ODBC Driver for Yahoo Shopping

Build 23.0.8839


Returns data from a sample table.


The 本製品 will use the Yahoo Shopping API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the 本製品.

  • OrderId AND SellerId support the = operator.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM OrderLineItems WHERE OrderId = 'store_000001'

SELECT * FROM OrderLineItems WHERE OrderId = 'store_000001' AND SellerId = 'store' 


To add a OrderLineItem specify the OrderId, IsQuotation, ItemId, LineId, Quantity, Title, UnitPrice columns.

INSERT INTO OrderLineItems (OrderId, IsQuotation, ItemId, LineId, Quantity, Title, UnitPrice) VALUES ('store-10000004', 'false', 'CD0012345', 22, 10, 'some new title test', 150) 

Batch Insert

Yahoo Shopping allows batch inserts for the same columns. OrderId should be the same in all batch records.

INSERT INTO OrderLineItems (OrderId, IsQuotation, ItemId, LineId, Quantity, Title, UnitPrice) VALUES ('store-10000004', 'false', 'CD0012345', 22, 10, 'some new title test 1', 150) 

INSERT INTO OrderLineItems (OrderId, IsQuotation, ItemId, LineId, Quantity, Title, UnitPrice) VALUES ('store-10000004', 'false', 'CD0012346', 22, 10, 'some new title test 2', 150) 

INSERT INTO OrderLineItems (OrderId, IsQuotation, ItemId, LineId, Quantity, Title, UnitPrice) SELECT OrderId, IsQuotation, ItemId, LineId, Quantity, Title, UnitPrice FROM OrderLineItems#TEMP


UPDATE is not supported by OrderDetails


Delete is not supported by OrderDetails


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
OrderId [KEY] String False


Order ID.

LineId [KEY] Integer False

Product line ID.

OrderTime Datetime True

The date and time when the order was made.

SellerId String False

Store account ID.

ItemId String False

Product ID.

Title String False

Product title.

SubCode String False

The subcode of the product when this value has been set.

SubCodeOption String True

The subcode option when this value has been set. Both key & value.

IsUsed Boolean True

Indicates whether it is a used item.

ImageId String True

The product image ID.

IsTaxable Boolean True

Tax object flag.

Jan String True

Japanese Article Number code.

ProductId String True

The product code (product number/model number).

CategoryId Integer True

Category code.

AffiliateRatio String True

Store burden rate.

UnitPrice Integer False

Unit price of each item (amount after discount of store coupons) .

ItemTaxRatio Integer True

Unit price of each item (amount after discount of store coupons) .

Quantity Integer False

The quantity of each item.

PointAvailQuantity Integer True

Points to be granted quantity.

ReleaseDate Date True

Release date. This is only when there is input of release date. For release date bigger than order date, treat it as a pre-order.

HaveReview Boolean True

Product review absence flag.

PointFspCode String True

Point code by item. 10001 to 10015, 2001 to 20010.

PointRatioY Integer True

Granted Point Magnification (Yahoo! JAPAN Burden).

PointRatioSeller Integer True

Granted Point Magnification (Store Burden).

UnitGetPoint Integer True

Number of credit points granted.

IsGetPointFix Boolean True

Granted point determination flag.

GetPointFixDate Date True

Granulation point determination date. After 14 days of order date, we will set the pre-order to 14 days after release date.

CouponDiscount Integer True

Coupon discount amount.

CouponUseNum Integer True

Number of applicable coupons.

OriginalPrice Integer True

Unit price before discount.

OriginalNum Integer True

Quantity before line splitting.

LeadTimeStart Date True

Start of shipment date.

LeadTimeEnd Date True

Shipment day end.

LeadTimeText String True

Shipping date text.

CouponData String True

Store coupons.

IsQuotation Boolean False

Used only on UPDATE.

OperationUser String False

It is the registered name of Yahoo! JAPAN business ID who carried out update work.

YamatoCoopStatus Integer True

It is a status that shows the current status of the link to Yamato Transport.

使用できる値は次のとおりです。0, 1, 2, 3, 4

PickAndDeliveryCode String True

The bar code information required for delivery.

PickAndDeliveryTransportRuleType Integer True

It is an information on cargo handling.

使用できる値は次のとおりです。0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

YamatoUndeliverableReason String True

The reason why Yamato delivery is not possible.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 23.0.8839