | String | True | The File path to write the report data. If no path is specified, the file is kept in memory in the FileData output. |
IsRestrictedReport | Boolean | False | Boolean indicating whether the specified report ID is a restricted report (report containing PII).
デフォルト値はfalseです。 |
Name | Type | Description |
Success | Boolean | Boolean indicating the result of the operation. |
Url | String | A unique identifier for the report. |
FileData | String | The file data output, if the LocalPath input is empty. |
Returns information about a package, including dimensions, weight, time slot information for handover, invoice and item information, and status.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
AmazonOrderID | String | True | An Amazon-defined order identifier. Identifies the order that the seller wants to deliver using Amazon Easy Ship. |
MarketplaceId | String | True | An identifier for the marketplace in which the seller is selling. |
Name | Type | Description |
AmazonOrderId | String | An Amazon-defined order identifier. Identifies the order that the seller wants to deliver using Amazon Easy Ship. |
PackageId | String | An Amazon-defined identifier for the scheduled package. |
DimensionLength | Decimal | The length dimension. |
DimensionWidth | Decimal | The width dimension. |
DimensionHeight | Decimal | The height dimension. |
DimensionUnit | String | The unit of measurement used to measure the length. |
DimensionIdentifier | String | Identifier for custom package dimensions. |
WeightValue | Decimal | The weight of the package. |
WeightUnit | String | The unit of measurement used to measure the weight. |
PackageItems | String | A list of items contained in the package. |
SlotId | String | An Amazon-defined identifier for a time slot. |
StartTime | Datetime | The start date and time of the time slot. |
EndTime | Datetime | The end date and time of the time slot. |
HandoverMethod | String | The method by which a seller will hand a package over to Amazon Logistics. |
PackageIdentifier | String | Optional seller-created identifier that is printed on the shipping label to help the seller identify the package. |
InvoiceNumber | String | The invoice number. |
InvoiceDate | Datetime | The date that the invoice was generated. |
PackageStatus | String | The status of the package. |
TrackingId | String | The tracking identifier for the scheduled package. |
Returns a list of solicitation types that are available for an order that you specify.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
AmazonOrderId | String | True | Required. An Amazon order identifier. This specifies the order for which you want a list of available solicitation types. |
MarketplaceId | String | True | Required. A marketplace identifier. This specifies the marketplace in which the order was placed. Only one marketplace can be specified. |
Name | Type | Description |
Response | String | The response of the API call |
Success | Boolean | Whether the GetSolicitationActionsForOrder operation successful or not |
Returns time slots available for Easy Ship orders to be scheduled based on the package weight and dimensions that the seller specifies.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
MarketplaceId | String | True | A string of up to 255 characters. |
AmazonOrderID | String | True | An Amazon-defined order identifier. Identifies the order that the seller wants to deliver using Amazon Easy Ship. |
PackageDimensionLength | Decimal | True | The length dimension. |
PackageDimensionWidth | Decimal | True | The width dimension. |
PackageDimensionHeight | Decimal | True | The height dimension. |
PackageDimensionUnit | String | True | The unit of measurement used to measure the length.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。Cm |
PackageDimensionIdentifier | String | True | Identifier for custom package dimensions. |
PackageWeightValue | Decimal | True | The weight of the package. |
PackageWeightUnit | String | True | The unit of measurement used to measure the weight.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。G |
Name | Type | Description |
SlotId | String | An Amazon-defined identifier for a time slot. |
StartTime | String | The start date and time of the time slot. |
EndTime | Datetime | The end date and time of the time slot. |
Purchases a shipping service and returns purchase related details and documents.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
RequestToken | String | False | A unique token generated to identify a getRates operation. |
RateId | String | False | An identifier for the rate (shipment offering) provided by a shipping service provider. |
RequestedDocumentFormat | String | False | The file format of the document.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。PDF, PNG, ZPL |
RequestedDocumentLength | String | False | The length of the document measured in the units specified. |
RequestedDocumentUnit | String | False | The unit of measurement. |
RequestedDocumentWidth | String | False | The width of the document measured in the units specified. |
RequestedDocumentDPI | String | False | The dots per inch (DPI) value used in printing. This value represents a measure of the resolution of the document. |
RequestedDocumentPageLayout | String | False | Indicates the position of the label on the paper. Should be the same value as returned in getRates response. |
RequestedDocumentNeedFileJoining | Boolean | False | When true, files should be stitched together. Otherwise, files should be returned separately. Defaults to false. |
RequestedDocumentTypes | String | False | A list of the document types requested.
RequestedValueAddedServices | String | False | The value-added services to be added to a shipping service purchase. |
AdditionalInputs | String | False | The additional inputs required to purchase a shipping offering, in JSON format. Additional inputs are only required when indicated by the requiresAdditionalInputs property in the response to the getRates operation. |
ShippingBusinessId | String | False | Amazon shipping business to assume for this request. The default is AmazonShipping_UK. Refer X-amzn-shipping-business-id for other marketplaces.
デフォルト値はAmazonShipping_UKです。 |
IdempotencyKey | String | False | A unique value which the server uses to recognize subsequent retries of the same request. |
Name | Type | Description |
ShipmentId | String | The unique shipment identifier provided by a shipping service. |
PackageClientReferenceId | String | A client provided unique identifier for a package being shipped. This value should be saved by the client to pass as a parameter to the getShipmentDocuments operation. |
PackageDocumentType | String | The type of shipping document. |
PackageDocumentFormat | String | The file format of the document. |
PackageDocumentContents | String | A Base64 encoded string of the file contents. |
TrackingId | String | The carrier generated identifier for a package in a purchased shipment. |
PromisedDeliveryStartTime | Datetime | The promised start time of delivery. |
PromisedDeliveryEndTime | Datetime | The promised end time of delivery. |
PromisedPickupStartTime | Datetime | The promised start time of pickup. |
PromisedPickupEndTime | Datetime | The promised end time of pickup. |
The RequestReport operation creates a report request.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
ReportType | String | True | Required. Indicates the report type to request. |
DataStartTime | Datetime | False | The start date of the date range used to select the data to report.By default it is the current date. If specified, it must be before the current date. |
DataEndTime | Datetime | False | End date of the date range used to select the data to report. By default it is the current date. If specified, it must be before the current date. |
ReportOptions | String | False | Additional information to pass to the report. If the report accepts ReportOptions, the information is displayed in the report description in the ReportType enumerator section. |
MarketplaceIds | String | True | Required. A list of one or more marketplace IDs for the marketplace that registered the listing account. |
Name | Type | Description |
ReportId | String | A unique identifier for the report. |
Submits carton content information for FBA inbound shipments.
The stored procedure accepts two aggregated formats: #TEMP tables and XML aggregate
You must include in your query:
INSERT Item#TEMP (SKU, QuantityShipped, QuantityInCase) VALUES ('16510', 200, 1)
INSERT Carton#TEMP (CartonId, Item) VALUES ('28', 'Item#TEMP')
INSERT INTO ContentsRequestFeedAggregate#TEMP (ShipmentId, NumCartons, Carton) VALUES ('NY59', 1, 'Carton#TEMP')
Then you execute the procedure by specifying the value of CartonContentsRequestFeedAggregate with the name of #TEMP table used ContentsRequestFeedAggregate#TEMP.
EXEC SubmitCartonContentFeed CartonContentsRequestFeedAggregate = 'ContentsRequestFeedAggregate#TEMP', MarketplaceIds='11111'
*The temporary table must be defined and used within the same connection. Closing the connection will clear out any temporary tables in memory.
The XML aggregate must follow the API structure (
<Message> <MessageID>1</MessageID> <CartonContentsRequest> <ShipmentId>NY59</ShipmentId> <NumCartons>1</NumCartons> <Carton> <CartonId>28</CartonId> <Item> <SKU>16510</SKU> <QuantityShipped>200</QuantityShipped> <QuantityInCase>1</QuantityInCase> </Item> </Carton> </CartonContentsRequest> </Message>
EXEC SubmitCartonContentFeed CartonContentsRequestFeedAggregate = '...(the above XML)...', MarketplaceIds='11111'
Name | Type | Required | Description |
ShipmentId | String | False | A shipment identifier originally returned by the createInboundShipmentPlan operation. |
NumCartons | Integer | False | The number of cartons in the feed. |
CartonId | String | False | A carton identifier. |
SKU | String | False | The seller SKU of the item. |
QuantityShipped | Integer | False | The item quantity that you are shipping. |
QuantityInCase | Integer | False | The item quantity in each case, for case-packed items. Note that QuantityInCase multiplied by the number of boxes in the inbound shipment equals QuantityShipped.
デフォルト値は1です。 |
ExpirationDate | Date | False | The expiration date for the item, if there is any. |
Item | String | False | SKU and quantity information for the items in the shipment in XML format. |
Carton | String | False | Aggregate representing the carton. Can be in the form of XML or #TEMP table. |
CartonContentsRequestFeedAggregate | String | False | Carton content information for FBA inbound shipments in XML format. |
MarketplaceIds | String | True | Required. A list of one or more marketplace IDs for the marketplace that registered the listing account. |
Name | Type | Description |
FeedId | String | A unique identifier for the feed. |
FeedType | String | The type of feed submitted. |
SubmittedDate | Datetime | The date and time when the feed was submitted. |
FeedProcessingStatus | String | The processing status of the feed submission. |
Requests that Amazon update the status of an order in the sandbox testing environment. This is a sandbox-only operation and must be directed to a sandbox endpoint.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
SellerFulfillmentOrderId | String | True | The fulfillment order identifier. |
FulfillmentOrderStatus | String | True | The current status of the fulfillment order. |
Name | Type | Description |
Success | String | Boolean indicating whether the stored procedure was successfully executed. |
The Image feed allows you to upload various images for a product. Amazon can display several images for each product.
The stored procedure accepts two aggregated formats: #TEMP tables and XML aggregate
You must include in your query:
INSERT INTO ImageFeedAggregate#TEMP (SKU, ImageType, ImageLocation, OperationType) VALUES ('15700', 'Main', '', 'Update')
Then you execute the procedure by specifying the value of ImageFeedAggregate with the name of #TEMP table used ImageFeedAggregate#TEMP.
Exec SubmitImageFeed ProductImageFeedAggregate = 'ImageFeedAggregate#TEMP', marketplaceids = 'A1VC38T7YXB528'
*The temporary table must be defined and used within the same connection. Closing the connection will clear out any temporary tables in memory.
The XML aggregate must follow the API structure (
<Message> <MessageID>1</MessageID> <OperationType>Update</OperationType> <ProductImage> <SKU>15700</SKU> <ImageType>Main</ImageType> <ImageLocation></ImageLocation> </ProductImage> </Message>
EXEC SubmitImageFeed ProductImageFeedAggregate = '...(the above XML)...', marketplaceids = 'A1VC38T7YXB528'
Name | Type | Required | Description |
SKU | String | True | Required. Used to identify an individual product. Each product must have a SKU, and each SKU must be unique. |
ImageType | String | True | Required. Available Values are Main, Swatch, BKLB, PT1, PT2, PT3, PT4, PT5, PT6, PT7, PT8, Search, PM01, MainOfferImage, OfferImage1, OfferImage2, OfferImage3, OfferImage4, OfferImage5, PFEE, PFUK, PFDE, PFFR, PFIT, PFES, EEGL, PT98, PT99, and ELFL. |
ImageLocation | String | False | The exact location of the image using a full URL (such as |
OperationType | String | True | Required. Used to specify the type of operation (Update or Delete) to be performed on the data. |
ProductImageFeedAggregate | String | False | An aggregate representing the feed. Can be in the form of XML or a #TEMP table. |
MarketplaceIds | String | True | Required. A list of one or more marketplace IDs for the marketplace that registered the listing account. |
Name | Type | Description |
FeedId | String | A unique identifier for the feed. |
FeedType | String | The type of feed submitted. |
SubmittedDate | Datetime | The date and time when the feed was submitted. |
FeedProcessingStatus | String | The processing status of the feed submission. |
The Inventory feed allows you to update inventory quantities (stock levels) for your items.
The stored procedure accepts two aggregated formats: #TEMP tables and XML aggregate
You must include in your query:
INSERT INTO InventoryFeed#TEMP (SKU, Quantity, FulfillmentLatency) VALUES ('15700', 11, '2')
INSERT INTO InventoryFeed#TEMP (SKU, Quantity, FulfillmentLatency) VALUES ('99987867', 10, '2')
Then you execute the procedure by specifying the value of InventoryFeedAggregate with the name of #TEMP table used InventoryFeed#TEMP.
EXEC SubmitInventoryFeed InventoryFeedAggregate = 'InventoryFeed#TEMP', marketplaceids = 'A1VC38T7YXB528'
*The temporary table must be defined and used within the same connection. Closing the connection will clear out any temporary tables in memory.
