CData Cloud は、クラウドホスト型のソリューションで、複数の標準サービスやプロトコルにまたがるAcumatica へのアクセスを実現します。MySQL またはSQL Server データベースに接続できるアプリケーションであれば、CData Cloud を介してAcumatica に接続できます。
CData Cloud により、他のOData エンドポイントや標準SQL Server / MySQL データベースと同じように、Acumatica への接続を標準化し、構成することができます。
このページでは、CData Cloud でのAcumatica への接続の確立 のガイド、利用可能なリソースに関する情報、および使用可能な接続プロパティのリファレンスについて説明します。
接続の確立 は、CData Cloud にデータベースを作成するためのAcumatica への認証方法と必要な接続プロパティの設定方法について示します。
利用可能な標準サービスを経由してAcumatica からデータにアクセスする方法と、CData Cloud の管理については、CData Cloud ドキュメント で詳しく説明します。
Database タブで対応するアイコンを選択して、Acumatica に接続します。必須プロパティはSettings にリストされています。Advanced タブには、通常は必要ない接続プロパティが表示されます。
In order to connect to the Acumatica data source, you must specify the following connection properties.
To find out the EndpointVersion and EndpointName for your Acumatica instance, log into Acumatica in a web browser, and then navigate to the Web Service Endpoints page. If necessary, navigate to this page by editing the web browser URL and replacing ScreenId=00000000 (the homepage) with ScreenId=SM207060. If you are redirected back to the homepage, this means your user does not have the necessary permissions to access web services. Under Endpoints properties get the Endpoint Name and Endpoint Version.
There are two authentication methods available for connecting to Acumatica data source, Basic and OAuth.
Set the AuthScheme to Basic and set the User and Password to your login credentials.
When connecting via a Web application, you need to create and register a custom OAuth application with Acumatica. See カスタムOAuth アプリの作成 for more information about custom applications. You can then use the Cloud to acquire and manage the OAuth token values.
Get an OAuth Access Token
Set the following connection properties to obtain the OAuthAccessToken:
Then call stored procedures to complete the OAuth exchange:
The stored procedure returns the URL to the OAuth endpoint.
Once you have obtained the access and refresh tokens, you can connect to data and refresh the OAuth access token either automatically or manually.
Automatic Refresh of the OAuth Access Token
To have the driver automatically refresh the OAuth access token, set the following on the first data connection:
Manual Refresh of the OAuth Access Token
The only value needed to manually refresh the OAuth access token when connecting to data is the OAuth refresh token.
Use the RefreshOAuthAccessToken stored procedure to manually refresh the OAuthAccessToken after the ExpiresIn parameter value returned by GetOAuthAccessToken has elapsed, then set the following connection properties:
Then call RefreshOAuthAccessToken with OAuthRefreshToken set to the OAuth refresh token returned by GetOAuthAccessToken. After the new tokens have been retrieved, open a new connection by setting the OAuthAccessToken property to the value returned by RefreshOAuthAccessToken.
Finally, store the OAuth refresh token so that you can use it to manually refresh the OAuth access token after it has expired.
Acumatica has introduced an optimization in version 3 of the Contract Based API. When multiple records are retrieved from the Acumatica ERP through an endpoint, the system tries to optimize the retrieval of the records and obtain all needed records in one request to the database. If the optimization fails, the system returns an error, specifying the entities or fields that caused the failure of the optimized request. Mostly the Navigation Views break the optimization because Acumatica is trying to get data from the linked tables, because of this the SELECT * queries from Navigation Views without specifying the key of the parent table are not possible. Our drivers tries to remove the columns that break the optimization from the SELECT * queries.
Some of the Views that break the optimization when selected without specifying the keyfields are JournalVoucher_Details. In order to qyery the JournalVoucher_Details the ParentBatchNbr should be specified.
SELECT * FROM JournalVoucher_Details where ParentBatchNbr = '0001'
The view can be queried by geting the parent key field in this case ParentBatchNbr from the parent table JournalVoucher.
SELECT * FROM JournalVoucher_Details where ParentBatchNbr IN (SELECT BatchNbr FROM JournalVoucher)
More information on how to bypass the Acumatica optimization can be found here: 制限.
デフォルトでは、Cloud はサーバーの証明書をシステムの信頼できる証明書ストアと照合してSSL / TLS のネゴシエーションを試みます。
別の証明書を指定するには、利用可能なフォーマットについてSSLServerCert プロパティを参照してください。
Windows のシステムプロキシ経由の接続では、接続プロパティを追加で設定する必要はありません。他のプロキシに接続するには、ProxyAutoDetect をfalse に設定します。
さらにHTTP プロキシへの認証には、ProxyServer とProxyPort に加えてProxyAuthScheme、ProxyUser、およびProxyPassword を設定します。
Cloud はAcumatica API をリレーショナルテーブルとしてモデル化します。リモートデータへのあらゆる変更はクエリに即時に反映されます。テーブル定義は動的に取得されます。接続すると、Cloud はAcumatica に接続し、適切なWeb サービスを呼び出してテーブルのリストとテーブルのメタデータを取得します。
このセクションでは、API の制限および要件について説明します。既定のSupportEnhancedSQL 機能を使って、これらの制限の大半を回避できます。
Acumatica のデフォルトテーブル定義を表示します。実際の表示は、カスタマイズにより異なる場合があります。これらのテーブルは version 17.200.001 の時点で記録されたものですが、それ以降のバージョンにはここに表示されているものより多くのテーブルとフィールドが含まれることがあります。CData Cloud はテーブル およびカラムのメタデータを動的に読み込みます。そのため、カスタマイズ内容と今後の標準 Acumatica エンティティに追加される新機能の両方が含まれます。変更を取得するには、Url 接続プロパティを最新バージョンに設定するだけです。
ストアドプロシージャ は、Acumatica のファンクションライクなインターフェースです。これらは、テーブルと直接対話する標準的な操作には適さない追加のタスクを 実行するために使用できます。
By default, the table and view schemas describe the column behavior of system fields as well as custom fields. You can set the IncludeCustomFields property to false if you want to work only with system fields.
On a SELECT * FROM EntityName query, the custom fields will not be returned even though IncludeCustomFields is set to true.
The Custom fields will be returned only when they are specified on projections. For example:
SELECT Custom_FieldA, Custom_FieldB, Custom_FieldC FROM EntityName
The requirement to explicitly select the custom fields is due to a limitation with the Acumatica API. It will not return results when too much overall data is selected per record. It is not possible to dynamically calculate at what point Acumatica will cut off results. You should only select the columns you need and not everything to keep things working smoothly.
In case a group of custom fields are important to your use case and the Acumatica API cannot return them in a single response, it is recommended to setup an extended endpoint and include the custom fields in it. After this change, you should be able to retrieve them as non-custom fields from the extended endpoint.
An alternative to extending an existing endpoint is to split the main query into two or more subqueries and distribute the selected custom fields between them.
Lastly, you can join the subqueries on the primary key column as in the example below.
SELECT Customer_1.CustomerID, Customer_1.Custom_Timezone, Customer_1.Custom_ProductGroup, Customer_2.Custom_ContactCategory, Customer_2.Custom_DiscountGroup FROM Customer Customer_1 JOIN Customer Customer_2 ON Customer_1.CustomerID = Customer_2.CustomerID
The Linked and Detail entities to main entity are exposed in the main entity table as aggregate columns starting with the 'Linked' prefix. They are also exposed as separate views using the naming format 'MainEntityName_LinkedEntityName'. For example, the Customer table exposes the linked entity 'Contacts' as the aggregate field 'LinkedContacts'. The linked entity Contacts is also exposed as the separate view Customer_Contacts.
Due to Acumatica REST API limitations, the Linked and Detail entities cannot be retrieved when requesting multiple main entity records. For this reason,
when querying the main entity, without specifying the primary key in the WHERE clause conditions, the linked aggregate fields are returned as null.
For example, in order to retrieve the aggregate values of the linked entity Contacts in the Customer table, you can execute one of the queries below.
SELECT CustomerID, LinkedContacts FROM Customer WHERE customerId = '100009'
You can also make use of the IN operator and subqueries as below, in order to retrieve the Linked and Detail entities for multiple parent records.
SELECT CustomerID, LinkedContacts FROM Customer WHERE CustomerId IN (SELECT CustomerId FROM Customer)
Additionally, to query the exposed Linked and Detail entities, specifying the parent entity primary key in the WHERE clause conditions, is required. For example:
SELECT * from Customer_Contacts where ParentCustomerID = '100009'
Acumatica has introduced an optimization in version 3 of the Contract Based API. When multiple records are retrieved from the Acumatica ERP through an endpoint, the system tries to optimize the retrieval of the records and obtain all needed records in one request to the database. If the optimization fails, the system returns an error, specifying the entities or fields that caused the failure of the optimized request. To prevent the error from occurring, we need to do one of the following:
Create the schema by calling the CreateSchema if you have not already done so.
Add the additional parameters in the .rsd schema files below.
These two parameters are needed so the new entities don't return an error in SELECT * FROM Table queries. The example below is a rsd snippet that shows how these parameters are used.
In the example Contact.rsd, Duplicate and AddressValidated are fields that break the Acumatica optimization so they have the additional parameter other:exclude="true". When a SELECT * FROM Contact query is done, the driver will get all fields except those with the other:exclude="true" parameter. However, the omitted fields will still appear on your result set as null. The data provider will request the excluded fields from the endpoint only if they are explicitly stated in the SELECT clause or if the primary key column/s are specified.
In the example Contact.rsd, ContactID is the primary key so the additional parameter key="true" is added. When a SELECT * FROM Contact WHERE ContactID='contactid' is done,
the driver will get all fields from the API including the Duplicate and AddressValidated.
<rsb:script xmlns:rsb="">
<rsb:info title="Contact" description="Contact is an auto-generated table." other:tablehref="" other:tablekind="EntitySet"/>
<attr name="LanguageOrLocale" xs:type="string" columnsize="2000" readonly="false" description="null" other:entityname="Contact" other:schemanamespace="Contact" other:internalcolumnname="LanguageOrLocale"/>
<attr name="DuplicateFound" xs:type="bool" readonly="false" description="null" other:internalcolumnname="DuplicateFound"/>
<attr name="JobTitle" xs:type="string" columnsize="2000" readonly="false" description="null" other:internalcolumnname="JobTitle"/>
<attr name="ContactID" xs:type="int" key="true" readonly="false" description="null" other:queue="0" other:internalkey="ContactID" other:internalcolumnname="ContactID"/>
<attr name="Duplicate" xs:type="string" columnsize="2000" readonly="false" description="null" other:exclude="true" other:internalcolumnname="Duplicate"/>
<attr name="AddressValidated" xs:type="bool" readonly="false" description="null" other:exclude="true" other:internalcolumnname="AddressValidated"/>
<rsb:set attr="other:tablekind" value="EntitySet" />
<rsb:set attr="tablename" value="Contact" />
<rsb:set attr="description" value="Contact is an auto-generated table." />
<rsb:set attr="entity" value="Contact" />
<rsb:set attr="other:tablehref" value="" />
<rsb:set attr="supportgetdeleted" value="true" />
<rsb:script method="GET">
<rsb:call op="acumaticaadoExecuteSearch">
<rsb:script method="POST">
<rsb:call op="acumaticaadoExecuteInsert">
<rsb:script method="MERGE">
<rsb:call op="acumaticaadoExecuteUpdate">
<rsb:script method="DELETE">
<rsb:call op="acumaticaadoExecuteDelete">
A simple and effective way to automate the process of getting all records one by one by specifying the key fields are the User Defined Views. User Defined Views are predefined queries stored in a local JSON file, which can be queried from the driver just as the existing views.
As stated in the above section, the excluded fields will be retrieved if the primary key is specified. You can use the driver's enhanced SQL support to automatically do this for each record by
appending an IN subquery to your main query. From the subquery, you should be selecting only the primary key column as in the example below.
SELECT * FROM Contact WHERE ContactId IN (SELECT ContactId FROM Contact)
You can then add this query under the "query" field of a local created JSON file (ex. C:\Users\user\Desktop\CustomViews.json).
{ "AllContacts": { "query": "SELECT * FROM Contact WHERE ContactId IN (SELECT ContactId FROM Contact)" }, "AllCustomers": { "query": "SELECT * FROM Customer WHERE CustomerId IN (SELECT CustomerId FROM Customer)" } }
Lastly, you can directly query the defined views (AllContacts and AllCustomers) after stating the Custom Views file location in the UserDefinedViews property under the Other connection parameter.
You can also execute a query to the sys_tables view to verify if the custom views are added. You should be able to find them under the UserViews schema.
SELECT * FROM sys_tables where TableType='view'
Cloud はAcumatica のデータを、標準のSQL ステートメントを使用してクエリできるリレーショナルデータベースのテーブルのリストとしてモデル化します。
Name | Description |
Account | Account is an auto-generated table. |
AccountByPeriodInquiry | AccountByPeriodInquiry is an auto-generated table. |
AccountBySubaccountInquiry | AccountBySubaccountInquiry is an auto-generated table. |
AccountDetailsInquiry | AccountDetailsInquiry is an auto-generated table. |
AccountLocation | AccountLocation is an auto-generated table. |
AccountSummaryInquiry | AccountSummaryInquiry is an auto-generated table. |
Adjustment | Adjustment is an auto-generated table. |
AttributeDefinition | AttributeDefinition is an auto-generated table. |
Bill | Bill is an auto-generated table. |
BusinessAccount | BusinessAccount is an auto-generated table. |
Carrier | Carrier is an auto-generated table. |
Case | Case is an auto-generated table. |
CashSale | CashSale is an auto-generated table. |
Check | Check is an auto-generated table. |
Contact | Contact is an auto-generated table. |
Currency | Currency is an auto-generated table. |
Customer | Customer is an auto-generated table. |
CustomerClass | CustomerClass is an auto-generated table. |
CustomerLocation | CustomerLocation is an auto-generated table. |
CustomerPaymentMethod | CustomerPaymentMethod is an auto-generated table. |
CustomerPriceClass | CustomerPriceClass is an auto-generated table. |
Discount | Discount is an auto-generated table. |
DiscountCode | DiscountCode is an auto-generated table. |
Email is an auto-generated table. | |
Employee | Employee is an auto-generated table. |
Event | Event is an auto-generated table. |
FinancialPeriod | FinancialPeriod is an auto-generated table. |
FOBPoint | FOBPoint is an auto-generated table. |
InterBranchAccountMapping | InterBranchAccountMapping is an auto-generated table. |
InventoryAllocationInquiry | InventoryAllocationInquiry is an auto-generated table. |
InventoryReceipt | InventoryReceipt is an auto-generated table. |
InventorySummaryInquiry | InventorySummaryInquiry is an auto-generated table. |
Invoice | Invoice is an auto-generated table. |
ItemClass | ItemClass is an auto-generated table. |
ItemWarehouse | ItemWarehouse is an auto-generated table. |
JournalTransaction | JournalTransaction is an auto-generated table. |
JournalVoucher | JournalVoucher is an auto-generated table. |
KitAssembly | KitAssembly is an auto-generated table. |
KitSpecification | KitSpecification is an auto-generated table. |
Lead | Lead is an auto-generated table. |
LotSerialClass | LotSerialClass is an auto-generated table. |
NonStockItem | NonStockItem is an auto-generated table. |
Opportunity | Opportunity is an auto-generated table. |
Payment | Payment is an auto-generated table. |
PaymentMethod | PaymentMethod is an auto-generated table. |
PhysicalInventoryReview | PhysicalInventoryReview is an auto-generated table. |
ProjectTransaction | ProjectTransaction is an auto-generated table. |
PurchaseOrder | PurchaseOrder is an auto-generated table. |
PurchaseReceipt | PurchaseReceipt is an auto-generated table. |
ReportingSettings | ReportingSettings is an auto-generated table. |
SalesInvoice | SalesInvoice is an auto-generated table. |
SalesOrder | SalesOrder is an auto-generated table. |
Salesperson | Salesperson is an auto-generated table. |
SalesPricesInquiry | SalesPricesInquiry is an auto-generated table. |
SalesPriceWorksheet | SalesPriceWorksheet is an auto-generated table. |
Shipment | Shipment is an auto-generated table. |
ShippingBox | ShippingBox is an auto-generated table. |
ShippingTerm | ShippingTerm is an auto-generated table. |
ShippingZones | ShippingZones is an auto-generated table. |
ShipVia | ShipVia is an auto-generated table. |
StatementCycle | StatementCycle is an auto-generated table. |
StockItem | StockItem is an auto-generated table. |
Subaccount | Subaccount is an auto-generated table. |
Task | Task is an auto-generated table. |
Tax | Tax is an auto-generated table. |
TaxCategory | TaxCategory is an auto-generated table. |
TaxZone | TaxZone is an auto-generated table. |
TransferOrder | TransferOrder is an auto-generated table. |
TrialBalance | TrialBalance is an auto-generated table. |
UnitsOfMeasure | UnitsOfMeasure is an auto-generated table. |
Vendor | Vendor is an auto-generated table. |
VendorClass | VendorClass is an auto-generated table. |
VendorPricesInquiry | VendorPricesInquiry is an auto-generated table. |
VendorPriceWorksheet | VendorPriceWorksheet is an auto-generated table. |
VoucherEntryCode | VoucherEntryCode is an auto-generated table. |
Warehouse | Warehouse is an auto-generated table. |
Account is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
TaxCategory | String | False | |
AccountGroup | String | False | |
AccountClass | String | False | |
ConsolidationAccount | String | False | |
Type | String | False | |
AccountCD [KEY] | String | False | |
PostOption | String | False | |
RequireUnits | Bool | False | |
LastModifiedDateTime | Datetime | False | |
AccountID | Int | False | |
CurrencyID | String | False | |
CreatedDateTime | Datetime | False | |
Active | Bool | False | |
RevaluationRateType | String | False | |
Secured | Bool | False | |
UseDefaultSubaccount | Bool | False | |
CashAccount | Bool | False | |
Description | String | False | |
ChartOfAccountsOrder | Int | False | |
Custom_AccountRecords_NoteText | String | False | |
Custom_AccountRecords_NoteID | String | False |
AccountByPeriodInquiry is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Subaccount | String | False | |
LinkedResults | String | False | |
Account [KEY] | String | False | |
Ledger | String | False | |
BranchID | String | False | |
FinancialYear | String | False | |
Custom_Filter_ShowCuryDetail | Bool | False |
AccountBySubaccountInquiry is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Subaccount | String | False | |
Branch | String | False | |
LinkedResults | String | False | |
Account [KEY] | String | False | |
Ledger | String | False | |
Period | String | False | |
Custom_Filter_ShowCuryDetail | Bool | False |
AccountDetailsInquiry is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
FromPeriod | String | False | |
ToPeriod | String | False | |
LinkedResults | String | False | |
PeriodStartDate | Datetime | False | |
PeriodEndDate | Datetime | False | |
BeginingBalance | Double | False | |
Account [KEY] | String | False | |
FromDate | Datetime | False | |
Turnover | Double | False | |
IncludeReclassified | Bool | False | |
Subaccount | String | False | |
IncludeUnreleased | Bool | False | |
ToDate | Datetime | False | |
Branch | String | False | |
Ledger | String | False | |
IncludeUnposted | Bool | False | |
EndingBalance | Double | False | |
Custom_Filter_ShowCuryDetail | Bool | False | |
Custom_Filter_StartDateUI | String | False | |
Custom_Filter_ShowSummary | Bool | False | |
Custom_Filter_PeriodStartDateUI | String | False |
AccountLocation is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
DefaultProject | String | False | |
Warehouse | String | False | |
ShippingRule | String | False | |
FreightAccount | String | False | |
FOBPoint | String | False | |
BusinessAccountID | String | False | |
ShippingTerms | String | False | |
ARAccount | String | False | |
LinkedContact | String | False | |
Calendar | String | False | |
ShippingBranch | String | False | |
SaturdayDelivery | Bool | False | |
Active | Bool | False | |
ShippingZone | String | False | |
ResidentialDelivery | Bool | False | |
DiscountSubaccount | String | False | |
LocationID [KEY] | String | False | |
SameAsDefaultLocation | Bool | False | |
TaxZone | String | False | |
SalesAccount | String | False | |
LeadTimeInDays | Int | False | |
TaxRegistrationID | String | False | |
AddressValidated | Bool | False | |
ARSubaccount | String | False | |
FedExGroundCollect | Bool | False | |
SalesSubaccount | String | False | |
LinkedAddress | String | False | |
PriceClass | String | False | |
OrderPriority | Int | False | |
ShipVia | String | False | |
FreightSubaccount | String | False | |
Insurance | Bool | False | |
DiscountAccount | String | False | |
EntityUsageType | String | False | |
LinkedOpportunities | String | False | |
TaxExemptionNumber | String | False | |
AddressSameAsMain | Bool | False | |
LinkedCases | String | False | |
LocationName | String | False | |
Custom_LocationCurrent_CSiteID | String | False | |
Custom_LocationCurrent_CDiscountSubID | String | False | |
Custom_LocationCurrent_CInsurance | Bool | False | |
Custom_LocationCurrent_CCarrierID | String | False | |
Custom_LocationCurrent_CShipTermsID | String | False | |
Custom_LocationCurrent_CLeadTime | Int | False | |
Custom_LocationCurrent_NoteID | String | False | |
Custom_LocationCurrent_IsAddressSameAsMain | Bool | False | |
Custom_LocationCurrent_CDefProjectID | String | False | |
Custom_LocationCurrent_CFreightAcctID | String | False | |
Custom_LocationCurrent_CTaxZoneID | String | False | |
Custom_LocationCurrent_IsARAccountSameAsMain | Bool | False | |
Custom_LocationCurrent_CCalendarID | String | False | |
Custom_LocationCurrent_CAvalaraExemptionNumber | String | False | |
Custom_LocationCurrent_CPriceClassID | String | False | |
Custom_LocationCurrent_COrderPriority | Int | False | |
Custom_Address_NoteID | String | False | |
Custom_LocationCurrent_CShipZoneID | String | False | |
Custom_LocationCurrent_CDiscountAcctID | String | False | |
Custom_LocationCurrent_CResedential | Bool | False | |
Custom_LocationCurrent_CBranchID | String | False | |
Custom_LocationCurrent_CAvalaraCustomerUsageType | String | False | |
Custom_LocationCurrent_CFreightSubID | String | False | |
Custom_LocationCurrent_CSalesAcctID | String | False | |
Custom_Location_NoteText | String | False | |
Custom_LocationCurrent_CSalesSubID | String | False | |
Custom_LocationCurrent_TaxRegistrationID | String | False | |
Custom_LocationCurrent_CGroundCollect | Bool | False | |
Custom_LocationCurrent_CFOBPointID | String | False | |
Custom_LocationCurrent_CSaturdayDelivery | Bool | False | |
Custom_Location_NoteID | String | False | |
Custom_LocationCurrent_CShipComplete | String | False |
AccountSummaryInquiry is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Subaccount | String | False | |
Branch | String | False | |
LinkedResults | String | False | |
Ledger | String | False | |
Period | String | False | |
AccountClass [KEY] | String | False | |
Custom_Filter_ShowCuryDetail | Bool | False |
Adjustment is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Description | String | False | |
TotalQty | Double | False | |
TotalCost | Double | False | |
Hold | Bool | False | |
ExternalRef | String | False | |
Date | Datetime | False | |
Status | String | False | |
ReferenceNbr [KEY] | String | False | |
LinkedDetails | String | False | |
Custom_adjustment_ControlQty | String | False | |
Custom_adjustment_NoteText | String | False | |
Custom_adjustment_NoteID | String | False | |
Custom_adjustment_FinPeriodID | String | False | |
Custom_adjustment_ControlCost | String | False |
AttributeDefinition is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Description | String | False | |
LinkedValues | String | False | |
Internal | Bool | False | |
ControlType | String | False | |
AttributeID [KEY] | String | False | |
EntryMask | String | False | |
LastModifiedDateTime | Datetime | False | |
CreatedDateTime | Datetime | False | |
RegExp | String | False | |
Custom_Attributes_NoteID | String | False |
Bill is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Date | Datetime | False | |
LinkedDetails | String | False | |
Type [KEY] | String | False | |
DueDate | Datetime | False | |
BranchID | String | False | |
LocationID | String | False | |
CurrencyID | String | False | |
Balance | Double | False | |
LinkedApplications | String | False | |
ReferenceNbr [KEY] | String | False | |
Terms | String | False | |
Status | String | False | |
ApprovedForPayment | Bool | False | |
TaxTotal | Double | False | |
Hold | Bool | False | |
PostPeriod | String | False | |
Amount | Double | False | |
Vendor | String | False | |
LinkedTaxDetails | String | False | |
CashAccount | String | False | |
Description | String | False | |
VendorRef | String | False | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_PayLocationID | String | False | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_SuppliedByVendorID | String | False | |
Custom_Document_DiscDate | String | False | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_PayDate | String | False | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_PayAccountID | String | False | |
Custom_Document_CuryLineTotal | String | False | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_EmployeeID | String | False | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_UsesManualVAT | Bool | False | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_EmployeeWorkgroupID | String | False | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_BatchNbr | String | False | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_APSubID | String | False | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_PaySel | Bool | False | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_OrigRefNbr | String | False | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_CuryDiscountedPrice | String | False | |
Custom_Document_CuryVatExemptTotal | String | False | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_PrebookSubID | String | False | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_PrebookBatchNbr | String | False | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_CuryDiscountedDocTotal | String | False | |
Custom_Document_CuryViewState | Bool | False | |
Custom_Document_CuryOrigWhTaxAmt | String | False | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_SuppliedByVendorLocationID | String | False | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_NoteID | String | False | |
Custom_Document_NoteText | String | False | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_PayTypeID | String | False | |
Custom_Document_CuryRoundDiff | String | False | |
Custom_Document_CuryInitDocBal | String | False | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_DisplayCuryInitDocBal | String | False | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_PrebookAcctID | String | False | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_VoidBatchNbr | String | False | |
Custom_Document_NoteID | String | False | |
Custom_Document_CuryTaxAmt | String | False | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_APAccountID | String | False | |
