FireDAC Components for Amazon Marketplace

Build 23.0.8839

Connection Parameters

The connection string properties are the various options that can be used to establish a connection. This section provides a complete list of the options you can configure in the connection string for this provider. Click the links for further details.

For more information on establishing a connection, see Establishing a Connection.


SchemaThe type of schema to use.
AWSRegionThe hosting region for your Amazon Web Services.
AWSAccessKeyIdThe AWS AccessKey Id that you received when you registered for Amazon MWS.
MarketplaceThe Marketplace region that you are registered to sell in.
MWSAuthTokenThe authorization token that you received when you registered for Amazon MWS.
SellerIdThe Seller ID that you received when you registered for Amazon MWS.
AWSRoleARNThe Amazon Resource Name of the role to use when authenticating.
AppIdApplication Id for Selling Partner app you created.
AWSSessionTokenAWS Session Token for Selling Partner app you created.
AWSAccessKeyYour AWS access key.
AWSSecretKeyYour AWS secret key.
SellingPartnerSpecifies the type of Selling Partner.
IncludeRestrictedDataDeterminies if Restricted Data Tokens (RDT) should be used to retrieve Personally Identifiable Information (PII).
UseSandboxA boolean determining if the connection should be made to the Selling Partner sandbox account.
CredentialsLocationThe location of the settings file where temporary credentials are saved.


InitiateOAuthSet this property to initiate the process to obtain or refresh the OAuth access token when you connect.
OAuthClientIdThe client Id assigned when you register your application with an OAuth authorization server.
OAuthClientSecretThe client secret assigned when you register your application with an OAuth authorization server.
OAuthAccessTokenThe access token for connecting using OAuth.
OAuthSettingsLocationThe location of the settings file where OAuth values are saved when InitiateOAuth is set to GETANDREFRESH or REFRESH . Alternatively, you can hold this location in memory by specifying a value starting with 'memory://'.
OAuthClientLocationThe location of the settings file where the embedded application's OAuth credentials are saved. Alternatively, this can be held in memory by specifying a value starting with memory://.
CallbackURLThe OAuth callback URL to return to when authenticating. This value must match the callback URL you specify in your app settings.
OAuthAppStatusSpecifies whether the specified SellingPartner OAuth App is in Draft status or Published Status.
OAuthVerifierThe verifier code returned from the OAuth authorization URL.
OAuthRefreshTokenThe OAuth refresh token for the corresponding OAuth access token.
OAuthExpiresInThe lifetime in seconds of the OAuth AccessToken.
OAuthTokenTimestampThe Unix epoch timestamp in milliseconds when the current Access Token was created.


SSLServerCertThe certificate to be accepted from the server when connecting using TLS/SSL.


FirewallTypeThe protocol used by a proxy-based firewall.
FirewallServerThe name or IP address of a proxy-based firewall.
FirewallPortThe TCP port for a proxy-based firewall.
FirewallUserThe user name to use to authenticate with a proxy-based firewall.
FirewallPasswordA password used to authenticate to a proxy-based firewall.


ProxyAutoDetectThis indicates whether to use the system proxy settings or not.
ProxyServerThe hostname or IP address of a proxy to route HTTP traffic through.
ProxyPortThe TCP port the ProxyServer proxy is running on.
ProxyAuthSchemeThe authentication type to use to authenticate to the ProxyServer proxy.
ProxyUserA user name to be used to authenticate to the ProxyServer proxy.
ProxyPasswordA password to be used to authenticate to the ProxyServer proxy.
ProxySSLTypeThe SSL type to use when connecting to the ProxyServer proxy.
ProxyExceptionsA semicolon separated list of destination hostnames or IPs that are exempt from connecting through the ProxyServer .


LogfileA filepath which designates the name and location of the log file.
VerbosityThe verbosity level that determines the amount of detail included in the log file.
LogModulesCore modules to be included in the log file.
MaxLogFileSizeA string specifying the maximum size in bytes for a log file (for example, 10 MB).
MaxLogFileCountA string specifying the maximum file count of log files.


LocationA path to the directory that contains the schema files defining tables, views, and stored procedures.
BrowsableSchemasThis property restricts the schemas reported to a subset of the available schemas. For example, BrowsableSchemas=SchemaA,SchemaB,SchemaC.
TablesThis property restricts the tables reported to a subset of the available tables. For example, Tables=TableA,TableB,TableC.
ViewsRestricts the views reported to a subset of the available tables. For example, Views=ViewA,ViewB,ViewC.


AutoCacheAutomatically caches the results of SELECT queries into a cache database specified by either CacheLocation or both of CacheConnection and CacheProvider .
CacheProviderThe name of the provider to be used to cache data.
CacheConnectionThe connection string for the cache database. This property is always used in conjunction with CacheProvider . Setting both properties will override the value set for CacheLocation for caching data.
CacheLocationSpecifies the path to the cache when caching to a file.
CacheToleranceThe tolerance for stale data in the cache specified in seconds when using AutoCache .
OfflineUse offline mode to get the data from the cache instead of the live source.
CacheMetadataThis property determines whether or not to cache the table metadata to a file store.


IncludeReportsSet this connection property to true to expose already created reports as views, this property is avaible for both schemes (Marketplace and SellingPartner).
MaximumColumnSizeThe maximum column size.
MaxRowsLimits the number of rows returned when no aggregation or GROUP BY is used in the query. This takes precedence over LIMIT clauses.
OtherThese hidden properties are used only in specific use cases.
ProcedurePoolingWhether or not to get feed results after an execution of a stored procedure.
PseudoColumnsThis property indicates whether or not to include pseudo columns as columns to the table.
ReadonlyYou can use this property to enforce read-only access to Amazon Marketplace from the provider.
ReportTypesSet this connection property to one or more report types to filter reports.
RowScanDepthThe maximum number of rows to scan to look for the columns datatype in a report.
RTKThe runtime key used for licensing.
TimeoutThe value in seconds until the timeout error is thrown, canceling the operation.
TypeDetectionSchemeSpecifies how to determine the data types of columns when selecting from Reports.
UserDefinedViewsA filepath pointing to the JSON configuration file containing your custom views.
UseSimpleNamesBoolean determining if simple names should be used for tables and columns.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 23.0.8839