The XML aggregate must follow the API structure (
<Message> <MessageID>1</MessageID> <Inventory> <SKU>15700</SKU> <Quantity>11</Quantity> <FulfillmentLatency>2</FulfillmentLatency> </Inventory> </Message> <Message> <MessageID>2</MessageID> <Inventory> <SKU>99987867</SKU> <Quantity>10</Quantity> <FulfillmentLatency>2</FulfillmentLatency> </Inventory> </Message>
EXEC SubmitInventoryFeed InventoryFeedAggregate = '...(the above XML)...', marketplaceids = 'A1VC38T7YXB528'
Name | Type | Required | Description |
SKU | String | False | Required. Used to identify an individual product. Each product must have a SKU, and each SKU must be unique. |
FulfillmentCenterID | String | False | Seller-defined identifier for a fulfillment center. |
Available | Boolean | False | Indicates whether or not the item is available (true = available; false = not available). |
Quantity | Integer | False | Indicates whether or not an item is available (any positive number = available; 0 = not available). |
RestockDate | Date | False | Date the item will be restocked, if not currently available. |
FulfillmentLatency | String | False | The number of days between the order date and the ship date (a whole number between 1 and 30). |
SwitchFulfillmentTo | String | False | Used only when switching the fulfillment of an item from MFN (merchant fulfilled) to AFN (Amazon fulfilled) or vice versa. |
OperationType | String | False | Required. Used to specify the type of operation (Update or Delete) to be performed on the data. |
InventoryFeedAggregate | String | False | An aggregate representing the feed. Can be in the form of XML or a #TEMP table. |
MarketplaceIds | String | True | Required. A list of one or more marketplace IDs for the marketplace that registered the listing account. |
Name | Type | Description |
FeedId | String | A unique identifier for the feed. |
FeedType | String | The type of feed submitted. |
SubmittedDate | Datetime | The date and time when the feed was submitted. |
FeedProcessingStatus | String | The processing status of the feed submission. |
The Order Acknowledgment feed allows you to acknowledge your success or failure with downloading an order.
The stored procedure accepts two aggregated formats: #TEMP tables and XML aggregate
You must include in your query:
INSERT INTO OrderAcknowledgementFeedAggregate#TEMP (AmazonOrderId, StatusCode, AmazonOrderItemCode, CancelReason) VALUES ('249-6070298-2783041', 'Failure', '25959136016214', 'NoInventory')
Then you execute the procedure by specifying the value of OrderAcknowledgementFeedAggregate with the name of #TEMP table used OrderAcknowledgementFeedAggregate#TEMP.
EXEC SubmitOrderAcknowledgementFeed OrderAcknowledgementFeedAggregate = 'OrderAcknowledgementFeedAggregate#TEMP', marketplaceids = 'A1VC38T7YXB528'
*The temporary table must be defined and used within the same connection. Closing the connection will clear out any temporary tables in memory.
The XML aggregate must follow the API structure (
<Message> <MessageID>1</MessageID> <OrderAcknowledgement> <AmazonOrderID>249-6070298-2783041</AmazonOrderID> <StatusCode>Failure</StatusCode> <Item> <AmazonOrderItemCode>25959136016214</AmazonOrderItemCode> <CancelReason>NoInventory</CancelReason> </Item> </OrderAcknowledgement> </Message>
EXEC SubmitOrderAcknowledgementFeed OrderAcknowledgementFeedAggregate = '...(the above XML)...', marketplaceids = 'A1VC38T7YXB528'
Name | Type | Required | Description |
AmazonOrderID | String | False | Amazon's unique identifier for an order, which identifies the entire order, regardless of the number of individual items in the order. |
MerchantOrderID | String | False | Optional seller-supplied order ID. Amazon will map the MerchantOrderID to the AmazonOrderID, and you can then use your own order ID (MerchantOrderID) for subsequent feeds relating to the order. |
StatusCode | String | False | Allows you to acknowledge your success or failure with downloading an order. StatusCode can be either Success or Failure. |
AmazonOrderItemCode | String | False | Amazon's unique identifier for an item in an order. |
MerchantOrderItemID | String | False | Optional seller-supplied ID for an item in an order. If the MerchantOrderItemID is specified with the AmazonOrderItemCode, Amazon will map the two IDs and you can then use your own order item ID for subsequent feeds relating to that order item. |
CancelReason | String | False | Used only when sending a StatusCode of Failure. |
ItemAggregate | String | False | An aggregate representing an order Item. Can be in the form of XML or a #TEMP table. Use this field when multiple items in the order need to be acknowledged. |
OrderAcknowledgementFeedAggregate | String | False | An aggregate representing the feed. Can be in the form of XML or a #TEMP table. |
MarketplaceIds | String | True | Required. A list of one or more marketplace IDs for the marketplace that registered the listing account. |
Name | Type | Description |
FeedId | String | A unique identifier for the feed. |
FeedType | String | The type of feed submitted. |
SubmittedDate | Datetime | The date and time when the feed was submitted. |
FeedProcessingStatus | String | The processing status of the feed submission. |
The Order Adjustment feed allows you to issue a refund (adjustment) for an order. You must provide a reason for the adjustment, such as Customer Return, and the adjustment amount, broken down by price component (principle, shipping, tax, and so on).
The stored procedure accepts two aggregated formats: #TEMP tables and XML aggregate
You must include in your query:
INSERT INTO ItemPriceAdjustmentsAggregate#TEMP (ItemPriceAdjustmentsComponentType, ItemPriceAdjustmentsComponentAmount, ItemPriceAdjustmentsComponentAmountCurrency) VALUES ('Shipping', '150', 'JPY')
INSERT INTO AdjustedItemAggregate#TEMP (AdjustedItemAmazonOrderItemCode, AdjustedItemAdjustmentReason, ItemPriceAdjustmentsAggregate) VALUES ('25959136016214', 'CustomerReturn', 'ItemPriceAdjustmentsAggregate#TEMP')
INSERT INTO OrderAdjustmentFeedAggregate#TEMP (AmazonOrderID, OperationType, AdjustedItemAggregate) VALUES ('503-0717426-9080645', 'Update', 'AdjustedItemAggregate#TEMP')
Then you execute the procedure by specifying the value of OrderAdjustmentFeedAggregate with the name of #TEMP table used OrderAdjustmentFeedAggregate#TEMP.
EXEC SubmitOrderAdjustmentFeed OrderAdjustmentFeedAggregate = 'OrderAdjustmentFeedAggregate#TEMP', marketplaceids = 'A1VC38T7YXB528'
*The temporary table must be defined and used within the same connection. Closing the connection will clear out any temporary tables in memory.
The XML aggregate must follow the API structure (
<Message> <MessageID>1</MessageID> <OperationType>Update</OperationType> <OrderAdjustment> <AmazonOrderID>503-0717426-9080645</AmazonOrderID> <AdjustedItem> <AmazonOrderItemCode>25959136016214</AmazonOrderItemCode> <AdjustmentReason>CustomerReturn</AdjustmentReason> <ItemPriceAdjustments> <Component> <Type>Shipping</Type> <Amount currency="JPY">150</Amount> </Component> </ItemPriceAdjustments> </AdjustedItem> </OrderAdjustment> </Message>
EXEC SubmitOrderAdjustmentFeed OrderAdjustmentFeedAggregate = '...(the above XML)...', marketplaceids = 'A1VC38T7YXB528'
Name | Type | Required | Description |
AmazonOrderID | String | False | Amazon's unique identifier for an order, which identifies the entire order regardless of the number of individual items in the order. |
OperationType | String | False | Required if AdjustedItemAggregate is empty. Used to specify the type of operation (Update or Delete) to be performed on the data. |
MerchantOrderID | String | False | Optional seller-supplied order ID. The first step is to establish the MerchantOrderID in the acknowledgment feed. Amazon will map the MerchantOrderID to the AmazonOrderID, and you can then use your own order ID (MerchantOrderID) for subsequent feeds relating to that order. See the base XSD for the definition. |
AdjustedItemQuantityCancelled | Integer | False | Quantity of items being canceled. Used only for partial cancellations. |
AdjustedItemAmazonOrderItemCode | String | False | Amazon's unique ID for an item in an order. |
AdjustedItemMerchantOrderItemID | String | False | Optional seller-supplied ID for an item in an order. It can be used in order processing if the pairing was established in the acknowledgment feed. |
AdjustedItemMerchantAdjustmentItemID | String | False | Optional seller-supplied unique ID for the adjustment (not used by Amazon). |
AdjustedItemAdjustmentReason | String | False | Reason for the adjustment. |
ItemPriceAdjustmentsComponentType | String | False | The Type of price adjustment for the item. Values include: Principal, Shipping, Tax, ShippingTax, RestockingFee, RestockingFeeTax, GiftWrap, GiftWrapTax, Surcharge, ReturnShipping, Goodwill, ExportCharge, COD, CODTax, Other, FreeReplacementReturnShipping |
ItemPriceAdjustmentsComponentAmount | Decimal | False | The Amount of the adjustment. |
ItemPriceAdjustmentsComponentAmountCurrency | String | False | The Currency for the Amount. |
ItemPriceAdjustmentsAggregate | String | False | An aggregate representing the Amount the buyer is to be refunded for the item. Can be in the form of XML, JSON, or a #TEMP table. Use this field if multiple item price adjustments need to be applied. |
PromotionAdjustmentsPromotionClaimCode | String | False | The ClaimCode for the Promotion Adjustment. |
PromotionAdjustmentsMerchantPromotionID | String | False | The Promotion Id for the Promotion Adjustment. |
PromotionAdjustmentsComponentType | String | False | The Type of price adjustment for the promotion. |
PromotionAdjustmentsComponentAmount | Decimal | False | The Amount of price adjustment for the promotion. |
PromotionAdjustmentsComponentAmountCurrency | String | False | The Currency for the Amount. |
PromotionAdjustmentsComponentAggregate | String | False | An aggregate representing the Amount the buyer is to be refunded for the promotion, broken down by type. Can be in the form of XML, JSON, or a #TEMP table. Use this field if multiple promotion price adjustments need to be applied. |
PromotionAdjustmentsAggregate | String | False | An aggregate representing the promotion. Child Elements include PromotionClaimCode, MerchantPromotionID, ComponentAggregate (Type, Amount and Amount@Currency). Use this field if multiple promotions need to be applied. |
AdjustedItemAggregate | String | False | An aggregate representing order adjustment information for a specific item. Can be in the form of XML, JSON, or a #TEMP table. Use this field if multiple items need adjusting in 1 order. |
OrderAdjustmentFeedAggregate | String | False | An aggregate representing the feed. Can be in the form of XML or a #TEMP table. |
MarketplaceIds | String | True | Required. A list of one or more marketplace IDs for the marketplace that registered the listing account. |
Name | Type | Description |
FeedId | String | A unique identifier for the feed. |
FeedType | String | The type of feed submitted. |
SubmittedDate | Datetime | The date and time when the feed was submitted. |
FeedProcessingStatus | String | The processing status of the feed submission. |
The Order Fulfillment feed allows your system to update Amazon's system with order fulfillment information.
The stored procedure accepts two aggregated formats: #TEMP tables and XML aggregate
You must include in your query:
INSERT INTO ItemAggregate#TEMP (ItemAmazonOrderItemCode, ItemQuantity) VALUES ('25959136016214', '1');
INSERT INTO OrderFulfillmentFeedAggregate#TEMP (AmazonOrderID, FulfillmentDate, FulfillmentDataCarrierName, FulfillmentDataShippingMethod, FulfillmentDataShipperTrackingNumber, ItemAggregate) VALUES ('249-6070298-2783041', '2017-02-01T00:00:00Z', 'CData Delivery Company', 'Normal Delivery', '1223525345234', 'ItemAggregate#TEMP')
Then you execute the procedure by specifying the value of OrderFulfillmentFeedAggregate with the name of #TEMP table used OrderFulfillmentFeedAggregate#TEMP.
EXEC SubmitOrderFulfillmentFeed OrderFulfillmentFeedAggregate = 'OrderFulfillmentFeedAggregate#TEMP', marketplaceids = 'A1VC38T7YXB528'
*The temporary table must be defined and used within the same connection. Closing the connection will clear out any temporary tables in memory.
The XML aggregate must follow the API structure (
<Message> <MessageID>1</MessageID> <OrderFulfillment> <AmazonOrderID>249-6070298-2783041</AmazonOrderID> <FulfillmentDate>2017-02-01T00:00:00Z</FulfillmentDate> <FulfillmentData> <CarrierName>CData Delivery Company</CarrierName> <ShippingMethod>Normal Delivery</ShippingMethod> <ShipperTrackingNumber>1223525345234</ShipperTrackingNumber> </FulfillmentData> <Item> <AmazonOrderItemCode>25959136016214</AmazonOrderItemCode> <Quantity>1</Quantity> </Item> </OrderFulfillment> </Message>
EXEC SubmitOrderFulfillmentFeed OrderFulfillmentFeedAggregate = '...(the above XML)...', marketplaceids = 'A1VC38T7YXB528'
Name | Type | Required | Description |
AmazonOrderID | String | False | Amazon's unique identifier for an order, which identifies the entire order regardless of the number of individual items in the order. |
MerchantOrderID | String | False | Optional seller-supplied order ID. The first step is to establish the MerchantOrderID in the acknowledgment feed. Amazon will map the MerchantOrderID to the AmazonOrderID, and you can then use your own order ID (MerchantOrderID) for subsequent feeds relating to that order. See the base XSD for the definition. |
OperationType | String | True | Required. Used to specify the type of operation (Update or Delete) to be performed on the data. |
MerchantFulfillmentID | Integer | False | Seller-supplied unique identifier for the shipment (not used by Amazon). |
FulfillmentDate | Datetime | False | The date the item was actually shipped or picked up, depending on the fulfillment method specified in the order. |
FulfillmentDataCarrierCode | String | False | The shipping carrier code. |
FulfillmentDataCarrierName | String | False | The shipping carrier name. |
FulfillmentDataShippingMethod | String | False | The shipping method used to deliver the item. |
FulfillmentDataShipperTrackingNumber | String | False | The tracking number for the shipment. |
CODCollectionMethod | String | False | Cash on delivery collection mode of an order. |
ItemAmazonOrderItemCode | String | False | Amazon's unique ID for an item in an order. |
ItemMerchantOrderItemID | String | False | The shipping Optional seller-supplied ID for an item in an order. |
ItemMerchantFulfillmentItemID | String | False | Seller-supplied unique identifier for an item in the shipment (not used by Amazon). |
ItemQuantity | Integer | False | The quantity of an item shipped. |
ItemAggregate | String | False | An aggregate representing order-fulfillment information for a specific item. Can be in the form of XML, JSON, or a #TEMP table. Use this field when multiple Items need to be included in the feed. |
FulfillmentDataAggregate | String | False | An aggregate representing order-fulfillment information for a specific item. Can be in the form of XML, JSON, or a #TEMP table. Use this field when multiple Items need to be included in the feed. |
OrderFulfillmentFeedAggregate | String | False | An aggregate representing the feed. Can be in the form of XML, JSON, or a #TEMP table. |
MarketplaceIds | String | True | Required. A list of one or more marketplace IDs for the marketplace that registered the listing account. |
Name | Type | Description |
FeedId | String | A unique identifier for the feed. |
FeedType | String | The type of feed submitted. |
SubmittedDate | Datetime | The date and time when the feed was submitted. |
FeedProcessingStatus | String | The processing status of the feed submission. |
The Override feed allows you to set an exception to your account-level shipping settings for an individual product (SKU).
