Views are similar to tables in the way that data is represented; however, views are read-only.
Queries can be executed against a view as if it were a normal table.
CData Power BI Connector for Acumatica Views
Name | Description |
AccountByPeriodInquiry_Results | AccountByPeriodInquiry_Results is an auto-generated table. |
AccountBySubaccountInquiry_Results | AccountBySubaccountInquiry_Results is an auto-generated table. |
AccountDetailsInquiry_Results | AccountDetailsInquiry_Results is an auto-generated table. |
AccountLocation_Address | AccountLocation_Address is an auto-generated table. |
AccountLocation_Cases | AccountLocation_Cases is an auto-generated table. |
AccountLocation_Contact | AccountLocation_Contact is an auto-generated table. |
AccountLocation_Opportunities | AccountLocation_Opportunities is an auto-generated table. |
AccountSummaryInquiry_Results | AccountSummaryInquiry_Results is an auto-generated table. |
Adjustment_Details | Adjustment_Details is an auto-generated table. |
AttributeDefinition_Values | AttributeDefinition_Values is an auto-generated table. |
Bill_Applications | Bill_Applications is an auto-generated table. |
Bill_Details | Bill_Details is an auto-generated table. |
Bill_TaxDetails | Bill_TaxDetails is an auto-generated table. |
BusinessAccount_Activities | BusinessAccount_Activities is an auto-generated table. |
BusinessAccount_Attributes | BusinessAccount_Attributes is an auto-generated table. |
BusinessAccount_Campaigns | BusinessAccount_Campaigns is an auto-generated table. |
BusinessAccount_Cases | BusinessAccount_Cases is an auto-generated table. |
BusinessAccount_Contacts | BusinessAccount_Contacts is an auto-generated table. |
BusinessAccount_Contracts | BusinessAccount_Contracts is an auto-generated table. |
BusinessAccount_DefaultLocationSettings | BusinessAccount_DefaultLocationSettings is an auto-generated table. |
BusinessAccount_Duplicates | BusinessAccount_Duplicates is an auto-generated table. |
BusinessAccount_Locations | BusinessAccount_Locations is an auto-generated table. |
BusinessAccount_MainAddress | BusinessAccount_MainAddress is an auto-generated table. |
BusinessAccount_MainContact | BusinessAccount_MainContact is an auto-generated table. |
BusinessAccount_MarketingLists | BusinessAccount_MarketingLists is an auto-generated table. |
BusinessAccount_Opportunities | BusinessAccount_Opportunities is an auto-generated table. |
BusinessAccount_Orders | BusinessAccount_Orders is an auto-generated table. |
BusinessAccount_Relations | BusinessAccount_Relations is an auto-generated table. |
BusinessAccount_ShippingAddress | BusinessAccount_ShippingAddress is an auto-generated table. |
BusinessAccount_ShippingContact | BusinessAccount_ShippingContact is an auto-generated table. |
Carrier_CustomerAccounts | Carrier_CustomerAccounts is an auto-generated table. |
Carrier_PlugInParameters | Carrier_PlugInParameters is an auto-generated table. |
Case_Activities | Case_Activities is an auto-generated table. |
Case_Attributes | Case_Attributes is an auto-generated table. |
Case_RelatedCases | Case_RelatedCases is an auto-generated table. |
Case_Relations | Case_Relations is an auto-generated table. |
CashSale_Details | CashSale_Details is an auto-generated table. |
Check_Details | Check_Details is an auto-generated table. |
Check_History | Check_History is an auto-generated table. |
Contact_Activities | Contact_Activities is an auto-generated table. |
Contact_Address | Contact_Address is an auto-generated table. |
Contact_Attributes | Contact_Attributes is an auto-generated table. |
Contact_Campaigns | Contact_Campaigns is an auto-generated table. |
