FireDAC Components for Amazon Marketplace

Build 23.0.8839


Returns a list of fulfillment order previews based on shipping criteria that you specify.


Name Type References Description
SellerFulfillmentOrderItemId [KEY] String A fulfillment order item identifier that the seller created with a call to the createFulfillmentOrder operation.
EarliestArrivalDate Datetime The earliest date that the shipment is expected to arrive at its destination.
EarliestShipDate Datetime The earliest date that the shipment is expected to be sent from the fulfillment center, in ISO 8601 date time format.
EstimatedShippingWeightUnit String The estimated shipping unit weight of the item quantity for a single item, as identified by sellerSku, in a shipment.
EstimatedShippingWeightValue String The estimated shipping weight value of the item quantity for a single item, as identified by sellerSku, in a shipment.
IsCodCapable Boolean Indicates whether this fulfillment order preview is for COD (Cash On Delivery).
IsFulfillable Boolean Indicates whether this fulfillment order preview is fulfillable.
LatestArrivalDate Datetime The latest date that the shipment is expected to arrive at its destination, in ISO 8601 date time format.
LatestShipDate Datetime The latest date that the shipment is expected to be sent from the fulfillment center, in ISO 8601 date time format.
MarketplaceId String The marketplace the fulfillment order is placed against.
Quantity Integer The item quantity.
SellerSku String The seller SKU of the item.
ShippingSpeedCategory String The shipping method used for the fulfillment order. When this value is ScheduledDelivery, choose Ship for the fulfillmentAction. Hold is not a valid fulfillmentAction value when the shippingSpeedCategory value is ScheduledDelivery.
ScheduledDeliveryInfo String Provides additional insight into the shipment timeline when exact delivery dates are not able to be precomputed.
ShippingWeightCalculationMethod String The method used to calculate the estimated shipping weight.
UnfulfilledItemQuantity Integer The item quantity of the unfulfillable item.
UnfulfilledItemSellerFulfillmentOrderItemId String The fulfillment order item identifier of the unfulfillable item.
UnfulfilledItemUnfulfillableReasons String Error codes associated with the fulfillment order preview that indicate why the item is unfulfillable.
AddressLine1 String The first line of the address.
AddressLine2 String Additional address information.
AddressLine3 String Additional address information.
City String The city where the person, business, or institution is located. This property is required in all countries except Japan. It should not be used in Japan.
CountryCode String The two digit country code. In ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format.
DistrictOrCounty String The district or county where the person, business, or institution is located.
AddressName String The name of the person, business or institution at the address.
PostalCode String The postal code of the address.
StateOrRegion String The state or region where the person, business or institution is located.
Phone String The phone number of the person, business, or institution located at the address.
IncludeCODFulfillmentPreview Boolean When true, returns all fulfillment order previews both for COD and not for COD. Otherwise, returns only fulfillment order previews that are not for COD.
IncludeDeliveryWindows Boolean When true, returns the ScheduledDeliveryInfo response object, which contains the available delivery windows for a Scheduled Delivery. The ScheduledDeliveryInfo response object can only be returned for fulfillment order previews with ShippingSpeedCategories = ScheduledDelivery.

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Build 23.0.8839