The stored procedure accepts two aggregated formats: #TEMP tables and XML aggregate
You must include in your query:
INSERT INTO ShippingOverrideAggregate#TEMP (ShipOption, IsShippingRestricted) VALUES ('Std JP Kanto8', 'true')
INSERT INTO ShippingOverrideAggregate#TEMP (ShipOption, Type, ShipAmount, ShipAmountCurrency) VALUES ('Std JP Kantoa8', 'Exclusive', '400.0', 'JPY')
INSERT INTO OverrideFeedAggregate#TEMP (SKU, OperationType, ShippingOverrideAggregate) VALUES ('15700', 'Update', 'ShippingOverrideAggregate#TEMP')
Then you execute the procedure by specifying the value of OverrideFeedAggregate with the name of #TEMP table used OverrideFeedAggregate#TEMP.
EXEC SubmitOverrideFeed OverrideFeedAggregate = 'OverrideFeedAggregate#TEMP', marketplaceids = 'A1VC38T7YXB528'
*The temporary table must be defined and used within the same connection. Closing the connection will clear out any temporary tables in memory.
The XML aggregate must follow the API structure (
<Message> <MessageID>1</MessageID> <OperationType>Update</OperationType> <Override> <SKU>15700</SKU> <ShippingOverride> <ShipOption>Std JP Kanto8</ShipOption> <IsShippingRestricted>true</IsShippingRestricted> </ShippingOverride> <ShippingOverride> <ShipOption>Std JP Kantoa8</ShipOption> <Type>Exclusive</Type> <ShipAmount currency="JPY">400.0</ShipAmount> </ShippingOverride> </Override> </Message>
EXEC SubmitOverrideFeed OverrideFeedAggregate = '...(the above XML)...', marketplaceids = 'A1VC38T7YXB528'
Name | Type | Required | Description |
SKU | String | True | Required. Used to identify an individual product. Each product must have a SKU, and each SKU must be unique. |
OperationType | String | True | Required. Used to specify the type of operation (Update or Delete) to be performed on the data. |
ShipOption | String | False | Locale and shipping service. |
IsShippingRestricted | Boolean | False | Indicates whether the SKU can or cannot be shipped to the specified locale using the specified shipping service (ShipOption). |
Type | String | False | The type of override shipping charge (Additive or Exclusive) being applied to the SKU. |
ShipAmount | Decimal | False | The Additive or Exclusive shipping charge amount. |
ShipAmountCurrency | Decimal | False | The currency used for the ShipAmount. |
ShippingOverrideAggregate | String | False | An aggregate representing the the shipping override. Can be in the form of XML or a #TEMP table. Use this field if multiple Shipping Overrides are needed. |
OverrideFeedAggregate | String | False | An aggregate representing the feed. Can be in the form of XML or a #TEMP table. |
MarketplaceIds | String | True | Required. A list of one or more marketplace IDs for the marketplace that registered the listing account. |
Name | Type | Description |
FeedId | String | A unique identifier for the feed. |
FeedType | String | The type of feed submitted. |
SubmittedDate | Datetime | The date and time when the feed was submitted. |
FeedProcessingStatus | String | The processing status of the feed submission. |
The Price feed allows you to set the current price and sale price (when applicable) for an item.
The stored procedure accepts two aggregated formats: #TEMP tables and XML aggregate
You must include in your query:
INSERT INTO PriceFeedAggregate#TEMP (SKU, StandardPrice, StandardPriceCurrency, MAP, MAPCurrency, SalePrice, SalePriceCurrency, SaleStartDate, SaleEndDate) VALUES ('15700', '134', 'JPY', '100', 'JPY', '150', 'JPY', '2017-02-01T00:00:00Z', '2020-02-01T00:00:00Z')
INSERT INTO PriceFeedAggregate#TEMP (SKU, StandardPrice, StandardPriceCurrency, MAP, MAPCurrency, SalePrice, SalePriceCurrency, SaleStartDate, SaleEndDate) VALUES ('99987867', '134', 'JPY', '100', 'JPY', '150', 'JPY', '2017-02-01T00:00:00Z', '2020-02-01T00:00:00Z')
Then you execute the procedure by specifying the value of PriceFeedAggregate with the name of #TEMP table used PriceFeedAggregate#TEMP.
EXEC SubmitPriceFeed PriceFeedAggregate = 'PriceFeedAggregate#TEMP', marketplaceids = 'A1VC38T7YXB528'
*The temporary table must be defined and used within the same connection. Closing the connection will clear out any temporary tables in memory.
The XML aggregate must follow the API structure (
<Message> <MessageID>1</MessageID> <Price> <SKU>15700</SKU> <StandardPrice currency="JPY">134</StandardPrice> <MAP currency="JPY">100</MAP> <Sale> <StartDate>2017-02-01T00:00:00Z</StartDate> <EndDate>2020-02-01T00:00:00Z</EndDate> <SalePrice currency="JPY">150</SalePrice> </Sale> </Price> </Message> <Message> <MessageID>2</MessageID> <Price> <SKU>99987867</SKU> <StandardPrice currency="JPY">134</StandardPrice> <MAP currency="JPY">100</MAP> <Sale> <StartDate>2017-02-01T00:00:00Z</StartDate> <EndDate>2020-02-01T00:00:00Z</EndDate> <SalePrice currency="JPY">150</SalePrice> </Sale> </Price> </Message>
EXEC SubmitPriceFeed PriceFeedAggregate = '...(the above XML)...', marketplaceids = 'A1VC38T7YXB528'
Name | Type | Required | Description |
SKU | String | False | Required. Used to identify an individual product. Each product must have a SKU, and each SKU must be unique. |
OperationType | String | False | Required. Used to specify the type of operation (Update or Delete) to be performed on the data. |
StandardPrice | Double | False | Required. Price of the item (non-sale price). |
StandardPriceCurrency | String | False | Required. The currency for the Standard Price. |
MAP | String | False | Minimum Advertised Price. Use only if dictated by the manufacturer. Both the standard and sale price (if applicable) must be higher than the MAP value. |
MAPCurrency | String | False | Minimum Advertised Price. Use only if dictated by the manufacturer. Both the standard and sale price (if applicable) must be higher than the MAP value. |
SalePrice | Double | False | The price of the sale. |
SalePriceCurrency | String | False | The currency of the sale. |
SaleStartDate | Datetime | False | The starting date of the sale. |
SaleEndDate | Datetime | False | The ending date of the sale. |
PriceFeedAggregate | String | False | An aggregate representing the feed. Can be in the form of XML or a #TEMP table. |
MarketplaceIds | String | False | Required. A list of one or more marketplace IDs for the marketplace that registered the listing account. |
Name | Type | Description |
FeedId | String | A unique identifier for the feed. |
FeedType | String | The type of feed submitted. |
SubmittedDate | Datetime | The date and time when the feed was submitted. |
FeedProcessingStatus | String | The processing status of the feed submission. |
The Product feed contains descriptive information about the products in your catalog. This information allows Amazon to build a record and assign a unique identifier known as an ASIN (Amazon Standard Item Number) to each product.
The Driver Uses #TEMP tables as fields for aggregate information entered.
SubmitProductFeed Has Two main aggregates that need to be entered.
You must include in your query :
ProductDescriptionDataAggregate information needs to be entered using ProductDescriptionDataAggregate#TEMP temp table.
INSERT INTO ProductDescriptionDataAggregate#TEMP (Title, Brand, Description, BulletPoint, Manufacturer) VALUES ('test Title', 'test Brand', 'test Description', 'test BulletPoint', 'test Manufacturer')
ProductDataAggregate info varies by the Category used. The List of all XSD provided by amazon can be found here
This example will be using the Sports category
To add a valid ProductData Sports.xsd must be followed thoroughly and the xml aggregate must be created correctly. This example has the following product Data
By following the order of Sports.xsd XSD file the aggregate is :
This Aggregate is the value of ProductDataAggregate.
INSERT INTO ProductFeedAggregate#TEMP (SKU, ProductDescriptionDataAggregate, ProductDataAggregate) VALUES ('test SKU', 'ProductDescriptionDataAggregate#TEMP', '<Sports> <ProductType>SportingGoods</ProductType> <VariationData> <Parentage>parent</Parentage> <VariationTheme>Size</VariationTheme> <Size>S</Size> </VariationData> <MaterialComposition>Metal</MaterialComposition> </Sports>')
Then you execute the procedure by specifying the value of ProductFeedAggregate with the name of #TEMP table used ProductFeedAggregate#TEMP.
EXEC SubmitProductFeed ProductFeedAggregate = 'ProductFeedAggregate#TEMP', marketplaceids = 'A1VC38T7YXB528'
*The temporary table must be defined and used within the same connection. Closing the connection will clear out any temporary tables in memory.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
SKU | String | False | Required if ProductFeedAggregate is empty. Used to identify an individual product. Each product must have a SKU, and each SKU must be unique. |
OperationType | String | False | Required if ProductFeedAggregate is empty. Used to specify the type of operation (Update, Delete or PartialUpdate) to be performed on the data. |
StandardProductID | String | False | A standard, unique identifier for a product, consisting of a type (ISBN, UPC, or EAN) and a value that conforms to the appropriate format for the type specified. This is a required field if Type is provided for StandardProductID in the base XSD. |
ProductTaxCode | String | False | Amazon's standard code to identify the tax properties for a product. |
LaunchDate | Datetime | False | Controls when the product appears from searches and browsing on the Amazon website. |
DiscontinueDate | Datetime | False | Controls when the product disappears from searches and browsing on the Amazon website. |
ReleaseDate | Datetime | False | The date a product is released for sale. |
Condition | String | False | The condition of the item. |
Rebate | String | False | The rebate of the product. |
ItemPackageQuantity | Integer | False | Number of the same product contained within one package. For example, if you are selling a case of 10 packages of socks, ItemPackageQuantity would be 10. |
NumberOfItems | Integer | False | Number of discrete items included in the product you are offering for sale, such that each item is not packaged for individual sale. For example, if you are selling a case of 10 packages of socks, and each package contains 3 pairs of socks, NumberOfItems would be 30. |
Title | String | False | Required if ProductFeedAggregate is empty. Short description of the product. |
Brand | String | False | Brand of the product. |
Designer | String | False | Designer of the product. |
Description | String | False | Long Description of the product. |
BulletPoint | String | False | Brief descriptions of the product's features. |
PackageDimensionsLength | String | False | Calculated dimensions of the package. |
PackageDimensionsWidth | String | False | Calculated dimensions of the package. |
PackageDimensionsHeight | String | False | Calculated dimensions of the package. |
PackageDimensionsWeight | String | False | Calculated dimensions of the package. |
ItemDimensionsLength | String | False | Calculated dimensions of the item. |
ItemDimensionsWidth | String | False | Calculated dimensions of the item. |
ItemDimensionsHeight | String | False | Calculated dimensions of the item. |
ItemDimensionsWeight | String | False | Calculated dimensions of the item. |
PackageWeight | String | False | Weight of the package. |
ShippingWeight | String | False | Weight of the product when packaged to ship. |
MerchantCatalogNumber | String | False | Seller's catalog number for the product, if different from the SKU. |
MSRP | Double | False | Manufacturer's suggested retail price. |
MaxOrderQuantity | Integer | False | Maximum quantity of the product that a customer can order. |
SerialNumberRequired | Boolean | False | Indicates whether the product must have a serial number. |
Prop65 | Boolean | False | Used if the product is subject to prop 65 regulations in California. US only. |
LegalDisclaimer | String | False | Any legal disclaimer needed for the product. |
Manufacturer | String | False | Maker of the product. |
MfrPartNumber | String | False | Part number provided by the original manufacturer. |
SearchTerms | String | False | Terms you submit that give product search results. |
PlatinumKeywords | String | False | Values used to map products to nodes in a custom browse structure. |
RecommendedBrowseNode | String | False | Value used to classify an item. |
Memorabilia | Boolean | False | Used if the product is a memorabilia item. |
Autographed | Boolean | False | Used if the product is an autographed item. |
UsedFor | String | False | What the product is used for (affects the product's placement in the Amazon browse structure). |
ItemType | String | False | Pre-defined value that specifies where the product should appear within the Amazon browse structure. |
OtherItemAttributes | String | False | Used to further classify the product within the Amazon browse structure. |
TargetAudience | String | False | Used to further classify the product within the Amazon browse structure. |
SubjectContent | String | False | Used to relate the product to a specific idea or concept for merchandising. |
IsGiftWrapAvailable | Boolean | False | Indicates whether gift wrapping is available for the product. |
IsGiftMessageAvailable | Boolean | False | Indicates whether gift messaging is available for the product. |
IsDiscontinuedByManufacturer | Boolean | False | Indicates that the manufacturer has stopped making the item. |
MaxAggregateShipQuantity | Integer | False | The maximum number of the same item that can be shipped in the same package. |
ProductDescriptionDataAggregate | String | False | Section containing category-specific information such as variations. Can be in the form of XML or a #TEMP table. |
ProductDataAggregate | String | False | Section containing category-specific information such as variations. Can be in the form of XML or a #TEMP table. |
ProductFeedAggregate | String | False | An aggregate representing the feed. Can be in the form of XML or a #TEMP table. |
MarketplaceIds | String | True | Required. A list of one or more marketplace IDs for the marketplace that registered the listing account. |
Name | Type | Description |
FeedId | String | A unique identifier for the feed. |
FeedType | String | The type of feed submitted. |
SubmittedDate | Datetime | The date and time when the feed was submitted. |
FeedProcessingStatus | String | The processing status of the feed submission. |
The Relationship feed allows you to set up optional relationships between items in your catalog.