Custom_Document_CuryVatTaxableTotal | String | False | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_TaxCalcMode | String | False | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_TaxZoneID | String | False | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_CuryDiscountedTaxableTotal | String | False | |
Custom_Document_LCEnabled | Bool | False | |
Custom_Document_CuryOrigDiscAmt | String | False | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_SeparateCheck | Bool | False | |
Custom_Document_CuryDiscTot | String | False |
BusinessAccount is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
WorkgroupDescription | String | False | |
LinkedLocations | String | False | |
LinkedMainContact | String | False | |
ParentAccount | String | False | |
AccountRef | String | False | |
BusinessAccountID [KEY] | String | False | |
LinkedContacts | String | False | |
ShippingAddressSameAsMain | Bool | False | |
Duplicate | String | False | |
Name | String | False | |
SourceCampaign | String | False | |
Owner | String | False | |
LinkedCases | String | False | |
LinkedCampaigns | String | False | |
LinkedRelations | String | False | |
Workgroup | String | False | |
Type | String | False | |
LinkedActivities | String | False | |
LinkedShippingContact | String | False | |
LinkedMainAddress | String | False | |
LinkedDuplicates | String | False | |
Status | String | False | |
LastOutgoingActivity | Datetime | False | |
LinkedMarketingLists | String | False | |
LinkedDefaultLocationSettings | String | False | |
LinkedAttributes | String | False | |
LinkedOpportunities | String | False | |
ClassID | String | False | |
LinkedContracts | String | False | |
LinkedShippingAddress | String | False | |
MainAddressValidated | Bool | False | |
ShippingAddressValidated | Bool | False | |
LastIncomingActivity | Datetime | False | |
LinkedOrders | String | False | |
OwnerEmployeeName | String | False | |
Custom_CurrentBAccount_NoteID | String | False | |
Custom_DefLocationCurrent_NoteID | String | False | |
Custom_AddressCurrent_NoteID | String | False | |
Custom_DefLocationAddress_NoteID | String | False | |
Custom_BAccount_NoteID | String | False | |
Custom_BAccount_NoteText | String | False |
Carrier is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Description | String | False | |
CarrierUnitOfWeight | String | False | |
PlugInType | String | False | |
LinkedPlugInParameters | String | False | |
CarrierID [KEY] | String | False | |
UOM | String | False | |
LastModifiedDateTime | Datetime | False | |
CreatedDateTime | Datetime | False | |
LinkedCustomerAccounts | String | False | |
Custom_Plugin_NoteID | String | False | |
Custom_Plugin_NoteText | String | False |
Case is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
ManualOverride | Bool | False | |
Subject | String | False | |
LinkedAttributes | String | False | |
Status | String | False | |
OwnerEmployeeName | String | False | |
OvertimeSpent | String | False | |
Description | String | False | |
Owner | String | False | |
LinkedActivities | String | False | |
ContactID | Int | False | |
BillableTime | Int | False | |
Severity | String | False | |
ResolutionTime | String | False | |
LinkedRelations | String | False | |
Contract | String | False | |
ClosingDate | Datetime | False | |
DateReported | Datetime | False | |
InitialResponse | String | False | |
LastOutgoingActivity | Datetime | False | |
LastActivityDate | Datetime | False | |
Workgroup | String | False | |
LastIncomingActivity | Datetime | False | |
BusinessAccountName | String | False | |
ClassID | String | False | |
Billable | Bool | False | |
ContactDisplayName | String | False | |
Reason | String | False | |
TimeSpent | String | False | |
Location | String | False | |
Priority | String | False | |
BillableOvertime | Int | False | |
SLA | Datetime | False | |
BusinessAccount | String | False | |
LinkedRelatedCases | String | False | |
CaseID [KEY] | String | False | |
WorkgroupDescription | String | False | |
Custom_CaseCurrent_NoteID | String | False | |
Custom_CaseCurrent_ContractID | String | False | |
Custom_Case_NoteText | String | False | |
Custom_CaseCurrent_CustomerID | String | False | |
Custom_CaseCurrent_OvertimeSpent | String | False | |
Custom_CaseCurrent_IsBillable | Bool | False | |
Custom_CaseCurrent_ManualBillableTimes | Bool | False | |
Custom_CaseCurrent_TimeBillable | Int | False | |
Custom_CaseCurrent_TimeSpent | String | False | |
Custom_CaseCurrent_LocationID | String | False | |
Custom_CaseCurrent_OvertimeBillable | Int | False | |
Custom_Case_NoteID | String | False | |
Custom_CaseCurrent_WorkgroupID | String | False | |
Custom_CaseCurrent_WorkgroupID_description | String | False | |
Custom_CaseCurrent_TimeResolution | String | False | |
Custom_CaseCurrent_InitResponse | String | False |
CashSale is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Description | String | False | |
Type [KEY] | String | False | |
CustomerID | String | False | |
PaymentMethod | String | False | |
Hold | Bool | False | |
Amount | Double | False | |
CashAccount | String | False | |
Date | Datetime | False | |
PaymentRef | String | False | |
Status | String | False | |
ReferenceNbr [KEY] | String | False | |
LinkedDetails | String | False | |
TaxTotal | Double | False | |
CreatedDateTime | Datetime | False | |
Balance | Double | False | |
LastModifiedDateTime | Datetime | False | |
Custom_Document_DepositAfter | String | False | |
Custom_Document_PMInstanceID | Int | False | |
Custom_Document_CCPaymentStateDescr | String | False | |
Custom_Document_NoteText | String | False | |
Custom_Document_CuryChargeAmt | String | False | |
Custom_Document_RefTranExtNbr | String | False | |
Custom_Document_CuryConsolidateChargeTotal | String | False | |
Custom_Document_CuryLineTotal | String | False | |
Custom_Document_IsCCPayment | Bool | False | |
Custom_Document_PMInstanceID_description | String | False | |
Custom_Document_CustomerLocationID | String | False | |
Custom_Document_CuryRoundDiff | String | False | |
Custom_Document_ProjectID | String | False | |
Custom_Document_CuryID | String | False | |
Custom_Document_NoteID | String | False | |
Custom_Document_CuryVatExemptTotal | String | False | |
Custom_Document_AdjFinPeriodID | String | False | |
Custom_Document_CuryVatTaxableTotal | String | False | |
Custom_Document_CuryViewState | Bool | False | |
Custom_Document_CuryOrigDiscAmt | String | False |
Check is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Description | String | False | |
Type [KEY] | String | False | |
CurrencyID | String | False | |
Vendor | String | False | |
LinkedHistory | String | False | |
PaymentMethod | String | False | |
UnappliedBalance | Double | False | |
ApplicationDate | Datetime | False | |
Hold | Bool | False | |
CashAccount | String | False | |
PaymentRef | String | False | |
Status | String | False | |
ReferenceNbr [KEY] | String | False | |
LinkedDetails | String | False | |
PaymentAmount | Double | False | |
Custom_Document_NoteID | String | False | |
Custom_Document_DepositAfter | String | False | |
Custom_Document_NoteText | String | False | |
Custom_Document_CuryApplAmt | String | False | |
Custom_Document_AdjFinPeriodID | String | False | |
Custom_Document_PTInstanceID_description | String | False | |
Custom_Document_CuryChargeAmt | String | False | |
Custom_Document_CuryViewState | Bool | False | |
Custom_Document_PTInstanceID | Int | False | |
Custom_Document_VendorLocationID | String | False | |
Custom_Document_CuryInitDocBal | String | False |
Contact is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
LanguageOrLocale | String | False | |
DuplicateFound | Bool | False | |
JobTitle | String | False | |
MiddleName | String | False | |
FirstName | String | False | |
DoNotFax | Bool | False | |
LinkedAttributes | String | False | |
Status | String | False | |
ParentAccount | String | False | |
OwnerEmployeeName | String | False | |
Phone3 | String | False | |
Phone2 | String | False | |
Phone1 | String | False | |
Phone2Type | String | False | |
MaritalStatus | String | False | |
String | False | ||
FaxType | String | False | |
LinkedMarketingLists | String | False | |
DoNotCall | Bool | False | |
LinkedNotifications | String | False | |
Active | Bool | False | |
LinkedDuplicates | String | False | |
Owner | String | False | |
DoNotMail | Bool | False | |
Title | String | False | |
Gender | String | False | |
LinkedActivities | String | False | |
Phone1Type | String | False | |
ContactID [KEY] | Int | False | |
WebSite | String | False | |
LinkedRelations | String | False | |
ContactClass | String | False | |
CompanyName | String | False | |
AddressIsSameAsInAccount | Bool | False | |
NoMassMail | Bool | False | |
LastOutgoingActivity | Datetime | False | |
DisplayName | String | False | |
LinkedUserInfo | String | False | |
ContactMethod | String | False | |
Workgroup | String | False | |
AddressValidated | Bool | False | |
LastIncomingActivity | Datetime | False | |
LinkedCampaigns | String | False | |
SourceCampaign | String | False | |
SpouseOrPartnerName | String | False | |
LinkedAddress | String | False | |
Reason | String | False | |
Synchronize | Bool | False | |
ConvertedBy | String | False | |
Image | String | False | |
Type | String | False | |
NoMarketing | Bool | False | |
DateOfBirth | Datetime | False | |
Duplicate | String | False | |
DoNotEmail | Bool | False | |
Phone3Type | String | False | |
Source | String | False | |
BusinessAccount | String | False | |
LastName | String | False | |
LinkedOpportunities | String | False | |
Fax | String | False | |
QualificationDate | Datetime | False | |
WorkgroupDescription | String | False | |
LinkedCases | String | False | |
Custom_ContactCurrent_NoMarketing | Bool | False | |
Custom_ContactCurrent_DuplicateStatus | String | False | |
Custom_ContactCurrent2_NoteID | String | False | |
Custom_ContactCurrent_FullName | String | False | |
Custom_ContactCurrent_NoEMail | Bool | False | |
Custom_ContactCurrent_Method | String | False | |
Custom_ContactCurrent_ParentBAccountID | String | False | |
Custom_ContactCurrent_Synchronize | Bool | False | |
Custom_ContactCurrent_Gender | String | False | |
Custom_ContactCurrent_QualificationDate | String | False | |
Custom_ContactCurrent_DateOfBirth | String | False | |
Custom_ContactCurrent_ConvertedBy | String | False | |
Custom_Contact_ContactID_displayName | String | False | |
Custom_ContactCurrent_NoteID | String | False | |
Custom_ContactCurrent_CampaignID | String | False | |
Custom_ContactCurrent_LanguageID | String | False | |
Custom_ContactCurrent_Resolution | String | False | |
Custom_ContactCurrent_Source | String | False | |
Custom_ContactCurrent_MaritalStatus | String | False | |
Custom_ContactCurrent_NoFax | Bool | False | |
Custom_AddressCurrent_NoteID | String | False | |
Custom_ContactCurrent_NoCall | Bool | False | |
Custom_ContactCurrent_Status | String | False | |
Custom_ContactCurrent_NoMail | Bool | False | |
Custom_ContactCurrent_Img | String | False | |
Custom_ContactCurrent_Spouse | String | False | |
Custom_ContactCurrent_NoMassMail | Bool | False | |
Custom_Contact_NoteID | String | False | |
Custom_Contact_NoteText | String | False |
Currency is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
DecimalPrecision | Int | False | |
CurrencyID [KEY] | String | False | |
Active | Bool | False | |
CreatedDateTime | Datetime | False | |
CurrencySymbol | String | False | |
Description | String | False | |
UseForAccounting | Bool | False | |
LastModifiedDateTime | Datetime | False |
Customer is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
LinkedBillingContact | String | False | |
ShippingRule | String | False | |
AccountRef | String | False | |
CurrencyID | String | False | |
BillingAddressSameAsMain | Bool | False | |
LinkedAttributes | String | False | |
Status | String | False | |
WarehouseID | String | False | |
PrintStatements | Bool | False | |
ShippingAddressSameAsMain | Bool | False | |
FOBPoint | String | False | |
AutoApplyPayments | Bool | False | |
ShippingTerms | String | False | |
PrintDunningLetters | Bool | False | |
CustomerID [KEY] | String | False | |
CustomerClass | String | False | |
ParentRecord | String | False | |
ShippingBranch | String | False | |
LinkedMainContact | String | False | |
SaturdayDelivery | Bool | False | |
CurrencyRateType | String | False | |
StatementCycleID | String | False | |
SendStatementsbyEmail | Bool | False | |
LeadTimedays | Int | False | |
ResidentialDelivery | Bool | False | |
LinkedShippingContact | String | False | |
LinkedPaymentInstructions | String | False | |
PriceClassID | String | False | |
SendDunningLettersbyEmail | Bool | False | |
Terms | String | False | |
CustomerName | String | False | |
TaxZone | String | False | |
PrintInvoices | Bool | False | |
LastModifiedDateTime | Datetime | False | |
MultiCurrencyStatements | Bool | False | |
EnableCurrencyOverride | Bool | False | |
WriteOffLimit | Double | False | |
EnableRateOverride | Bool | False | |
TaxRegistrationID | String | False | |
ApplyOverdueCharges | Bool | False | |
SendInvoicesbyEmail | Bool | False | |
ShippingZoneID | String | False | |
BillingContactSameAsMain | Bool | False | |
StatementType | String | False | |
LinkedContacts | String | False | |
ShippingContactSameAsMain | Bool | False | |
OrderPriority | Int | False | |
ShipVia | String | False | |
CreatedDateTime | Datetime | False | |
EnableWriteOffs | Bool | False | |
LinkedSalespersons | String | False | |
LinkedCreditVerificationRules | String | False | |
LocationName | String | False |
CustomerClass is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
OverdueChargeID | String | False | |
GroupDocumentDiscountLimit | Double | False | |
CreditVerification | String | False | |
ShippingRule | String | False | |
FreightAccount | String | False | |
CurrencyID | String | False | |
LinkedAttributes | String | False | |
PrintStatements | Bool | False | |
CreditLimit | Double | False | |
PaymentMethod | String | False | |
DefaultRestrictionGroup | String | False | |
OverLimitAmount | Double | False | |
AutoApplyPayments | Bool | False | |
ShippingTerms | String | False | |
ARAccount | String | False | |
DefaultLocationIDfromBranch | Bool | False | |
PrintDunningLetters | Bool | False | |
MiscAccount | String | False | |
SalespersonID | String | False | |
UnrealizedGainAccount | String | False | |
SendStatementsByEmail | Bool | False | |
Description | String | False | |
CurrencyRateType | String | False | |
StatementCycleID | String | False | |
CashDiscountSubaccount | String | False | |
DiscountSubaccount | String | False | |
RequireTaxZone | Bool | False | |
COGSAccount | String | False | |
SendDunningLettersbyEmail | Bool | False | |
Terms | String | False | |
UnrealizedGainSubaccount | String | False | |
UnrealizedLossSubaccount | String | False | |
PrintInvoices | Bool | False | |
SalesAccount | String | False | |
MultiCurrencyStatements | Bool | False | |
LastModifiedDateTime | Datetime | False | |
EnableCurrencyOverride | Bool | False | |
CashDiscountAccount | String | False | |
COGSSubaccount | String | False | |
TaxZoneID | String | False | |
WriteOffLimit | Double | False | |
EnableRateOverride | Bool | False | |
ApplyOverdueCharges | Bool | False | |
RequireEntityUsageType | Bool | False | |
Country | String | False | |
SendInvoicesbyEmail | Bool | False | |
ClassID [KEY] | String | False | |
ARSubaccount | String | False | |
PrepaymentSubaccount | String | False | |
SalesSubaccount | String | False | |
StatementType | String | False | |
MiscSubaccount | String | False | |
PrepaymentAccount | String | False | |
CreditDaysPastDue | Int | False | |
ShipVia | String | False | |
FreightSubaccount | String | False | |
DiscountAccount | String | False | |
CreatedDateTime | Datetime | False | |
EntityUsageType | String | False | |
EnableWriteOffs | Bool | False | |
UnrealizedLossAccount | String | False | |
Custom_CurCustomerClassRecord_FinChargeApply | Bool | False | |
Custom_CurCustomerClassRecord_FreightAcctID | String | False | |
Custom_CurCustomerClassRecord_DiscTakenSubID | String | False | |
Custom_CurCustomerClassRecord_FinChargeID | String | False | |
Custom_CurCustomerClassRecord_CreditLimit | String | False | |
Custom_CurCustomerClassRecord_COGSAcctID | String | False | |
Custom_CustomerClassRecord_LocaleName_translatedName | String | False | |
Custom_CurCustomerClassRecord_UnrealizedGainAcctID | String | False | |
Custom_CurCustomerClassRecord_SmallBalanceAllow | Bool | False | |
Custom_CurCustomerClassRecord_PrepaymentAcctID | String | False | |
Custom_CurCustomerClassRecord_PrintDunningLetters | Bool | False | |
Custom_CurCustomerClassRecord_CuryID | String | False | |
Custom_CurCustomerClassRecord_ARAcctID | String | False | |
Custom_CurCustomerClassRecord_DiscountAcctID | String | False | |
Custom_CurCustomerClassRecord_AllowOverrideCury | Bool | False | |
Custom_CurCustomerClassRecord_AutoApplyPayments | Bool | False | |
Custom_CurCustomerClassRecord_OverLimitAmount | String | False | |
Custom_CustomerClassRecord_NoteID | String | False | |
Custom_CurCustomerClassRecord_UnrealizedLossAcctID | String | False | |
Custom_CurCustomerClassRecord_DiscountLimit | String | False | |
Custom_CurCustomerClassRecord_ARSubID | String | False | |
Custom_CurCustomerClassRecord_NoteID | String | False | |
Custom_CustomerClassRecord_LocaleName | String | False | |
Custom_CurCustomerClassRecord_CreditRule | String | False | |
Custom_CurCustomerClassRecord_DiscountSubID | String | False | |
Custom_CurCustomerClassRecord_SalesSubID | String | False | |
Custom_CurCustomerClassRecord_MailDunningLetters | Bool | False | |
Custom_CurCustomerClassRecord_COGSSubID | String | False | |
Custom_CurCustomerClassRecord_MiscAcctID | String | False | |
Custom_CurCustomerClassRecord_SmallBalanceLimit | String | False | |
Custom_CurCustomerClassRecord_ShipTermsID | String | False | |
Custom_CurCustomerClassRecord_TermsID | String | False | |
Custom_CurCustomerClassRecord_SalesAcctID | String | False | |
Custom_CurCustomerClassRecord_ShipComplete | String | False | |
Custom_CurCustomerClassRecord_StatementType | String | False | |
Custom_CurCustomerClassRecord_MiscSubID | String | False | |
Custom_CurCustomerClassRecord_AllowOverrideRate | Bool | False | |
Custom_CurCustomerClassRecord_DefPaymentMethodID | String | False | |
Custom_CurCustomerClassRecord_DiscTakenAcctID | String | False | |
Custom_CustomerClassRecord_NoteText | String | False | |
Custom_CurCustomerClassRecord_UnrealizedGainSubID | String | False | |
Custom_CurCustomerClassRecord_CreditDaysPastDue | Int | False | |
Custom_CurCustomerClassRecord_UnrealizedLossSubID | String | False | |
Custom_CurCustomerClassRecord_PrintCuryStatements | Bool | False | |
Custom_CurCustomerClassRecord_CuryRateTypeID | String | False | |
Custom_CurCustomerClassRecord_FreightSubID | String | False | |
Custom_CurCustomerClassRecord_PrintStatements | Bool | False | |
Custom_CurCustomerClassRecord_MailInvoices | Bool | False | |
Custom_CurCustomerClassRecord_SendStatementByEmail | Bool | False | |
Custom_CurCustomerClassRecord_PrepaymentSubID | String | False | |
Custom_CurCustomerClassRecord_PrintInvoices | Bool | False | |
Custom_CurCustomerClassRecord_StatementCycleId | String | False | |
Custom_CurCustomerClassRecord_ShipVia | String | False |
CustomerLocation is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
TaxRegistrationID | String | False | |
ShippingTerms | String | False | |
ShippingZone | String | False | |
TaxZone | String | False | |
ShipVia | String | False | |
Warehouse | String | False | |
Insurance | Bool | False | |
FOBPoint | String | False | |
AddressSameAsMain | Bool | False | |
LinkedLocationContact | String | False | |
LeadTimeDays | Int | False | |
TaxExemptionNbr | String | False | |
FedExGroundCollect | Bool | False | |
Customer | String | False | |
EntityUsageType | String | False | |
ShippingRule | String | False | |
LocationName | String | False | |
LocationID [KEY] | String | False | |
LastModifiedDateTime | Datetime | False | |
Calendar | String | False | |
CreatedDateTime | Datetime | False | |
PriceClass | String | False | |
DefaultProject | String | False | |
Active | Bool | False | |
ContactSameAsMain | Bool | False | |
SaturdayDelivery | Bool | False | |
ShippingBranch | String | False | |
OrderPriority | Int | False | |
ResidentialDelivery | Bool | False |
CustomerPaymentMethod is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
CustomerID [KEY] | String | False | |
Active | Bool | False | |
PaymentMethod [KEY] | String | False | |
CashAccount | String | False | |
CustomerProfileID | String | False | |
LinkedDetails | String | False | |
InstanceID | Int | False | |
CardAccountNbr | String | False | |
CreatedDateTime | Datetime | False | |
LastModifiedDateTime | Datetime | False | |
ProcCenterID | String | False | |
Custom_CustomerPaymentMethod_NoteText | String | False | |
Custom_CustomerPaymentMethod_HasBillingInfo | Bool | False | |
Custom_CustomerPaymentMethod_ExpirationDate | String | False | |
Custom_CustomerPaymentMethod_NoteID | String | False |
CustomerPriceClass is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
CreatedDateTime | Datetime | False | |
Description | String | False | |
LastModifiedDateTime | Datetime | False | |
PriceClassID [KEY] | String | False | |
Custom_Records_SortOrder | Int | False | |
Custom_Records_NoteText | String | False | |
Custom_Records_NoteID | String | False |
Discount is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Promotional | Bool | False | |
LinkedCustomerPriceClasses | String | False | |
BreakBy | String | False | |
LinkedItemPriceClasses | String | False | |
LinkedDiscountBreakpoints | String | False | |
DiscountCode [KEY] | String | False | |
LinkedCustomers | String | False | |
Sequence [KEY] | String | False | |
EffectiveDate | Datetime | False | |
ProrateDiscount | Bool | False | |
LastModifiedDateTime | Datetime | False | |
DiscountBy | String | False | |
CreatedDateTime | Datetime | False | |
Active | Bool | False | |
LinkedWarehouses | String | False | |
LinkedItems | String | False | |
ExpirationDate | Datetime | False | |
ShowFreeItem | Bool | False | |
Description | String | False | |
Custom_Sequence_NoteID | String | False | |
Custom_Sequence_NoteText | String | False |
DiscountCode is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
ApplicableTo | String | False | |
CreatedDateTime | Datetime | False | |
DiscountType | String | False | |
Description | String | False | |
LastModifiedDateTime | Datetime | False | |
DiscountCodeID [KEY] | String | False | |
Custom_Document_IsManual | Bool | False | |
Custom_Document_IsAutoNumber | Bool | False | |
Custom_Document_ExcludeFromDiscountableAmt | Bool | False | |
Custom_Document_IsAppliedToDR | Bool | False | |
Custom_Document_SkipDocumentDiscounts | Bool | False | |
Custom_Document_LastNumber | String | False |
Email is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Bcc | String | False | |
Date | Datetime | False | |
To | String | False | |
StartTime | Datetime | False | |
Owner | String | False | |
Parent | String | False | |
RelatedEntityDescription | String | False | |
Workgroup | String | False | |
Subject | String | False | |
Internal | Bool | False | |
Incoming | Bool | False | |
LinkedTimeActivity | String | False | |
FromEmailAccountDisplayName | String | False | |
Body | String | False | |
Cc | String | False | |
MailStatus | String | False | |
ParentSummary | String | False | |
FromEmailAccountID | Int | False | |
Description | String | False | |
From | String | False | |
Custom_CurrentMessage_WorkgroupID | String | False | |
Custom_CurrentMessage_StartDate_Time | String | False | |
Custom_Message_MailTo_SearchSuggestion | String | False | |
Custom_CurrentMessage_Source | String | False | |
Custom_CurrentMessage_IsIncome | Bool | False | |
Custom_CurrentMessage_ParentNoteID | String | False | |
Custom_Message_MailBcc_SearchSuggestion | String | False | |
Custom_CurrentMessage_ParentNoteID_description | String | False | |
Custom_Message_NoteID | String | False | |
Custom_CurrentMessage_OwnerID | String | False | |
Custom_CurrentMessage_NoteID | String | False | |
Custom_Message_MailCc_SearchSuggestion | String | False | |
Custom_CurrentMessage_StartDate_Date | String | False | |
Custom_CurrentMessage_IsPrivate | Bool | False | |
Custom_Message_NoteText | String | False | |
Custom_CurrentMessage_MPStatus | String | False |
Employee is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
CurrencyID | String | False | |
LinkedContact | String | False | |
PaymentMethod | String | False | |
EmployeeClassID | String | False | |
Name | String | False | |
Status | String | False | |
BranchID | String | False | |
ReportsToID | String | False | |
LinkedEmployeeCost | String | False | |
EmployeeID [KEY] | String | False | |
LinkedEmploymentHistory | String | False | |
DepartmentID | String | False | |
DateOfBirth | Datetime | False |
Event is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Location | String | False | |
AllDay | Bool | False | |
StartTime | Datetime | False | |
ShowAs | String | False | |
LinkedReminder | String | False | |
EndDate | Datetime | False | |
RelatedEntityDescription | String | False | |
Summary [KEY] | String | False | |
NoteID | String | False | |
Internal | Bool | False | |
LinkedTimeActivity | String | False | |
Status | String | False | |
LinkedAttendees | String | False | |
Body | String | False | |
Category | String | False | |
EndTime | Datetime | False | |
StartDate | Datetime | False | |
LinkedRelatedActivities | String | False | |
Priority | String | False | |
Custom_Events_NoteText | String | False |
FinancialPeriod is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
UserDefinedPeriods | Bool | False | |
LinkedDetails | String | False | |
NbrOfPeriods | Int | False | |
CreatedDateTime | Datetime | False | |
FinancialYear | String | False | |
LastModifiedDateTime | Datetime | False | |
StartDate | Datetime | False | |
Custom_FiscalYear_NoteID | String | False | |
Custom_FiscalYear_NoteText | String | False |
FOBPoint is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Description | String | False | |
FOBPointID [KEY] | String | False | |
Custom_FOBPoint_NoteText | String | False | |
Custom_FOBPoint_NoteID | String | False |
InterBranchAccountMapping is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
LinkedTransactionsInSourceBranch | String | False | |
OriginatingBranch [KEY] | String | False | |
PostingLedger | String | False | |
LinkedTransactionsInDestinationBranch | String | False |
InventoryAllocationInquiry is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Location | String | False | |
KitAssemblyDemand | Double | False | |
OnHand | Double | False | |
PurchaseOrders | Double | False | |
OnLocationNotAvailable | Double | False | |
SOToPurchase | Double | False | |
PurchaseReceipts | Double | False | |
LinkedResults | String | False | |
SOPrepared | Double | False | |
PurchaseForSO | Double | False | |
InventoryIssues | Double | False | |
InTransitToSO | Double | False | |
SOShipped | Double | False | |
KitAssemblySupply | Double | False | |
PurchasePrepared | Double | False | |
AvailableForIssue | Double | False | |
TotalAddition | Double | False | |
TotalDeduction | Double | False | |
AvailableForShipping | Double | False | |
SOBackOrdered | Double | False | |
Available | Double | False | |
InTransit | Double | False | |
SOBooked | Double | False | |
PurchaseForSOPrepared | Double | False | |
ReceiptsForSO | Double | False | |
SOAllocated | Double | False | |
WarehouseID | String | False | |
BaseUnit | String | False | |
InventoryReceipts | Double | False | |
InventoryID [KEY] | String | False | |
Custom_Filter_InclQtyInTransit | Bool | False | |
Custom_Filter_QtyPODropShipOrders | String | False | |