Contact_Cases | Contact_Cases is an auto-generated table. |
Contact_Duplicates | Contact_Duplicates is an auto-generated table. |
Contact_MarketingLists | Contact_MarketingLists is an auto-generated table. |
Contact_Notifications | Contact_Notifications is an auto-generated table. |
Contact_Opportunities | Contact_Opportunities is an auto-generated table. |
Contact_Relations | Contact_Relations is an auto-generated table. |
Contact_UserInfo | Contact_UserInfo is an auto-generated table. |
CustomerClass_Attributes | CustomerClass_Attributes is an auto-generated table. |
CustomerLocation_LocationContact | CustomerLocation_LocationContact is an auto-generated table. |
CustomerPaymentMethod_Details | CustomerPaymentMethod_Details is an auto-generated table. |
Customer_Attributes | Customer_Attributes is an auto-generated table. |
Customer_BillingContact | Customer_BillingContact is an auto-generated table. |
Customer_Contacts | Customer_Contacts is an auto-generated table. |
Customer_CreditVerificationRules | Customer_CreditVerificationRules is an auto-generated table. |
Customer_MainContact | Customer_MainContact is an auto-generated table. |
Customer_PaymentInstructions | Customer_PaymentInstructions is an auto-generated table. |
Customer_Salespersons | Customer_Salespersons is an auto-generated table. |
Customer_ShippingContact | Customer_ShippingContact is an auto-generated table. |
Discount_CustomerPriceClasses | Discount_CustomerPriceClasses is an auto-generated table. |
Discount_Customers | Discount_Customers is an auto-generated table. |
Discount_DiscountBreakpoints | Discount_DiscountBreakpoints is an auto-generated table. |
Discount_ItemPriceClasses | Discount_ItemPriceClasses is an auto-generated table. |
Discount_Items | Discount_Items is an auto-generated table. |
Discount_Warehouses | Discount_Warehouses is an auto-generated table. |
Email_TimeActivity | Email_TimeActivity is an auto-generated table. |
Employee_Contact | Employee_Contact is an auto-generated table. |
Employee_EmployeeCost | Employee_EmployeeCost is an auto-generated table. |
Employee_EmploymentHistory | Employee_EmploymentHistory is an auto-generated table. |
Event_Attendees | Event_Attendees is an auto-generated table. |
Event_RelatedActivities | Event_RelatedActivities is an auto-generated table. |
Event_Reminder | Event_Reminder is an auto-generated table. |
Event_TimeActivity | Event_TimeActivity is an auto-generated table. |
FinancialPeriod_Details | FinancialPeriod_Details is an auto-generated table. |
InterBranchAccountMapping_TransactionsInDestinationBranch | InterBranchAccountMapping_TransactionsInDestinationBranch is an auto-generated table. |
InterBranchAccountMapping_TransactionsInSourceBranch | InterBranchAccountMapping_TransactionsInSourceBranch is an auto-generated table. |
InventoryAllocationInquiry_Results | InventoryAllocationInquiry_Results is an auto-generated table. |
InventoryReceipt_Details | InventoryReceipt_Details is an auto-generated table. |
InventorySummaryInquiry_Results | InventorySummaryInquiry_Results is an auto-generated table. |
Invoice_ApplicationsCreditMemo | Invoice_ApplicationsCreditMemo is an auto-generated table. |
Invoice_ApplicationsDefault | Invoice_ApplicationsDefault is an auto-generated table. |
Invoice_Details | Invoice_Details is an auto-generated table. |
Invoice_TaxDetails | Invoice_TaxDetails is an auto-generated table. |
ItemClass_Attributes | ItemClass_Attributes is an auto-generated table. |
JournalTransaction_Details | JournalTransaction_Details is an auto-generated table. |
JournalVoucher_Details | JournalVoucher_Details is an auto-generated table. |