The stored procedure accepts two aggregated formats: #TEMP tables and XML aggregate
You must include in your query:
INSERT INTO RelationAggregate#TEMP (Type, SKU) VALUES ('Variation', '99987867')
INSERT INTO RelationAggregate#TEMP (Type, SKU) VALUES ('Variation', '99987867')
INSERT INTO RelationshipFeedAggregate#TEMP (ParentSKU, RelationAggregate) VALUES ('15700', 'RelationAggregate#TEMP')
Then you execute the procedure by specifying the value of RelationshipFeedAggregate with the name of #TEMP table used RelationshipFeedAggregate#TEMP.
EXEC SubmitRelationshipFeed RelationshipFeedAggregate = 'RelationshipFeedAggregate#TEMP', marketplaceids = 'A1VC38T7YXB528'
*The temporary table must be defined and used within the same connection. Closing the connection will clear out any temporary tables in memory.
The XML aggregate must follow the API structure (
<Message> <MessageID>1</MessageID> <Relationship> <ParentSKU>15700</ParentSKU> <Relation> <SKU>99987867</SKU> <Type>Variation</Type> </Relation> <Relation> <SKU>99987867</SKU> <Type>Variation</Type> </Relation> </Relationship> </Message>
EXEC SubmitRelationshipFeed RelationshipFeedAggregate = '...(the above XML)...', marketplaceids = 'A1VC38T7YXB528'
Name | Type | Required | Description |
ParentSKU | String | False | Required. The master SKU for a product with variations. |
OperationType | String | False | Required. Used to specify the type of operation (Update or Delete) to be performed on the data. |
Type | String | False | Type of relationship; currently supported are Variation or Accessory. |
SKU | String | False | Used to identify an individual product, one (child) variation of the parent SKU. |
RelationAggregate | String | False | An aggregate representing the the relation. Can be in the form of XML, JSON or a #TEMP table. Use this field when applying multiple relations |
RelationshipFeedAggregate | String | False | An aggregate representing the feed. Can be in the form of XML or #TEMP table. |
MarketplaceIds | String | False | Required. A list of one or more marketplace IDs for the marketplace that registered the listing account. |
Name | Type | Description |
FeedId | String | A unique identifier for the feed. |
FeedType | String | The type of feed submitted. |
SubmittedDate | Datetime | The date and time when the feed was submitted. |
FeedProcessingStatus | String | The processing status of the feed submission. |
Usage information for the operation SubmitSourcingOnDemandFeed.rsb.
The stored procedure accepts two aggregated formats: #TEMP tables and XML aggregate
You must include in your query:
INSERT INTO OrderSourcingOnDemandFeedAggregate#TEMP (AmazonOrderID, SKU, EstimatedShipDate) VALUES ('250-4747727-9303810', '15700', '2018-12-08T00:00:00Z');
Then you execute the procedure by specifying the value of OrderSourcingOnDemandFeedAggregate with the name of #TEMP table used OrderSourcingOnDemandFeedAggregate#TEMP.
EXEC SubmitSourcingOnDemandFeed OrderSourcingOnDemandFeedAggregate = 'OrderSourcingOnDemandFeedAggregate#TEMP', marketplaceids = 'A1VC38T7YXB528'
*The temporary table must be defined and used within the same connection. Closing the connection will clear out any temporary tables in memory.
The XML aggregate must follow the API structure (
<Message> <MessageID>1</MessageID> <OrderSourcingOnDemand> <AmazonOrderID>250-4747727-9303810</AmazonOrderID> <SKU>15700</SKU> <EstimatedShipDate>2018-12-08T00:00:00Z</EstimatedShipDate> </OrderSourcingOnDemand> </Message>
EXEC SubmitSourcingOnDemandFeed OrderSourcingOnDemandFeedAggregate = '...(the above XML)...', marketplaceids = 'A1VC38T7YXB528'
Name | Type | Required | Description |
AmazonOrderID | String | False | Amazon Order ID. |
SKU | Datetime | True | Required. Used to identify an individual product. Each product must have a SKU, and each SKU must be unique. |
EstimatedShipDate | String | True | Required. Estimated ship date. |
OrderSourcingOnDemandFeedAggregate | String | False | An aggregate representing the feed. Can be in the form of XML or a #TEMP table. |
MarketplaceIds | String | True | Required. A list of one or more marketplace IDs for the marketplace that registered the listing account. |
Name | Type | Description |
FeedId | String | A unique identifier for the feed. |
FeedType | String | The type of feed submitted. |
SubmittedDate | Datetime | The date and time when the feed was submitted. |
FeedProcessingStatus | String | The processing status of the feed submission. |
Submit a VAT invoice against a shipment. The invoice must be a PDF document. Note that UPLOAD_VAT_INVOICE is only available in the EU marketplace (VAT program). The throttling limit for the Invoicing Feed is one invoice upload every three seconds. This type is permitted by the Tax Invoicing (Restricted) role.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
MarketplaceIds | String | True | Required. A list of one or more marketplace IDs for the marketplace that registered the listing account. |
OrderId | String | False | Required if ShippingId is not specified. The identifier of the order for which the invoice is being submitted. |
ShippingId | String | False | Required if OrderId is not specified. The identifier of the shipment for which the invoice is being submitted. |
TotalAmount | Decimal | False | Optional but recommended. The total amount on the invoice. This is VAT-inclusive prices on items, gift wrap, and shipping, minus the VAT on all promotions. If the total amount specified does not match Amazon's total amount for this shipment, to two decimal places, then the invoice upload will be rejected. |
TotalVATAmount | Decimal | False | Optional but recommended. The total VAT amount on the invoice. This is the VAT on the items, gift wrap, and shipping, minus the VAT on all promotions. If the VAT amount provided here does not match the VAT amount calculated by Amazon for this shipment, to two decimal places, then the invoice upload will be rejected. |
InvoiceNumber | String | True | Required. The invoice number used in the invoice. This invoice number will be shared with customers. Sellers must ensure the same invoice number appears on the invoice. |
DocumentType | String | True | Required. Possible values include Invoice and CreditNote. Use Invoice if you are uploading an invoice. Use CreditNote if you are uploading a credit note for a refund or a return.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。Invoice, CreditNote |
TransactionId | String | False | Required only if DocumentType=CreditNote. |
LocalPath | String | False | Full path of the invoice you want to upload. |
Name | Type | Description |
FeedId | String | A unique identifier for the feed. |
FeedType | String | The type of feed submitted. |
SubmittedDate | Datetime | The date and time when the feed was submitted. |
FeedProcessingStatus | String | The processing status of the feed submission. |
Submits acknowledgements for one purchase order.
The Driver Uses #TEMP tables as fields for aggregate information entered
You must include in your query information for both OrderAcknowledgement and OrderItemAcknowledgement.
First we create an OrderItemAcknowledgements temporary table for the OrderAcknowledgement number 1:
INSERT INTO itemAck1#TEMP (AcknowledgementCode, AcknowledgedAmount, AcknowledgedUnit, AcknowledgedUnitSize, ScheduledShipDate, ScheduledDeliveryDate, RejectionReason)
VALUES ('Accepted', 100, 'Cases', 10, '2022-02-02T12:00:00Z', '2022-02-10T15:00:00Z', 'TemporarilyUnavailable')
INSERT INTO itemAck1#TEMP (AcknowledgementCode, AcknowledgedAmount, AcknowledgedUnit, AcknowledgedUnitSize, ScheduledShipDate, ScheduledDeliveryDate, RejectionReason)
VALUES ('Accepted', 100, 'Cases', 20, '2022-03-02T12:00:00Z', '2022-03-10T15:00:00Z', 'InvalidProductIdentifier')
INSERT INTO itemAck1#TEMP (AcknowledgementCode, AcknowledgedAmount, AcknowledgedUnit, AcknowledgedUnitSize, ScheduledShipDate, ScheduledDeliveryDate, RejectionReason)
VALUES ('Rejected', 100, 'Cases', 30, '2022-04-02T12:00:00Z', '2022-04-10T15:00:00Z', 'ObsoleteProduct')
INSERT INTO itemAck1#TEMP (AcknowledgementCode, AcknowledgedAmount, AcknowledgedUnit, AcknowledgedUnitSize, ScheduledShipDate, ScheduledDeliveryDate, RejectionReason)
VALUES ('Rejected', 101, 'Cases', 30, '2022-04-02T12:00:00Z', '2022-04-10T15:00:00Z', 'ObsoleteProduct')
Then we create another OrderItemAcknowledgements temporary table for the OrderAcknowledgement number 2:
INSERT INTO itemAck2#TEMP (AcknowledgementCode, AcknowledgedAmount, AcknowledgedUnit, AcknowledgedUnitSize, ScheduledShipDate, ScheduledDeliveryDate, RejectionReason)
VALUES ('Accepted', 99, 'Cases', 9, '2022-09-09T12:00:00Z', '2022-08-8T15:00:00Z', 'ObsoleteProduct')
After that we have to create another temporary table referencing previously created temporary tables itemAck1#TEMP and itemAck2#TEMP
INSERT INTO orderAck#TEMP (ItemSequenceNumber, AmazonProductIdentifier, VendorProductIdentifier, OrderedAmount, OrderedUnit, OrderedUnitSize, NetCostCurrencyCode, NetCostAmount, ListPriceCurrencyCode, ListPriceAmount, DiscountMultiplier, ItemAcknowledgements)
VALUES ('seq1', 'id1', 'vendId1', 100, 'Cases', 2, 'ALL', 999, 'ALL', 999, 'discount_multiplier_123', 'itemAck1#TEMP')
INSERT INTO orderAck#TEMP (ItemSequenceNumber, AmazonProductIdentifier, VendorProductIdentifier, OrderedAmount, OrderedUnit, OrderedUnitSize, NetCostCurrencyCode, NetCostAmount, ListPriceCurrencyCode, ListPriceAmount, DiscountMultiplier, ItemAcknowledgements)
VALUES ('seq2', 'id2', 'vendId2', 200, 'Cases', 4, 'ALL', 992, 'ALL', 992, 'discount_multiplier_456', 'itemAck2#TEMP')
After we have created necessary temporary tables we can execute the stored procedure, as shown in the example below:
EXECUTE SubmitVendorOrderAcknowledgement
PurchaseOrderNumber = 'PurchaseOrderNumber1',
SellerPartyId = '123',
SellerTaxRegistrationType = 'VAT',
SellerTaxRegistrationNumber = '123456',
AcknowledgementDate = '2022-01-01T10:00:00.000',
Items = 'orderAck#TEMP';
Column Name | Type | Required | Description |
ItemSequenceNumber | string | false | Line item sequence number for the item. |
AmazonProductIdentifier | string | false | Amazon Standard Identification Number (ASIN) of an item. |
VendorProductIdentifier | string | false | The vendor selected product identification of the item. Should be the same as was sent in the purchase order. |
OrderedAmount | integer | true | Ordered quantity. This value should not be zero. |
OrderedUnit | string | true | Unit of measure for the ordered quantity. |
OrderedUnitSize | integer | true | The case size, in the event that we ordered using cases. |
NetCostCurrencyCode | string | false | Three digit currency code in ISO 4217 format. |
NetCostAmount | string | false | A decimal number with no loss of precision. |
ListPriceCurrencyCode | string | false | Three digit currency code in ISO 4217 format. |
ListPriceAmount | string | false | A decimal number with no loss of precision. |
DiscountMultiplier | string | false | The discount multiplier that should be applied to the price if a vendor sells books with a list price. |
ItemAcknowledgements | string | true | This is used to indicate acknowledged quantity. Should be specified using a #TEMP table. |
Column Name | Type | Required | Description |
AcknowledgementCode | string | true | This indicates the acknowledgement code. |
AcknowledgedAmount | integer | true | Ordered quantity. This value should not be zero. |
AcknowledgedUnit | string | true | Unit of measure for the ordered quantity. |
AcknowledgedUnitSize | integer | false | The case size, in the event that we ordered using cases. |
ScheduledShipDate | datetime | false | Estimated ship date per line item. Must be in ISO-8601 date/time format. |
ScheduledDeliveryDate | datetime | false | Estimated delivery date per line item. Must be in ISO-8601 date/time format. |
RejectionReason | string | false | Indicates the reason for rejection. |
Name | Type | Required | Description |
PurchaseOrderNumber | String | True | The purchase order number |
SellerPartyId | String | True | Assigned identification for the party. For example, warehouse code or vendor code. |
SellerTaxRegistrationNumber | String | False | Tax registration number for the entity. For example, VAT ID. |
SellerTaxRegistrationType | String | False | Tax registration type for the entity.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。VAT, GST |
SellerAddressAddressLine1 | String | False | First line of the address. |
SellerAddressAddressLine2 | String | False | Additional address information, if required. |
SellerAddressAddressLine3 | String | False | Additional address information, if required. |
SellerAddressCity | String | False | The city where the person, business or institution is located. |
SellerAddressCountryCode | String | False | The two digit country code in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format. |
SellerAddressCounty | String | False | The county where person, business or institution is located. |
SellerAddressDistrict | String | False | The district where person, business or institution is located. |
SellerAddressName | String | False | The name of the address of the person, business or institution. |
SellerAddressPhone | String | False | The phone number of the person, business or institution located at that address. |
SellerAddressPostalCode | String | False | The postal code of that address. It contains a series of letters or digits or both. |
SellerAddressStateOrRegion | String | False | The state or region where person, business or institution is located. |
Items | String | True | An aggregate representation items. Can be in the form of #TEMP table. |
AcknowledgementDate | Datetime | False | The date and time when the purchase order is acknowledged, in ISO-8601 date/time format. |
Name | Type | Description |
Success | String | Boolean indicating whether the stored procedure was successfully executed. |
TransactionId | String | GUID to identify this transaction. This value can be used with the CheckVendorTransactionStatus stored procedure to return the status of this transaction. |
Submit new invoices to Amazon Marketplace.