Custom_Filter_LotSerialNbr | String | False | |
Custom_Filter_QtyPODropShipPrepared | String | False | |
Custom_Filter_SubItemCD | String | False | |
Custom_Filter_InclQtyPOPrepared | Bool | False | |
Custom_Filter_Label2 | String | False | |
Custom_Filter_InclQtyINReceipts | Bool | False | |
Custom_Filter_Label | String | False | |
Custom_Filter_InclQtyINAssemblySupply | Bool | False | |
Custom_Filter_QtyPODropShipReceipts | String | False | |
Custom_Filter_InclQtyINAssemblyDemand | Bool | False | |
Custom_Filter_InclQtySOBackOrdered | Bool | False | |
Custom_Filter_InclQtySOShipping | Bool | False | |
Custom_Filter_InclQtySOShipped | Bool | False | |
Custom_Filter_InclQtySOBooked | Bool | False | |
Custom_Filter_InclQtyINIssues | Bool | False | |
Custom_Filter_InclQtyPOReceipts | Bool | False | |
Custom_Filter_InclQtySOPrepared | Bool | False | |
Custom_Filter_InclQtyPOOrders | Bool | False | |
Custom_Filter_QtyExpired | String | False | |
Custom_Filter_QtySODropShip | String | False |
InventoryReceipt is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Description | String | False | |
TransferNbr | String | False | |
TotalQty | Double | False | |
TotalCost | Double | False | |
Hold | Bool | False | |
Date | Datetime | False | |
Status | String | False | |
ReferenceNbr [KEY] | String | False | |
LinkedDetails | String | False | |
ControlCost | Double | False | |
ControlQty | Double | False | |
PostPeriod | String | False | |
Custom_receipt_NoteText | String | False | |
Custom_receipt_ExtRefNbr | String | False | |
Custom_receipt_NoteID | String | False |
InventorySummaryInquiry is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
LinkedResults | String | False | |
WarehouseID | String | False | |
ExpandByLotSerialNbr | Bool | False | |
InventoryID [KEY] | String | False | |
Subitem | String | False | |
LocationID | String | False |
Invoice is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
LinkBranch | String | False | |
Date | Datetime | False | |
LinkedApplicationsCreditMemo | String | False | |
BillingPrinted | Bool | False | |
LinkARAccount | String | False | |
LinkedDetails | String | False | |
Customer | String | False | |
Type [KEY] | String | False | |
DueDate | Datetime | False | |
LocationID | String | False | |
LastModifiedDateTime | Datetime | False | |
Balance | Double | False | |
ReferenceNbr [KEY] | String | False | |
Terms | String | False | |
Status | String | False | |
CreatedDateTime | Datetime | False | |
CustomerOrder | String | False | |
Project | String | False | |
TaxTotal | Double | False | |
Hold | Bool | False | |
Amount | Double | False | |
PostPeriod | String | False | |
LinkedTaxDetails | String | False | |
Description | String | False | |
LinkedApplicationsDefault | String | False | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_DontEmail | Bool | False | |
Custom_Document_DiscDate | String | False | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_WorkgroupID | String | False | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_PMInstanceID_description | String | False | |
Custom_Document_CuryLineTotal | String | False | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_BatchNbr | String | False | |
Custom_Document_CuryID | String | False | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_OrigRefNbr | String | False | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_CuryDiscountedPrice | String | False | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_AvalaraCustomerUsageType | String | False | |
Custom_Document_CuryVatExemptTotal | String | False | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_CuryDiscountedDocTotal | String | False | |
Custom_Document_CuryViewState | Bool | False | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_ARSubID | String | False | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_CuryCommnblAmt | String | False | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_NoteID | String | False | |
Custom_Document_NoteText | String | False | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_ApplyOverdueCharge | Bool | False | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_CashAccountID | String | False | |
Custom_Document_CuryRoundDiff | String | False | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_PMInstanceID | Int | False | |
Custom_Document_CuryInitDocBal | String | False | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_DisplayCuryInitDocBal | String | False | |
Custom_Document_NoteID | String | False | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_CampaignID | String | False | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_DontPrint | Bool | False | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_OwnerID | String | False | |
Custom_Document_CuryVatTaxableTotal | String | False | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_TaxZoneID | String | False | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_CuryCommnAmt | String | False | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_CuryDiscountedTaxableTotal | String | False | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_Emailed | Bool | False | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_PaymentMethodID | String | False | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_Revoked | Bool | False | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_SalesPersonID | String | False | |
Custom_Document_CuryOrigDiscAmt | String | False | |
Custom_Document_CuryDiscTot | String | False | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_Printed | Bool | False |
ItemClass is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Description | String | False | |
PriceClass | String | False | |
LinkedAttributes | String | False | |
TaxCategoryID | String | False | |
PurchaseUOM | String | False | |
ItemType | String | False | |
SalesUOM | String | False | |
PostingClass | String | False | |
StockItem | Bool | False | |
ValuationMethod | String | False | |
DefaultWarehouseID | String | False | |
ClassID [KEY] | String | False | |
BaseUOM | String | False | |
LotSerialClass | String | False | |
LastModifiedDateTime | Datetime | False | |
AvailabilityCalculationRule | String | False | |
Custom_itemclasssettings_TaxCalcMode | String | False | |
Custom_itemclasssettings_NegQty | Bool | False | |
Custom_itemclasssettings_DemandCalculation | String | False | |
Custom_itemclasssettings_PriceWorkgroupID | String | False | |
Custom_itemclasssettings_MinGrossProfitPct | String | False | |
Custom_itemclasssettings_PriceManagerID | String | False | |
Custom_itemclasssettings_SalesUnit | String | False | |
Custom_itemclasssettings_MarkupPct | String | False | |
Custom_itemclasssettings_NoteID | String | False | |
Custom_itemclass_NoteID | String | False | |
Custom_itemclass_NoteText | String | False | |
Custom_itemclasssettings_PurchaseUnit | String | False | |
Custom_itemclasssettings_BaseUnit | String | False |
ItemWarehouse is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
OverrideServiceLevelOverride | Bool | False | |
OverrideReplenishmentSettings | Bool | False | |
ProductManager | String | False | |
ReplenishmentSource | String | False | |
OverrideInventoryAccountSubaccount | Bool | False | |
DefaultReceiptTo | String | False | |
ReplenishmentClass | String | False | |
DefaultSubitem | String | False | |
ProductWorkgroup | String | False | |
InventorySubaccount | String | False | |
LastModifiedDateTime | Datetime | False | |
PreferredVendor | String | False | |
MSRP | Double | False | |
Status | String | False | |
InventoryAccount | String | False | |
CreatedDateTime | Datetime | False | |
ReplenishmentWarehouse | String | False | |
OverridePreferredVendor | Bool | False | |
ReplenishmentMethod | String | False | |
PreferredLocation | String | False | |
Seasonality | String | False | |
OverrideStandardCost | Bool | False | |
WarehouseID [KEY] | String | False | |
ServiceLevel | Double | False | |
DefaultIssueFrom | String | False | |
OverridePrice | Bool | False | |
InventoryID [KEY] | String | False | |
Custom_itemsitesettings_SubItemOverride | Bool | False | |
Custom_itemsitesettings_SafetyStock | String | False | |
Custom_itemsitesettings_MaxQty | String | False | |
Custom_itemsitesettings_LaunchDate | String | False | |
Custom_itemsitesettings_PreferredVendorOverride | Bool | False | |
Custom_itemsitesettings_SafetyStockOverride | Bool | False | |
Custom_itemsitesettings_MinQtySuggested | String | False | |
Custom_itemsitesettings_RecPriceOverride | Bool | False | |
Custom_itemsitesettings_ServiceLevelOverride | Bool | False | |
Custom_itemsitesettings_ReplenishmentMethod | String | False | |
Custom_itemsitesettings_MaxShelfLife | Int | False | |
Custom_itemsitesettings_TerminationDate | String | False | |
Custom_itemsitesettings_ABCCodeID | String | False | |
Custom_itemsitesettings_TerminationDateOverride | Bool | False | |
Custom_itemsiterecord_NoteID | String | False | |
Custom_itemsitesettings_MovementClassIsFixed | Bool | False | |
Custom_itemsitesettings_TransferERQ | String | False | |
Custom_itemsitesettings_ServiceLevelPct | String | False | |
Custom_itemsitesettings_MovementClassOverride | Bool | False | |
Custom_itemsitesettings_MinQty | String | False | |
Custom_itemsitesettings_MaxQtyOverride | Bool | False | |
Custom_itemsitesettings_LastForecastDate | String | False | |
Custom_itemsitesettings_ReplenishmentClassID | String | False | |
Custom_itemsitesettings_InventoryItem_DefaultSubItemID | String | False | |
Custom_itemsitesettings_ReplenishmentPolicyOverride | Bool | False | |
Custom_itemsitesettings_LeadTimeSTDEV | String | False | |
Custom_itemsitesettings_PendingStdCostDate | String | False | |
Custom_itemsitesettings_LastStdCost | String | False | |
Custom_itemsitesettings_MaxShelfLifeOverride | Bool | False | |
Custom_itemsitesettings_InvtAcctID | String | False | |
Custom_itemsitesettings_PendingStdCost | String | False | |
Custom_itemsitesettings_LaunchDateOverride | Bool | False | |
Custom_itemsitesettings_DemandPerDayAverage | String | False | |
Custom_itemsitesettings_ReplenishmentPolicyID | String | False | |
Custom_itemsitesettings_SafetyStockSuggested | String | False | |
Custom_itemsitesettings_ABCCodeIsFixed | Bool | False | |
Custom_itemsitesettings_StdCost | String | False | |
Custom_itemsitesettings_ABCCodeOverride | Bool | False | |
Custom_itemsitesettings_RecPrice | String | False | |
Custom_itemsitesettings_DemandPerDaySTDEV | String | False | |
Custom_itemsitesettings_MinCost | String | False | |
Custom_itemsitesettings_InvtSubID | String | False | |
Custom_itemsitesettings_OverrideInvtAcctSub | Bool | False | |
Custom_itemsitesettings_PriceWorkgroupID | String | False | |
Custom_itemsitesettings_PreferredVendorLocationID | String | False | |
Custom_itemsitesettings_MaxCost | String | False | |
Custom_itemsitesettings_ReplenishmentSource | String | False | |
Custom_itemsitesettings_LastCost | String | False | |
Custom_itemsitesettings_AvgCost | String | False | |
Custom_itemsitesettings_PriceManagerID | String | False | |
Custom_itemsitesettings_TransferERQOverride | Bool | False | |
Custom_itemsitesettings_StdCostOverride | Bool | False | |
Custom_itemsitesettings_NoteID | String | False | |
Custom_itemsitesettings_MovementClassID | String | False | |
Custom_itemsitesettings_Commissionable | Bool | False | |
Custom_itemsitesettings_PreferredVendorID | String | False | |
Custom_itemsitesettings_LeadTimeAverage | String | False | |
Custom_itemsitesettings_MarkupPct | String | False | |
Custom_itemsitesettings_MinQtyOverride | Bool | False | |
Custom_itemsitesettings_MarkupPctOverride | Bool | False | |
Custom_itemsiterecord_NoteText | String | False | |
Custom_itemsitesettings_StdCostDate | String | False | |
Custom_itemsitesettings_ReplenishmentSourceSiteID | String | False |
JournalTransaction is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Description | String | False | |
CurrencyID | String | False | |
Hold | Bool | False | |
Module [KEY] | String | False | |
TransactionDate | Datetime | False | |
BatchNbr [KEY] | String | False | |
Status | String | False | |
LinkedDetails | String | False | |
BranchID | String | False | |
LedgerID | String | False | |
CreatedDateTime | Datetime | False | |
LastModifiedDateTime | Datetime | False | |
PostPeriod | String | False | |
Custom_BatchModule_CuryViewState | Bool | False | |
Custom_BatchModule_NoteID | String | False | |
Custom_BatchModule_CuryCreditTotal | String | False | |
Custom_BatchModule_BatchType | String | False | |
Custom_BatchModule_SkipTaxValidation | Bool | False | |
Custom_BatchModule_ReverseCount | Int | False | |
Custom_BatchModule_CreateTaxTrans | Bool | False | |
Custom_BatchModule_CuryDebitTotal | String | False | |
Custom_BatchModule_AutoReverseCopy | Bool | False | |
Custom_BatchModule_OrigBatchNbr | String | False | |
Custom_BatchModule_CuryControlTotal | String | False | |
Custom_BatchModule_AutoReverse | Bool | False | |
Custom_BatchModule_NoteText | String | False |
JournalVoucher is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
ControlTotal | Double | False | |
BaseCurrencyID | String | False | |
ReciprocalRate | Double | False | |
TransactionDate | Datetime | False | |
Ledger | String | False | |
LinkedDetails | String | False | |
EffectiveDate | Datetime | False | |
LastModifiedDateTime | Datetime | False | |
Branch | String | False | |
DebitTotal | Double | False | |
CurrencyID | String | False | |
BatchNbr [KEY] | String | False | |
Status | String | False | |
CreditTotal | Double | False | |
CreatedDateTime | Datetime | False | |
Hold | Bool | False | |
PostPeriod | String | False | |
CurrencyRate | Double | False | |
CurrencyRateTypeID | String | False | |
Description | String | False | |
LinkedGLTransactions | String | False | |
Custom_BatchModule_CuryViewState | Bool | False | |
Custom_BatchModule_NoteID | String | False | |
Custom_BatchModule_NoteText | String | False |
KitAssembly is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Date | Datetime | False | |
KitInventoryID | String | False | |
LinkedNonStockComponents | String | False | |
UOM | String | False | |
Subitem | String | False | |
Revision | String | False | |
Type | String | False | |
LocationID | String | False | |
LinkedAllocations | String | False | |
ReferenceNbr | String | False | |
Status | String | False | |
Qty | Double | False | |
Hold | Bool | False | |
PostPeriod | String | False | |
LinkedStockComponents | String | False | |
WarehouseID | String | False | |
ReasonCode | String | False | |
Description | String | False | |
Custom_Document_NoteID | String | False | |
Custom_Document_NoteText | String | False |
KitSpecification is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
KitInventoryID [KEY] | String | False | |
LinkedStockComponents | String | False | |
Active | Bool | False | |
RevisionID [KEY] | String | False | |
Description | String | False | |
LinkedNonStockComponents | String | False | |
IsNonStock | Bool | False | |
Custom_Hdr_AllowCompAddition | Bool | False | |
Custom_Hdr_NoteID | String | False | |
Custom_Hdr_NoteText | String | False | |
Custom_Hdr_KitSubItemID | String | False |
Lead is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
LanguageOrLocale | String | False | |
DuplicateFound | Bool | False | |
JobTitle | String | False | |
FirstName | String | False | |
DoNotFax | Bool | False | |
LinkedAttributes | String | False | |
Status | String | False | |
ParentAccount | String | False | |
OwnerEmployeeName | String | False | |
Phone3 | String | False | |
LeadClass | String | False | |
Phone2 | String | False | |
Phone1 | String | False | |
Phone2Type | String | False | |
String | False | ||
FaxType | String | False | |
LinkedMarketingLists | String | False | |
DoNotCall | Bool | False | |
LeadID [KEY] | Int | False | |
LinkedDuplicates | String | False | |
Owner | String | False | |
DoNotMail | Bool | False | |
Title | String | False | |
LinkedActivities | String | False | |
Phone1Type | String | False | |
WebSite | String | False | |
LinkedRelations | String | False | |
CompanyName | String | False | |
NoMassMail | Bool | False | |
LastOutgoingActivity | Datetime | False | |
LeadDisplayName | String | False | |
ContactMethod | String | False | |
Workgroup | String | False | |
LastIncomingActivity | Datetime | False | |
LinkedCampaigns | String | False | |
SourceCampaign | String | False | |
LinkedAddress | String | False | |
Reason | String | False | |
NoMarketing | Bool | False | |
Duplicate | String | False | |
DoNotEmail | Bool | False | |
Phone3Type | String | False | |
Source | String | False | |
BusinessAccount | String | False | |
LastName | String | False | |
Fax | String | False | |
WorkgroupDescription | String | False | |
Custom_LeadCurrent_Method | String | False | |
Custom_LeadCurrent_NoMarketing | Bool | False | |
Custom_LeadCurrent_Source | String | False | |
Custom_Lead_NoteText | String | False | |
Custom_LeadCurrent_CampaignID | String | False | |
Custom_LeadCurrent_NoMassMail | Bool | False | |
Custom_LeadCurrent_NoMail | Bool | False | |
Custom_LeadCurrent_LanguageID | String | False | |
Custom_LeadCurrent_ClassID | String | False | |
Custom_Lead_FullName | String | False | |
Custom_LeadCurrent_NoEMail | Bool | False | |
Custom_LeadCurrent_NoFax | Bool | False | |
Custom_LeadCurrent_DuplicateStatus | String | False | |
Custom_Lead_ContactID_displayName | String | False | |
Custom_LeadCurrent_ParentBAccountID | String | False | |
Custom_LeadCurrent_NoteID | String | False | |
Custom_Lead_NoteID | String | False | |
Custom_LeadCurrent_NoCall | Bool | False |
LotSerialClass is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
IssueMethod | String | False | |
TrackingMethod | String | False | |
ClassID [KEY] | String | False | |
LinkedSegments | String | False | |
AssignmentMethod | String | False | |
Description | String | False | |
TrackExpirationDate | Bool | False | |
Custom_lotserclass_NoteText | String | False | |
Custom_lotserclass_NoteID | String | False | |
Custom_lotserclass_LotSerNumVal | String | False | |
Custom_lotserclass_AutoSerialMaxCount | Int | False | |
Custom_lotserclass_LotSerNumShared | Bool | False | |
Custom_lotserclass_RequiredForDropship | Bool | False | |
Custom_lotserclass_AutoNextNbr | Bool | False |
NonStockItem is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
PendingCostDate | Datetime | False | |
IsKit | Bool | False | |
LinkedAttributes | String | False | |
WeightUOM | String | False | |
LinkedCrossReferences | String | False | |
ItemType | String | False | |
Volume | Double | False | |
VolumeUOM | String | False | |
POAccrualSubaccount | String | False | |
ExpenseAccrualSubaccount | String | False | |
CurrentCost | Double | False | |
POAccrualAccount | String | False | |
Weight | Double | False | |
Description | String | False | |
PendingCost | Double | False | |
EffectiveDate | Datetime | False | |
LinkedVendorDetails | String | False | |
DeferralAccount | String | False | |
PurchasePriceVarianceAccount | String | False | |
SalesUnit | String | False | |
PostingClass | String | False | |
DeferralSubaccount | String | False | |
ExpenseAccrualAccount | String | False | |
SalesAccount | String | False | |
TaxCategory | String | False | |
LastModifiedDateTime | Datetime | False | |
RequireReceipt | Bool | False | |
ExpenseAccount | String | False | |
LinkedSalesCategories | String | False | |
LastCost | Double | False | |
ItemClass | String | False | |
SalesSubaccount | String | False | |
BaseUnit | String | False | |
ReasonCodeSubaccount | String | False | |
PurchasePriceVarianceSubaccount | String | False | |
PriceClass | String | False | |
PurchaseUnit | String | False | |
ItemStatus | String | False | |
RequireShipment | Bool | False | |
DefaultPrice | Double | False | |
InventoryID [KEY] | String | False | |
ExpenseSubaccount | String | False | |
Custom_ItemSettings_Body | String | False | |
Custom_ItemSettings_PriceClassID | String | False | |
Custom_ItemSettings_NoteID | String | False | |
Custom_ItemSettings_TaxCalcMode | String | False | |
Custom_ItemSettings_TotalPercentage | String | False | |
Custom_ItemSettings_DeferralAcctID | String | False | |
Custom_ItemSettings_DefaultTermUOM | String | False | |
Custom_ItemSettings_DeferredCode | String | False | |
Custom_ItemSettings_InvtSubID | String | False | |
Custom_ItemSettings_LastStdCost | String | False | |
Custom_ItemSettings_BaseItemVolume | String | False | |
Custom_ItemSettings_StdCostDate | String | False | |
Custom_Item_ProductManagerID | String | False | |
Custom_ItemSettings_StdCost | String | False | |
Custom_ItemSettings_SalesAcctID | String | False | |
Custom_ItemSettings_Commisionable | Bool | False | |
Custom_ItemSettings_ImageUrl | String | False | |
Custom_ItemSettings_SalesUnit | String | False | |
Custom_ItemSettings_PurchaseUnit | String | False | |
Custom_ItemSettings_PendingStdCost | String | False | |
Custom_ItemSettings_DfltSiteID | String | False | |
Custom_ItemSettings_RecPrice | String | False | |
Custom_ItemSettings_BaseItemWeight | String | False | |
Custom_ItemSettings_ReasonCodeSubID | String | False | |
Custom_ItemSettings_SalesSubID | String | False | |
Custom_ItemSettings_PriceWorkgroupID | String | False | |
Custom_ItemSettings_DeferralSubID | String | False | |
Custom_Item_ProductWorkgroupID | String | False | |
Custom_Item_NoteID | String | False | |
Custom_ItemSettings_WeightUOM | String | False | |
Custom_ItemSettings_VolumeUOM | String | False | |
Custom_ItemSettings_POAccrualSubID | String | False | |
Custom_ItemSettings_PPVAcctID | String | False | |
Custom_ItemSettings_UseParentSubID | Bool | False | |
Custom_ItemSettings_PPVSubID | String | False | |
Custom_ItemSettings_CompletePOLine | String | False | |
Custom_ItemSettings_DefaultTerm | String | False | |
Custom_ItemSettings_BasePrice | String | False | |
Custom_ItemSettings_PriceManagerID | String | False | |
Custom_ItemSettings_MinGrossProfitPct | String | False | |
Custom_Item_NoteText | String | False | |
Custom_ItemSettings_POAccrualAcctID | String | False | |
Custom_ItemSettings_COGSAcctID | String | False | |
Custom_ItemSettings_InvtAcctID | String | False | |
Custom_ItemSettings_PendingStdCostDate | String | False | |
Custom_ItemSettings_MarkupPct | String | False | |
Custom_ItemSettings_COGSSubID | String | False | |
Custom_ItemSettings_BaseUnit | String | False |
Opportunity is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
ManualAmount | Bool | False | |
Subject | String | False | |
CurrencyID | String | False | |
LinkedContactInformation | String | False | |
LinkedAttributes | String | False | |
Status | String | False | |
ParentAccount | String | False | |
OwnerEmployeeName | String | False | |
WorkgroupID | String | False | |
WeightTotal | Double | False | |
ConvertedLeadID | Int | False | |
Owner | String | False | |
Override | Bool | False | |
Total | Double | False | |
LinkedDiscounts | String | False | |
Estimation | Datetime | False | |
LinkedActivities | String | False | |
ContactID | Int | False | |
Branch | String | False | |
LinkedRelations | String | False | |
TaxZone | String | False | |
Amount | Double | False | |
ClassID | String | False | |
SourceCampaign | String | False | |
OpportunityID [KEY] | String | False | |
Details | String | False | |
Discount | Double | False | |
LinkedAddress | String | False | |
ContactDisplayName | String | False | |
Reason | String | False | |
CurrencyViewState | Bool | False | |
ConvertedLeadDisplayName | String | False | |
Location | String | False | |
LinkedTaxDetails | String | False | |
Source | String | False | |
BusinessAccount | String | False | |
Project | String | False | |
LinkedProducts | String | False | |
WorkgroupDescription | String | False | |
Stage | String | False | |
Custom_OpportunityCurrent_NoteID | String | False | |
Custom_Opportunity_NoteID | String | False | |
Custom_OpportunityCurrent_AllowOverrideContactAddress | Bool | False | |
Custom_Opportunity_NoteText | String | False |
Payment is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
LinkedDocumentsToApply | String | False | |
ApplicationDate | Datetime | False | |
LinkedOrdersToApply | String | False | |
AppliedToDocuments | Double | False | |
LinkedApplicationHistory | String | False | |
LinkedCreditCardProcessingInfo | String | False | |
Type [KEY] | String | False | |
CustomerID | String | False | |
CurrencyID | String | False | |
ReferenceNbr [KEY] | String | False | |
Status | String | False | |
PaymentMethod | String | False | |
CardAccountNbr | Int | False | |
Hold | Bool | False | |
PaymentRef | String | False | |
PaymentAmount | Double | False | |
CashAccount | String | False | |
Description | String | False | |
Custom_Document_CCPaymentStateDescr | String | False | |
Custom_Document_DepositAfter | String | False | |
Custom_Document_NoteText | String | False | |
Custom_Document_CuryChargeAmt | String | False | |
Custom_Document_RefTranExtNbr | String | False | |
Custom_Document_CuryUnappliedBal | String | False | |
Custom_Document_CurySOApplAmt | String | False | |
Custom_Document_CuryConsolidateChargeTotal | String | False | |
Custom_Document_PMInstanceID_description | String | False | |
Custom_Document_IsCCPayment | Bool | False | |
Custom_Document_CustomerLocationID | String | False | |
Custom_Document_CuryInitDocBal | String | False | |
Custom_Document_NoteID | String | False | |
Custom_Document_CuryWOAmt | String | False | |
Custom_Document_AdjFinPeriodID | String | False | |
Custom_Document_CuryViewState | Bool | False |
PaymentMethod is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
LinkedAllowedCashAccounts | String | False | |
Description | String | False | |
IntegratedProcessing | Bool | False | |
UseInAR | Bool | False | |
Active | Bool | False | |
RequireRemittanceInformationforCashAccount | Bool | False | |
UseInAP | Bool | False | |
PaymentMethodID [KEY] | String | False | |
MeansOfPayment | String | False | |
CreatedDateTime | Datetime | False | |
LastModifiedDateTime | Datetime | False | |
LinkedProcessingCenters | String | False | |
Custom_PaymentMethod_NoteText | String | False | |
Custom_PaymentMethod_NoteID | String | False |
PhysicalInventoryReview is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Description | String | False | |
WarehouseID | String | False | |
FreezeDate | Datetime | False | |
TotalVarianceCost | Double | False | |
Status | String | False | |
TotalVarianceQty | Double | False | |
TypeID | String | False | |
ReferenceNbr [KEY] | String | False | |
LinkedDetails | String | False | |
TotalPhysicalQty | Double | False | |
Custom_PIHeaderInfo_NoteID | String | False | |
Custom_PIHeader_NoteID | String | False | |
Custom_PIHeaderInfo_TotalPhysicalQty | String | False | |
Custom_PIHeaderInfo_TotalVarCost | String | False | |
Custom_PIHeaderInfo_TotalVarQty | String | False | |
Custom_PIHeader_NoteText | String | False | |
Custom_PIHeaderInfo_PIAdjRefNbr | String | False |
ProjectTransaction is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Description | String | False | |
TotalQty | Double | False | |
Module [KEY] | String | False | |
TotalAmount | Double | False | |
Status | String | False | |
OriginalDocNbr | String | False | |
ReferenceNbr [KEY] | String | False | |
LinkedDetails | String | False | |
TotalBillableQty | Double | False | |
OriginalDocType | String | False | |
CreatedDateTime | Datetime | False | |
LastModifiedDateTime | Datetime | False | |
Custom_Document_NoteID | String | False | |
Custom_Transactions_NoteText | String | False | |
Custom_Transactions_NoteID | String | False | |
Custom_Transactions_CostCodeID | String | False |
PurchaseOrder is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
