JDBC Driver for Yahoo Shopping

Build 24.0.8963


Gets an authentication token from Yahoo Shopping.


Name Type Required Description
AuthMode String False The type of authentication mode to use. Select App for getting authentication tokens via a desktop app. Select Web for getting authentication tokens via a Web app.

使用できる値は次のとおりです。APP, WEB


Scope String False A space-separated list of permissions to request from the user. Available values include: openid, profile, email, address.

デフォルト値はopenid profile email addressです。

CallbackURL String False Determines where the response is sent. The value of this parameter must exactly match one of the values registered in the settings for the app (including the HTTP or HTTPS schemes, capitalization, and trailing '/').
Verifier String False The verifier returned from Yahoo Shopping after the user has authorized your app to have access to their data. This value will be returned as a parameter to the callback URL in GetOAuthAuthorizationURL.
State String False This field indicates any state that may be useful to your application upon receipt of the response. Your application receives the same value it sent, as this parameter makes a round-trip to the YahooShopping authorization server and back. Possible uses include redirecting the user to the correct resource in your site, using nonces, and mitigating cross-site request forgery.
Nonce String False A parameter used for replay attack countermeasure. For each request, specify a random character string of sufficient length. The specified nonce value is included in the ID Token and returned. In order to prevent reuse of ID Token, verify the nonce value and confirm that the same ID Token is not used more than once.
Display String False The type of page to be displayed on the login screen and consent screen. If it is not specified, page is the default value.

使用できる値は次のとおりです。page, touch, popup, inapp


Prompt String False The action you want the user to take. To specify more than one, separate it with a space. Available values include: consent,login,select_account,none


MaxAge String False Specify the maximum authentication elapsed time. Reauthentication is required if the time since authentication has passed the number of specified seconds.


Result Set Columns

Name Type Description
OAuthAccessToken String The access token used for communication with Yahoo Shopping.
OAuthRefreshToken String The refresh token used for RefreshOAuthAccessToken procedure.

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Build 24.0.8963