This stored procedure has a few Aggregate inputs which can be specified as either JSON, XML or #TEMP tables. In the following example we are going to use temp tables as demonstration.
First, we are going to create temp tables shipAddr, tax and invoiceItems according to Address, TaxDetails and InvoiceItem table schemas respectively.
INSERT INTO shipAddr#TEMP ( Name, AddressLine1, City, County, CountryCode)
VALUES ('Name', 'Fayettville NC', 'Fayettville', 'North Carolina', 'NC');
INSERT INTO tax#TEMP (TaxRate, Type, TaxAmount, TaxCurrencyCode)
VALUES ( '1.51', 'CGST', '1.51', 'EUR');
INSERT INTO invoiceItems#TEMP (ItemSequenceNumber, ItemSequenceNumber, AmazonProductIdentifier, PurchaseOrderNumber, InvoicedQuantityAmount, InvoicedQuantityUnit, NetCostAmount, NetCostCurrencyCode)
VALUES ( '111', '222', '333', '444', 10, 'Cases', '97', 'EUR');
After the necessary temporary table have been created, execute the stored procedure by providing the temp table name for aggregate inputs, as shown in the example below:
EXECUTE SubmitVendorPayments
Id = '123',
InvoiceType = 'Invoice',
Date = '2022',
TotalAmount = '100',
TotalCurrencyCode = 'EUR',
RemitToPartyId = '456',
ShipToPartyId = '789',
ShipToPartyAddress = 'shipAddr#TEMP',
TaxDetails = 'tax#TEMP',
Items = 'invoiceItems#TEMP';
*The temporary table must be defined and used within the same connection. Closing the connection will clear out any temporary tables in memory.
Column Name | Type | Required | Description |
ItemSequenceNumber | Integer | True | Unique number related to this line item. |
AmazonProductIdentifier | String | False | Amazon Standard Identification Number (ASIN) of an item. |
VendorProductIdentifier | String | False | The vendor selected product identifier of the item. Should be the same as was provided in the purchase order. |
PurchaseOrderNumber | String | False | The Amazon purchase order number for this invoiced line item. Formatting Notes: 8-character alpha-numeric code. This value is mandatory only when invoiceType is Invoice. |
HsnCode | String | False | HSN Tax code. The HSN number cannot contain alphabets. |
InvoicedQuantityAmount | Integer | True | Quantity of an item. This value should not be zero. |
InvoicedQuantityUnit | String | True | Unit of measure for the quantity. Allowed values are:
InvoicedQuantityUnitSize | Integer | False | The case size, if the unit of measure value is Cases. |
NetCostAmount | String | True | A decimal number with no loss of precision. |
NetCostCurrencyCode | String | True | Three-digit currency code in ISO 4217 format. |
CreditNoteReferenceInvoiceNumber | String | False | Original Invoice Number when sending a credit note relating to an existing invoice. One Invoice only to be processed per Credit Note. This is mandatory for AP Credit Notes. |
CreditNoteDebitNoteNumber | String | False | Debit Note Number as generated by Amazon. Recommended for Returns and COOP Credit Notes. |
CreditNoteReturnsReferenceNumber | String | False | Identifies the Returns Notice Number. Mandatory for all Returns Credit Notes. |
CreditNoteGoodsReturnDate | Datetime | False | Defines a date and time according to ISO8601. |
CreditNoteRmaId | String | False | Identifies the Returned Merchandise Authorization ID, if generated. |
CreditNoteCoopReferenceNumber | String | False | Identifies the COOP reference used for COOP agreement. Failure to provide the COOP reference number or the Debit Note number may lead to a rejection of the Credit Note. |
CreditNoteConsignorsReferenceNumber | String | False | Identifies the consignor reference number (VRET number), if generated by Amazon. |
TaxDetails | Aggregate | False | Individual tax details per line item. |
ChargeDetails | Aggregate | False | Individual charge details per line item. |
AllowanceDetails | Aggregate | False | Individual allowance details per line item. |
Column Name | Type | Required | Description |
Type | String | True | Type of the tax applied. Allowed values are:
TaxRate | String | False | A decimal number with no loss of precision. |
TaxAmount | String | True | A decimal number with no loss of precision. |
TaxCurrencyCode | String | True | Three-digit currency code in ISO 4217 format. |
TaxableAmount | String | False | A decimal number with no loss of precision. |
TaxableCurrencyCode | String | False | Three-digit currency code in ISO 4217 format. |
Column Name | Type | Required | Description |
RegistrationType | String | True | The tax registration type for the entity. Allowed values are:
RegistrationNumber | String | True | The tax registration number for the entity. For example, VAT ID. |
Column Name | Type | Required | Description |
Type | String | True | Type of the charge applied. Allowed values are:
Description | String | False | Description of the charge. |
ChargeAmount | String | True | A decimal number with no loss of precision. |
ChargeCurrencyCode | String | True | Three-digit currency code in ISO 4217 format. |
TaxDetails | Aggregate | False | Tax amount details applied on this charge. See: TaxDetails table schema. |
Column Name | Type | Required | Description |
Type | String | True | Type of the allowance applied. Allowed values are:
Description | String | False | Description of the allowance. |
AllowanceAmount | String | True | A decimal number with no loss of precision. |
AllowanceCurrencyCode | String | True | Three-digit currency code in ISO 4217 format. |
TaxDetails | Aggregate | False | Tax amount details applied on this allowance. See: TaxDetails table schema. |
Column Name | Type | Required | Description |
Type | String | True | The type of the additional information provided by the selling party. Allowed values are:
Detail | String | True | The detail of the additional information provided by the selling party. |
LanguageCode | String | False | The language code of the additional information detail. |
Column Name | Type | Required | Description |
Name | String | True | The name of the person, business or institution at that address. |
AddressLine1 | String | True | First line of street address. |
AddressLine2 | String | False | Additional address information, if required. |
AddressLine3 | String | False | Additional address information, if required. |
City | String | False | The city where the person, business or institution is located. |
County | String | False | The county where person, business or institution is located. |
District | String | False | The district where person, business or institution is located. |
StateOrRegion | String | False | The state or region where person, business or institution is located. |
PostalOrZipCode | String | False | The postal or zip code of that address. It contains a series of letters or digits or both, sometimes including spaces or punctuation. |
CountryCode | String | True | The two digit country code. In ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format. |
Phone | String | False | The phone number of the person, business or institution located at that address. |
Name | Type | Required | Description |
InvoiceType | String | True | Identifies the type of invoice.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。Invoice, CreditNote |
Id | String | True | Unique number relating to the charges defined in this document. This will be invoice number if the document type is Invoice or CreditNote number if the document type is Credit Note. |
ReferenceNumber | String | False | An additional unique reference number used for regulatory or other purposes. |
Date | Datetime | True | Defines a date and time according to ISO8601. |
TotalAmount | String | True | A decimal number with no loss of precision. |
TotalCurrencyCode | String | True | Three-digit currency code in ISO 4217 format. |
PaymentType | String | False | The payment term type for the invoice.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。Basic, EndOfMonth, FixedDate, Proximo, PaymentDueUponReceiptOfInvoice, LetterofCredit |
PaymentDueDays | Integer | False | The number of calendar days from the base date (invoice date) until the total amount on the invoice is due. |
DiscountPercent | String | False | A decimal number with no loss of precision. |
DiscountDueDays | Integer | False | The number of calendar days from the Base date (Invoice date) until the discount is no longer valid. |
RemitToPartyId | String | True | Assigned identification for the party. |
RemitToPartyAddress | Aggregate | False | A physical address. See: Address table schema. |
RemitToPartyTaxDetails | Aggregate | False | Tax registration details of the party. See: TaxRegistration table schema. |
ShipToPartyId | String | False | Assigned identification for the party. |
ShipToPartyAddress | Aggregate | False | A physical address. See: Address table schema. |
ShipToPartyTaxDetails | Aggregate | False | Tax registration details of the party. See: TaxRegistration table schema. |
ShipFromPartyId | String | False | Assigned identification for the party. |
ShipFromPartyAddress | Aggregate | False | A physical address. See: Address table schema. |
ShipFromPartyTaxDetails | Aggregate | False | Tax registration details of the party. See: TaxRegistration table schema. |
BillToPartyId | String | False | Assigned identification for the party. |
BillToPartyAddress | Aggregate | False | A physical address. See: Address table schema. |
BillToPartyTaxDetails | Aggregate | False | Tax registration details of the party. See: TaxRegistration table schema. |
TaxDetails | Aggregate | False | Total tax amount details for all line items. See: TaxDetails table schema. |
AdditionalDetails | Aggregate | False | Additional details provided by the selling party, for tax related or other purposes. See: AdditionalDetails table schema. |
ChargeDetails | Aggregate | False | Total charge amount details for all line items. See: ChargeDetails table schema. |
AllowanceDetails | Aggregate | False | Total allowance amount details for all line items. See: AllowanceDetails table schema. |
Items | Aggregate | False | The list of invoice items. See: InvoiceItem table schema. |
Name | Type | Description |
Success | String | Boolean indicating whether the stored procedure was successfully executed. |
TransactionId | String | GUID to identify this transaction. This value can be used with the CheckVendorTransactionStatus stored procedure to return the status of this transaction. |
Submits shipment confirmations for vendor orders.
The Driver uses #TEMP tables as fields for aggregate information entered.
Below is an example where the usage of all #TEMP tables is covered. The following stored procedure inputs take a temp table: SellingPartyAddress, ShipFromPartyAddress, ShipToPartyAddress, ShippedItems, Cartons, and Pallets. Furthermore, the Cartons and Pallets temp table schemas, have the following inputs that also take temp tables: CartonIdentifiers/PalletIdentifiers and Items.
