The CancelFeed cancels one or more feed submissions and returns a count of the canceled feed submissions and the feed submission information. Note that if you do not specify a FeedSubmmissionId, all feed submissions are canceled.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
FeedSubmissionId | String | True | Required. A unique identifier for the feed submission. |
FeedType | String | False | The type of feed submitted. |
SubmittedFromDate | Datetime | False | Beginning of the date range specified when the feed was submitted. |
SubmittedToDate | Datetime | False | End of the date range specified when the feed was submitted. |
CancelFeedAggregate | String | False | An aggregate representing the feed. Can be in the form of XML or a #TEMP table. |
Result Set Columns
Name | Type | Description |
FeedSubmissionId | String | Required. A unique identifier for the feed submission. |
FeedType | String | The type of feed submitted. |
SubmittedDate | Datetime | The date and time when the feed was submitted. |
FeedProcessingStatus | String | The processing status of the feed submission |
StartedProcessingDate | Datetime | The date when the feed processing started. |
CompletedProcessingDate | Datetime | The date when the feed processing completed. |
SwitchFulfillmentTo | String | Used only when switching the fulfillment of an item from MFN (merchant fulfilled) to AFN (Amazon fulfilled) or vice versa. |
OperationType | String | Required. Used to specify the type of operation (Update or Delete) to be performed on the data. |