Shipment status update function for managing order delivery status.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
OrderId | String | True | Order ID. |
SellerId | String | False | Store account. |
IsPointFix | Boolean | True | Point determination necessity. When changing the order status to 'Complete', please be sure to set the point determination necessity to true. true: Points are finalized, false: The point is not fixed. |
OperationUser | String | False | Name of updater (Business ID registered name). |
ShipStatus | Integer | True | Delivery status - 0: Can not be shipped, 1: Can be shipped, 2: Shipment in process, 3: Shipment complete, 4: Receipt complete
使用できる値は次のとおりです。0, 1, 2, 3, 4 |
ShipMethod | String | False | Delivery method: any one of postage 1 - 14, 16 (postage 15 is missing number) Store creator Pro order of delivery setting. |
ShipNotes | String | False | Delivery memo. |
ShipCompanyCode | String | False | Delivery company code - 1000: Other, 1001: Yamato Transport, 1002: Sagawa Express, etc. |
ShipInvoiceNumber1 | String | False | Shipping slip number 1. |
ShipInvoiceNumber2 | String | False | Delivery order number 2. |
ShipInvoiceNumberEmptyReason | String | False | No slip number - No. Reason NULL: (Unregistered state) 101: For direct sending items from manufacturer's inventory, 102: For goods for which shipping is unnecessary, 103: For store receipt items, 104: For direct contact from a delivery company, 105: The slip number is not issued (it can not be tracked) Because of the delivery method. |
ShipUrl | String | False | Shipping company URL. Maximum 100 single-byte characters. |
ShipDate | Date | False | Shipment date. |
ArrivalDate | Date | False | Date of arrival. |
ShipInstructStatus | Integer | False | Shipping instruction status. 100: Shipping instruction not yet accepted, 101: Waiting for shipping instruction, 102: Cancelled shipping, 103: Shipping instruction completed. 104: Shipping completed, 105: Delivery completed, 106: Undeliverable. |
CollectionDate | Date | False | The date when Yamato Transport collected the cargo. |
CashOnDeliveryTax | Integer | False | The tax amount for the delivery payments. |
Result Set Columns
Name | Type | Description |
Status | String | Stored procedure execution status. |