First, create a ShipFromPartyAddress temporary table for the ShipFromPartyAddress input:
INSERT INTO ShipFromPartyAddress#TEMP (Name, AddressLine1, City, CountryCode) VALUES ('ABC electronics warehouse', 'DEF 1st street', 'Berlin', 'DE')
Then, create a ShippedItems temporary table for the ShippedItems input:
INSERT INTO ShippedItems#TEMP (ItemSequenceNumber, VendorProductIdentifier, ShippedQuantityAmount, ShippedQuantityUnit) VALUES ('001', '9782700001659', 100, 'Eaches')
The Cartons input has a more complex structure. Two of its inputs, CartonIdentifiers and Items need to be built from the CartonIdentifiers#TEMP and CartonItems#TEMP tables respectively:
INSERT INTO CartonIdentifiers#TEMP (ContainerIdentificationType, ContainerIdentificationNumber) VALUES ('SSCC', '00102234567123698888')
INSERT INTO CartonItems#TEMP (ItemReference, ShippedQuantityAmount, ShippedQuantityUnit, ShippedQuantityUnitSize) VALUES ('001', 25, 'Eaches', 1)
INSERT INTO Cartons#TEMP (CartonIdentifiers, CartonSequenceNumber, Items) VALUES ('CartonIdentifiers#TEMP', '001', 'CartonItems#TEMP')
Then, add another row to the Cartons input:
INSERT INTO CartonIdentifiers2#TEMP (ContainerIdentificationType, ContainerIdentificationNumber) VALUES ('SSCC', '00102234567123699999')
INSERT INTO CartonItems2#TEMP (ItemReference, ShippedQuantityAmount, ShippedQuantityUnit, ShippedQuantityUnitSize) VALUES ('002', 50, 'Eaches', 1)
INSERT INTO Cartons#TEMP (CartonIdentifiers, CartonSequenceNumber, Items) VALUES ('CartonIdentifiers2#TEMP', '002', 'CartonItems2#TEMP')
The Pallets input has a similar structure compared to the Cartons one:
INSERT INTO PalletIdentifiers#TEMP (ContainerIdentificationType, ContainerIdentificationNumber) VALUES ('SSCC', '00102234567898098745')
INSERT INTO Pallets#TEMP (PalletIdentifiers, Tier, Block, CartonCount, CartonReferenceNumbers) VALUES ('PalletIdentifiers#TEMP', 2, 2, 4, '001,002,003,004')
After the necessary temporary tables have been created, execute the stored procedure as shown in the example below:
EXECUTE SubmitVendorShipmentConfirmations
ShipmentIdentifier = '00050003',
ShipmentConfirmationType = 'Original',
ShipmentType = 'LessThanTruckLoad',
ShipmentConfirmationDate = '2022-08-07T19:56:45.632Z',
SellingPartyId = 'VENDORCODE',
ShipFromPartyAddress = 'ShipFromPartyAddress#TEMP',
ShippedItems = 'ShippedItems#TEMP',
Cartons = 'Cartons#TEMP',
Pallets = 'Pallets#TEMP';
Column Name | Type | Required | Description |
Name | String | True | The seller's name. |
AddressLine1 | String | True | The first line of the selling party's address. |
AddressLine2 | String | False | Additional address information (if it is required). |
AddressLine3 | String | False | Additional address information (if it is required). |
City | String | False | The city where the selling party is located. |
County | String | False | The county where the selling party is located. |
District | String | False | The district where the selling party is located. |
StateOrRegion | String | False | The state or region where the selling party is located. |
PostalCode | String | False | The postal code for the address. This code consists of a series of letters, digits, or both. |
PostalOrZipCode | String | False | The postal or zip code of that address. It contains a series of letters or digits or both, sometimes including spaces or punctuation. |
CountryCode | String | False | The two-digit country code in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format. |
Phone | String | False | The phone number for the selling party that is located at that address. |
Column Name | Type | Required | Description |
Name | String | True | The shipper's name. |
AddressLine1 | String | True | The first line of the shipper's address. |
AddressLine2 | String | False | Additional address information (if it is required). |
AddressLine3 | String | False | Additional address information (if it is required). |
City | String | False | The city where the shipper is located. |
County | String | False | The county where the shipper is located. |
District | String | False | The district where the shipper is located. |
StateOrRegion | String | False | The state or region where the shipper party is located. |
PostalCode | String | False | The postal code for the shipper's address. This code consists of a series of letters, digits, or both. |
PostalOrZipCode | String | False | The postal or zip code of that address. It contains a series of letters or digits or both, sometimes including spaces or punctuation. |
CountryCode | String | False | The two-digit country code in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format. |
Phone | String | False | The shipper's phone number. |
Column Name | Type | Required | Description |
Name | String | True | The ship-to party's name. |
AddressLine1 | String | True | The first line of the ship-to party's address. |
AddressLine2 | String | False | Additional address information (if it is required). |
AddressLine3 | String | False | Additional address information (if it is required). |
City | String | False | The city where the ship-to party is located. |
County | String | False | The county where the ship-to party is located. |
District | String | False | The district where the ship-to party is located. |
StateOrRegion | String | False | The state or region where the ship-to party is located. |
PostalCode | String | False | The postal code for the ship-to address. This code consists of a series of letters, digits, or both. |
PostalOrZipCode | String | False | The postal or zip code of that address. It contains a series of letters or digits or both, sometimes including spaces or punctuation. |
CountryCode | String | False | The two-digit country code in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format. |
Phone | String | False | The phone number for the ship-to party that is located at that address. |
Column Name | Type | Required | Description |
ItemSequenceNumber | String | True | The line-item sequence number for the item. |
AmazonProductIdentifier | String | False | The Amazon Standard Identification Number (ASIN) of an item. |
VendorProductIdentifier | String | False | The vendor-selected product identification of the item. |
ShippedQuantityAmount | Integer | True | The shipped quantity. This value should not be zero. |
ShippedQuantityUnit | String | True | The unit of measure for the shipped quantity. |
ShippedQuantityUnitSize | Integer | False | The unit size for the shipped quantity. |
PurchaseOrderNumber | String | False | The Amazon purchase order (PO) number for the shipped item that is being confirmed. The PO number should be formatted as an eight-character, alphanumeric code. |
LotNumber | String | False | The lot number of the shipped quantity. |
ExpiryManufacturerDate | Datetime | False | The production, packaging, or assembly date that is determined by the manufacturer. This date's meaning is determined based on the trade-item context. |
ExpiryDate | Datetime | False | The date that determines the limit of consumption or use of a product. This date's meaning is determined based on the trade item context. |
ExpiryAfterDurationUnit | Datetime | False | The unit for the duration after the manufacturing date during which the product is valid for consumption. |
ExpiryAfterDurationValue | Integer | False | The value for the duration in terms of the duration unit. |
MaximumRetailPriceCurrencyCode | String | False | The three-digit currency code, in ISO 4217 format, for the maximum retail prices. |
MaximumRetailPriceAmount | String | False | The maximum retail price for the shipped items as a decimal number with no loss of precision. |
HandlingCode | String | False | The code that identifies the instructions about how the specified item, carton, or pallet should be handled. |
Column Name | Type | Required | Description |
CartonIdentifiers | String | False | A list of carton identifiers. |
CartonSequenceNumber | String | True | The sequence number for the carton. The first carton is numbered 001, the second 002, and so on. This number is used as a reference to refer to the carton from the pallet level. |
DimensionsLength | String | False | The length of the container. |
DimensionsWidth | String | False | The width of the container. |
DimensionsHeight | String | False | The height of the container. |
DimensionsUnit | String | False | The unit of measure for dimensions (In, Ft, Meter, Yard). |
WeightValue | String | False | The weight measurement value for the container as a decimal number with no loss of precision. |
WeightUnit | String | False | The unit of measure for the weight of the container. |
TrackingNumber | String | False | The tracking number for the container. This number is required for every carton in the small-parcel shipments. |
Items | String | True | A list of container item details. |
Column Name | Type | Required | Description |
ContainerIdentificationType | String | True | The container identification type. |
ContainerIdentificationNumber | String | True | The container identification number that adheres to the definition of the container identification type. |
Column Name | Type | Required | Description |
ItemReference | String | True | The reference number for the item. Be sure to provide the item sequence number from the items segment to refer to that item's details here. |
ShippedQuantityAmount | Integer | True | The number of units that are shipped for a specific item at a shipment level. If the item is present only in certain cartons within the shipment, provide this at the appropriate carton level. |
ShippedQuantityUnit | String | True | The unit of measure for the shipped quantity. |
ShippedQuantityUnitSize | Integer | False | The case size (if product is ordered by the case). Otherwise, the value is 1. |
PurchaseOrderNumber | String | False | The Amazon purchase order (PO) number for the shipment that is being confirmed. If the items in this shipment belong to multiple PO numbers that are in particular carton within the shipment, then provide the PO number at the carton level. The PO numbers should be formatted as an eight-character, alphanumeric code. |
LotNumber | String | False | The batch or lot number for the cartons. This number associates cartons with information that the manufacturer considers relevant for traceability of the cartons to which the element string is applied. The data might refer to the itself or to items within the carton. This field is mandatory for all perishable items. |
ExpiryManufacturerDate | Datetime | False | The production, packaging, or assembly date that is determined by the manufacturer. This date's meaning is determined based on the trade-item context. |
ExpiryDate | Datetime | False | The date that determines the limit of consumption or use of a product. This date's meaning is determined based on the trade item context. |
ExpiryAfterDurationUnit | String | False | The unit for the duration after the manufacturing date during which the product is valid for consumption. |
ExpiryAfterDurationValue | Integer | False | The value for the duration in terms of the duration unit. |
MaximumRetailPriceCurrencyCode | String | False | The three-digit currency code, in ISO 4217 format, for the maximum retail prices. |
MaximumRetailPriceAmount | String | False | The maximum retail price for the shipped items as a decimal number with no loss of precision. |
HandlingCode | String | False | A code that identifies the instructions about how the specified carton should be handled. |
Column Name | Type | Required | Description |
PalletIdentifiers | String | True | A list of pallet identifiers. |
Tier | Integer | False | The number of layers per pallet. |
Block | Integer | False | The number of cartons per layer on the pallet. |
DimensionsLength | String | False | The length of the pallet. |
DimensionsWidth | String | False | The width of the pallet. |
DimensionsHeight | String | False | The height of the pallet. |
DimensionsUnit | String | False | The unit of measure for the dimensions of the pallet. |
WeightValue | String | False | The weight measurement value for pallet as a decimal number with no loss of precision. |
WeightUnit | String | False | The unit of measure for the weight of the pallet. |
CartonCount | Integer | False | The number of cartons that are present in the shipment. Provide the carton count only for unpalletized shipments. |
CartonReferenceNumbers | String | False | An array of reference numbers for the cartons that are part of this pallet and shipment. Provide the carton sequence number from the cartons segment to refer to that carton's details here. |
Items | String | False | A list of pallet item details. |
Column Name | Type | Required | Description |
ContainerIdenticationType | String | True | The container identification type. Allowed values are SSCC, AMZNCC, GTIN, BPS, and CID. |
ContainerIdentificationNumber | String | True | Container identification number that adheres to the definition of the container identification type. |
Column Name | Type | Required | Description |
ItemReference | String | True | The reference number for the item. Provide the item sequence number from the items segment to refer to that item's details here. |
ShippedQuantityAmount | Integer | True | The number of units that are shipped for a specific item at a shipment level. If the item is present only in certain cartons or pallets within the shipment, provide this at the appropriate carton or pallet level. |
ShippedQuantityUnit | String | True | The unit of measure for the shipped quantity. |
ShippedQuantityUnitSize | Integer | False | The case size (if product is ordered by the case). Otherwise, the value is 1. |
PurchaseOrderNumber | String | False | The Amazon purchase order (PO) number for the shipment that is being confirmed. If the items in this shipment belong to multiple PO numbers that are in particular pallet within the shipment, then provide the PO number at the pallet level. The PO numbers should be formatted as an eight-character, alphanumeric code. |
LotNumber | String | False | The batch or lot number for the pallet. This number associates a pallet with information that the manufacturer considers relevant for traceability of the pallet to which the element string is applied. The data might refer to the pallet itself or to items within the pallet. This field is mandatory for all perishable items. |
ExpiryManufacturerDate | Datetime | False | The production, packaging, or assembly date that is determined by the manufacturer. This date's meaning is determined based on the trade-item context. |
ExpiryDate | Datetime | False | The date that determines the limit of consumption or use of a product. This date's meaning is determined based on the trade item context. |
ExpiryAfterDurationUnit | String | False | The unit for the duration after the manufacturing date during which the product is valid for consumption. |
ExpiryAfterDurationValue | Integer | False | The value for the duration in terms of the duration unit. |
MaximumRetailPriceCurrencyCode | String | False | The three-digit currency code, in ISO 4217 format, for the maximum retail prices. |
MaximumRetailPriceAmount | String | False | The maximum retail price for the shipped items as a decimal number with no loss of precision. |
HandlingCode | String | False | A code that identifies the instructions about how the specified pallet should be handled. |
Name | Type | Required | Description |
ShipmentIdentifier | String | True | The unique shipment ID. |
ShipmentConfirmationType | String | True | The shipment confirmation type. This parameter indicates whether this shipment confirmation is the initial confirmation or whether it is intended to replace a shipment confirmation that is already posted.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。Original, Replace |
ShipmentType | String | False | The type of shipment.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。TruckLoad, LessThanTruckLoad, SmallParcel |
ShipmentStructure | String | False | The shipment hierarchical structure.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。PalletizedAssortmentCase, LooseAssortmentCase, PalletOfItems, PalletizedStandardCase, LooseStandardCase, MasterPallet, MasterCase |
TransportationDetailsCarrierScac | String | False | The code that identifies the carrier for the shipment. |
TransportationDetailsCarrierShipmentReferenceNumber | String | False | A unique number that is assigned by the carrier. This field is also known as PRO number. |
TransportationDetailsTransportationMode | String | False | The mode of transportation for this shipment.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。Road, Air, Ocean |
TransportationDetailsBillOfLadingNumber | String | False | The Bill Of Lading (BOL) number. This number is the unique number that is assigned by the vendor. |
AmazonReferenceNumber | String | False | The Amazon Reference Number. This number is a unique identifier that is generated by Amazon for all Collect/WePay shipments. |
ShipmentConfirmationDate | Datetime | True | The date on which the shipment confirmation is submitted. |
ShippedDate | Datetime | False | The date and time of the departure of the shipment from the vendor's location. |
EstimatedDeliveryDate | Datetime | False | The date and time by which the shipment is expected to reach the buyer's warehouse. |
SellingPartyId | String | True | The assigned identification for the selling party. |
SellingPartyAddress | String | False | An aggregate representation of the address, which can be in the form of a #TEMP table. |
SellingPartyTaxRegistrationType | String | False | The tax registration type for the entity.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。VAT, GST |
SellingPartyTaxRegistrationNumber | String | False | The tax registration number for the entity (for example, the VAT Id). |
ShipFromPartyId | String | True | The assigned identification for the ship-from party. |
ShipFromPartyAddress | String | False | The identification of the shipper, by address. This is an aggregate representation of the address, which can be in the form of a #TEMP table. |
ShipFromPartyTaxRegistrationType | String | False | The tax registration type for the entity.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。VAT, GST |
ShipFromPartyTaxRegistrationNumber | String | False | The tax registration number for the entity (for example, the VAT Id). |
ShipToPartyId | String | True | The assigned identification for the ship-to party. |
ShipToPartyAddress | String | False | The identification of the ship-to party, by address. This is an aggregate representation of the address, which can be in the form of a #TEMP table. |
ShipToPartyTaxRegistrationType | String | False | The tax registration type for the ship-to party.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。VAT, GST |
ShipToPartyTaxRegistrationNumber | String | False | The tax registration number for the ship-to party (for example, the VAT Id). |
ShipmentMeasurements | String | False | The JSON aggregate representation of the shipment measurement details. |
ImportDetails | String | False | The JSON aggregate representation of the import details. |
ShippedItems | String | True | An aggregate representation of the items in this shipment, which can be in the form of a #TEMP table. |
Cartons | String | False | An aggregate representation of the cartons in this shipment, which can be in the form of a #TEMP table. |
Pallets | String | False | An aggregate representation of the pallets in this shipment, which can be in the form of a #TEMP table. |
Name | Type | Description |
Success | String | Boolean indicating whether the stored procedure was successfully executed. |
TransactionId | String | GUID to identify this transaction. This value can be used with the CheckVendorTransactionStatus stored procedure to return the status of this transaction. |
Updates the time slot for handing over the package indicated by the specified scheduledPackageId. You can get the new slotId value for the time slot by calling the listHandoverSlots operation before making another patch call.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
MarketplaceId | String | True | A string of up to 255 characters. |
UpdatePackageDetailsList | String | False | A list of package update details. |
Name | Type | Description |
Success | String | Boolean indicating whether the stored procedure was successfully executed. |
Update the shipment status for a specific order. Intended to be used with sellers who are participating in the In-store Pickup program.