ControlTotal | Double | False | |
Location | String | False | |
Date | Datetime | False | |
PromisedOn | Datetime | False | |
Owner | String | False | |
LinkedShippingInstructions | String | False | |
LinkedDetails | String | False | |
Type [KEY] | String | False | |
LineTotal | Double | False | |
CurrencyID | String | False | |
VendorID | String | False | |
Status | String | False | |
OrderNbr [KEY] | String | False | |
TaxTotal | Double | False | |
Hold | Bool | False | |
OrderTotal | Double | False | |
Description | String | False | |
VendorRef | String | False | |
Custom_Document_NoteID | String | False | |
Custom_Document_Approved | Bool | False | |
Custom_Document_CuryVatExemptTotal | String | False | |
Custom_Document_NoteText | String | False | |
Custom_Document_CuryVatTaxableTotal | String | False | |
Custom_Document_CuryViewState | Bool | False | |
Custom_Document_RequestApproval | Bool | False | |
Custom_Document_ExpirationDate | String | False | |
Custom_Document_CuryDiscTot | String | False |
PurchaseReceipt is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Type [KEY] | String | False | |
TotalQty | Double | False | |
CurrencyID | String | False | |
VendorRef | String | False | |
ControlAmount | Double | False | |
Hold | Bool | False | |
CreateBill | Bool | False | |
Date | Datetime | False | |
ReceiptNbr [KEY] | String | False | |
Status | String | False | |
TotalAmount | Double | False | |
LinkedDetails | String | False | |
ControlQty | Double | False | |
PostPeriod | String | False | |
VendorID | String | False | |
Custom_Document_NoteID | String | False | |
Custom_Document_CuryVatExemptTotal | String | False | |
Custom_Document_NoteText | String | False | |
Custom_Document_SiteID | String | False | |
Custom_Document_CuryVatTaxableTotal | String | False | |
Custom_Document_CuryViewState | Bool | False | |
Custom_Document_VendorLocationID | String | False | |
Custom_Document_CuryDiscTot | String | False |
ReportingSettings is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
LinkedReportingGroups | String | False | |
TaxAgency [KEY] | String | False | |
Custom_TaxVendor_ShowNoTemp | Bool | False | |
Custom_TaxVendor_NoteID | String | False |
SalesInvoice is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Description | String | False | |
Type [KEY] | String | False | |
CustomerOrder | String | False | |
LinkedBillingSettings | String | False | |
CustomerID | String | False | |
Hold | Bool | False | |
Amount | Double | False | |
DueDate | Datetime | False | |
Date | Datetime | False | |
Status | String | False | |
ReferenceNbr [KEY] | String | False | |
LinkedDetails | String | False | |
Balance | Double | False | |
LinkedFreightDetails | String | False | |
Custom_Document_NoteText | String | False | |
Custom_Document_DiscDate | String | False | |
Custom_Document_TermsID | String | False | |
Custom_Document_CreditHold | Bool | False | |
Custom_Document_CustomerLocationID | String | False | |
Custom_Document_ProjectID | String | False | |
Custom_Document_CuryID | String | False | |
Custom_Document_CuryVatExemptTotal | String | False | |
Custom_Document_NoteID | String | False | |
Custom_Document_CuryVatTaxableTotal | String | False | |
Custom_Document_CuryViewState | Bool | False | |
Custom_Document_FinPeriodID | String | False | |
Custom_Document_CuryOrigDiscAmt | String | False |
SalesOrder is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
LinkedShipToContact | String | False | |
OrderNbr [KEY] | String | False | |
CurrencyID | String | False | |
TaxTotal | Double | False | |
Status | String | False | |
CurrencyRate | Double | False | |
LinkedBillToContact | String | False | |
PaymentMethod | String | False | |
ControlTotal | Double | False | |
VATTaxableTotal | Double | False | |
ShipToAddressOverride | Bool | False | |
CustomerID | String | False | |
PreferredWarehouseID | String | False | |
OrderTotal | Double | False | |
PreAuthorizationNbr | String | False | |
BaseCurrencyID | String | False | |
Description | String | False | |
BillToAddressValidated | Bool | False | |
EffectiveDate | Datetime | False | |
IsTaxValid | Bool | False | |
BillToContactOverride | Bool | False | |
PreAuthorizedAmount | Double | False | |
LinkedShipments | String | False | |
Hold | Bool | False | |
CurrencyRateTypeID | String | False | |
LastModified | Datetime | False | |
LocationID | String | False | |
CreditHold | Bool | False | |
ShipToAddressValidated | Bool | False | |
LinkedShipToAddress | String | False | |
LinkedCommissions | String | False | |
LinkedDiscountDetails | String | False | |
CashAccount | String | False | |
ReciprocalRate | Double | False | |
OrderType [KEY] | String | False | |
LinkedBillToAddress | String | False | |
PaymentCardIdentifier | String | False | |
CustomerOrder | String | False | |
VATExemptTotal | Double | False | |
ExternalRef | String | False | |
BillToAddressOverride | Bool | False | |
LinkedDetails | String | False | |
NewCard | Bool | False | |
Date | Datetime | False | |
DestinationWarehouseID | String | False | |
LinkedPayments | String | False | |
PaymentRef | String | False | |
OrderedQty | Double | False | |
LinkedShippingSettings | String | False | |
Approved | Bool | False | |
ShipToContactOverride | Bool | False | |
ShipVia | String | False | |
RequestedOn | Datetime | False | |
LinkedTaxDetails | String | False | |
LinkedTotals | String | False | |
Project | String | False | |
LinkedFinancialSettings | String | False | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_CuryPremiumFreightAmt | String | False | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_DueDate | String | False | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_CuryDiscTot | String | False | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_CuryUnpaidBalance | String | False | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_PackageWeight | String | False | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_OverrideTaxZone | Bool | False | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_AvalaraCustomerUsageType | String | False | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_CuryOpenOrderTotal | String | False | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_CuryFreightCost | String | False | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_Insurance | Bool | False | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_CCAuthExpirationDate | String | False | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_CuryTaxTotal | String | False | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_CreatePMInstance | Bool | False | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_CuryPaymentTotal | String | False | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_PreAuthTranNumber | String | False | |
Custom_DefPaymentMethodInstance_NoteID | String | False | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_CancelDate | String | False | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_PMInstanceID | Int | False | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_FOBPoint | String | False | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_ExtRefNbr | String | False | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_GroundCollect | Bool | False | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_CuryMiscTot | String | False | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_Emailed | Bool | False | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_PaymentMethodID | String | False | |
Custom_Document_DontApprove | Bool | False | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_CCPaymentStateDescr | String | False | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_CuryUnbilledOrderTotal | String | False | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_CaptureTranNumber | String | False | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_UseCustomerAccount | Bool | False | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_OrigOrderType | String | False | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_FreightCostIsValid | Bool | False | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_DefaultSiteID | String | False | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_UnbilledOrderQty | String | False | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_Cancelled | Bool | False | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_OrigOrderNbr | String | False | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_PMInstanceID_description | String | False | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_CuryFreightAmt | String | False | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_OrderVolume | String | False | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_CCCardNumber | String | False | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_CuryCCPreAuthAmount | String | False | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_RefTranExtNbr | String | False | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_WillCall | Bool | False | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_FinPeriodID | String | False | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_OrderWeight | String | False | |
Custom_Document_CuryViewState | Bool | False | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_ShipZoneID | String | False | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_CuryLineTotal | String | False | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_ShipComplete | String | False | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_FreightTaxCategoryID | String | False | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_PCResponseReasonText | String | False | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_Resedential | Bool | False | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_NoteID | String | False | |
Custom_Document_NoteText | String | False | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_ShipDate | String | False | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_ShipTermsID | String | False | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_CashAccountID | String | False | |
Custom_DefPaymentMethodInstance_CCProcessingCenterID | String | False | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_ShipVia | String | False | |
Custom_Document_NoteID | String | False | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_SaturdayDelivery | Bool | False | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_CampaignID | String | False | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_TermsID | String | False | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_ShipSeparately | Bool | False | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_OwnerID | String | False | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_OpenOrderQty | String | False | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_TaxZoneID | String | False | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_BillSeparately | Bool | False | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_InvoiceNbr | String | False | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_Priority | Int | False | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_DiscDate | String | False | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_BranchID | String | False | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_InvoiceDate | String | False |
Salesperson is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Name | String | False | |
CreatedDateTime | Datetime | False | |
DefaultCommission | Double | False | |
IsActive | Bool | False | |
SalespersonID [KEY] | String | False | |
SalesSubaccount | String | False | |
LastModifiedDateTime | Datetime | False | |
Custom_Salesperson_NoteID | String | False | |
Custom_Salesperson_NoteText | String | False |
SalesPricesInquiry is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
EffectiveAsOf | Datetime | False | |
PriceCode | String | False | |
PriceClass | String | False | |
PriceWorkgroupIsMine | Bool | False | |
ItemClassID | String | False | |
LinkedSalesPriceDetails | String | False | |
PriceType | String | False | |
PriceManagerIsMe | Bool | False | |
PriceManager | String | False | |
InventoryID [KEY] | String | False | |
PriceWorkgroup | String | False | |
Custom_Filter_SiteID | String | False |
SalesPriceWorksheet is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Description | String | False | |
Hold | Bool | False | |
EffectiveDate | Datetime | False | |
ExpirationDate | Datetime | False | |
Status | String | False | |
ReferenceNbr [KEY] | String | False | |
LinkedSalesPrices | String | False | |
OverwriteOverlappingPrices | Bool | False | |
CreatedDateTime | Datetime | False | |
LastModifiedDateTime | Datetime | False | |
Custom_Document_NoteID | String | False | |
Custom_Document_IsPromotional | Bool | False |
Shipment is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
ShipmentNbr [KEY] | String | False | |
LinkedPackages | String | False | |
Operation | String | False | |
CurrencyID | String | False | |
Status | String | False | |
WarehouseID | String | False | |
CurrencyRate | Double | False | |
FOBPoint | String | False | |
PackageCount | Int | False | |
UseCustomersAccount | Bool | False | |
ShippingTerms | String | False | |
ShipmentDate | Datetime | False | |
WorkgroupID | String | False | |
CustomerID | String | False | |
BaseCurrencyID | String | False | |
FreightAmount | Double | False | |
SaturdayDelivery | Bool | False | |
Owner | String | False | |
ShippedVolume | Double | False | |
EffectiveDate | Datetime | False | |
ResidentialDelivery | Bool | False | |
ControlQty | Double | False | |
Hold | Bool | False | |
CurrencyRateTypeID | String | False | |
LocationID | String | False | |
ShippedWeight | Double | False | |
LinkedOrders | String | False | |
ReciprocalRate | Double | False | |
FreightCost | Double | False | |
LastModifiedDateTime | Datetime | False | |
FreightCurrency | String | False | |
GroundCollect | Bool | False | |
PackageWeight | Double | False | |
ShippedQty | Double | False | |
LinkedDetails | String | False | |
ShippingZoneID | String | False | |
LinkedShippingSettings | String | False | |
ToWarehouseID | String | False | |
CurrencyViewState | Bool | False | |
Type | String | False | |
ShipVia | String | False | |
Insurance | Bool | False | |
CreatedDateTime | Datetime | False | |
Custom_Document_NoteID | String | False | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_NoteID | String | False | |
Custom_Document_NoteText | String | False | |
Custom_Document_OwnerID_description | String | False |
ShippingBox is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Description | String | False | |
BoxID [KEY] | String | False | |
Height | Int | False | |
WeightUOM | String | False | |
BoxWeight | Double | False | |
Length | Int | False | |
VolumeUOM | String | False | |
CarriersPackage | String | False | |
MaxVolume | Double | False | |
MaxWeight | Double | False | |
ActiveByDefault | Bool | False | |
Width | Int | False |
ShippingTerm is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
LinkedDetails | String | False | |
Description | String | False | |
TermID [KEY] | String | False | |
Custom_ShipTermsCurrent_NoteID | String | False |
ShippingZones is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Description | String | False | |
ZoneID [KEY] | String | False |
ShipVia is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Description | String | False | |
Calendar | String | False | |
LinkedFreightRates | String | False | |
LinkedPackages | String | False | |
FreightExpenseAccount | String | False | |
TaxCategory | String | False | |
CarrierID [KEY] | String | False | |
FreightSalesSubaccount | String | False | |
FreightSalesAccount | String | False | |
CommonCarrier | Bool | False | |
CalculationMethod | String | False | |
FreightExpenseSubaccount | String | False | |
Custom_Carrier_NoteText | String | False | |
Custom_Carrier_NoteID | String | False | |
Custom_CarrierCurrent_PackageRequired | Bool | False | |
Custom_CarrierCurrent_ConfirmationRequired | Bool | False | |
Custom_Carrier_IsExternal | Bool | False | |
Custom_CarrierCurrent_BaseRate | String | False | |
Custom_CarrierCurrent_CarrierPluginID | String | False | |
Custom_CarrierCurrent_PluginMethod | String | False | |
Custom_CarrierCurrent_NoteID | String | False |
StatementCycle is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
OverdueChargeID | String | False | |
LastStatementDate | Datetime | False | |
AgingPeriod3Message | String | False | |
AgingPeriod1Message | String | False | |
AgingPeriod1EndDay | Int | False | |
PrepareOn | String | False | |
ApplyOverdueCharges | Bool | False | |
LastModifiedDateTime | Datetime | False | |
RequirePaymentApplicationBeforeStatementProcessing | Bool | False | |
AgingPeriod4Message | String | False | |
CreatedDateTime | Datetime | False | |
AgingPeriod2Message | String | False | |
AgingPeriod3EndDay | Int | False | |
AgingPeriod2EndDay | Int | False | |
RequireOverdueChargesCalculationBeforeStatement | Bool | False | |
DayOfMonth1 | Int | False | |
Description | String | False | |
DayOfMonth | Int | False | |
CycleID [KEY] | String | False | |
Custom_ARStatementCycleRecord_AgeBasedOn | String | False | |
Custom_ARStatementCycleRecord_AgeDays02 | Int | False | |
Custom_ARStatementCycleRecord_Bucket04LowerExclusiveBound | Int | False | |
Custom_ARStatementCycleRecord_AgeMsgCurrent | String | False | |
Custom_ARStatementCycleRecord_AgeMsg00 | String | False | |
Custom_ARStatementCycleRecord_NoteID | String | False | |
Custom_ARStatementCycleRecord_AgeDays01 | Int | False | |
Custom_ARStatementCycleRecord_DayOfWeek | String | False | |
Custom_ARStatementCycleRecord_PrintEmptyStatements | Bool | False | |
Custom_ARStatementCycleRecord_NoteText | String | False | |
Custom_ARStatementCycleRecord_AgeMsg01 | String | False | |
Custom_ARStatementCycleRecord_UseFinPeriodForAging | Bool | False | |
Custom_ARStatementCycleRecord_AgeDays00 | Int | False | |
Custom_ARStatementCycleRecord_Bucket02LowerInclusiveBound | Int | False | |
Custom_ARStatementCycleRecord_AgeMsg02 | String | False | |
Custom_ARStatementCycleRecord_FinChargeID | String | False | |
Custom_ARStatementCycleRecord_Bucket01LowerInclusiveBound | Int | False | |
Custom_ARStatementCycleRecord_AgeMsg03 | String | False | |
Custom_ARStatementCycleRecord_RequireFinChargeProcessing | Bool | False | |
Custom_ARStatementCycleRecord_Bucket03LowerInclusiveBound | Int | False | |
Custom_ARStatementCycleRecord_FinChargeApply | Bool | False |
StockItem is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
DefaultPrice | Double | False | |
PriceWorkgroup | String | False | |
LandedCostVarianceSubaccount | String | False | |
InventorySubaccount | String | False | |
LandedCostVarianceAccount | String | False | |
POAccrualSubaccount | String | False | |
ItemStatus | String | False | |
LinkedWarehouseDetails | String | False | |
LastModified | Datetime | False | |
DefaultIssueLocationID | String | False | |
DefaultReceiptLocationID | String | False | |
UseOnEntry | Bool | False | |
SalesSubaccount | String | False | |
LinkedVendorDetails | String | False | |
DefaultSubitem | String | False | |
LotSerialClass | String | False | |
SubjectToCommission | Bool | False | |
PriceManager | String | False | |
LinkedReplenishmentParameters | String | False | |
LastCost | Double | False | |
COGSAccount | String | False | |
SalesAccount | String | False | |
StandardCostVarianceSubaccount | String | False | |
COGSSubaccount | String | False | |
PackSeparately | Bool | False | |
ReasonCodeSubaccount | String | False | |
ImageUrl | String | False | |
ItemClass | String | False | |
ItemType | String | False | |
MinMarkup | Double | False | |
DeferralAccount | String | False | |
VolumeUOM | String | False | |
StandardCostVarianceAccount | String | False | |
AverageCost | Double | False | |
IsAKit | Bool | False | |
CurrentStdCost | Double | False | |
SalesUOM | String | False | |
DefaultWarehouseID | String | False | |
BaseUOM | String | False | |
ProductWorkgroup | String | False | |
ProductManager | String | False | |
AutoIncrementalValue | String | False | |
Description | String | False | |
PackagingOption | String | False | |
DimensionVolume | Double | False | |
PostingClass | String | False | |
DimensionWeight | Double | False | |
InventoryAccount | String | False | |
ABCCode | String | False | |
ValuationMethod | String | False | |
LinkedCrossReferences | String | False | |
LinkedUOMConversions | String | False | |
MSRP | Double | False | |
PriceClass | String | False | |
PurchaseUOM | String | False | |
LinkedBoxes | String | False | |
DiscountAccount | String | False | |
MaxCost | Double | False | |
Markup | Double | False | |
StandardCostRevaluationSubaccount | String | False | |
DeferralSubaccount | String | False | |
StandardCostRevaluationAccount | String | False | |
WeightUOM | String | False | |
LastStdCost | Double | False | |
LinkedAttributes | String | False | |
TaxCategory | String | False | |
LinkedCategories | String | False | |
PurchasePriceVarianceSubaccount | String | False | |
MinCost | Double | False | |
POAccrualAccount | String | False | |
LinkedSubItems | String | False | |
DiscountSubaccount | String | False | |
InventoryID [KEY] | String | False | |
Content | String | False | |
PendingStdCost | Double | False | |
PurchasePriceVarianceAccount | String | False | |
Custom_ItemSettings_Body | String | False | |
Custom_ItemSettings_NoteID | String | False | |
Custom_ItemSettings_MovementClassID | String | False | |
Custom_ItemSettings_StdCstRevSubID | String | False | |
Custom_ItemSettings_LCVarianceSubID | String | False | |
Custom_ItemSettings_DefaultTermUOM | String | False | |
Custom_ItemSettings_ABCCodeID | String | False | |
Custom_ItemSettings_InvtSubID | String | False | |
Custom_ItemSettings_ABCCodeIsFixed | Bool | False | |
Custom_ItemSettings_BaseItemVolume | String | False | |
Custom_ItemSettings_DiscAcctID | String | False | |
Custom_ItemSettings_ImageUrl | String | False | |
Custom_ItemSettings_PurchaseUnit | String | False | |
Custom_ItemSettings_BaseItemWeight | String | False | |
Custom_ItemSettings_DeferralSubID | String | False | |
Custom_ItemSettings_UseParentSubID | Bool | False | |
Custom_ItemSettings_PPVAcctID | String | False | |
Custom_ItemSettings_DefaultTerm | String | False | |
Custom_ItemSettings_StdCstVarSubID | String | False | |
Custom_ItemSettings_PackSeparately | Bool | False | |
Custom_ItemSettings_DfltReceiptLocationID | String | False | |
Custom_ItemSettings_COGSAcctID | String | False | |
Custom_ItemSettings_LCVarianceAcctID | String | False | |
Custom_ItemSettings_MarkupPct | String | False | |
Custom_ItemSettings_DiscSubID | String | False | |
Custom_ItemSettings_COGSSubID | String | False | |
Custom_ItemSettings_BaseUnit | String | False | |
Custom_ItemSettings_PriceClassID | String | False | |
Custom_ItemSettings_TotalPercentage | String | False | |
Custom_ItemSettings_DeferralAcctID | String | False | |
Custom_ItemSettings_CycleID | String | False | |
Custom_ItemSettings_StdCstRevAcctID | String | False | |
Custom_ItemSettings_DeferredCode | String | False | |
Custom_ItemSettings_MovementClassIsFixed | Bool | False | |
Custom_ItemSettings_LastStdCost | String | False | |
Custom_ItemSettings_StdCstVarAcctID | String | False | |
Custom_ItemSettings_DefaultSubItemID | String | False | |
Custom_ItemSettings_StdCostDate | String | False | |
Custom_ItemSettings_StdCost | String | False | |
Custom_ItemSettings_SalesAcctID | String | False | |
Custom_ItemSettings_Commisionable | Bool | False | |
Custom_ItemSettings_SalesUnit | String | False | |
Custom_ItemSettings_PendingStdCost | String | False | |
Custom_ItemSettings_DefaultSubItemOnEntry | Bool | False | |
Custom_ItemSettings_DfltSiteID | String | False | |
Custom_ItemSettings_RecPrice | String | False | |
Custom_ItemSettings_ReasonCodeSubID | String | False | |
Custom_ItemSettings_SalesSubID | String | False | |
Custom_ItemSettings_PriceWorkgroupID | String | False | |
Custom_Item_NoteID | String | False | |
Custom_ItemSettings_WeightUOM | String | False | |
Custom_ItemSettings_VolumeUOM | String | False | |
Custom_ItemSettings_POAccrualSubID | String | False | |
Custom_ItemSettings_PPVSubID | String | False | |
Custom_ItemSettings_DfltShipLocationID | String | False | |
Custom_ItemSettings_BasePrice | String | False | |
Custom_ItemSettings_PriceManagerID | String | False | |
Custom_ItemSettings_MinGrossProfitPct | String | False | |
Custom_Item_NoteText | String | False | |
Custom_ItemSettings_POAccrualAcctID | String | False | |
Custom_ItemSettings_InvtAcctID | String | False | |
Custom_ItemSettings_PendingStdCostDate | String | False | |
Custom_ItemSettings_PackageOption | String | False |
Subaccount is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Secured | Bool | False | |
Active | Bool | False | |
SubaccountCD | String | False | |
SubaccountID | Int | False | |
Description | String | False | |
Custom_SubRecords_NoteText | String | False | |
Custom_SubRecords_NoteID | String | False |
Task is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
LinkedReminder | String | False | |
Owner | String | False | |
Parent | String | False | |
RelatedEntityDescription | String | False | |
Summary | String | False | |
NoteID | String | False | |
DueDate | Datetime | False | |
Internal | Bool | False | |
CompletedAt | Datetime | False | |
LinkedTimeActivity | String | False | |
Status | String | False | |
WorkgroupID | String | False | |
Body | String | False | |
CompletionPercentage | Int | False | |
Category | String | False | |
ParentSummary | String | False | |
StartDate | Datetime | False | |
LinkedRelatedActivities | String | False | |
Priority | String | False | |
LinkedRelatedTasks | String | False | |
Custom_Tasks_ParentNoteID_Subject | String | False | |
Custom_Tasks_NoteText | String | False |
Tax is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
CalculateOn | String | False | |
TaxID [KEY] | String | False | |
IncludeInVATTaxableTotal | Bool | False | |
TaxPayableAccount | String | False | |
TaxExpenseAccount | String | False | |
TaxClaimableSubaccount | String | False | |
PendingVAT | Bool | False | |
ExcludeFromTaxonTaxCalculation | Bool | False | |
TaxClaimableAccount | String | False | |
TaxType | String | False | |
TaxAgency | String | False | |
ReverseVAT | Bool | False | |
IncludeInVATExemptTotal | Bool | False | |
StatisticalVAT | Bool | False | |
LastModifiedDateTime | Datetime | False | |
LinkedTaxSchedule | String | False | |
EnterFromTaxBill | Bool | False | |
CashDiscount | String | False | |
TaxPayableSubaccount | String | False | |
TaxExpenseSubaccount | String | False | |
CreatedDateTime | Datetime | False | |
NotValidAfter | Datetime | False | |
LinkedZones | String | False | |
Description | String | False | |
DeductibleVAT | Bool | False | |
Custom_Tax_PurchTaxSubID | String | False | |
Custom_Tax_ReportExpenseToSingleAccount | Bool | False | |
Custom_Tax_NoteID | String | False | |
Custom_Tax_PurchTaxAcctID | String | False | |
Custom_Tax_PendingSalesTaxSubID | String | False | |
Custom_Tax_PendingSalesTaxAcctID | String | False | |
Custom_Tax_ExpenseSubID | String | False | |
Custom_Tax_PendingPurchTaxSubID | String | False | |
Custom_Tax_SalesTaxSubID | String | False | |
Custom_Tax_ExpenseAccountID | String | False | |
Custom_Tax_SalesTaxAcctID | String | False | |
Custom_Tax_PendingPurchTaxAcctID | String | False |
TaxCategory is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
LinkedDetails | String | False | |
TaxCategoryID [KEY] | String | False | |
ExcludeListedTaxes | Bool | False | |