JournalVoucher_GLTransactions | JournalVoucher_GLTransactions is an auto-generated table. |
KitAssembly_Allocations | KitAssembly_Allocations is an auto-generated table. |
KitAssembly_NonStockComponents | KitAssembly_NonStockComponents is an auto-generated table. |
KitAssembly_StockComponents | KitAssembly_StockComponents is an auto-generated table. |
KitSpecification_NonStockComponents | KitSpecification_NonStockComponents is an auto-generated table. |
KitSpecification_StockComponents | KitSpecification_StockComponents is an auto-generated table. |
Lead_Activities | Lead_Activities is an auto-generated table. |
Lead_Address | Lead_Address is an auto-generated table. |
Lead_Attributes | Lead_Attributes is an auto-generated table. |
Lead_Campaigns | Lead_Campaigns is an auto-generated table. |
Lead_Duplicates | Lead_Duplicates is an auto-generated table. |
Lead_MarketingLists | Lead_MarketingLists is an auto-generated table. |
Lead_Relations | Lead_Relations is an auto-generated table. |
LotSerialClass_Segments | LotSerialClass_Segments is an auto-generated table. |
NonStockItem_Attributes | NonStockItem_Attributes is an auto-generated table. |
NonStockItem_CrossReferences | NonStockItem_CrossReferences is an auto-generated table. |
NonStockItem_SalesCategories | NonStockItem_SalesCategories is an auto-generated table. |
NonStockItem_VendorDetails | NonStockItem_VendorDetails is an auto-generated table. |
Opportunity_Activities | Opportunity_Activities is an auto-generated table. |
Opportunity_Address | Opportunity_Address is an auto-generated table. |
Opportunity_Attributes | Opportunity_Attributes is an auto-generated table. |
Opportunity_ContactInformation | Opportunity_ContactInformation is an auto-generated table. |
Opportunity_Discounts | Opportunity_Discounts is an auto-generated table. |
Opportunity_Products | Opportunity_Products is an auto-generated table. |
Opportunity_Relations | Opportunity_Relations is an auto-generated table. |
Opportunity_TaxDetails | Opportunity_TaxDetails is an auto-generated table. |
PaymentMethod_AllowedCashAccounts | PaymentMethod_AllowedCashAccounts is an auto-generated table. |
PaymentMethod_ProcessingCenters | PaymentMethod_ProcessingCenters is an auto-generated table. |
Payment_ApplicationHistory | Payment_ApplicationHistory is an auto-generated table. |
Payment_CreditCardProcessingInfo | Payment_CreditCardProcessingInfo is an auto-generated table. |
Payment_DocumentsToApply | Payment_DocumentsToApply is an auto-generated table. |
Payment_OrdersToApply | Payment_OrdersToApply is an auto-generated table. |
PhysicalInventoryReview_Details | PhysicalInventoryReview_Details is an auto-generated table. |
ProjectTransaction_Details | ProjectTransaction_Details is an auto-generated table. |
PurchaseOrder_Details | PurchaseOrder_Details is an auto-generated table. |
PurchaseOrder_ShippingInstructions | PurchaseOrder_ShippingInstructions is an auto-generated table. |
PurchaseReceipt_Details | PurchaseReceipt_Details is an auto-generated table. |
ReportingSettings_ReportingGroups | ReportingSettings_ReportingGroups is an auto-generated table. |
SalesInvoice_BillingSettings | SalesInvoice_BillingSettings is an auto-generated table. |
SalesInvoice_Details | SalesInvoice_Details is an auto-generated table. |
SalesInvoice_FreightDetails | SalesInvoice_FreightDetails is an auto-generated table. |
SalesOrder_BillToAddress | SalesOrder_BillToAddress is an auto-generated table. |
SalesOrder_BillToContact | SalesOrder_BillToContact is an auto-generated table. |
SalesOrder_Commissions | SalesOrder_Commissions is an auto-generated table. |
SalesOrder_Details | SalesOrder_Details is an auto-generated table. |