The Driver uses #TEMP tables as fields for aggregate information entered.
First, create an OrderItems temporary table for the OrderItems input:
INSERT INTO orderItems#TEMP (OrderItemId, Quantity) VALUES ('123-1234567-1234567', 1);
INSERT INTO orderItems#TEMP (OrderItemId, Quantity) VALUES ('321-1234567-1234567', 2)
After the necessary temporary table has been created, execute the stored procedure as shown in the example below:
EXECUTE UpdateShipmentStatus
OrderId = '123-1234567-1234567',
ShipmentStatus = 'PickedUp',
OrderItems = 'orderItems#TEMP';
*The temporary table must be defined and used within the same connection. Closing the connection will clear out any temporary tables in memory.
Column Name | Type | Required |
OrderItemId | string | true |
Quantity | integer | true |
Name | Type | Required | Description |
OrderId | String | True | An Amazon-defined order identifier, in 3-7-7 format. |
ShipmentStatus | String | True | The shipment status to apply.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。ReadyForPickup, PickedUp, RefusedPickup |
MarketplaceId | String | False | The unobfuscated marketplace identifier. |
OrderItems | String | False | For partial shipment status updates, the list of order items and quantities to be updated. Aggregate field. |
Name | Type | Description |
Success | String |
以下のテーブルは、Amazon Marketplace のデータベースメタデータを返します。
SELECT * FROM sys_catalogs
Name | Type | Description |
CatalogName | String | データベース名。 |
SELECT * FROM sys_schemas
Name | Type | Description |
CatalogName | String | データベース名。 |
SchemaName | String | スキーマ名。 |
SELECT * FROM sys_tables
Name | Type | Description |
CatalogName | String | テーブルまたはビューを含むデータベース。 |
SchemaName | String | テーブルまたはビューを含むスキーマ。 |
TableName | String | テーブル名またはビュー名。 |
TableType | String | テーブルの種類(テーブルまたはビュー)。 |
Description | String | テーブルまたはビューの説明。 |
IsUpdateable | Boolean | テーブルが更新可能かどうか。 |
次のクエリは、Orders テーブルのカラムとデータ型を返します。
SELECT ColumnName, DataTypeName FROM sys_tablecolumns WHERE TableName='Orders'
Name | Type | Description |
CatalogName | String | テーブルまたはビューを含むデータベースの名前。 |
SchemaName | String | テーブルまたはビューを含むスキーマ。 |
TableName | String | カラムを含むテーブルまたはビューの名前。 |
ColumnName | String | カラム名。 |
DataTypeName | String | データ型の名前。 |
DataType | Int32 | データ型を示す整数値。この値は、実行時に環境に基づいて決定されます。 |
Length | Int32 | カラムのストレージサイズ。 |
DisplaySize | Int32 | 指定されたカラムの通常の最大幅(文字数)。 |
NumericPrecision | Int32 | 数値データの最大桁数。文字データおよび日時データの場合は、カラムの長さ(文字数)。 |
NumericScale | Int32 | カラムのスケール(小数点以下の桁数)。 |
IsNullable | Boolean | カラムがNull を含められるかどうか。 |
Description | String | カラムの簡単な説明。 |
Ordinal | Int32 | カラムのシーケンスナンバー。 |
IsAutoIncrement | String | カラムに固定増分値が割り当てられるかどうか。 |
IsGeneratedColumn | String | 生成されたカラムであるかどうか。 |
IsHidden | Boolean | カラムが非表示かどうか。 |
IsArray | Boolean | カラムが配列かどうか。 |
IsReadOnly | Boolean | カラムが読み取り専用かどうか。 |
IsKey | Boolean | sys_tablecolumns から返されたフィールドがテーブルの主キーであるかどうか。 |
SELECT * FROM sys_procedures
Name | Type | Description |
CatalogName | String | ストアドプロシージャを含むデータベース。 |
SchemaName | String | ストアドプロシージャを含むスキーマ。 |
ProcedureName | String | ストアドプロシージャの名前。 |
Description | String | ストアドプロシージャの説明。 |
ProcedureType | String | PROCEDURE やFUNCTION などのプロシージャのタイプ。 |
次のクエリは、SampleProcedure ストアドプロシージャのすべての入力パラメータについての情報を返します。
SELECT * FROM sys_procedureparameters WHERE ProcedureName='SampleProcedure' AND Direction=1 OR Direction=2
Name | Type | Description |
CatalogName | String | ストアドプロシージャを含むデータベースの名前。 |
SchemaName | String | ストアドプロシージャを含むスキーマの名前。 |
ProcedureName | String | パラメータを含むストアドプロシージャの名前。 |
ColumnName | String | ストアドプロシージャパラメータの名前。 |
Direction | Int32 | パラメータのタイプに対応する整数値:input (1)。input/output (2)、またはoutput(4)。input/output タイプパラメータは、入力パラメータと出力パラメータの両方になれます。 |
DataTypeName | String | データ型の名前。 |
DataType | Int32 | データ型を示す整数値。この値は、実行時に環境に基づいて決定されます。 |
Length | Int32 | 文字データの場合は、許可される文字数。数値データの場合は、許可される桁数。 |
NumericPrecision | Int32 | 数値データの場合は最大精度。文字データおよび日時データの場合は、カラムの長さ(文字数)。 |
NumericScale | Int32 | 数値データの小数点以下の桁数。 |
IsNullable | Boolean | パラメータがNull を含められるかどうか。 |
IsRequired | Boolean | プロシージャの実行にパラメータが必要かどうか。 |
IsArray | Boolean | パラメータが配列かどうか。 |
Description | String | パラメータの説明。 |
Ordinal | Int32 | パラメータのインデックス。 |
次のクエリは、Orders テーブルの主キーを取得します。
SELECT * FROM sys_keycolumns WHERE IsKey='True' AND TableName='Orders'
Name | Type | Description |
CatalogName | String | キーを含むデータベースの名前。 |
SchemaName | String | キーを含むスキーマの名前。 |
TableName | String | キーを含むテーブルの名前。 |
ColumnName | String | キーカラムの名前 |
IsKey | Boolean | カラムがTableName フィールドで参照されるテーブル内の主キーかどうか。 |
IsForeignKey | Boolean | カラムがTableName フィールドで参照される外部キーかどうか。 |
PrimaryKeyName | String | 主キーの名前。 |
ForeignKeyName | String | 外部キーの名前。 |
ReferencedCatalogName | String | 主キーを含むデータベース。 |
ReferencedSchemaName | String | 主キーを含むスキーマ。 |
ReferencedTableName | String | 主キーを含むテーブル。 |
ReferencedColumnName | String | 主キーのカラム名。 |
SELECT * FROM sys_foreignkeys WHERE ForeignKeyType = 'FOREIGNKEY_TYPE_IMPORT'
名前 | タイプ | 説明 |
CatalogName | String | キーを含むデータベースの名前。 |
SchemaName | String | キーを含むスキーマの名前。 |
TableName | String | キーを含むテーブルの名前。 |
ColumnName | String | キーカラムの名前 |
PrimaryKeyName | String | 主キーの名前。 |
ForeignKeyName | String | 外部キーの名前。 |
ReferencedCatalogName | String | 主キーを含むデータベース。 |
ReferencedSchemaName | String | 主キーを含むスキーマ。 |
ReferencedTableName | String | 主キーを含むテーブル。 |
ReferencedColumnName | String | 主キーのカラム名。 |
ForeignKeyType | String | 外部キーがインポート(他のテーブルを指す)キーかエクスポート(他のテーブルから参照される)キーかを指定します。 |
SELECT * FROM sys_primarykeys
Name | Type | Description |
CatalogName | String | キーを含むデータベースの名前。 |
SchemaName | String | キーを含むスキーマの名前。 |
TableName | String | キーを含むテーブルの名前。 |
ColumnName | String | キーカラムの名前。 |
KeySeq | String | 主キーのシーケンス番号。 |
KeyName | String | 主キーの名前。 |
SELECT * FROM sys_indexes WHERE IsPrimary='false'
Name | Type | Description |
CatalogName | String | インデックスを含むデータベースの名前。 |
SchemaName | String | インデックスを含むスキーマの名前。 |
TableName | String | インデックスを含むテーブルの名前。 |
IndexName | String | インデックス名。 |
ColumnName | String | インデックスに関連付けられたカラムの名前。 |
IsUnique | Boolean | インデックスが固有の場合はTrue。そうでない場合はFalse。 |
IsPrimary | Boolean | インデックスが主キーの場合はTrue。そうでない場合はFalse。 |
Type | Int16 | インデックスタイプに対応する整数値:statistic (0)、clustered (1)、hashed (2)、またはother (3)。 |
SortOrder | String | 並べ替え順序:A が昇順、D が降順。 |
OrdinalPosition | Int16 | インデックスのカラムのシーケンスナンバー。 |
このテーブルをクエリする際は、config 接続文字列を使用する必要があります。
SELECT * FROM sys_connection_props WHERE Value <> ''
Name | Type | Description |
Name | String | 接続プロパティ名。 |
ShortDescription | String | 簡単な説明。 |
Type | String | 接続プロパティのデータ型。 |
Default | String | 明示的に設定されていない場合のデフォルト値。 |
Values | String | 可能な値のカンマ区切りリスト。別な値が指定されていると、検証エラーがスローされます。 |
Value | String | 設定した値またはあらかじめ設定されたデフォルト。 |
Required | Boolean | プロパティが接続に必要かどうか。 |
Category | String | 接続プロパティのカテゴリ。 |
IsSessionProperty | String | プロパティが、現在の接続に関する情報を保存するために使用されるセッションプロパティかどうか。 |
Sensitivity | String | プロパティの機密度。これは、プロパティがロギングおよび認証フォームで難読化されているかどうかを通知します。 |
PropertyName | String | キャメルケースの短縮形の接続プロパティ名。 |
Ordinal | Int32 | パラメータのインデックス。 |
CatOrdinal | Int32 | パラメータカテゴリのインデックス。 |
Hierarchy | String | このプロパティと一緒に設定する必要がある、関連のある依存プロパティを表示します。 |
Visible | Boolean | プロパティが接続UI に表示されるかどうかを通知します。 |
ETC | String | プロパティに関するその他のさまざまな情報。 |
Cloud がデータソースにオフロードできるSELECT クエリ処理について説明します。
SQL 構文の詳細については、SQL 準拠 を参照してください。
以下はSQL 機能のサンプルデータセットです。 SELECT 機能のいくつかの側面がサポートされている場合には、カンマ区切りのリストで返されます。サポートされていない場合、カラムにはNO が入ります。
名前 | 説明 | 有効な値 |
COUNT | COUNT 関数がサポートされているかどうか。 | YES, NO |
IDENTIFIER_QUOTE_OPEN_CHAR | 識別子をエスケープするための開始文字。 | [ |
IDENTIFIER_QUOTE_CLOSE_CHAR | 識別子をエスケープするための終了文字。 | ] |
SUPPORTED_OPERATORS | サポートされているSQL 演算子。 | =, >, <, >=, <=, <>, !=, LIKE, NOT LIKE, IN, NOT IN, IS NULL, IS NOT NULL, AND, OR |
GROUP_BY | GROUP BY がサポートされているかどうか。サポートされている場合、どのレベルでサポートされているか。 | NO, NO_RELATION, EQUALS_SELECT, SQL_GB_COLLATE |
OUTER_JOINS | 外部結合がサポートされているかどうか。 | YES, NO |
SUBQUERIES | サブクエリがサポートされているかどうか。サポートされていれば、どのレベルでサポートされているか。 | NO, COMPARISON, EXISTS, IN, CORRELATED_SUBQUERIES, QUANTIFIED |
REPLICATION_SKIP_TABLES | レプリケーション中にスキップされたテーブルを示します。 | |
REPLICATION_TIMECHECK_COLUMNS | レプリケーション中に更新判断のカラムとして使用するかどうかを、(指定された順に)チェックするカラムのリストを含む文字列の配列。 | |
IDENTIFIER_PATTERN | 識別子としてどの文字列が有効かを示す文字列値。 | |
SUPPORT_TRANSACTION | プロバイダーが、コミットやロールバックなどのトランザクションをサポートしているかどうかを示します。 | YES, NO |
DIALECT | 使用するSQL ダイアレクトを示します。 | |
KEY_PROPERTIES | Uniform データベースを特定するプロパティを示します。 | |
SUPPORTS_MULTIPLE_SCHEMAS | プロバイダー用に複数のスキームが存在するかどうかを示します。 | YES, NO |
SUPPORTS_MULTIPLE_CATALOGS | プロバイダー用に複数のカタログが存在するかどうかを示します。 | YES, NO |
DATASYNCVERSION | このドライバーにアクセスするために必要な、CData Sync のバージョン。 | Standard, Starter, Professional, Enterprise |
DATASYNCCATEGORY | このドライバーのCData Sync カテゴリ。 | Source, Destination, Cloud Destination |
SUPPORTSENHANCEDSQL | API で提供されている以上の、追加SQL 機能がサポートされているかどうか。 | TRUE, FALSE |
SUPPORTS_BATCH_OPERATIONS | バッチ操作がサポートされているかどうか。 | YES, NO |
PREFERRED_CACHE_OPTIONS | 使用したいcacheOptions を指定する文字列値。 | |
ENABLE_EF_ADVANCED_QUERY | ドライバーがEntity Framework の高度なクエリをサポートしているかどうかを示します。サポートしていなければ、クエリはクライアントサイドで処理されます。 | YES, NO |
PSEUDO_COLUMNS | 利用可能な疑似カラムを示す文字列の配列。 | |
MERGE_ALWAYS | 値がtrue であれば、CData Sync 内でMerge Model が強制的に実行されます。 | TRUE, FALSE |
REPLICATION_MIN_FUNCTION | サーバーサイドでmin を実行するために使用する式名を、プロバイダーが指定できるようになります。 | |
REPLICATION_START_DATE | レプリケート開始日を、プロバイダーが指定できるようになります。 | |
REPLICATION_MAX_FUNCTION | サーバーサイドでmax を実行するために使用する式名を、プロバイダーが指定できるようになります。 | |
IGNORE_INTERVALS_ON_INITIAL_REPLICATE | 初回のレプリケートで、レプリケートをチャンクに分割しないテーブルのリスト。 | |
CHECKCACHE_USE_PARENTID | CheckCache 構文を親キーカラムに対して実行するかどうかを示します。 | TRUE, FALSE |
CREATE_SCHEMA_PROCEDURES | スキーマファイルの生成に使用できる、ストアドプロシージャを示します。 |
次のクエリは、WHERE 句で使用できる演算子を取得します。
WHERE 句では、個々のテーブルの制限や要件が異なる場合がありますので注意してください。詳しくは、データモデル セクションを参照してください。
Name | Type | Description |
NAME | String | SQL 構文のコンポーネント、またはサーバー上で処理できる機能。 |
VALUE | String | サポートされるSQL またはSQL 構文の詳細。 |
次のクエリは、バッチ処理で変更された行のId を取得します。
SELECT * FROM sys_identity
Name | Type | Description |
Id | String | データ変更処理から返された、データベース生成Id。 |
Batch | String | バッチの識別子。1 は単一処理。 |
Operation | String | バッチ内の処理の結果:INSERTED、UPDATED、またはDELETED。 |
Message | String | SUCCESS、またはバッチ内の更新が失敗した場合のエラーメッセージ。 |
プロパティ | 説明 |
Schema | The type of schema to use. |
AWSRegion | The hosting region for your Amazon Web Services. |
AWSAccessKeyId | The AWS AccessKey Id that you received when you registered for Amazon MWS. |
Marketplace | The Marketplace region that you are registered to sell in. |
MWSAuthToken | The authorization token that you received when you registered for Amazon MWS. |
SellerId | The Seller ID that you received when you registered for Amazon MWS. |
AWSRoleARN | The Amazon Resource Name of the role to use when authenticating. |
