TDV Adapter for MarkLogic

Build 23.0.8839

SELECT Statements

A SELECT statement can consist of the following basic clauses.

  • INTO
  • FROM
  • JOIN


The following syntax diagram outlines the syntax supported by the MarkLogic adapter:

  [ TOP <numeric_literal> | DISTINCT ]
    | { 
        <expression> [ [ AS ] <column_reference> ] 
        | { <table_name> | <correlation_name> } .* 
      } [ , ... ] 
  [ INTO csv:// [ filename= ] <file_path> [ ;delimiter=tab ] ]
    FROM <table_reference> [ [ AS ] <identifier> ] 
  } [ , ... ]
  [ [ 
      INNER | { { LEFT | RIGHT | FULL  } [ OUTER ] }  
    ] JOIN <table_reference> [ ON <search_condition> ] [ [ AS ] <identifier> ] 
  ] [ ... ] 
  [ WHERE <search_condition> ]
  [ GROUP BY <column_reference> [ , ... ]
  [ HAVING <search_condition> ]
  [ UNION  [ ALL ] <select_statement> ]
    <column_reference> [ ASC | DESC ] [ NULLS FIRST | NULLS LAST ]
    LIMIT <expression>
      { OFFSET | , }

  <expression> ::=
    | <column_reference>
    | @ <parameter> 
    | ?
    | COUNT( * | { [ DISTINCT ] <expression> } )
    | { AVG | MAX | MIN | SUM | COUNT } ( <expression> ) 
    | NULLIF ( <expression> , <expression> ) 
    | COALESCE ( <expression> , ... ) 
    | CASE <expression>
        WHEN { <expression> | <search_condition> } THEN { <expression> | NULL } [ ... ]
    [ ELSE { <expression> | NULL } ]
    | <literal>
    | <sql_function> 

  <search_condition> ::= 
      <expression> { = | > | < | >= | <= | <> | != | LIKE | NOT LIKE | IN | NOT IN | IS NULL | IS NOT NULL | AND | OR } [ <expression> ]
    } [ { AND | OR } ... ]


  1. Return all columns:
    SELECT * FROM [CData].[main].Customer
  2. Rename a column:
    SELECT "TotalDue" AS MY_TotalDue FROM [CData].[main].Customer
  3. Cast a column's data as a different data type:
    SELECT CAST(AnnualRevenue AS VARCHAR) AS Str_AnnualRevenue FROM [CData].[main].Customer
  4. Search data:
    SELECT * FROM [CData].[main].Customer WHERE CustomerId = '12345'
  5. The MarkLogic APIs support the following operators in the WHERE clause: =, >, <, >=, <=, <>, !=, LIKE, NOT LIKE, IN, NOT IN, IS NULL, IS NOT NULL, AND, OR.
    SELECT * FROM [CData].[main].Customer WHERE CustomerId = '12345';
  6. Return the number of items matching the query criteria:
    SELECT COUNT(*) AS MyCount FROM [CData].[main].Customer 
  7. Return the number of unique items matching the query criteria:
    SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT TotalDue) FROM [CData].[main].Customer 
  8. Return the unique items matching the query criteria:
    SELECT DISTINCT TotalDue FROM [CData].[main].Customer 
  9. Sort a result set in ascending order:
    SELECT Name, TotalDue FROM [CData].[main].Customer  ORDER BY TotalDue ASC

Aggregate Functions

For SELECT examples using aggregate functions, see Aggregate Functions.

JOIN Queries

See JOIN Queries for SELECT query examples using JOINs.

Date Literal Functions

Date Literal Functions contains SELECT examples with date literal functions.

Projection Functions

See Projection Functions for SELECT examples with projection functions.

Predicate Functions

For SELECT examples using predicate functions, see Predicate Functions.

Window Functions

See Window Functions for SELECT examples containing window functions.

Table-Valued Functions

See Table-Valued Functions for SELECT examples with table-valued functions.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 23.0.8839