SalesOrder_DiscountDetails | SalesOrder_DiscountDetails is an auto-generated table. |
SalesOrder_FinancialSettings | SalesOrder_FinancialSettings is an auto-generated table. |
SalesOrder_Payments | SalesOrder_Payments is an auto-generated table. |
SalesOrder_Shipments | SalesOrder_Shipments is an auto-generated table. |
SalesOrder_ShippingSettings | SalesOrder_ShippingSettings is an auto-generated table. |
SalesOrder_ShipToAddress | SalesOrder_ShipToAddress is an auto-generated table. |
SalesOrder_ShipToContact | SalesOrder_ShipToContact is an auto-generated table. |
SalesOrder_TaxDetails | SalesOrder_TaxDetails is an auto-generated table. |
SalesOrder_Totals | SalesOrder_Totals is an auto-generated table. |
SalesPricesInquiry_SalesPriceDetails | SalesPricesInquiry_SalesPriceDetails is an auto-generated table. |
SalesPriceWorksheet_SalesPrices | SalesPriceWorksheet_SalesPrices is an auto-generated table. |
Shipment_Details | Shipment_Details is an auto-generated table. |
Shipment_Orders | Shipment_Orders is an auto-generated table. |
Shipment_Packages | Shipment_Packages is an auto-generated table. |
Shipment_ShippingSettings | Shipment_ShippingSettings is an auto-generated table. |
ShippingTerm_Details | ShippingTerm_Details is an auto-generated table. |
ShipVia_FreightRates | ShipVia_FreightRates is an auto-generated table. |
ShipVia_Packages | ShipVia_Packages is an auto-generated table. |
StockItem_Attributes | StockItem_Attributes is an auto-generated table. |
StockItem_Boxes | StockItem_Boxes is an auto-generated table. |
StockItem_Categories | StockItem_Categories is an auto-generated table. |
StockItem_CrossReferences | StockItem_CrossReferences is an auto-generated table. |
StockItem_ReplenishmentParameters | StockItem_ReplenishmentParameters is an auto-generated table. |
StockItem_SubItems | StockItem_SubItems is an auto-generated table. |
StockItem_UOMConversions | StockItem_UOMConversions is an auto-generated table. |
StockItem_VendorDetails | StockItem_VendorDetails is an auto-generated table. |
StockItem_WarehouseDetails | StockItem_WarehouseDetails is an auto-generated table. |
Task_RelatedActivities | Task_RelatedActivities is an auto-generated table. |
Task_RelatedTasks | Task_RelatedTasks is an auto-generated table. |
Task_Reminder | Task_Reminder is an auto-generated table. |
Task_TimeActivity | Task_TimeActivity is an auto-generated table. |
TaxCategory_Details | TaxCategory_Details is an auto-generated table. |
TaxZone_ApplicableTaxes | TaxZone_ApplicableTaxes is an auto-generated table. |
Tax_TaxSchedule | Tax_TaxSchedule is an auto-generated table. |
Tax_Zones | Tax_Zones is an auto-generated table. |
TransferOrder_Details | TransferOrder_Details is an auto-generated table. |
TrialBalance_Details | TrialBalance_Details is an auto-generated table. |
VendorClass_Attributes | VendorClass_Attributes is an auto-generated table. |
VendorPricesInquiry_VendorPriceDetails | VendorPricesInquiry_VendorPriceDetails is an auto-generated table. |
VendorPriceWorksheet_VendorSalesPrices | VendorPriceWorksheet_VendorSalesPrices is an auto-generated table. |
Vendor_Attributes | Vendor_Attributes is an auto-generated table. |
Vendor_Contacts | Vendor_Contacts is an auto-generated table. |
Vendor_MainContact | Vendor_MainContact is an auto-generated table. |
Vendor_PaymentInstructions | Vendor_PaymentInstructions is an auto-generated table. |
Vendor_RemittanceContact | Vendor_RemittanceContact is an auto-generated table. |
Vendor_ShippingContact | Vendor_ShippingContact is an auto-generated table. |
Warehouse_Locations | Warehouse_Locations is an auto-generated table. |