AppId | Application Id for Selling Partner app you created. |
AWSSessionToken | AWS Session Token for Selling Partner app you created. |
AWSAccessKey | Your AWS access key. |
AWSSecretKey | Your AWS secret key. |
SellingPartner | Specifies the type of Selling Partner. |
IncludeRestrictedData | Determinies if Restricted Data Tokens (RDT) should be used to retrieve Personally Identifiable Information (PII) |
UseSandbox | A boolean determining if the connection should be made to the Selling Partner sandbox account. |
プロパティ | 説明 |
OAuthAppStatus | Specifies whether the specified SellingPartner OAuth App is in Draft status or Published Status. |
プロパティ | 説明 |
SSLServerCert | TLS/SSL を使用して接続するときに、サーバーが受け入れ可能な証明書。 |
プロパティ | 説明 |
Verbosity | ログファイルの記述をどの程度の詳細さで記載するかを決定するverbosity レベル。 |
プロパティ | 説明 |
BrowsableSchemas | このプロパティは、使用可能なスキーマのサブセットにレポートされるスキーマを制限します。例えば、BrowsableSchemas=SchemaA,SchemaB,SchemaC です。 |
プロパティ | 説明 |
IncludeReports | Set this connection property to true to expose already created reports as views, this property is avaible for both schemes (Marketplace and SellingPartner). |
MaxRows | クエリで集計またはGROUP BY を使用しない場合に返される行数を制限します。これはLIMIT 句よりも優先されます。 |
ProcedurePooling | Whether or not to get feed results after an execution of a stored procedure. |
PseudoColumns | このプロパティは、テーブルのカラムとして疑似カラムが含まれているかどうかを示します。 |
ReportTypes | Set this connection property to one or more report types to filter reports. |
RowScanDepth | The maximum number of rows to scan to look for the columns datatype in a report. |
Timeout | タイムアウトエラーがスローされ、処理をキャンセルするまでの秒数。 |
TypeDetectionScheme | Specifies how to determine the data types of columns when selecting from Reports. |
UseSimpleNames | テーブルとカラムに簡略名を使用するかどうかを決定するboolean。 |
このセクションでは、本プロバイダーの接続文字列で設定可能なAuthentication プロパティの全リストを提供します。
プロパティ | 説明 |
Schema | The type of schema to use. |
AWSRegion | The hosting region for your Amazon Web Services. |
AWSAccessKeyId | The AWS AccessKey Id that you received when you registered for Amazon MWS. |
Marketplace | The Marketplace region that you are registered to sell in. |
MWSAuthToken | The authorization token that you received when you registered for Amazon MWS. |
SellerId | The Seller ID that you received when you registered for Amazon MWS. |
AWSRoleARN | The Amazon Resource Name of the role to use when authenticating. |
AppId | Application Id for Selling Partner app you created. |
AWSSessionToken | AWS Session Token for Selling Partner app you created. |
AWSAccessKey | Your AWS access key. |
AWSSecretKey | Your AWS secret key. |
SellingPartner | Specifies the type of Selling Partner. |
IncludeRestrictedData | Determinies if Restricted Data Tokens (RDT) should be used to retrieve Personally Identifiable Information (PII) |
UseSandbox | A boolean determining if the connection should be made to the Selling Partner sandbox account. |
The type of schema to use.
The available schemas are Marketplace and SellingPartner.
The hosting region for your Amazon Web Services.
The AWS AccessKey Id that you received when you registered for Amazon MWS.
Use this connection property to override the embedded AWSAccessKeyId.
The Marketplace region that you are registered to sell in.
"United States"
Available regions are United States, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Spain, United Kingdom, France, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, Italy, Sweden, Poland, Egypt, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, India, China, Singapore, Japan, and Australia.
The authorization token that you received when you registered for Amazon MWS.
The authorization token that you received when you registered for Amazon MWS.
The Seller ID that you received when you registered for Amazon MWS.
If Seller ID not specified, then the Merchant identifier is required to authenticate.
The Amazon Resource Name of the role to use when authenticating.
When authenticating outside of AWS, it is common to use a Role for authentication instead of your direct AWS account credentials. Entering the AWSRoleARN will cause the CData Cloud to perform a role based authentication instead of using the AWSAccessKey and AWSSecretKey directly. The AWSAccessKey and AWSSecretKey must still be specified to perform this authentication. You cannot use the credentials of an AWS root user when setting RoleARN. The AWSAccessKey and AWSSecretKey must be those of an IAM user.
Application Id for Selling Partner app you created.
Application Id for Selling Partner app you created.
AWS Session Token for Selling Partner app you created.
AWS Session Token can be obtained from AssumeRole request to AWS. AWSAccessKeyId and AWSSecretKey should also be provided when setting AWSSessionToken.
Your AWS access key.
This is the Access Key tied to the AWS user that is associated with the the OAuthClientId.
Your AWS secret key.
This is the Secret Key tied to the AWS user that is associated with the the OAuthClientId.
Specifies the type of Selling Partner.
Specifies the type of Selling Partner, which can be Seller or Vendor.
Determinies if Restricted Data Tokens (RDT) should be used to retrieve Personally Identifiable Information (PII)
Determinies if Restricted Data Tokens (RDT) should be used to retrieve Personally Identifiable Information (PII)
A boolean determining if the connection should be made to the Selling Partner sandbox account.
A boolean determining if the connection should be made to the Selling Partner sandbox account.
Note: To use Sandbox account, set Schema to 'SellingPartner'.
このセクションでは、本プロバイダーの接続文字列で設定可能なOAuth プロパティの全リストを提供します。
プロパティ | 説明 |
OAuthAppStatus | Specifies whether the specified SellingPartner OAuth App is in Draft status or Published Status. |
Specifies whether the specified SellingPartner OAuth App is in Draft status or Published Status.
Specifies whether the specified SellingPartner OAuth App is in Draft status or Published Status.
If you set this property to 'Draft', the version=beta parameter is added to OAuth authorization URI, and the workflow authorizes an application in Draft state. Otherwise, the workflow authorizes an application published on the Amazon Seller Central Partner Network.
このセクションでは、本プロバイダーの接続文字列で設定可能なSSL プロパティの全リストを提供します。
プロパティ | 説明 |
SSLServerCert | TLS/SSL を使用して接続するときに、サーバーが受け入れ可能な証明書。 |
TLS/SSL を使用して接続するときに、サーバーが受け入れ可能な証明書。
TLS/SSL 接続を使用する場合は、このプロパティを使用して、サーバーが受け入れるTLS/SSL 証明書を指定できます。コンピュータによって信頼されていない他の証明書はすべて拒否されます。
説明 | 例 |
フルPEM 証明書(例では省略されています) | -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIChTCCAe4CAQAwDQYJKoZIhv......Qw== -----END CERTIFICATE----- |
証明書を保有するローカルファイルへのパス。 | C:\cert.cer |
公開鍵(例では省略されています) | -----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY----- MIGfMA0GCSq......AQAB -----END RSA PUBLIC KEY----- |
MD5 Thumbprint (hex 値はスペースおよびコロン区切り) | ecadbdda5a1529c58a1e9e09828d70e4 |
SHA1 Thumbprint (hex 値はスペースおよびコロン区切り) | 34a929226ae0819f2ec14b4a3d904f801cbb150d |
このセクションでは、本プロバイダーの接続文字列で設定可能なLogging プロパティの全リストを提供します。
プロパティ | 説明 |
Verbosity | ログファイルの記述をどの程度の詳細さで記載するかを決定するverbosity レベル。 |
このセクションでは、本プロバイダーの接続文字列で設定可能なSchema プロパティの全リストを提供します。
プロパティ | 説明 |
BrowsableSchemas | このプロパティは、使用可能なスキーマのサブセットにレポートされるスキーマを制限します。例えば、BrowsableSchemas=SchemaA,SchemaB,SchemaC です。 |
このプロパティは、使用可能なスキーマのサブセットにレポートされるスキーマを制限します。例えば、BrowsableSchemas=SchemaA,SchemaB,SchemaC です。
スキーマをデータベースからリストすると、負荷がかかる可能性があります。接続文字列でスキーマのリストを提供すると、 パフォーマンスが向上します。
このセクションでは、本プロバイダーの接続文字列で設定可能なMiscellaneous プロパティの全リストを提供します。
プロパティ | 説明 |
IncludeReports | Set this connection property to true to expose already created reports as views, this property is avaible for both schemes (Marketplace and SellingPartner). |
MaxRows | クエリで集計またはGROUP BY を使用しない場合に返される行数を制限します。これはLIMIT 句よりも優先されます。 |
ProcedurePooling | Whether or not to get feed results after an execution of a stored procedure. |
PseudoColumns | このプロパティは、テーブルのカラムとして疑似カラムが含まれているかどうかを示します。 |
ReportTypes | Set this connection property to one or more report types to filter reports. |
RowScanDepth | The maximum number of rows to scan to look for the columns datatype in a report. |
Timeout | タイムアウトエラーがスローされ、処理をキャンセルするまでの秒数。 |
TypeDetectionScheme | Specifies how to determine the data types of columns when selecting from Reports. |
UseSimpleNames | テーブルとカラムに簡略名を使用するかどうかを決定するboolean。 |
Set this connection property to true to expose already created reports as views, this property is avaible for both schemes (Marketplace and SellingPartner).
Set this connection property to true to expose already created reports as views, this property is avaible for both schemes (Marketplace and SellingPartner).
クエリで集計またはGROUP BY を使用しない場合に返される行数を制限します。これはLIMIT 句よりも優先されます。
クエリで集計またはGROUP BY を使用しない場合に返される行数を制限します。これはLIMIT 句よりも優先されます。
Whether or not to get feed results after an execution of a stored procedure.
Set this to False if you do not want to wait to get the results of a stored procedure.
Entity Framework ではテーブルカラムでない疑似カラムに値を設定できないため、この設定はEntity Framework で特に便利です。この接続設定の値は、"Table1=Column1, Table1=Column2, Table2=Column3" の形式です。"*=*" のように"*" 文字を使用して、すべてのテーブルとすべてのカラムを含めることができます。
Set this connection property to one or more report types to filter reports.
Set this connection property to one or more comma-separated report types to filter reports. This property decides which report types to expose as views when IncludeReports = True and Schema = Marketplace.
The maximum number of rows to scan to look for the columns datatype in a report.
The columns in a table must be determined by scanning table rows. This value determines the maximum number of rows that will be scanned.
Setting a high value may decrease performance. Setting a low value may prevent the data type from being determined properly, especially when there is null data.
Timeout が0に設定されている場合は、操作がタイムアウトしません。処理が正常に完了するか、エラー状態になるまで実行されます。
Timeout の有効期限が切れても処理が完了していない場合は、Cloud は例外をスローします。
Specifies how to determine the data types of columns when selecting from Reports.
When IncludeReports is set to True, this property specifies how to determine the data types.
None | Setting TypeDetectionScheme to None will return all columns as the string type. |
RowScan | Setting TypeDetectionScheme to RowScan will scan rows to heuristically determine the data type. |
Amazon Marketplace テーブルおよびカラムでは、 通常のデータベースでは使うことが認められていない特殊記号・文字を名前に使うことができます。UseSimpleNames を使用すると、Cloud を従来のデータベースツールでより簡単に使用できるようになります。
UseSimpleNames をtrue に設定し、返されるテーブル名およびカラム名をシンプルにします。表示されるテーブル名 およびカラム名においてアルファベット文字およびアンダースコアのみを有効とするネーミングスキームを強制します。 英数字以外の文字はすべて、アンダースコアに変換されます。