Active | Bool | False | |
CreatedDateTime | Datetime | False | |
Description | String | False | |
LastModifiedDateTime | Datetime | False | |
Custom_TxCategory_NoteText | String | False | |
Custom_TxCategory_NoteID | String | False |
TaxZone is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
TaxZoneID [KEY] | String | False | |
CreatedDateTime | Datetime | False | |
Description | String | False | |
LastModifiedDateTime | Datetime | False | |
LinkedApplicableTaxes | String | False | |
Custom_TxZone_DfltTaxCategoryID | String | False | |
Custom_TxZone_ShowZipTabExpr | Bool | False | |
Custom_TxZone_TaxVendorID | String | False | |
Custom_TxZone_ShowTaxTabExpr | Bool | False | |
Custom_TxZone_IsManualVATZone | Bool | False | |
Custom_TxZone_NoteID | String | False | |
Custom_TxZone_TaxID | String | False | |
Custom_TxZone_IsExternal | Bool | False | |
Custom_TxZone_NoteText | String | False |
TransferOrder is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Description | String | False | |
TotalQty | Double | False | |
Hold | Bool | False | |
ExternalRef | String | False | |
Date | Datetime | False | |
Status | String | False | |
ReferenceNbr [KEY] | String | False | |
LinkedDetails | String | False | |
ToWarehouseID | String | False | |
TransferType | String | False | |
FromWarehouseID | String | False | |
PostPeriod | String | False | |
Custom_transfer_ControlQty | String | False | |
Custom_transfer_NoteID | String | False | |
Custom_transfer_NoteText | String | False |
TrialBalance is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Description | String | False | |
ControlTotal | Double | False | |
CreditTotal | Double | False | |
DebitTotal | Double | False | |
Hold | Bool | False | |
ImportNbr [KEY] | String | False | |
BatchNbr | String | False | |
ImportDate | Datetime | False | |
Status | String | False | |
LinkedDetails | String | False | |
Branch | String | False | |
Ledger | String | False | |
CreatedDateTime | Datetime | False | |
LastModifiedDateTime | Datetime | False | |
Period | String | False | |
Custom_Map_NoteID | String | False | |
Custom_Map_NoteText | String | False |
UnitsOfMeasure is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
FromUOM | String | False | |
ConversionFactor | Double | False | |
CreatedDateTime | Datetime | False | |
MultiplyOrDivide | String | False | |
LastModifiedDateTime | Datetime | False | |
ToUOM | String | False | |
Custom_Unit_ItemClassID | Int | False | |
Custom_Unit_UnitType | String | False | |
Custom_Unit_InventoryID | Int | False |
Vendor is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
APAccount | String | False | |
F1099Box | String | False | |
Warehouse | String | False | |
AccountRef | String | False | |
CurrencyID | String | False | |
LinkedAttributes | String | False | |
Status | String | False | |
MinReceipt | Double | False | |
ParentAccount | String | False | |
PaymentMethod | String | False | |
FOBPoint | String | False | |
PaySeparately | Bool | False | |
ReceivingBranch | String | False | |
LandedCostVendor | Bool | False | |
ShippingTerms | String | False | |
VendorIsTaxAgency | Bool | False | |
VendorID [KEY] | String | False | |
FATCA | Bool | False | |
LinkedRemittanceContact | String | False | |
RemittanceContactSameasMain | Bool | False | |
ThresholdReceipt | Double | False | |
LinkedMainContact | String | False | |
CurrencyRateType | String | False | |
VendorClass | String | False | |
ShippersContactSameasMain | Bool | False | |
LeadTimedays | Int | False | |
ReceiptAction | String | False | |
LinkedShippingContact | String | False | |
MaxReceipt | Double | False | |
LinkedPaymentInstructions | String | False | |
PaymentLeadTimedays | Int | False | |
Terms | String | False | |
PaymentBy | String | False | |
ForeignEntity | Bool | False | |
RemittanceAddressSameasMain | Bool | False | |
TaxZone | String | False | |
CashAccount | String | False | |
ShippingAddressSameasMain | Bool | False | |
LastModifiedDateTime | Datetime | False | |
EnableCurrencyOverride | Bool | False | |
SendOrdersbyEmail | Bool | False | |
EnableRateOverride | Bool | False | |
TaxRegistrationID | String | False | |
F1099Vendor | Bool | False | |
PrintOrders | Bool | False | |
TaxCalculationMode | String | False | |
VendorIsLaborUnion | Bool | False | |
LinkedContacts | String | False | |
APSubaccount | String | False | |
ShipVia | String | False | |
CreatedDateTime | Datetime | False | |
LocationName | String | False | |
VendorName | String | False |
VendorClass is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
ClassID [KEY] | String | False | |
CreatedDateTime | Datetime | False | |
Description | String | False | |
LinkedAttributes | String | False | |
LastModifiedDateTime | Datetime | False | |
Custom_VendorClassRecord_LocaleName | String | False | |
Custom_VendorClassRecord_NoteText | String | False | |
Custom_VendorClassRecord_NoteID | String | False | |
Custom_VendorClassRecord_LocaleName_translatedName | String | False |
VendorPricesInquiry is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
ProductWorkgroup | String | False | |
ProductManager | String | False | |
InventoryID [KEY] | String | False | |
ItemClass | String | False | |
Vendor | String | False | |
LinkedVendorPriceDetails | String | False | |
Custom_Filter_SiteID | String | False | |
Custom_Filter_MyOwner | Bool | False | |
Custom_Filter_EffectiveAsOfDate | String | False | |
Custom_Filter_MyWorkGroup | Bool | False |
VendorPriceWorksheet is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Description | String | False | |
LinkedVendorSalesPrices | String | False | |
Hold | Bool | False | |
EffectiveDate | Datetime | False | |
ExpirationDate | Datetime | False | |
Status | String | False | |
Promotional | Bool | False | |
ReferenceNbr [KEY] | String | False | |
OverwriteOverlappingPrices | Bool | False | |
CreatedDateTime | Datetime | False | |
LastModifiedDateTime | Datetime | False | |
Custom_Document_NoteID | String | False |
VoucherEntryCode is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
ModuleTransactionType | String | False | |
UniqueTransactionCode | String | False | |
Module | String | False | |
Active | Bool | False | |
Description | String | False |
Warehouse is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
ReceivingLocationID | String | False | |
LinkedLocations | String | False | |
StandardCostVarianceAccount | String | False | |
MiscChargeAccount | String | False | |
PurchasePriceVarianceSubaccount | String | False | |
LandedCostVarianceAccount | String | False | |
POAccrualSubaccount | String | False | |
DropShipLocationID | String | False | |
COGSExpenseAccount | String | False | |
StandardCostRevaluationSubaccount | String | False | |
DiscountSubaccount | String | False | |
DiscountAccount | String | False | |
OverrideInventoryAccountSubaccount | Bool | False | |
SalesSubaccount | String | False | |
LandedCostVarianceSubaccount | String | False | |
InventorySubaccount | String | False | |
COGSExpenseSubaccount | String | False | |
FreightChargeAccount | String | False | |
PurchasePriceVarianceAccount | String | False | |
ShippingLocationID | String | False | |
InventoryAccount | String | False | |
FreightChargeSubaccount | String | False | |
POAccrualAccount | String | False | |
StandardCostRevaluationAccount | String | False | |
StandardCostVarianceSubaccount | String | False | |
Active | Bool | False | |
RMALocationID | String | False | |
ReasonCodeSubaccount | String | False | |
MiscChargeSubaccount | String | False | |
WarehouseID [KEY] | String | False | |
Description | String | False | |
SalesAccount | String | False | |
Custom_siteaccounts_POAccrualAcctID | String | False | |
Custom_siteaccounts_LCVarianceAcctID | String | False | |
Custom_siteaccounts_StdCstVarAcctID | String | False | |
Custom_site_ReplenishmentClassID | String | False | |
Custom_siteaccounts_MiscAcctID | String | False | |
Custom_siteaccounts_FreightAcctID | String | False | |
Custom_siteaccounts_DiscAcctID | String | False | |
Custom_siteaccounts_POAccrualSubID | String | False | |
Custom_siteaccounts_NoteID | String | False | |
Custom_siteaccounts_PPVSubID | String | False | |
Custom_siteaccounts_DiscSubID | String | False | |
Custom_site_BranchID | String | False | |
Custom_siteaccounts_FreightSubID | String | False | |
Custom_site_AvgDefaultCost | String | False | |
Custom_siteaccounts_SalesAcctID | String | False | |
Custom_siteaccounts_OverrideInvtAccSub | Bool | False | |
Custom_siteaccounts_COGSSubID | String | False | |
Custom_siteaccounts_SalesSubID | String | False | |
Custom_site_FIFODefaultCost | String | False | |
Custom_siteaccounts_PPVAcctID | String | False | |
Custom_site_LocationValid | String | False | |
Custom_siteaccounts_LCVarianceSubID | String | False | |
Custom_site_NoteText | String | False | |
Custom_siteaccounts_InvtAcctID | String | False | |
Custom_siteaccounts_StdCstRevSubID | String | False | |
Custom_siteaccounts_MiscSubID | String | False | |
Custom_siteaccounts_InvtSubID | String | False | |
Custom_site_LockSitePICountEntry | Bool | False | |
Custom_siteaccounts_StdCstRevAcctID | String | False | |
Custom_siteaccounts_StdCstVarSubID | String | False | |
Custom_siteaccounts_ReasonCodeSubID | String | False | |
Custom_site_NoteID | String | False | |
Custom_siteaccounts_COGSAcctID | String | False |
Name | Description |
AccountByPeriodInquiry_Results | AccountByPeriodInquiry_Results is an auto-generated table. |
AccountBySubaccountInquiry_Results | AccountBySubaccountInquiry_Results is an auto-generated table. |
AccountDetailsInquiry_Results | AccountDetailsInquiry_Results is an auto-generated table. |
AccountLocation_Address | AccountLocation_Address is an auto-generated table. |
AccountLocation_Cases | AccountLocation_Cases is an auto-generated table. |
AccountLocation_Contact | AccountLocation_Contact is an auto-generated table. |
AccountLocation_Opportunities | AccountLocation_Opportunities is an auto-generated table. |
AccountSummaryInquiry_Results | AccountSummaryInquiry_Results is an auto-generated table. |
Adjustment_Details | Adjustment_Details is an auto-generated table. |
AttributeDefinition_Values | AttributeDefinition_Values is an auto-generated table. |
Bill_Applications | Bill_Applications is an auto-generated table. |
Bill_Details | Bill_Details is an auto-generated table. |
Bill_TaxDetails | Bill_TaxDetails is an auto-generated table. |
BusinessAccount_Activities | BusinessAccount_Activities is an auto-generated table. |
BusinessAccount_Attributes | BusinessAccount_Attributes is an auto-generated table. |
BusinessAccount_Campaigns | BusinessAccount_Campaigns is an auto-generated table. |
BusinessAccount_Cases | BusinessAccount_Cases is an auto-generated table. |
BusinessAccount_Contacts | BusinessAccount_Contacts is an auto-generated table. |
BusinessAccount_Contracts | BusinessAccount_Contracts is an auto-generated table. |
BusinessAccount_DefaultLocationSettings | BusinessAccount_DefaultLocationSettings is an auto-generated table. |
BusinessAccount_Duplicates | BusinessAccount_Duplicates is an auto-generated table. |
BusinessAccount_Locations | BusinessAccount_Locations is an auto-generated table. |
BusinessAccount_MainAddress | BusinessAccount_MainAddress is an auto-generated table. |
BusinessAccount_MainContact | BusinessAccount_MainContact is an auto-generated table. |
BusinessAccount_MarketingLists | BusinessAccount_MarketingLists is an auto-generated table. |
BusinessAccount_Opportunities | BusinessAccount_Opportunities is an auto-generated table. |
BusinessAccount_Orders | BusinessAccount_Orders is an auto-generated table. |
BusinessAccount_Relations | BusinessAccount_Relations is an auto-generated table. |
BusinessAccount_ShippingAddress | BusinessAccount_ShippingAddress is an auto-generated table. |
BusinessAccount_ShippingContact | BusinessAccount_ShippingContact is an auto-generated table. |
Carrier_CustomerAccounts | Carrier_CustomerAccounts is an auto-generated table. |
Carrier_PlugInParameters | Carrier_PlugInParameters is an auto-generated table. |
Case_Activities | Case_Activities is an auto-generated table. |
Case_Attributes | Case_Attributes is an auto-generated table. |
Case_RelatedCases | Case_RelatedCases is an auto-generated table. |
Case_Relations | Case_Relations is an auto-generated table. |
CashSale_Details | CashSale_Details is an auto-generated table. |
Check_Details | Check_Details is an auto-generated table. |
Check_History | Check_History is an auto-generated table. |
Contact_Activities | Contact_Activities is an auto-generated table. |
Contact_Address | Contact_Address is an auto-generated table. |
Contact_Attributes | Contact_Attributes is an auto-generated table. |
Contact_Campaigns | Contact_Campaigns is an auto-generated table. |
Contact_Cases | Contact_Cases is an auto-generated table. |
Contact_Duplicates | Contact_Duplicates is an auto-generated table. |
Contact_MarketingLists | Contact_MarketingLists is an auto-generated table. |
Contact_Notifications | Contact_Notifications is an auto-generated table. |
Contact_Opportunities | Contact_Opportunities is an auto-generated table. |
Contact_Relations | Contact_Relations is an auto-generated table. |
Contact_UserInfo | Contact_UserInfo is an auto-generated table. |
CustomerClass_Attributes | CustomerClass_Attributes is an auto-generated table. |
CustomerLocation_LocationContact | CustomerLocation_LocationContact is an auto-generated table. |
CustomerPaymentMethod_Details | CustomerPaymentMethod_Details is an auto-generated table. |
Customer_Attributes | Customer_Attributes is an auto-generated table. |
Customer_BillingContact | Customer_BillingContact is an auto-generated table. |
Customer_Contacts | Customer_Contacts is an auto-generated table. |
Customer_CreditVerificationRules | Customer_CreditVerificationRules is an auto-generated table. |
Customer_MainContact | Customer_MainContact is an auto-generated table. |
Customer_PaymentInstructions | Customer_PaymentInstructions is an auto-generated table. |
Customer_Salespersons | Customer_Salespersons is an auto-generated table. |
Customer_ShippingContact | Customer_ShippingContact is an auto-generated table. |
Discount_CustomerPriceClasses | Discount_CustomerPriceClasses is an auto-generated table. |
Discount_Customers | Discount_Customers is an auto-generated table. |
Discount_DiscountBreakpoints | Discount_DiscountBreakpoints is an auto-generated table. |
Discount_ItemPriceClasses | Discount_ItemPriceClasses is an auto-generated table. |
Discount_Items | Discount_Items is an auto-generated table. |
Discount_Warehouses | Discount_Warehouses is an auto-generated table. |
Email_TimeActivity | Email_TimeActivity is an auto-generated table. |
Employee_Contact | Employee_Contact is an auto-generated table. |
Employee_EmployeeCost | Employee_EmployeeCost is an auto-generated table. |
Employee_EmploymentHistory | Employee_EmploymentHistory is an auto-generated table. |
Event_Attendees | Event_Attendees is an auto-generated table. |
Event_RelatedActivities | Event_RelatedActivities is an auto-generated table. |
Event_Reminder | Event_Reminder is an auto-generated table. |
Event_TimeActivity | Event_TimeActivity is an auto-generated table. |
FinancialPeriod_Details | FinancialPeriod_Details is an auto-generated table. |
InterBranchAccountMapping_TransactionsInDestinationBranch | InterBranchAccountMapping_TransactionsInDestinationBranch is an auto-generated table. |
InterBranchAccountMapping_TransactionsInSourceBranch | InterBranchAccountMapping_TransactionsInSourceBranch is an auto-generated table. |
InventoryAllocationInquiry_Results | InventoryAllocationInquiry_Results is an auto-generated table. |
InventoryReceipt_Details | InventoryReceipt_Details is an auto-generated table. |
InventorySummaryInquiry_Results | InventorySummaryInquiry_Results is an auto-generated table. |
Invoice_ApplicationsCreditMemo | Invoice_ApplicationsCreditMemo is an auto-generated table. |
Invoice_ApplicationsDefault | Invoice_ApplicationsDefault is an auto-generated table. |
Invoice_Details | Invoice_Details is an auto-generated table. |
Invoice_TaxDetails | Invoice_TaxDetails is an auto-generated table. |
ItemClass_Attributes | ItemClass_Attributes is an auto-generated table. |
JournalTransaction_Details | JournalTransaction_Details is an auto-generated table. |
JournalVoucher_Details | JournalVoucher_Details is an auto-generated table. |
JournalVoucher_GLTransactions | JournalVoucher_GLTransactions is an auto-generated table. |
KitAssembly_Allocations | KitAssembly_Allocations is an auto-generated table. |
KitAssembly_NonStockComponents | KitAssembly_NonStockComponents is an auto-generated table. |
KitAssembly_StockComponents | KitAssembly_StockComponents is an auto-generated table. |
KitSpecification_NonStockComponents | KitSpecification_NonStockComponents is an auto-generated table. |
KitSpecification_StockComponents | KitSpecification_StockComponents is an auto-generated table. |
Lead_Activities | Lead_Activities is an auto-generated table. |
Lead_Address | Lead_Address is an auto-generated table. |
Lead_Attributes | Lead_Attributes is an auto-generated table. |
Lead_Campaigns | Lead_Campaigns is an auto-generated table. |
Lead_Duplicates | Lead_Duplicates is an auto-generated table. |
Lead_MarketingLists | Lead_MarketingLists is an auto-generated table. |
Lead_Relations | Lead_Relations is an auto-generated table. |
LotSerialClass_Segments | LotSerialClass_Segments is an auto-generated table. |
NonStockItem_Attributes | NonStockItem_Attributes is an auto-generated table. |
NonStockItem_CrossReferences | NonStockItem_CrossReferences is an auto-generated table. |
NonStockItem_SalesCategories | NonStockItem_SalesCategories is an auto-generated table. |
NonStockItem_VendorDetails | NonStockItem_VendorDetails is an auto-generated table. |
Opportunity_Activities | Opportunity_Activities is an auto-generated table. |
Opportunity_Address | Opportunity_Address is an auto-generated table. |
Opportunity_Attributes | Opportunity_Attributes is an auto-generated table. |
Opportunity_ContactInformation | Opportunity_ContactInformation is an auto-generated table. |
Opportunity_Discounts | Opportunity_Discounts is an auto-generated table. |
Opportunity_Products | Opportunity_Products is an auto-generated table. |
Opportunity_Relations | Opportunity_Relations is an auto-generated table. |
Opportunity_TaxDetails | Opportunity_TaxDetails is an auto-generated table. |
PaymentMethod_AllowedCashAccounts | PaymentMethod_AllowedCashAccounts is an auto-generated table. |
PaymentMethod_ProcessingCenters | PaymentMethod_ProcessingCenters is an auto-generated table. |
Payment_ApplicationHistory | Payment_ApplicationHistory is an auto-generated table. |
Payment_CreditCardProcessingInfo | Payment_CreditCardProcessingInfo is an auto-generated table. |
Payment_DocumentsToApply | Payment_DocumentsToApply is an auto-generated table. |
Payment_OrdersToApply | Payment_OrdersToApply is an auto-generated table. |
PhysicalInventoryReview_Details | PhysicalInventoryReview_Details is an auto-generated table. |
ProjectTransaction_Details | ProjectTransaction_Details is an auto-generated table. |
PurchaseOrder_Details | PurchaseOrder_Details is an auto-generated table. |
PurchaseOrder_ShippingInstructions | PurchaseOrder_ShippingInstructions is an auto-generated table. |
PurchaseReceipt_Details | PurchaseReceipt_Details is an auto-generated table. |
ReportingSettings_ReportingGroups | ReportingSettings_ReportingGroups is an auto-generated table. |
SalesInvoice_BillingSettings | SalesInvoice_BillingSettings is an auto-generated table. |
SalesInvoice_Details | SalesInvoice_Details is an auto-generated table. |
SalesInvoice_FreightDetails | SalesInvoice_FreightDetails is an auto-generated table. |
SalesOrder_BillToAddress | SalesOrder_BillToAddress is an auto-generated table. |
SalesOrder_BillToContact | SalesOrder_BillToContact is an auto-generated table. |
SalesOrder_Commissions | SalesOrder_Commissions is an auto-generated table. |
SalesOrder_Details | SalesOrder_Details is an auto-generated table. |
SalesOrder_DiscountDetails | SalesOrder_DiscountDetails is an auto-generated table. |
SalesOrder_FinancialSettings | SalesOrder_FinancialSettings is an auto-generated table. |
SalesOrder_Payments | SalesOrder_Payments is an auto-generated table. |
SalesOrder_Shipments | SalesOrder_Shipments is an auto-generated table. |
SalesOrder_ShippingSettings | SalesOrder_ShippingSettings is an auto-generated table. |
SalesOrder_ShipToAddress | SalesOrder_ShipToAddress is an auto-generated table. |
SalesOrder_ShipToContact | SalesOrder_ShipToContact is an auto-generated table. |
SalesOrder_TaxDetails | SalesOrder_TaxDetails is an auto-generated table. |
SalesOrder_Totals | SalesOrder_Totals is an auto-generated table. |
SalesPricesInquiry_SalesPriceDetails | SalesPricesInquiry_SalesPriceDetails is an auto-generated table. |
SalesPriceWorksheet_SalesPrices | SalesPriceWorksheet_SalesPrices is an auto-generated table. |
Shipment_Details | Shipment_Details is an auto-generated table. |
Shipment_Orders | Shipment_Orders is an auto-generated table. |
Shipment_Packages | Shipment_Packages is an auto-generated table. |
Shipment_ShippingSettings | Shipment_ShippingSettings is an auto-generated table. |
ShippingTerm_Details | ShippingTerm_Details is an auto-generated table. |
ShipVia_FreightRates | ShipVia_FreightRates is an auto-generated table. |
ShipVia_Packages | ShipVia_Packages is an auto-generated table. |
StockItem_Attributes | StockItem_Attributes is an auto-generated table. |
StockItem_Boxes | StockItem_Boxes is an auto-generated table. |
StockItem_Categories | StockItem_Categories is an auto-generated table. |
StockItem_CrossReferences | StockItem_CrossReferences is an auto-generated table. |
StockItem_ReplenishmentParameters | StockItem_ReplenishmentParameters is an auto-generated table. |
StockItem_SubItems | StockItem_SubItems is an auto-generated table. |
StockItem_UOMConversions | StockItem_UOMConversions is an auto-generated table. |
StockItem_VendorDetails | StockItem_VendorDetails is an auto-generated table. |
StockItem_WarehouseDetails | StockItem_WarehouseDetails is an auto-generated table. |
Task_RelatedActivities | Task_RelatedActivities is an auto-generated table. |
Task_RelatedTasks | Task_RelatedTasks is an auto-generated table. |
Task_Reminder | Task_Reminder is an auto-generated table. |
Task_TimeActivity | Task_TimeActivity is an auto-generated table. |
TaxCategory_Details | TaxCategory_Details is an auto-generated table. |
TaxZone_ApplicableTaxes | TaxZone_ApplicableTaxes is an auto-generated table. |
Tax_TaxSchedule | Tax_TaxSchedule is an auto-generated table. |
Tax_Zones | Tax_Zones is an auto-generated table. |
TransferOrder_Details | TransferOrder_Details is an auto-generated table. |
TrialBalance_Details | TrialBalance_Details is an auto-generated table. |
VendorClass_Attributes | VendorClass_Attributes is an auto-generated table. |
VendorPricesInquiry_VendorPriceDetails | VendorPricesInquiry_VendorPriceDetails is an auto-generated table. |
VendorPriceWorksheet_VendorSalesPrices | VendorPriceWorksheet_VendorSalesPrices is an auto-generated table. |
Vendor_Attributes | Vendor_Attributes is an auto-generated table. |
Vendor_Contacts | Vendor_Contacts is an auto-generated table. |
Vendor_MainContact | Vendor_MainContact is an auto-generated table. |
Vendor_PaymentInstructions | Vendor_PaymentInstructions is an auto-generated table. |
Vendor_RemittanceContact | Vendor_RemittanceContact is an auto-generated table. |
Vendor_ShippingContact | Vendor_ShippingContact is an auto-generated table. |
Warehouse_Locations | Warehouse_Locations is an auto-generated table. |
AccountByPeriodInquiry_Results is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentAccount [KEY] | String | |
CreditTotal | Double | |
CurrencyBeginingBalance | Double | |
CurrencyID | String | |
CurrencyCreditTotal | Double | |
DebitTotal | Double | |
BeginingBalance | Double | |
CurrencyEndingBalance | Double | |
CurrencyDebitTotal | Double | |
CurrencyPtdTotal | Double | |
PtdTotal | Double | |
LedgerID | Int | |
EndingBalance | Double | |
Period | String | |
Custom_EnqResult_AccountCD | String | |
Custom_EnqResult_SubCD | String |
AccountBySubaccountInquiry_Results is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentAccount [KEY] | String | |
CreditTotal | Double | |
CurrencyBeginingBalance | Double | |
CurrencyID | String | |
CurrencyCreditTotal | Double | |
DebitTotal | Double | |
BeginingBalance | Double | |
CurrencyEndingBalance | Double | |
CurrencyDebitTotal | Double | |
CurrencyPtdTotal | Double | |
Subaccount | String | |
PtdTotal | Double | |
LedgerID | Int | |
EndingBalance | Double | |
Custom_EnqResult_AccountCD | String |
AccountDetailsInquiry_Results is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentAccount [KEY] | String | |
CurrencyCreditAmount | Double | |
CurrencyBeginingBalance | Double | |
CreditAmount | Double | |
TransactionDate | Datetime | |
Subaccount | String | |
LineNbr | Int | |
VendorOrCustomer | String | |
Branch | String | |
CurrencyID | String | |
IncludedinReclassHistory | Bool | |
DebitAmount | Double | |
ReferenceNbr | String | |
BatchNbr | String | |
CurrencyEndingBalance | Double | |
Selected | Bool | |
CurrencyDebitAmount | Double | |
Account | String | |
Period | String | |
EndingBalance | Double | |
ReclassBatchNbr | String | |
BeginingBalance | Double | |
Description | String | |
Module | String | |
InventoryID | String | |
Custom_GLTranEnq_NoteText | String | |
Custom_GLTranEnq_NoteID | String | |
Custom_GLTranEnq_ReferenceID_BaccountR_AcctName | String |
AccountLocation_Address is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentLocationId [KEY] | String | |
State | String | |
AddressLine2 | String | |
PostalCode | String | |
AddressLine1 | String | |
City | String | |
Country | String |
AccountLocation_Cases is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentLocationId [KEY] | String | |
DateReported | Datetime | |
Subject | String | |
Workgroup | String | |
Estimation | String | |
ClosingDate | Datetime | |
CaseID | String | |
Status | String | |
Reason | String | |
Severity | String | |
ClassID | String | |
Owner | String | |
InitialResponse | String | |
Custom_Cases_NoteText | String | |
Custom_Cases_NoteID | String |
AccountLocation_Contact is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentLocationId [KEY] | String | |
WebSite | String | |
Phone2 | String | |
Fax | String | |
Phone1 | String | |
Phone2Type | String | |
CompanyName | String | |
FaxType | String | |
String | ||
Phone1Type | String | |
Attention | String | |
SameAsMain | Bool | |
Custom_Contact_NoteID | String |
AccountLocation_Opportunities is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentLocationId [KEY] | String | |
Subject | String | |
DisplayName | String | |
Workgroup | String | |
Estimation | Datetime | |
Stage | String | |
Currency | String | |
Total | Double | |
Status | String | |
Owner | String | |
Probability | Int | |
Custom_Opportunities_NoteID | String | |
Custom_Opportunities_OpportunityID | String | |
Custom_Opportunities_NoteText | String |
AccountSummaryInquiry_Results is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentAccountClass [KEY] | String | |
CurrencyDebitTotal | Double | |
CurrencyBeginingBalance | Double | |
AccountClass | String | |
LedgerID | Int | |
ConsolidationAccount | String | |
Subaccount | String | |
PtdTotal | Double | |
Type | String | |
LastActivity | String | |
Branch | String | |
DebitTotal | Double | |
CurrencyID | String | |
CurrencyEndingBalance | Double | |
CreditTotal | Double | |
CurrencyPtdTotal | Double | |
Account | String | |
CurrencyCreditTotal | Double | |
EndingBalance | Double | |
BeginingBalance | Double | |
Description | String |
Adjustment_Details is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentReferenceNbr [KEY] | String | |
Description | String | |
WarehouseID | String | |
LocationID | String | |
Subitem | String | |
ReasonCode | String | |
ExtendedCost | Double | |
ExpirationDate | Datetime | |
ReceiptNbr | String | |
UOM | String | |
BranchID | String | |
InventoryID | String | |
LotSerialNbr | String | |
Qty | Double | |
Custom_transactions_Availability | String | |
Custom_transactions_POReceiptNbr | String | |
Custom_transactions_SOOrderNbr | String | |
Custom_transactions_DocType | String | |
Custom_transactions_SOOrderType | String | |
Custom_transactions_NoteID | String | |
Custom_transactions_SOShipmentNbr | String | |
Custom_transactions_UnitCost | String | |
Custom_transactions_RefNbr | String | |
Custom_transactions_NoteText | String | |
Custom_transactions_LineNbr | Int |
AttributeDefinition_Values is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentAttributeID [KEY] | String | |
SortOrder | Int | |
Disabled | Bool | |
ValueID | String | |
Description | String | |
Custom_AttributeDetails_AttributeID | String | |
Custom_AttributeDetails_NoteText | String | |
Custom_AttributeDetails_NoteID | String |
Bill_Applications is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentType [KEY] | String | |
ParentReferenceNbr [KEY] | String | |
Status | String | |
ReferenceNbr | String | |
Balance | Double | |
AmountPaid | Double | |
DocType | String | |
Custom_Adjustments_AdjNbr | Int | |
Custom_Adjustments_AdjgDocType | String | |
Custom_Adjustments_DisplayCuryID | String | |
Custom_Adjustments_CuryAdjdPPDAmt | String | |
Custom_Adjustments_AdjdRefNbr | String | |
Custom_Adjustments_AdjgBranchID | String | |
Custom_Adjustments_DisplayDocDate | String | |
Custom_Adjustments_DisplayDocDesc | String | |
Custom_Adjustments_AdjdDocType | String | |
Custom_Adjustments_DisplayFinPeriodID | String | |
Custom_Adjustments_AdjgRefNbr | String | |
Custom_Adjustments_APPayment_ExtRefNbr | String | |
Custom_Adjustments_NoteID | String | |
Custom_Adjustments_NoteText | String |
Bill_Details is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentType [KEY] | String | |
ParentReferenceNbr [KEY] | String | |
UnitCost | Double | |
Description | String | |
Account | String | |
TaxCategory | String | |
Amount | Double | |
Project | String | |
ExtendedCost | Double | |
ProjectTask | String | |
POOrderType | String | |
Subaccount | String | |
TransactionDescription | String | |
UOM | String | |
NonBillable | Bool | |
POOrderNbr | String | |
Branch | String | |
Qty | Double | |
Custom_Transactions_ReceiptNbr | String | |
Custom_Transactions_ManualDisc | Bool | |
Custom_Transactions_POLineNbr | Int | |
Custom_Transactions_CostCodeID | String | |
Custom_Transactions_POReceiptLine_SubItemID | String | |
Custom_Transactions_ManualPrice | Bool | |
Custom_Transactions_DiscountSequenceID | String | |
Custom_Transactions_DiscPct | String | |
Custom_Transactions_NoteText | String | |
Custom_Transactions_NoteID | String | |
Custom_Transactions_PPVRefNbr | String | |
Custom_Transactions_PPVDocType | String | |
Custom_Transactions_DefScheduleID | String | |
Custom_Transactions_LineNbr | Int | |
Custom_Transactions_ReceiptLineNbr | Int | |
Custom_Transactions_Box1099 | String | |
Custom_Transactions_TranType | String | |
Custom_Transactions_CuryDiscCost | String | |
Custom_Transactions_SortOrder | Int | |
Custom_Transactions_RefNbr | String | |
Custom_Transactions_Date | String | |
Custom_Transactions_BaseQty | String | |
Custom_Transactions_InventoryID | String | |
Custom_Transactions_DiscountID | String | |
Custom_Transactions_CuryDiscAmt | String | |
Custom_Transactions_DeferredCode | String |
Bill_TaxDetails is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentType [KEY] | String | |
ParentReferenceNbr [KEY] | String | |
TaxableAmount | Double | |
TaxAmount | Double | |
TaxRate | Double | |
TaxID | String | |
Custom_Taxes_CuryExpenseAmt | String | |
Custom_Taxes_CuryDiscountedPrice | String | |
Custom_Taxes_CuryDiscountedTaxableAmt | String | |
Custom_Taxes_TranType | String | |
Custom_Taxes_Module | String | |
Custom_Taxes_RefNbr | String | |
Custom_Taxes_Tax_ExemptTax | Bool | |
Custom_Taxes_RecordID | Int | |
Custom_Taxes_Tax_ReverseTax | Bool | |
Custom_Taxes_Tax_PendingTax | Bool | |
Custom_Taxes_Tax_StatisticalTax | Bool | |
Custom_Taxes_NonDeductibleTaxRate | String | |
Custom_Taxes_Tax_TaxType | String |
BusinessAccount_Activities is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentBusinessAccountID [KEY] | String | |
ClassIcon | String | |
IsCompleteIcon | String | |
PriorityIcon | String | |
Owner | String | |
Released | Bool | |
RelatedEntityDescription | String | |
Workgroup | String | |
Summary | String | |
Type | String | |
CreatorID | String | |
CreatedAt | Datetime | |
Status | String | |
Project | String | |
RefNoteID | String | |
ProjectTask | String | |
StartDate | Datetime | |
TimeSpent | String | |
CreatorUsername | String | |
ReminderIcon | String | |
Custom_Activities_NoteID | String | |
Custom_Activities_NoteText | String |
BusinessAccount_Attributes is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentBusinessAccountID [KEY] | String | |
Value | String | |
Attribute | String | |
RefNoteID | String | |
Required | Bool |
BusinessAccount_Campaigns is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentBusinessAccountID [KEY] | String | |
CampaignName | String | |
CampaignID | String | |
ContactID | Int | |
Stage | String |
BusinessAccount_Cases is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentBusinessAccountID [KEY] | String | |
DateReported | Datetime | |
Subject | String | |
Workgroup | String | |
Estimation | String | |
ClosingDate | Datetime | |
CaseID | String | |
Contract | String | |
Status | String | |
Reason | String | |
Severity | String | |
ClassID | String | |
Owner | String | |
InitialResponse | String | |
Custom_Cases_NoteText | String | |
Custom_Cases_NoteID | String |
BusinessAccount_Contacts is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentBusinessAccountID [KEY] | String | |
Type | String | |
DisplayName | String | |
Workgroup | String | |
Phone1 | String | |
Active | Bool | |
String | ||
JobTitle | String | |
City | String | |
ContactID | Int | |
Owner | String | |
Custom_Contacts_NoteID | String | |
Custom_Contacts_NoteText | String |
BusinessAccount_Contracts is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentBusinessAccountID [KEY] | String | |
BusinessAccountID | String | |
Status | String | |
BusinessAccountName | String | |
Location | String | |
ContractID | String | |
Description | String | |
ExpirationDate | Datetime | |
Custom_Contracts_NoteID | String | |
Custom_Contracts_NoteText | String |
BusinessAccount_DefaultLocationSettings is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentBusinessAccountID [KEY] | String | |
LocationName | String | |
ResidentialDelivery | Bool | |
FOBPoint | String | |
PriceClass | String | |
Warehouse | String | |
ShippingZone | String | |
ShippingTerms | String | |
LeadTimeInDays | Int | |
SaturdayDelivery | Bool | |
ShippingRule | String | |
ShipVia | String | |
Insurance | Bool | |
TaxRegistrationID | String | |
ShippingBranch | String | |
OrderPriority | Int | |
TaxZone | String | |
Custom_DefLocation_CPriceClassID | String | |
Custom_DefLocation_CBranchID | String | |
Custom_DefLocation_CShipComplete | String | |
Custom_DefLocation_CTaxZoneID | String | |
Custom_DefLocation_CLeadTime | Int | |
Custom_DefLocation_CShipTermsID | String | |
Custom_DefLocation_COrderPriority | Int | |
Custom_DefLocation_NoteID | String | |
Custom_DefLocation_CShipZoneID | String | |
Custom_DefLocation_CFOBPointID | String | |
Custom_DefLocation_CSaturdayDelivery | Bool | |
Custom_DefLocation_CInsurance | Bool | |
Custom_DefLocation_CCarrierID | String | |
Custom_DefLocation_TaxRegistrationID | String | |
Custom_DefLocation_CSiteID | String | |
Custom_DefLocation_Descr | String | |
Custom_DefLocation_CResedential | Bool |
BusinessAccount_Duplicates is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentBusinessAccountID [KEY] | String | |
Type | String | |
LastModifiedDate | Datetime | |
AccountName | String | |
DisplayName | String | |
EntityType | String | |
String | ||
BusinessAccountType | String | |
BusinessAccount | String | |
Duplicate | String | |
DuplicateContactID | Int | |
ContactID | Int | |
Custom_Duplicates_Selected | Bool |
BusinessAccount_Locations is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentBusinessAccountID [KEY] | String | |
LocationName | String | |
LocationID | String | |
PriceClass | String | |
Active | Bool | |
SalesSubaccount | String | |
Default | Bool | |
SalesAccount | String | |
City | String | |
State | String | |
Country | String | |
TaxZone | String | |
Custom_Locations_BAccountID | Int | |
Custom_Locations_NoteID | String | |
Custom_Locations_NoteText | String |
BusinessAccount_MainAddress is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentBusinessAccountID [KEY] | String | |
State | String | |
AddressLine2 | String | |
PostalCode | String | |
AddressLine1 | String | |
City | String | |
Country | String |
BusinessAccount_MainContact is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentBusinessAccountID [KEY] | String | |
CompanyName | String | |
Phone2 | String | |
Fax | String | |
Phone1 | String | |
LanguageOrLocale | String | |
JobTitle | String | |
Web | String | |
String | ||
Custom_DefContact_LanguageID | String | |
Custom_DefContact_DuplicateFound | Bool | |
Custom_DefContact_NoteID | String |
BusinessAccount_MarketingLists is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentBusinessAccountID [KEY] | String | |
Phone1 | String | |
String | ||
MarketingListID | Int | |
Subscribed | Bool | |
MemberName | String | |
DynamicList | Bool | |
Format | String | |
ContactID | Int | |
ListName | String |
BusinessAccount_Opportunities is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentBusinessAccountID [KEY] | String | |
BusinessAccountName | String | |
CurrencyID | String | |
Subject | String | |
DisplayName | String | |
BusinessAccountID | String | |
Workgroup | String | |
Estimation | Datetime | |
Stage | String | |
Total | Double | |
Status | String | |
Owner | String | |
Probability | Int | |
Custom_Opportunities_NoteID | String | |
Custom_Opportunities_OpportunityID | String | |
Custom_Opportunities_NoteText | String |
BusinessAccount_Orders is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentBusinessAccountID [KEY] | String | |
Description | String | |
CustomerOrder | String | |
RequestedOn | Datetime | |
CurrencyID | String | |
OrderTotal | Double | |
ScheduledShipment | Datetime | |
ShippingZone | String | |
ShipVia | String | |
Status | String | |
OrderNbr | String | |
OrderVolume | Double | |
OrderedQty | Double | |
OrderWeight | Double | |
OrderType | String | |
Custom_Orders_NoteID | String | |
Custom_Orders_NoteText | String |
BusinessAccount_Relations is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentBusinessAccountID [KEY] | String | |
Type | String | |
DocumentTargetNoteIDDescription | String | |
ContactDisplayName | String | |
Account | String | |
String | ||
Document | String | |
Name | String | |
RelationID | Int | |
Role | String | |
ContactID | Int | |
AddToCc | Bool | |
Primary | Bool |
BusinessAccount_ShippingAddress is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentBusinessAccountID [KEY] | String | |
State | String | |
AddressLine2 | String | |
PostalCode | String | |
AddressLine1 | String | |
City | String | |
Country | String |
BusinessAccount_ShippingContact is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentBusinessAccountID [KEY] | String | |
Phone2 | String | |
Fax | String | |
Phone1 | String | |
SameasMain | Bool | |
JobTitle | String | |
String | ||
Custom_DefLocationContact_NoteID | String |
Carrier_CustomerAccounts is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentCarrierID [KEY] | String | |
CustomerID | String | |
CustomerName | String | |
Location | String | |
PostalCode | String | |
RecordID | Int | |
Active | Bool | |
CarrierAccount | String | |
Custom_CustomerAccounts_CarrierPluginID | String |
Carrier_PlugInParameters is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentCarrierID [KEY] | String | |
PluginID | String | |
Value | String | |
Description | String | |
Custom_Details_CarrierPluginID | String |
Case_Activities is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentCaseID [KEY] | String | |
BillableTime | String | |
ClassIcon | String | |
IsCompleteIcon | String | |
BillableOvertime | String | |
PriorityIcon | String | |
Owner | String | |
Released | Bool | |
Workgroup | String | |
Summary | String | |
Type | String | |
CreatedAt | Datetime | |
Status | String | |
Category | String | |
Project | String | |
RefNoteID | String | |
ProjectTask | String | |
CreatedBy | String | |
StartDate | Datetime | |
Overtime | String | |
Billable | Bool | |
TimeSpent | String | |
ReminderIcon | String | |
Custom_Activities_NoteID | String | |
Custom_Activities_NoteText | String |
Case_Attributes is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentCaseID [KEY] | String | |
Value | String | |
Attribute | String | |
RefNoteID | String | |
Required | Bool |
Case_Relations is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentCaseID [KEY] | String | |
Type | String | |
DocumentTargetNoteIDDescription | String | |
ContactDisplayName | String | |
Account | String | |
String | ||
Document | String | |
Name | String | |
RelationID | Int | |
Role | String | |
ContactID | Int | |
AddToCc | Bool | |
Primary | Bool |
CashSale_Details is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentType [KEY] | String | |
ParentReferenceNbr [KEY] | String | |
Account | String | |
ExtendedPrice | Double | |
TaxCategory | String | |
Amount | Double | |
Subaccount | String | |
TransactionDescription | String | |
Branch | String | |
InventoryID | String | |
UnitPrice | Double | |
Qty | Double | |
Custom_Transactions_DRTermStartDate | String | |
Custom_Transactions_CuryUnitPriceDR | String | |
Custom_Transactions_DRTermEndDate | String | |
Custom_Transactions_TranType | String | |
Custom_Transactions_Commissionable | Bool | |
Custom_Transactions_ManualDisc | Bool | |
Custom_Transactions_CostCodeID | String | |
Custom_Transactions_RefNbr | String | |
Custom_Transactions_SalesPersonID | String | |
Custom_Transactions_ManualPrice | Bool | |
Custom_Transactions_TaskID | String | |
Custom_Transactions_DiscPct | String | |
Custom_Transactions_UOM | String | |
Custom_Transactions_NoteText | String | |
Custom_Transactions_NoteID | String | |
Custom_Transactions_CuryDiscAmt | String | |
Custom_Transactions_DefScheduleID | String | |
Custom_Transactions_DiscPctDR | String | |
Custom_Transactions_DeferredCode | String | |
Custom_Transactions_LineNbr | Int |
Check_Details is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentType [KEY] | String | |
ParentReferenceNbr [KEY] | String | |
ReferenceNbr | String | |
CashDiscountBalance | Double | |
Balance | Double | |
AmountPaid | Double | |
DocType | String | |
Custom_Adjustments_CuryAdjgWhTaxAmt | String | |
Custom_Adjustments_AdjNbr | Int | |
Custom_Adjustments_AdjgDocType | String | |
Custom_Adjustments_APInvoice_SuppliedByVendorID | String | |
Custom_Adjustments_AdjdCuryID | String | |
Custom_Adjustments_AdjdFinPeriodID | String | |
Custom_Adjustments_AdjdCuryRate | String | |
Custom_Adjustments_CuryWhTaxBal | String | |
Custom_Adjustments_APInvoice_InvoiceNbr | String | |
Custom_Adjustments_APInvoice_DocDesc | String | |
Custom_Adjustments_AdjdDocDate | String | |
Custom_Adjustments_AdjgRefNbr | String | |
Custom_Adjustments_CuryAdjgPPDAmt | String | |
Custom_Adjustments_APInvoice_DueDate | String | |
Custom_Adjustments_NoteID | String | |
Custom_Adjustments_NoteText | String | |
Custom_Adjustments_APInvoice_DiscDate | String | |
Custom_Adjustments_AdjdBranchID | String |
Check_History is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentType [KEY] | String | |
ParentReferenceNbr [KEY] | String | |
CashDiscountTaken | Double | |
ReferenceNbr | String | |
VendorRef | String | |
CashDiscountBalance | Double | |
Balance | Double | |
AmountPaid | Double | |
DocType | String | |
Custom_Adjustments_History_AdjdRefNbr | String | |
Custom_Adjustments_History_NoteID | String | |
Custom_Adjustments_History_APInvoice_DueDate | String | |
Custom_Adjustments_History_AdjdDocDate | String | |
Custom_Adjustments_History_AdjNbr | Int | |
Custom_Adjustments_History_NoteText | String | |
Custom_Adjustments_History_PendingPPD | Bool | |
Custom_Adjustments_History_PPDDebitAdjRefNbr | String | |
Custom_Adjustments_History_AdjdFinPeriodID | String | |
Custom_Adjustments_History_TaxInvoiceNbr | String | |
Custom_Adjustments_History_AdjgRefNbr | String | |
Custom_Adjustments_History_DisplayCuryWhTaxAmt | String | |
Custom_Adjustments_History_AdjgDocType | String | |
Custom_Adjustments_History_DisplayDocDesc | String | |
Custom_Adjustments_History_DisplayDocType | String | |
Custom_Adjustments_History_AdjBatchNbr | String | |
Custom_Adjustments_History_DisplayCuryID | String | |
Custom_Adjustments_History_APInvoice_DiscDate | String | |
Custom_Adjustments_History_DisplayCuryPPDAmt | String | |
Custom_Adjustments_History_AdjgFinPeriodID | String | |
Custom_Adjustments_History_AdjdBranchID | String | |
Custom_Adjustments_History_APInvoice_SuppliedByVendorID | String |
Contact_Activities is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentContactID [KEY] | String | |
ClassIcon | String | |
IsCompleteIcon | String | |
PriorityIcon | String | |
Owner | String | |
Released | Bool | |
Summary | String | |
Type | String | |
CreatorID | String | |
CreatedAt | Datetime | |
Status | String | |
WorkgroupID | String | |
Project | String | |
RefNoteID | String | |
ProjectTask | String | |
StartDate | Datetime | |
TimeSpent | String | |
CreatorUsername | String | |
ReminderIcon | String | |
Custom_Activities_NoteID | String | |
Custom_Activities_NoteText | String |
Contact_Address is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentContactID [KEY] | String | |
State | String | |
AddressLine2 | String | |
PostalCode | String | |
AddressLine1 | String | |
City | String | |
Country | String |
Contact_Attributes is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentContactID [KEY] | String | |
Value | String | |
Attribute | String | |
RefNoteID | String | |
Required | Bool |
Contact_Campaigns is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentContactID [KEY] | String | |
CampaignName | String | |
CampaignID | String | |
ContactID | Int | |
Stage | String |
Contact_Cases is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentContactID [KEY] | String | |
DateReported | Datetime | |
Subject | String | |
Workgroup | String | |
Estimation | String | |
ClosingDate | Datetime | |
CaseID | String | |
Status | String | |
Reason | String | |
Severity | String | |
ClassID | String | |
Owner | String | |
InitialResponse | String | |
Custom_Cases_NoteText | String | |
Custom_Cases_NoteID | String |
Contact_Duplicates is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentContactID [KEY] | String | |
BusinessAccount | String | |
BusinessAccountName | String | |
Type | String | |
BusinessAccountType | String | |
LastModifiedDate | Datetime | |
DisplayName | String | |
Duplicate | String | |
String | ||
Custom_Duplicates_ContactID | Int | |
Custom_Duplicates_Selected | Bool | |
Custom_Duplicates_DuplicateContactID | Int | |
Custom_Duplicates_ValidationType | String | |
Custom_Duplicates_Contact2_ContactID | Int |
Contact_MarketingLists is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentContactID [KEY] | String | |
DynamicList | Bool | |
ListName | String | |
Subscribed | Bool | |
Format | String | |
ContactID | Int | |
MarketingListID | Int | |
Custom_Subscriptions_CRMarketingList_IsStatic | Bool |
Contact_Notifications is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentContactID [KEY] | String | |
Description | String | |
MailingID | String | |
Source | String | |
Active | Bool | |
Module | String | |
Bcc | Bool | |
Report | String | |
NotificationID | Int | |
ClassID | String | |
Format | String |
Contact_Opportunities is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentContactID [KEY] | String | |
Subject | String | |
DisplayName | String | |
Workgroup | String | |
Estimation | Datetime | |
Stage | String | |
Currency | String | |
Total | Double | |
Status | String | |
Owner | String | |
Probability | Int | |
Custom_Opportunities_NoteID | String | |
Custom_Opportunities_OpportunityID | String | |
Custom_Opportunities_NoteText | String |
Contact_Relations is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentContactID [KEY] | String | |
Type | String | |
DocumentTargetNoteIDDescription | String | |
ContactDisplayName | String | |
Account | String | |
String | ||
Document | String | |
Name | String | |
RelationID | Int | |
Role | String | |
ContactID | Int | |
AddToCc | Bool | |
Primary | Bool |
Contact_UserInfo is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentContactID [KEY] | String | |
Status | String | |
GeneratePassword | Bool | |
Password | String | |
Login | String | |
UserType | String | |
Custom_User_ConfirmPassword | String | |
Custom_User_NewPassword | String | |
Custom_User_NoteID | String |
CustomerClass_Attributes is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentClassID [KEY] | String | |
DefaultValue | String | |
Active | Bool | |
SortOrder | Int | |
Description | String | |
AttributeID | String | |
Required | Bool | |
Custom_Mapping_EntityClassID | String | |
Custom_Mapping_CSAttribute_IsInternal | Bool | |
Custom_Mapping_ControlType | String | |
Custom_Mapping_EntityType | String |
CustomerLocation_LocationContact is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentLocationID [KEY] | String | |
LanguageOrLocale | String | |
DuplicateFound | Bool | |
JobTitle | String | |
MiddleName | String | |
FirstName | String | |
DoNotFax | Bool | |
Status | String | |
ParentAccount | String | |
OwnerEmployeeName | String | |
Phone3 | String | |
Phone2 | String | |
Phone1 | String | |
Phone2Type | String | |
MaritalStatus | String | |
String | ||
FaxType | String | |
DoNotCall | Bool | |
Active | Bool | |
Owner | String | |
DoNotMail | Bool | |
Title | String | |
Gender | String | |
Phone1Type | String | |
ContactID | Int | |
WebSite | String | |
ContactClass | String | |
CompanyName | String | |
AddressIsSameAsInAccount | Bool | |
NoMassMail | Bool | |
LastOutgoingActivity | Datetime | |
DisplayName | String | |
ContactMethod | String | |
Workgroup | String | |
AddressValidated | Bool | |
LastIncomingActivity | Datetime | |
SourceCampaign | String | |
SpouseOrPartnerName | String | |
Reason | String | |
Synchronize | Bool | |
ConvertedBy | String | |
Image | String | |
Type | String | |
NoMarketing | Bool | |
DateOfBirth | Datetime | |
Duplicate | String | |
DoNotEmail | Bool | |
Phone3Type | String | |
Source | String | |
BusinessAccount | String | |
LastName | String | |
Fax | String | |
QualificationDate | Datetime | |
WorkgroupDescription | String |
CustomerPaymentMethod_Details is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentCustomerID [KEY] | String | |
ParentPaymentMethod [KEY] | String | |
Name | String | |
Value | String | |
Custom_Details_PaymentMethodID | String | |
Custom_Details_PMInstanceID | Int |
Customer_Attributes is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentCustomerID [KEY] | String | |
Value | String | |
Attribute | String | |
RefNoteID | String | |
Required | Bool |
Customer_BillingContact is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentCustomerID [KEY] | String | |
LanguageOrLocale | String | |
DuplicateFound | Bool | |
JobTitle | String | |
MiddleName | String | |
FirstName | String | |
DoNotFax | Bool | |
Status | String | |
ParentAccount | String | |
OwnerEmployeeName | String | |
Phone3 | String | |
Phone2 | String | |
Phone1 | String | |
Phone2Type | String | |
MaritalStatus | String | |
String | ||
FaxType | String | |
DoNotCall | Bool | |
Active | Bool | |
Owner | String | |
DoNotMail | Bool | |
Title | String | |
Gender | String | |
Phone1Type | String | |
ContactID | Int | |
WebSite | String | |
ContactClass | String | |
CompanyName | String | |
AddressIsSameAsInAccount | Bool | |
NoMassMail | Bool | |
LastOutgoingActivity | Datetime | |
DisplayName | String | |
ContactMethod | String | |
Workgroup | String | |
AddressValidated | Bool | |
LastIncomingActivity | Datetime | |
SourceCampaign | String | |
SpouseOrPartnerName | String | |
Reason | String | |
Synchronize | Bool | |
ConvertedBy | String | |
Image | String | |
Type | String | |
NoMarketing | Bool | |
DateOfBirth | Datetime | |
Duplicate | String | |
DoNotEmail | Bool | |
Phone3Type | String | |
Source | String | |
BusinessAccount | String | |
LastName | String | |
Fax | String | |
QualificationDate | Datetime | |
WorkgroupDescription | String |
Customer_Contacts is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentCustomerID [KEY] | String | |
ContactID | Int |
Customer_CreditVerificationRules is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentCustomerID [KEY] | String | |
OpenOrdersBalance | Double | |
CreditDaysPastDue | Int | |
CreditVerification | String | |
RemainingCreditLimit | Double | |
CreditLimit | Double | |
FirstDueDate | Datetime | |
UnreleasedBalance | Double |
Customer_MainContact is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentCustomerID [KEY] | String | |
LanguageOrLocale | String | |
DuplicateFound | Bool | |
JobTitle | String | |
MiddleName | String | |
FirstName | String | |
DoNotFax | Bool | |
Status | String | |
ParentAccount | String | |
OwnerEmployeeName | String | |
Phone3 | String | |
Phone2 | String | |
Phone1 | String | |
Phone2Type | String | |
MaritalStatus | String | |
String | ||
FaxType | String | |
DoNotCall | Bool | |
Active | Bool | |
Owner | String | |
DoNotMail | Bool | |
Title | String | |
Gender | String | |
Phone1Type | String | |
ContactID | Int | |
WebSite | String | |
ContactClass | String | |
CompanyName | String | |
AddressIsSameAsInAccount | Bool | |
NoMassMail | Bool | |
LastOutgoingActivity | Datetime | |
DisplayName | String | |
ContactMethod | String | |
Workgroup | String | |
AddressValidated | Bool | |
LastIncomingActivity | Datetime | |
SourceCampaign | String | |
SpouseOrPartnerName | String | |
Reason | String | |
Synchronize | Bool | |
ConvertedBy | String | |
Image | String | |
Type | String | |
NoMarketing | Bool | |
DateOfBirth | Datetime | |
Duplicate | String | |
DoNotEmail | Bool | |
Phone3Type | String | |
Source | String | |
BusinessAccount | String | |
LastName | String | |
Fax | String | |
QualificationDate | Datetime | |
WorkgroupDescription | String |
Customer_PaymentInstructions is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentCustomerID [KEY] | String | |
Value | String | |
PaymentInstructionsID | String | |
PaymentMethod | String | |
Description | String | |
LocationID | Int |
Customer_Salespersons is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentCustomerID [KEY] | String | |
Name | String | |
Default | Bool | |
Commission | Double | |
LocationName | String | |
SalespersonID | String | |
LocationID | String |
Customer_ShippingContact is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentCustomerID [KEY] | String | |
LanguageOrLocale | String | |
DuplicateFound | Bool | |
JobTitle | String | |
MiddleName | String | |
FirstName | String | |
DoNotFax | Bool | |
Status | String | |
ParentAccount | String | |
OwnerEmployeeName | String | |
Phone3 | String | |
Phone2 | String | |
Phone1 | String | |
Phone2Type | String | |
MaritalStatus | String | |
String | ||
FaxType | String | |
DoNotCall | Bool | |
Active | Bool | |
Owner | String | |
DoNotMail | Bool | |
Title | String | |
Gender | String | |
Phone1Type | String | |
ContactID | Int | |
WebSite | String | |
ContactClass | String | |
CompanyName | String | |
AddressIsSameAsInAccount | Bool | |
NoMassMail | Bool | |
LastOutgoingActivity | Datetime | |
DisplayName | String | |
ContactMethod | String | |
Workgroup | String | |
AddressValidated | Bool | |
LastIncomingActivity | Datetime | |
SourceCampaign | String | |
SpouseOrPartnerName | String | |
Reason | String | |
Synchronize | Bool | |
ConvertedBy | String | |
Image | String | |
Type | String | |
NoMarketing | Bool | |
DateOfBirth | Datetime | |
Duplicate | String | |
DoNotEmail | Bool | |
Phone3Type | String | |
Source | String | |
BusinessAccount | String | |
LastName | String | |
Fax | String | |
QualificationDate | Datetime | |
WorkgroupDescription | String |
Discount_CustomerPriceClasses is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentDiscountCode [KEY] | String | |
ParentSequence [KEY] | String | |
PriceClassID | String | |
Custom_CustomerPriceClasses_ARPriceClass_Description | String | |
Custom_CustomerPriceClasses_DiscountID | String | |
Custom_CustomerPriceClasses_DiscountSequenceID | String |
Discount_Customers is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentDiscountCode [KEY] | String | |
ParentSequence [KEY] | String | |
CustomerID | String | |
CustomerName | String | |
Custom_Customers_DiscountID | String | |
Custom_Customers_DiscountSequenceID | String |
Discount_DiscountBreakpoints is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentDiscountCode [KEY] | String | |
ParentSequence [KEY] | String | |
PendingFreeItemQty | Double | |
BreakAmount | Double | |
DiscountDetailID | Int | |
LastFreeItemQty | Double | |
PendingDate | Datetime | |
LastBreakQty | Double | |
DiscountPercent | Double | |
FreeItemQty | Double | |
LastDiscountPercent | Double | |
PendingDiscountPercent | Double | |
PendingBreakQty | Double | |
PendingDiscountAmount | Double | |
DiscountAmount | Double | |
EffectiveDate | Datetime | |
LastBreakAmount | Double | |
LastDiscountAmount | Double | |
PendingBreakAmount | Double | |
BreakQty | Double | |
Custom_Details_IsActive | Bool |
Discount_ItemPriceClasses is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentDiscountCode [KEY] | String | |
ParentSequence [KEY] | String | |
PriceClassID | String | |
Custom_InventoryPriceClasses_INPriceClass_Description | String | |
Custom_InventoryPriceClasses_DiscountSequenceID | String | |
Custom_InventoryPriceClasses_DiscountID | String |
Discount_Items is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentDiscountCode [KEY] | String | |
ParentSequence [KEY] | String | |
Description | String | |
InventoryID | String | |
Custom_Items_DiscountID | String | |
Custom_Items_DiscountSequenceID | String |
Discount_Warehouses is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentDiscountCode [KEY] | String | |
ParentSequence [KEY] | String | |
Warehouse | String | |
Custom_Sites_INSite_Descr | String | |
Custom_Sites_DiscountID | String | |
Custom_Sites_DiscountSequenceID | String |
Email_TimeActivity is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
EarningType | String | |
Approver | String | |
TrackTime | Bool | |
Overtime | String | |
BillableOvertime | String | |
Project | String | |
ProjectTask | String | |
Released | Bool | |
Status | String | |
TimeSpent | String | |
BillableTime | String | |
Billable | Bool | |
Custom_TimeActivity_NoteID | String | |
Custom_TimeActivity_CostCodeID | String |
Employee_Contact is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentEmployeeID [KEY] | String | |
LanguageOrLocale | String | |
DuplicateFound | Bool | |
JobTitle | String | |
MiddleName | String | |
FirstName | String | |
DoNotFax | Bool | |
Status | String | |
ParentAccount | String | |
OwnerEmployeeName | String | |
Phone3 | String | |
Phone2 | String | |
Phone1 | String | |
Phone2Type | String | |
MaritalStatus | String | |
String | ||
FaxType | String | |
DoNotCall | Bool | |
Active | Bool | |
Owner | String | |
DoNotMail | Bool | |
Title | String | |
Gender | String | |
Phone1Type | String | |
ContactID | Int | |
WebSite | String | |
ContactClass | String | |
CompanyName | String | |
AddressIsSameAsInAccount | Bool | |
NoMassMail | Bool | |
LastOutgoingActivity | Datetime | |
DisplayName | String | |
ContactMethod | String | |
Workgroup | String | |
AddressValidated | Bool | |
LastIncomingActivity | Datetime | |
SourceCampaign | String | |
SpouseOrPartnerName | String | |
Reason | String | |
Synchronize | Bool | |
ConvertedBy | String | |
Image | String | |
Type | String | |
NoMarketing | Bool | |
DateOfBirth | Datetime | |
Duplicate | String | |
DoNotEmail | Bool | |
Phone3Type | String | |
Source | String | |
BusinessAccount | String | |
LastName | String | |
Fax | String | |
QualificationDate | Datetime | |
WorkgroupDescription | String |
Employee_EmployeeCost is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentEmployeeID [KEY] | String | |
EffectiveDate | Datetime | |
HourlyRate | Double | |
AnnualSalaryAmount | Double | |
RegularHoursPerWeek | Double | |
TypeOfEmployment | String |
Employee_EmploymentHistory is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentEmployeeID [KEY] | String | |
StartDate | Datetime | |
EndDate | Datetime | |
PositionID | String | |
RehireEligible | Bool | |
Active | Bool | |
LineNbr | Int | |
TerminationReason | String | |
StartReason | String | |
Terminated | Bool |
Event_Attendees is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentSummary [KEY] | String | |
Key | String | |
Name | String | |
Type | Int | |
EventNoteID | String | |
Comment | String | |
InvitationStatus | String | |
NameAttendeeName | String | |
String |
Event_Reminder is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentSummary [KEY] | String | |
RemindAtDate | Datetime | |
IsActive | Bool | |
RemindAtTime | Datetime |
Event_TimeActivity is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentSummary [KEY] | String | |
TimeSpent | String | |
BillableOvertime | String | |
Overtime | String | |
BillableTime | String |
FinancialPeriod_Details is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
Description | String | |
StartDate | Datetime | |
FinancialPeriodID | String | |
EndDate | Datetime | |
AdjustmentPeriod | Bool | |
LengthInDays | Int | |
Active | Bool | |
ClosedInPR | Bool | |
ClosedInFA | Bool | |
ClosedInAR | Bool | |
ClosedInCA | Bool | |
ClosedInAP | Bool | |
ClosedInGL | Bool | |
PeriodNbr | String | |
ClosedInIN | Bool | |
Custom_Periods_StartDateUI | String | |
Custom_Periods_NoteID | String | |
Custom_Periods_NoteText | String |
InterBranchAccountMapping_TransactionsInDestinationBranch is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentOriginatingBranch [KEY] | String | |
OffsetAccount | String | |
OffsetSubaccount | String | |
AccountFrom | String | |
LineNbr | Int | |
BranchID | Int | |
DestinationBranch | String | |
AccountTo | String |
InterBranchAccountMapping_TransactionsInSourceBranch is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentOriginatingBranch [KEY] | String | |
OffsetAccount | String | |
OffsetSubaccount | String | |
AccountFrom | String | |
LineNbr | Int | |
BranchID | Int | |
DestinationBranch | String | |
AccountTo | String |
InventoryAllocationInquiry_Results is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentInventoryID [KEY] | String | |
Location | String | |
Expired | Bool | |
Module | String | |
LotSerialNbr | String | |
Qty | Double | |
AllocationDate | Datetime | |
DocType | String | |
AllocationType | String | |
Custom_ResultRecords_RefNbr | String | |
Custom_ResultRecords_SubItemID | String | |
Custom_ResultRecords_AcctName | String | |
Custom_ResultRecords_GridLineNbr | Int | |
Custom_ResultRecords_LocNotAvailable | Bool | |
Custom_ResultRecords_BAccountID | String | |
Custom_ResultRecords_SiteID | String |
InventoryReceipt_Details is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentReferenceNbr [KEY] | String | |
UnitCost | Double | |
Description | String | |
WarehouseID | String | |
LineNumber | Int | |
Subitem | String | |
Location | String | |
ExpirationDate | Datetime | |
UOM | String | |
InventoryID | String | |
ExtCost | Double | |
LotSerialNbr | String | |
Qty | Double | |
Custom_transactions_TaskID | String | |
Custom_transactions_Availability | String | |
Custom_transactions_POReceiptNbr | String | |
Custom_transactions_ProjectID | String | |
Custom_transactions_ReasonCode | String | |
Custom_transactions_DocType | String | |
Custom_transactions_NoteID | String | |
Custom_transactions_RefNbr | String | |
Custom_transactions_NoteText | String | |
Custom_transactions_BranchID | String |
InventorySummaryInquiry_Results is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentInventoryID [KEY] | String | |
EstimatedUnitCost | Double | |
WarehouseID | String | |
LocationID | String | |
QtyNotAvailable | Double | |
EstimatedTotalCost | Double | |
QtyAvailableForShipment | Double | |
Subitem | String | |
QtyOnHand | Double | |
QtyAvailable | Double | |
ExpirationDate | Datetime | |
BaseUOM | String | |
LotSerialNbr | String | |
Custom_ISERecords_QtyPODropShipReceipts | String | |
Custom_ISERecords_QtyInTransit | String | |
Custom_ISERecords_QtyInTransitToSO | String | |
Custom_ISERecords_QtySOPrepared | String | |
Custom_ISERecords_QtyActual | String | |
Custom_ISERecords_QtySOBackOrdered | String | |
Custom_ISERecords_QtyPOFixedOrders | String | |
Custom_ISERecords_QtyPOPrepared | String | |
Custom_ISERecords_QtySOBooked | String | |
Custom_ISERecords_QtyPODropShipPrepared | String | |
Custom_ISERecords_QtySODropShip | String | |
Custom_ISERecords_QtyPODropShipOrders | String | |
Custom_ISERecords_QtyPOFixedPrepared | String | |
Custom_ISERecords_QtyINIssues | String | |
Custom_ISERecords_QtyInAssemblyDemand | String | |
Custom_ISERecords_QtySOShipping | String | |
Custom_ISERecords_QtySOShipped | String | |
Custom_ISERecords_QtyINReceipts | String | |
Custom_ISERecords_QtyExpired | String | |
Custom_ISERecords_QtyInAssemblySupply | String | |
Custom_ISERecords_QtySOFixed | String | |
Custom_ISERecords_QtyPOFixedReceipts | String | |
Custom_ISERecords_QtyPOOrders | String | |
Custom_ISERecords_QtyPOReceipts | String | |
Custom_ISERecords_InventoryID | String |
Invoice_ApplicationsCreditMemo is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentType [KEY] | String | |
ParentReferenceNbr [KEY] | String | |
Description | String | |
CustomerOrder | String | |
Customer | String | |
DocType | String | |
AmountPaid | Double | |
Status | String | |
ReferenceNbr | String | |
Balance | Double | |
PostPeriod | String | |
Custom_Adjustments_1_AdjgDocType | String | |
Custom_Adjustments_1_ARInvoice_DocDate | String | |
Custom_Adjustments_1_ARInvoice_CuryID | String | |
Custom_Adjustments_1_NoteID | String | |
Custom_Adjustments_1_AdjNbr | Int | |
Custom_Adjustments_1_AdjgBranchID | String | |
Custom_Adjustments_1_AdjgRefNbr | String | |
Custom_Adjustments_1_NoteText | String |
Invoice_ApplicationsDefault is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentType [KEY] | String | |
ParentReferenceNbr [KEY] | String | |
Status | String | |
CashDiscountTaken | Double | |
ReferenceNbr | String | |
Balance | Double | |
AmountPaid | Double | |
PaymentDate | Datetime | |
DocType | String | |
Custom_Adjustments_CustomerID | String | |
Custom_Adjustments_PPDCrMemoRefNbr | String | |
Custom_Adjustments_AdjNbr | Int | |
Custom_Adjustments_ARPayment_DocDesc | String | |
Custom_Adjustments_AdjdRefNbr | String | |
Custom_Adjustments_AdjgBranchID | String | |
Custom_Adjustments_ARPayment_CuryID | String | |
Custom_Adjustments_ARPayment_ExtRefNbr | String | |
Custom_Adjustments_AdjdDocType | String | |
Custom_Adjustments_NoteID | String | |
Custom_Adjustments_PendingPPD | Bool | |
Custom_Adjustments_ARPayment_FinPeriodID | String | |
Custom_Adjustments_NoteText | String |
Invoice_Details is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentType [KEY] | String | |
ParentReferenceNbr [KEY] | String | |
Subitem | String | |
Account | String | |
LineNbr | Int | |
ExtendedPrice | Double | |
DiscountAmount | Double | |
Amount | Double | |
ProjectTask | String | |
Subaccount | String | |
TransactionDescription | String | |
UOM | String | |
Branch | String | |
InventoryID | String | |
UnitPrice | Double | |
LastModifiedDateTime | Datetime | |
Qty | Double | |
Custom_Transactions_CaseID | String | |
Custom_Transactions_DRTermStartDate | String | |
Custom_Transactions_CuryUnitPriceDR | String | |
Custom_Transactions_DRTermEndDate | String | |
Custom_Transactions_TranType | String | |
Custom_Transactions_Commissionable | Bool | |
Custom_Transactions_ManualDisc | Bool | |
Custom_Transactions_AccountID_Account_description | String | |
Custom_Transactions_CostCodeID | String | |
Custom_Transactions_RefNbr | String | |
Custom_Transactions_Date | String | |
Custom_Transactions_SalesPersonID | String | |
Custom_Transactions_BaseQty | String | |
Custom_Transactions_ManualPrice | Bool | |
Custom_Transactions_DiscountSequenceID | String | |
Custom_Transactions_DiscountID | String | |
Custom_Transactions_TaxCategoryID | String | |
Custom_Transactions_DiscPct | String | |
Custom_Transactions_NoteText | String | |
Custom_Transactions_NoteID | String | |
Custom_Transactions_DefScheduleID | String | |
Custom_Transactions_DiscPctDR | String | |
Custom_Transactions_DeferredCode | String |
Invoice_TaxDetails is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentType [KEY] | String | |
ParentReferenceNbr [KEY] | String | |
TaxableAmount | Double | |
TaxAmount | Double | |
TaxRate | Double | |
TaxID | String | |
Custom_Taxes_RecordID | Int | |
Custom_Taxes_Tax_ReverseTax | Bool | |
Custom_Taxes_Tax_PendingTax | Bool | |
Custom_Taxes_CuryDiscountedPrice | String | |
Custom_Taxes_CuryDiscountedTaxableAmt | String | |
Custom_Taxes_Tax_StatisticalTax | Bool | |
Custom_Taxes_TranType | String | |
Custom_Taxes_Module | String | |
Custom_Taxes_RefNbr | String | |
Custom_Taxes_Tax_ExemptTax | Bool | |
Custom_Taxes_Tax_TaxType | String |
ItemClass_Attributes is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentClassID [KEY] | String | |
SortOrder | Int | |
AttributeID | String | |
Required | Bool | |
Custom_Mapping_IsActive | Bool | |
Custom_Mapping_EntityClassID | String | |
Custom_Mapping_Description | String | |
Custom_Mapping_ControlType | String | |
Custom_Mapping_EntityType | String |
JournalTransaction_Details is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentModule [KEY] | String | |
ParentBatchNbr [KEY] | String | |
Description | String | |
VendorOrCustomer | String | |
Account | String | |
LineNbr | Int | |
Project | String | |
ProjectTask | String | |
Subaccount | String | |
TransactionDescription | String | |
UOM | String | |
NonBillable | Bool | |
ReferenceNbr | String | |
BranchID | String | |
DebitAmount | Double | |
CreditAmount | Double | |
Qty | Double | |
Custom_GLTranModuleBatNbr_NoteText | String | |
Custom_GLTranModuleBatNbr_ReclassBatchNbr | String | |
Custom_GLTranModuleBatNbr_OrigBatchNbr | String | |
Custom_GLTranModuleBatNbr_InventoryID | String | |
Custom_GLTranModuleBatNbr_CostCodeID | String | |
Custom_GLTranModuleBatNbr_IncludedInReclassHistory | Bool | |
Custom_GLTranModuleBatNbr_OrigModule | String | |
Custom_GLTranModuleBatNbr_Module | String | |
Custom_GLTranModuleBatNbr_TaxID | String | |
Custom_GLTranModuleBatNbr_BatchNbr | String | |
Custom_GLTranModuleBatNbr_TranDate | String | |
Custom_GLTranModuleBatNbr_TaxCategoryID | String | |
Custom_GLTranModuleBatNbr_OrigLineNbr | Int | |
Custom_GLTranModuleBatNbr_LedgerID | String | |
Custom_GLTranModuleBatNbr_NoteID | String |
JournalVoucher_Details is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentBatchNbr [KEY] | String | |
DocTotal | Double | |
DebitSubaccount | String | |
PaymentMethod | String | |
CreditAccount | String | |
VendorOrCustomer | String | |
Released | Bool | |
Split | Bool | |
TaxAmount | Double | |
CardAccountNbr | Int | |
CashDiscount | Double | |
ProjectTask | String | |
Terms | String | |
LineNbr | Int | |
TaxZone | String | |
ReferenceNbr | String | |
EntryTypeID | String | |
TaxCategory | String | |
IncludedTaxAmount | Double | |
TransactionDate | Datetime | |
GroupTransactionID | Int | |
TotalAmount | Double | |
BatchNbr | String | |
DueDate | Datetime | |
ExternalRef | String | |
CardAccountNbrCardAccountNbr | String | |
TransactionDescription | String | |
CashDiscountDate | Datetime | |
TransactionCode | String | |
Location | String | |
DocCreated | Bool | |
Project | String | |
SubtotalAmount | Double | |
BatchModule | String | |
DebitAccount | String | |
CreditSubaccount | String | |
Custom_GLTranModuleBatNbr_NoteText | String | |
Custom_GLTranModuleBatNbr_CostCodeID | String | |
Custom_GLTranModuleBatNbr_NoteID | String |
JournalVoucher_GLTransactions is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentBatchNbr [KEY] | String | |
CurrencyID | String | |
Account | String | |
LineNbr | Int | |
Module | String | |
TransactionDate | Datetime | |
Subaccount | String | |
BatchNbr | String | |
TransactionDescription | String | |
ReferenceNbr | String | |
DebitAmount | Double | |
CreditAmount | Double | |
Qty | Double | |
Custom_GLTransactions_NoteID | String | |
Custom_GLTransactions_NoteText | String |
KitAssembly_Allocations is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
SplitLineNbr | Int | |
LotSerialNbr | String | |
UOM | String | |
LineNbr | Int | |
Qty | Double | |
ExpirationDate | Datetime | |
Subitem | String | |
LocationID | String | |
Custom_MasterSplits_LineNbr | Int | |
Custom_MasterSplits_DocType | String | |
Custom_MasterSplits_RefNbr | String |
KitAssembly_NonStockComponents is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ComponentQty | Double | |
UOM | String | |
ReasonCode | String | |
LineNbr | Int | |
Qty | Double | |
NonStockInventoryID | String | |
UnitCost | Double | |
Custom_Overhead_RefNbr | String | |
Custom_Overhead_INKitSpecNonStkDet_MinCompQty | String | |
Custom_Overhead_INKitSpecNonStkDet_MaxCompQty | String | |
Custom_Overhead_INKitSpecNonStkDet_UOM | String | |
Custom_Overhead_INKitSpecNonStkDet_AllowQtyVariation | Bool | |
Custom_Overhead_DocType | String |
KitAssembly_StockComponents is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
UnitCost | Double | |
LocationID | String | |
Subitem | String | |
ComponentQty | Double | |
LineNbr | Int | |
ReasonCode | String | |
StockInventoryID | String | |
UOM | String | |
Qty | Double | |
Custom_Components_NoteText | String | |
Custom_Components_INKitSpecStkDet_AllowSubstitution | Bool | |
Custom_Components_RefNbr | String | |
Custom_Components_NoteID | String | |
Custom_Components_INKitSpecStkDet_MaxCompQty | String | |
Custom_Components_INKitSpecStkDet_MinCompQty | String | |
Custom_Components_INKitSpecStkDet_DisassemblyCoeff | String | |
Custom_Components_DocType | String | |
Custom_Components_INKitSpecStkDet_UOM | String | |
Custom_Components_INKitSpecStkDet_AllowQtyVariation | Bool | |
Custom_Components_Availability | String |
KitSpecification_NonStockComponents is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentKitInventoryID [KEY] | String | |
ParentRevisionID [KEY] | String | |
AllowComponentQtyVariance | Bool | |
ComponentQty | Double | |
MaxComponentQty | Double | |
UOM | String | |
NonStockInventoryID | String | |
MinComponentQty | Double | |
Custom_NonStockDet_KitInventoryID | String | |
Custom_NonStockDet_RevisionID | String | |
Custom_NonStockDet_LineNbr | Int |
KitSpecification_StockComponents is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentKitInventoryID [KEY] | String | |
ParentRevisionID [KEY] | String | |
AllowComponentQtyVariance | Bool | |
ComponentQty | Double | |
MaxComponentQty | Double | |
UOM | String | |
StockInventoryID | String | |
MinComponentQty | Double | |
Subitem | String | |
Custom_StockDet_DisassemblyCoeff | String | |
Custom_StockDet_KitInventoryID | String | |
Custom_StockDet_RevisionID | String | |
Custom_StockDet_LineNbr | Int | |
Custom_StockDet_AllowSubstitution | Bool |
Lead_Activities is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentLeadID [KEY] | String | |
ClassIcon | String | |
IsCompleteIcon | String | |
PriorityIcon | String | |
Owner | String | |
Released | Bool | |
Summary | String | |
Type | String | |
CreatorID | String | |
CreatedAt | Datetime | |
Status | String | |
WorkgroupID | String | |
Project | String | |
RefNoteID | String | |
ProjectTask | String | |
StartDate | Datetime | |
TimeSpent | String | |
CreatorUsername | String | |
ReminderIcon | String | |
Custom_Activities_NoteID | String | |
Custom_Activities_NoteText | String |
Lead_Address is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentLeadID [KEY] | String | |
State | String | |
AddressLine2 | String | |
PostalCode | String | |
AddressLine1 | String | |
City | String | |
Country | String | |
Custom_AddressCurrent_NoteID | String |
Lead_Attributes is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentLeadID [KEY] | String | |
Value | String | |
Attribute | String | |
RefNoteID | String | |
Required | Bool |
Lead_Campaigns is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentLeadID [KEY] | String | |
CampaignName | String | |
CampaignID | String | |
ContactID | Int | |
Stage | String |
Lead_Duplicates is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentLeadID [KEY] | String | |
Type | String | |
LastModifiedDate | Datetime | |
AccountName | String | |
DisplayName | String | |
EntityType | String | |
String | ||
BusinessAccountType | String | |
BusinessAccount | String | |
Duplicate | String | |
DuplicateContactID | Int | |
ContactID | Int | |
Custom_Duplicates_Selected | Bool |
Lead_MarketingLists is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentLeadID [KEY] | String | |
DynamicList | Bool | |
ListName | String | |
Subscribed | Bool | |
Format | String | |
ContactID | Int | |
MarketingListID | Int |
Lead_Relations is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentLeadID [KEY] | String | |
Type | String | |
DocumentTargetNoteIDDescription | String | |
ContactDisplayName | String | |
Account | String | |
String | ||
Document | String | |
Name | String | |
RelationID | Int | |
Role | String | |
ContactID | Int | |
AddToCc | Bool | |
Primary | Bool |
LotSerialClass_Segments is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentClassID [KEY] | String | |
Type | String | |
Value | String | |
SegmentNbr | Int | |
Custom_lotsersegments_LotSerClassID | String |
NonStockItem_Attributes is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentInventoryID [KEY] | String | |
Value | String | |
Attribute | String | |
Required | Bool | |
Custom_Answers_RefNoteID | String |
NonStockItem_CrossReferences is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentInventoryID [KEY] | String | |
AlternateID | String | |
VendorOrCustomer | String | |
Description | String | |
AlternateType | String | |
Subitem | String | |
Custom_itemxrefrecords_InventoryID | String | |
Custom_itemxrefrecords_SubItemID | String | |
Custom_itemxrefrecords_UOM | String |
NonStockItem_SalesCategories is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentInventoryID [KEY] | String | |
CategoryID | Int | |
Custom_Category_InventoryID | String |
NonStockItem_VendorDetails is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentInventoryID [KEY] | String | |
VendorID | String | |
VendorName | String | |
Custom_VendorItems_CuryID | String | |
Custom_VendorItems_VendorInventoryID | String | |
Custom_VendorItems_VendorLocationID | String | |
Custom_VendorItems_PurchaseUnit | String | |
Custom_VendorItems_IsDefault | Bool | |
Custom_VendorItems_LastPrice | String | |
Custom_VendorItems_Active | Bool | |
Custom_VendorItems_RecordID | Int |
Opportunity_Activities is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentOpportunityID [KEY] | String | |
ClassIcon | String | |
IsCompleteIcon | String | |
PriorityIcon | String | |
Owner | String | |
Released | Bool | |
Summary | String | |
Type | String | |
CreatorID | String | |
CreatedAt | Datetime | |
Status | String | |
WorkgroupID | String | |
Project | String | |
RefNoteID | String | |
ProjectTask | String | |
StartDate | Datetime | |
TimeSpent | String | |
CreatorUsername | String | |
ReminderIcon | String | |
Custom_Activities_NoteID | String | |
Custom_Activities_NoteText | String |
Opportunity_Address is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentOpportunityID [KEY] | String | |
State | String | |
AddressLine2 | String | |
PostalCode | String | |
AddressLine1 | String | |
City | String | |
Country | String |
Opportunity_Attributes is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentOpportunityID [KEY] | String | |
Value | String | |
Attribute | String | |
RefNoteID | String | |
Required | Bool |
Opportunity_ContactInformation is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentOpportunityID [KEY] | String | |
WebSite | String | |
Phone3 | String | |
Position | String | |
Phone2 | String | |
Fax | String | |
Phone1 | String | |
Phone3Type | String | |
FaxType | String | |
CompanyName | String | |
Phone2Type | String | |
String | ||
Phone1Type | String | |
Title | String | |
LastName | String | |
FirstName | String |
Opportunity_Discounts is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentOpportunityID [KEY] | String | |
Type | String | |
SequenceID | String | |
DiscountableQty | Double | |
LineNbr | Int | |
ManualDiscount | Bool | |
DiscountAmount | Double | |
DiscountCode | String | |
DiscountPercent | Double | |
SkipDiscount | Bool | |
FreeItem | String | |
FreeItemQty | Double | |
DiscountableAmount | Double | |
Custom_DiscountDetails_OpportunityID | String |
Opportunity_Products is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentOpportunityID [KEY] | String | |
ExternalPrice | Double | |
TaxCategory | String | |
Discount | Double | |
Warehouse | String | |
UnitPrice | Double | |
UOM | String | |
FreeItem | Bool | |
ManualDiscount | Bool | |
Subitem | String | |
DiscountCode | String | |
DiscountAmount | Double | |
OpportunityProductID | Int | |
DiscountSequence | String | |
Qty | Double | |
ProjectTask | String | |
Amount | Double | |
TransactionDescription | String | |
InventoryID | String | |
Custom_Products_CROpportunityID | String | |
Custom_Products_NoteID | String | |
Custom_Products_NoteText | String |
Opportunity_Relations is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentOpportunityID [KEY] | String | |
Type | String | |
DocumentTargetNoteIDDescription | String | |
ContactDisplayName | String | |
Account | String | |
String | ||
Document | String | |
Name | String | |
RelationID | Int | |
Role | String | |
ContactID | Int | |
AddToCc | Bool | |
Primary | Bool |
Opportunity_TaxDetails is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentOpportunityID [KEY] | String | |
TaxType | String | |
ReverseVAT | Bool | |
TaxID | String | |
PendingVAT | Bool | |
LineNbr | Int | |
TaxAmount | Double | |
TaxableAmount | Double | |
StatisticalVAT | Bool | |
IncludeInVATExemptTotal | Bool | |
TaxRate | Double | |
Custom_Taxes_OpportunityID | String |
PaymentMethod_AllowedCashAccounts is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentPaymentMethodID [KEY] | String | |
Description | String | |
APDefault | Bool | |
UseInAR | Bool | |
ARLastRefNbr | String | |
PaymentMethod | String | |
UseInAP | Bool | |
BatchLastRefNbr | String | |
CashAccount | String | |
ARDefaultForRefund | Bool | |
ARSuggestNextNbr | Bool | |
APLastRefNbr | String | |
APSuggestNextNbr | Bool | |
Branch | String | |
ARDefault | Bool | |
Custom_CashAccounts_NoteText | String |
PaymentMethod_ProcessingCenters is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentPaymentMethodID [KEY] | String | |
Default | Bool | |
PaymentMethod | String | |
Active | Bool | |
ProcCenterID | String |
Payment_ApplicationHistory is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentType [KEY] | String | |
ParentReferenceNbr [KEY] | String | |
Date | Datetime | |
AdjustingRefNbr | String | |
VATCreditMemo | String | |
CashDiscountBalance | Double | |
Customer | String | |
DisplayDocType | String | |
DueDate | Datetime | |
AdjustingDocType | String | |
DisplayRefNbr | String | |
CurrencyID | String | |
Balance | Double | |
AdjustedDocType | String | |
BatchNbr | String | |
CashDiscountTaken | Double | |
ApplicationPeriod | String | |
AmountPaid | Double | |
CustomerOrder | String | |
AdjustmentNbr | Int | |
PostPeriod | String | |
AdjustsVAT | Bool | |
AdjustedRefNbr | String | |
CashDiscountDate | Datetime | |
BalanceWriteOff | Double | |
Description | String | |
Custom_Adjustments_History_NoteID | String | |
Custom_Adjustments_History_NoteText | String | |
Custom_Adjustments_History_TaxInvoiceNbr | String | |
Custom_Adjustments_History_AdjdBranchID | String |
Payment_CreditCardProcessingInfo is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentType [KEY] | String | |
ParentReferenceNbr [KEY] | String | |
TransactionStatus | String | |
TransactionAmount | Double | |
Custom_ccProcTran_ErrorSource | String | |
Custom_ccProcTran_PCResponseReasonText | String | |
Custom_ccProcTran_RefTranNbr | Int | |
Custom_ccProcTran_CVVVerificationStatus | String | |
Custom_ccProcTran_TranNbr | Int | |
Custom_ccProcTran_AuthNumber | String | |
Custom_ccProcTran_ErrorText | String | |
Custom_ccProcTran_PCTranNumber | String | |
Custom_ccProcTran_StartTime | String | |
Custom_ccProcTran_ProcStatus | String | |
Custom_ccProcTran_TranType | String | |
Custom_ccProcTran_ProcessingCenterID | String |
Payment_DocumentsToApply is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentType [KEY] | String | |
ParentReferenceNbr [KEY] | String | |
BalanceWriteOff | Double | |
ReferenceNbr | String | |
AmountPaid | Double | |
Description | String | |
DocType | String | |
CustomerOrder | String | |
WriteOffReasonCode | String | |
Custom_Adjustments_AdjNbr | Int | |
Custom_Adjustments_AdjgDocType | String | |
Custom_Adjustments_AdjdCuryID | String | |
Custom_Adjustments_AdjdFinPeriodID | String | |
Custom_Adjustments_AdjdCuryRate | String | |
Custom_Adjustments_AdjdCustomerID | String | |
Custom_Adjustments_ARRegisterAlias_DocDesc | String | |
Custom_Adjustments_ARRegisterAlias_DueDate | String | |
Custom_Adjustments_CuryDiscBal | String | |
Custom_Adjustments_AdjdDocDate | String | |
Custom_Adjustments_AdjgRefNbr | String | |
Custom_Adjustments_CuryAdjgPPDAmt | String | |
Custom_Adjustments_NoteID | String | |
Custom_Adjustments_ARInvoice_DiscDate | String | |
Custom_Adjustments_CuryDocBal | String | |
Custom_Adjustments_NoteText | String | |
Custom_Adjustments_AdjdBranchID | String |
Payment_OrdersToApply is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentType [KEY] | String | |
ParentReferenceNbr [KEY] | String | |
OrderType | String | |
AppliedToOrder | Double | |
OrderNbr | String | |
Custom_SOAdjustments_SOOrder_DueDate | String | |
Custom_SOAdjustments_SOOrder_InvoiceDate | String | |
Custom_SOAdjustments_AdjgRefNbr | String | |
Custom_SOAdjustments_AdjgDocType | String | |
Custom_SOAdjustments_SOOrder_InvoiceNbr | String | |
Custom_SOAdjustments_CuryDocBal | String | |
Custom_SOAdjustments_SOOrder_CuryID | String | |
Custom_SOAdjustments_CuryAdjgBilledAmt | String | |
Custom_SOAdjustments_SOOrder_DiscDate | String | |
Custom_SOAdjustments_NoteID | String | |
Custom_SOAdjustments_SOOrder_CuryOrderTotal | String | |
Custom_SOAdjustments_SOOrder_OrderDesc | String | |
Custom_SOAdjustments_NoteText | String | |
Custom_SOAdjustments_AdjdOrderDate | String | |
Custom_SOAdjustments_SOOrder_Status | String |
PhysicalInventoryReview_Details is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentReferenceNbr [KEY] | String | |
UnitCost | Double | |
Description | String | |
LocationID | String | |
PhysicalQty | Double | |
BookQty | Double | |
Subitem | String | |
VarianceQty | Double | |
LineNbr | Int | |
ReasonCode | String | |
TagNbr | Int | |
ExtendedVarianceCost | Double | |
ExpirationDate | Datetime | |
Status | String | |
InventoryID | String | |
LotSerialNbr | String | |
Custom_PIDetail_NoteText | String | |
Custom_PIDetail_BaseUnit | String | |
Custom_PIDetail_NoteID | String | |
Custom_PIDetail_PIID | String |
ProjectTransaction_Details is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentModule [KEY] | String | |
ParentReferenceNbr [KEY] | String | |
DebitAccount | String | |
Location | String | |
AccountGroup | String | |
DebitSubaccount | String | |
Date | Datetime | |
EarningType | String | |
UOM | String | |
AccountGroupDescription | String | |
Allocated | Bool | |
Released | Bool | |
EndDate | Datetime | |
CreditAccount | String | |
VendorOrCustomer | String | |
Employee | String | |
UnitRate | Double | |
Branch | String | |
BatchNbr | String | |
Project | String | |
Qty | Double | |
FinPeriod | String | |
ProjectTask | String | |
Amount | Double | |
Multiplier | Double | |
StartDate | Datetime | |
Billable | Bool | |
TransactionID | Long | |
Description | String | |
UseBillableQtyInAmountFormula | Bool | |
CreditSubaccount | String | |
BillableQty | Double | |
InventoryID | String |
PurchaseOrder_Details is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentType [KEY] | String | |
ParentOrderNbr [KEY] | String | |
TaxCategory | String | |
ReceivedAmount | Double | |
Cancelled | Bool | |
ExtendedCost | Double | |
UOM | String | |
MaxReceiptPercent | Double | |
OrigPOType | String | |
Requested | Datetime | |
AlternateID | String | |
OrderQty | Double | |
Subaccount | String | |
UnitCost | Double | |
Subitem | String | |
LineDescription | String | |
BranchID | String | |
LineNbr | Int | |
QtyOnReceipts | Double | |
OrderType | String | |
Account | String | |
OrderNbr | String | |
MinReceiptPercent | Double | |
CompleteOn | Double | |
WarehouseID | String | |
LineType | String | |
Description | String | |
ReceiptAction | String | |
Completed | Bool | |
OrigPONbr | String | |
Promised | Datetime | |
InventoryID | String | |
Custom_Transactions_CompletePOLine | String | |
Custom_Transactions_CuryDiscCost | String | |
Custom_Transactions_ManualDisc | Bool | |
Custom_Transactions_CostCodeID | String | |
Custom_Transactions_SortOrder | Int | |
Custom_Transactions_CuryExtCost | String | |
Custom_Transactions_ManualPrice | Bool | |
Custom_Transactions_DiscountSequenceID | String | |
Custom_Transactions_DiscountID | String | |
Custom_Transactions_TaskID | String | |
Custom_Transactions_ProjectID | String | |
Custom_Transactions_DiscPct | String | |
Custom_Transactions_NoteText | String | |
Custom_Transactions_NoteID | String | |
Custom_Transactions_CuryDiscAmt | String | |
Custom_Transactions_BaseOrderQty | String | |
Custom_Transactions_LotSerialNbr | String |
PurchaseOrder_ShippingInstructions is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentType [KEY] | String | |
ParentOrderNbr [KEY] | String | |
ShipToContactOverride | Bool | |
Warehouse | String | |
ShippingLocation | String | |
ShipTo | String | |
ShippingDestinationType | String | |
ShipToAddressOverride | Bool | |
ShipToAddressValidated | Bool | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_NoteID | String | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_DontEmail | Bool | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_RQReqNbr | String | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_PayToVendorID | String | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_ShipVia | String | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_CuryOpenOrderTotal | String | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_DontPrint | Bool | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_FOBPoint | String | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_TermsID | String | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_OpenOrderQty | String | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_TaxZoneID | String | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_Emailed | Bool | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_SOOrderType | String | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_OwnerWorkgroupID | String | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_PrepaymentRefNbr | String | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_BranchID | String | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_SOOrderNbr | String | |
Custom_CurrentDocument_Printed | Bool |
PurchaseReceipt_Details is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentType [KEY] | String | |
ParentReceiptNbr [KEY] | String | |
Location | String | |
ExtendedCost | Double | |
Warehouse | String | |
UOM | String | |
Subaccount | String | |
UnitCost | Double | |
POLineNbr | Int | |
Subitem | String | |
LineNbr | Int | |
OrderedQty | Double | |
POOrderType | String | |
Branch | String | |
OpenQty | Double | |
Account | String | |
Project | String | |
AccrualAccount | String | |
ProjectTask | String | |
LotSerialNbr | String | |
ExpirationDate | Datetime | |
LineType | String | |
POOrderNbr | String | |
AccrualSubaccount | String | |
ReceiptQty | Double | |
InventoryID | String | |
TransactionDescription | String | |
Custom_transactions_CuryDiscCost | String | |
Custom_transactions_ReasonCode | String | |
Custom_transactions_BaseReceiptQty | String | |
Custom_transactions_ManualDisc | Bool | |
Custom_transactions_SOOrderType | String | |
Custom_transactions_DiscPct | String | |
Custom_transactions_SOOrderLineNbr | Int | |
Custom_transactions_ReceiptNbr | String | |
Custom_transactions_NoteText | String | |
Custom_transactions_ManualPrice | Bool | |
Custom_transactions_Availability | String | |
Custom_transactions_DiscountSequenceID | String | |
Custom_transactions_SOOrderNbr | String | |
Custom_transactions_NoteID | String | |
Custom_transactions_ExpenseAcctID_Account_description | String | |
Custom_transactions_CuryDiscAmt | String | |
Custom_transactions_SOShipmentNbr | String | |
Custom_transactions_AllowComplete | Bool | |
Custom_transactions_DiscountID | String | |
Custom_transactions_TaxCategoryID | String | |
Custom_transactions_SortOrder | Int | |
Custom_transactions_AllowOpen | Bool | |
Custom_transactions_CuryExtCost | String |
ReportingSettings_ReportingGroups is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentTaxAgency [KEY] | String | |
Name | String | |
GroupType | String | |
LastModifiedDateTime | Datetime | |
Custom_Bucket_BucketID | Int | |
Custom_Bucket_VendorID | Int |
SalesInvoice_BillingSettings is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentType [KEY] | String | |
ParentReferenceNbr [KEY] | String | |
BillToAddressOverride | Bool | |
BillToContactOverride | Bool |
SalesInvoice_Details is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentType [KEY] | String | |
ParentReferenceNbr [KEY] | String | |
Description | String | |
LineNbr | Int | |
ShipmentNbr | String | |
Amount | Double | |
UOM | String | |
OrderNbr | String | |
BranchID | String | |
InventoryID | String | |
UnitPrice | Double | |
OrderType | String | |
Qty | Double | |
Custom_Transactions_AccountID | String | |
Custom_Transactions_DRTermStartDate | String | |
Custom_Transactions_ManualDisc | Bool | |
Custom_Transactions_CostCodeID | String | |
Custom_Transactions_SubID | String | |
Custom_Transactions_LineType | String | |
Custom_Transactions_SubItemID | String | |
Custom_Transactions_ManualPrice | Bool | |
Custom_Transactions_DiscountSequenceID | String | |
Custom_Transactions_TaskID | String | |
Custom_Transactions_TaxCategoryID | String | |
Custom_Transactions_DiscPct | String | |
Custom_Transactions_NoteText | String | |
Custom_Transactions_NoteID | String | |
Custom_Transactions_DefScheduleID | String | |
Custom_Transactions_SOOrderLineNbr | Int | |
Custom_Transactions_DRTermEndDate | String | |
Custom_Transactions_TranType | String | |
Custom_Transactions_Commissionable | Bool | |
Custom_Transactions_SortOrder | Int | |
Custom_Transactions_RefNbr | String | |
Custom_Transactions_SalesPersonID | String | |
Custom_Transactions_BaseQty | String | |
Custom_Transactions_DiscountID | String | |
Custom_Transactions_TranDesc | String | |
Custom_Transactions_CuryDiscAmt | String | |
Custom_Transactions_DeferredCode | String |
SalesInvoice_FreightDetails is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentType [KEY] | String | |
ParentReferenceNbr [KEY] | String | |
Description | String | |
LineTotal | Double | |
ShipmentNbr | String | |
PremiumFreightAmount | Double | |
TotalFreightAmount | Double | |
ShipmentType | String | |
FreightCost | Double | |
Weight | Double | |
Volume | Double | |
FreightAmount | Double | |
Custom_FreightDetails_ShipTermsID | String | |
Custom_FreightDetails_DocType | String | |
Custom_FreightDetails_RefNbr | String | |
Custom_FreightDetails_AccountID | String | |
Custom_FreightDetails_TaskID | String | |
Custom_FreightDetails_TaxCategoryID | String | |
Custom_FreightDetails_ShipVia | String | |
Custom_FreightDetails_SubID | String | |
Custom_FreightDetails_NoteID | String | |
Custom_FreightDetails_ShipZoneID | String | |
Custom_FreightDetails_NoteText | String |
SalesOrder_BillToAddress is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentOrderType [KEY] | String | |
ParentOrderNbr [KEY] | String | |
State | String | |
AddressLine2 | String | |
PostalCode | String | |
AddressLine1 | String | |
City | String | |
Country | String |
SalesOrder_BillToContact is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentOrderType [KEY] | String | |
ParentOrderNbr [KEY] | String | |
Attention | String | |
Phone1 | String | |
BusinessName | String | |
String |
SalesOrder_Commissions is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentOrderType [KEY] | String | |
ParentOrderNbr [KEY] | String | |
DefaultSalesperson | String |
SalesOrder_Details is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentOrderType [KEY] | String | |
ParentOrderNbr [KEY] | String | |
OpenQty | Double | |
AlternateID | String | |
DiscountedUnitPrice | Double | |
Operation | String | |
ShippingRule | String | |
Account | String | |
ReasonCode | String | |
WarehouseID | String | |
UndershipThreshold | Double | |
MarkForPO | Bool | |
LineType | String | |
SalespersonID | String | |
UnitCost | Double | |
QtyOnShipments | Double | |
Subitem | String | |
UnitPrice | Double | |
POSource | String | |
ProjectTask | String | |
ManualDiscount | Bool | |
Commissionable | Bool | |
AverageCost | Double | |
LineNbr | Int | |
DiscountCode | String | |
Branch | String | |
UOM | String | |
ShipOn | Datetime | |
ExtendedPrice | Double | |
TaxCategory | String | |
FreeItem | Bool | |
OrderQty | Double | |
OvershipThreshold | Double | |
LastModifiedDate | String | |
Completed | Bool | |
DiscountPercent | Double | |
DiscountAmount | Double | |
Location | String | |
AutoCreateIssue | Bool | |
RequestedOn | Datetime | |
LineDescription | String | |
InventoryID | String | |
UnbilledAmount | Double | |
Custom_Transactions_Availability | String | |
Custom_Transactions_DRTermStartDate | String | |
Custom_Transactions_DRTermEndDate | String | |
Custom_Transactions_CuryUnitPriceDR | String | |
Custom_Transactions_SalesSubID | String | |
Custom_Transactions_IsStockItem | Bool | |
Custom_Transactions_OrderType | String | |
Custom_Transactions_CostCodeID | String | |
Custom_Transactions_SortOrder | Int | |
Custom_Transactions_OrderNbr | String | |
Custom_Transactions_InvoiceNbr | String | |
Custom_Transactions_ManualPrice | Bool | |
Custom_Transactions_DiscountSequenceID | String | |
Custom_Transactions_NoteText | String | |
Custom_Transactions_NoteID | String | |
Custom_Transactions_ExpireDate | String | |
Custom_Transactions_DiscPctDR | String | |
Custom_Transactions_BaseOrderQty | String | |
Custom_Transactions_LotSerialNbr | String |
SalesOrder_DiscountDetails is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentOrderType [KEY] | String | |
ParentOrderNbr [KEY] | String | |
Type | String | |
SequenceID | String | |
DiscountableQty | Double | |
ManualDiscount | Bool | |
DiscountAmount | Double | |
DiscountCode | String | |
DiscountPercent | Double | |
SkipDiscount | Bool | |
FreeItem | String | |
FreeItemQty | Double | |
DiscountableAmount | Double | |
Custom_DiscountDetails_OrderNbr | String | |
Custom_DiscountDetails_OrderType | String | |
Custom_DiscountDetails_LineNbr | Int |
SalesOrder_FinancialSettings is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentOrderType [KEY] | String | |
ParentOrderNbr [KEY] | String | |
OriginalOrderType | String | |
BillSeparately | Bool | |
OverrideTaxZone | Bool | |
Terms | String | |
EntityUsageType | String | |
InvoiceDate | Datetime | |
DueDate | Datetime | |
InvoiceNbr | String | |
CustomerTaxZone | String | |
Branch | String | |
CashDiscountDate | Datetime | |
OriginalOrderNbr | String | |
Owner | String | |
PostPeriod | String |
SalesOrder_Payments is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentOrderType [KEY] | String | |
ParentOrderNbr [KEY] | String | |
CurrencyID | String | |
DocType | String | |
PaymentMethod | String | |
CashAccount | String | |
PaymentRef | String | |
Status | String | |
OrderNbr | String | |
ReferenceNbr | String | |
PaymentAmount | Double | |
TransferredtoInvoice | Double | |
AppliedToOrder | Double | |
Balance | Double | |
OrderType | String | |
Custom_Adjustments_NoteID | String | |
Custom_Adjustments_NoteText | String |
SalesOrder_Shipments is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentOrderType [KEY] | String | |
ParentOrderNbr [KEY] | String | |
ShipmentDate | Datetime | |
ShipmentNbr | String | |
ShippedQty | Double | |
InventoryRefNbr | String | |
Status | String | |
InventoryDocType | String | |
InvoiceNbr | String | |
ShipmentType | String | |
ShippedWeight | Double | |
ShippedVolume | Double | |
InvoiceType | String | |
Custom_ShipmentList_NoteText | String | |
Custom_ShipmentList_Operation | String | |
Custom_ShipmentList_OrderType | String | |
Custom_ShipmentList_NoteID | String | |
Custom_ShipmentList_OrderNbr | String |
SalesOrder_ShippingSettings is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentOrderType [KEY] | String | |
ParentOrderNbr [KEY] | String | |
UseCustomersAccount | Bool | |
ScheduledShipmentDate | Datetime | |
ResidentialDelivery | Bool | |
FOBPoint | String | |
ShipSeparately | Bool | |
Canceled | Bool | |
GroundCollect | Bool | |
ShippingTerms | String | |
ShippingZone | String | |
SaturdayDelivery | Bool | |
ShippingRule | String | |
ShipVia | String | |
PreferredWarehouseID | String | |
Priority | Int | |
CancelByDate | Datetime | |
Insurance | Bool |
SalesOrder_ShipToAddress is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentOrderType [KEY] | String | |
ParentOrderNbr [KEY] | String | |
State | String | |
AddressLine2 | String | |
PostalCode | String | |
AddressLine1 | String | |
City | String | |
Country | String |
SalesOrder_ShipToContact is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentOrderType [KEY] | String | |
ParentOrderNbr [KEY] | String | |
Attention | String | |
Phone1 | String | |
BusinessName | String | |
String |
SalesOrder_TaxDetails is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentOrderType [KEY] | String | |
ParentOrderNbr [KEY] | String | |
TaxType | String | |
ReverseVAT | Bool | |
TaxID | String | |
PendingVAT | Bool | |
LineNbr | Int | |
RecordID | Int | |
TaxAmount | Double | |
OrderNbr | String | |
TaxableAmount | Double | |
StatisticalVAT | Bool | |
IncludeInVATExemptTotal | Bool | |
TaxRate | Double | |
OrderType | String |
SalesOrder_Totals is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentOrderType [KEY] | String | |
ParentOrderNbr [KEY] | String | |
UnbilledAmount | Double | |
FreightTaxCategory | String | |
FreightCostIsuptodate | Bool | |
PremiumFreight | Double | |
MiscTotalAmount | Double | |
UnbilledQty | Double | |
PackageWeight | Double | |
LineTotalAmount | Double | |
DiscountTotal | Double | |
FreightCost | Double | |
OrderVolume | Double | |
OrderWeight | Double | |
TaxTotal | Double | |
UnpaidBalance | Double | |
Freight | Double |
SalesPricesInquiry_SalesPriceDetails is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentInventoryID [KEY] | String | |
Description | String | |
PriceCode | String | |
CurrencyID | String | |
Promotion | Bool | |
Tax | String | |
Price | Double | |
RecordID | Int | |
EffectiveDate | Datetime | |
PriceType | String | |
ExpirationDate | Datetime | |
UOM | String | |
BreakQty | Double | |
InventoryID | String | |
CreatedDateTime | Datetime | |
LastModifiedDateTime | Datetime | |
Custom_Records_SiteID | String | |
Custom_Records_AlternateID | String |
SalesPriceWorksheet_SalesPrices is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentReferenceNbr [KEY] | String | |
Description | String | |
PriceCode | String | |
CurrencyID | String | |
LineID | Int | |
Tax | String | |
PriceType | String | |
UOM | String | |
PendingPrice | Double | |
ReferenceNbr | String | |
BreakQty | Double | |
InventoryID | String | |
SourcePrice | Double | |
Custom_Details_AlternateID | String | |
Custom_Details_SiteID | String |
Shipment_Details is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentShipmentNbr [KEY] | String | |
UOM | String | |
FreeItem | Bool | |
ShippedQty | Double | |
Subitem | String | |
OrderLineNbr | Int | |
LineNbr | Int | |
OrderedQty | Double | |
LocationID | String | |
OpenQty | Double | |
OrderType | String | |
OrderNbr | String | |
LotSerialNbr | String | |
ExpirationDate | Datetime | |
WarehouseID | String | |
ReasonCode | String | |
OriginalQty | Double | |
Description | String | |
InventoryID | String | |
Custom_Transactions_CompleteQtyMin | String | |
Custom_Transactions_ShipmentNbr | String | |
Custom_Transactions_BaseShippedQty | String | |
Custom_Transactions_Availability | String | |
Custom_Transactions_NoteText | String | |
Custom_Transactions_UnassignedQty | String | |
Custom_Transactions_NoteID | String | |
Custom_Transactions_ShipmentType | String | |
Custom_Transactions_ShipComplete | String |
Shipment_Orders is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentShipmentNbr [KEY] | String | |
ShipmentNbr | String | |
ShippedQty | Double | |
InventoryRefNbr | String | |
InventoryDocType | String | |
InvoiceNbr | String | |
ShippedWeight | Double | |
OrderNbr | String | |
ShippedVolume | Double | |
ShipmentType | String | |
InvoiceType | String | |
OrderType | String | |
Custom_OrderList_NoteText | String | |
Custom_OrderList_NoteID | String |
Shipment_Packages is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentShipmentNbr [KEY] | String | |
Description | String | |
CustomRefNbr1 | String | |
Type | String | |
BoxID | String | |
CODAmount | Double | |
Confirmed | Bool | |
DeclaredValue | Double | |
UOM | String | |
TrackingNbr | String | |
Weight | Double | |
CustomRefNbr2 | String | |
Custom_Packages_NoteID | String | |
Custom_Packages_ShipmentNbr | String | |
Custom_Packages_LineNbr | Int | |
Custom_Packages_NoteText | String |
Shipment_ShippingSettings is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentShipmentNbr [KEY] | String | |
ShipToAddressOverride | Bool | |
ShipToContactOverride | Bool | |
Validated | Bool |
ShippingTerm_Details is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentTermID [KEY] | String | |
InvoiceAmount | Double | |
LineHandling | Double | |
ShippingandHandling | Double | |
BreakAmount | Double | |
LineNbr | Int | |
FreightCost | Double | |
Custom_ShipTermsDetail_ShipTermsID | String |
ShipVia_FreightRates is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentCarrierID [KEY] | String | |
Rate | Double | |
Volume | Double | |
LineNbr | Int | |
Weight | Double | |
ZoneID | String | |
Custom_FreightRates_CarrierID | String |
ShipVia_Packages is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentCarrierID [KEY] | String | |
Description | String | |
BoxID | String | |
Height | Int | |
WeightUOM | String | |
BoxWeight | Double | |
Length | Int | |
VolumeUOM | String | |
CarriersPackage | String | |
MaxVolume | Double | |
MaxWeight | Double | |
ActiveByDefault | Bool | |
Width | Int | |
Custom_CarrierPackages_CarrierID | String |
StockItem_Attributes is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentInventoryID [KEY] | String | |
Value | String | |
AttributeID | String | |
Required | Bool | |
Custom_Answers_RefNoteID | String |
StockItem_Boxes is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentInventoryID [KEY] | String | |
BoxID | String | |
MaxVolume | Double | |
MaxWeight | Double | |
UOM | String | |
Qty | Double | |
Description | String | |
MaxQty | Double | |
Custom_Boxes_NoteID | String | |
Custom_Boxes_InventoryID | Int |
StockItem_Categories is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentInventoryID [KEY] | String | |
CategoryID | Int | |
Custom_Category_InventoryID | String |
StockItem_CrossReferences is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentInventoryID [KEY] | String | |
AlternateID | String | |
VendorOrCustomer | String | |
Description | String | |
AlternateType | String | |
Subitem | String | |
Custom_itemxrefrecords_InventoryID | String | |
Custom_itemxrefrecords_UOM | String |
StockItem_ReplenishmentParameters is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentInventoryID [KEY] | String | |
DemandForecastModel | String | |
TransferERQ | Double | |
MaxShelfLifeInDays | Int | |
ReplenishmentWarehouse | String | |
ReplenishmentClass | String | |
Method | String | |
Source | String | |
ReorderPoint | Double | |
TerminationDate | Datetime | |
Seasonality | String | |
ServiceLevel | Double | |
PeriodsToAnalyze | Int | |
SafetyStock | Double | |
ForecastPeriodType | String | |
LaunchDate | Datetime | |
MaxQty | Double | |
Custom_replenishment_InventoryID | String |
StockItem_SubItems is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentInventoryID [KEY] | String | |
SegmentID | Int | |
Value | String | |
Active | Bool | |
Description | String |
StockItem_UOMConversions is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentInventoryID [KEY] | String | |
FromUOM | String | |
ConversionFactor | Double | |
MultiplyOrDivide | String | |
ToUOM | String | |
Custom_itemunits_ItemClassID | Int | |
Custom_itemunits_UnitType | String | |
Custom_itemunits_PriceAdjustmentMultiplier | String | |
Custom_itemunits_SampleToUnit | String | |
Custom_itemunits_InventoryID | Int |
StockItem_VendorDetails is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentInventoryID [KEY] | String | |
Location | String | |
LastVendorPrice | Double | |
Warehouse | String | |
LeadTimeDays | Int | |
MaxOrderQty | Double | |
MinOrderQty | Double | |
EOQ | Double | |
Default | Bool | |
Subitem | String | |
Override | Bool | |
MinOrderFrequencyInDays | Int | |
AddLeadTimeDays | Int | |
CurrencyID | String | |
VendorID | String | |
LotSize | Double | |
RecordID | Int | |
Active | Bool | |
PurchaseUnit | String | |
VendorName | String | |
Custom_VendorItems_VendorInventoryID | String |
StockItem_WarehouseDetails is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentInventoryID [KEY] | String | |
DefaultReceiptLocationID | String | |
OverrideReplenishmentSettings | Bool | |
DailyDemandForecastErrorSTDEV | Double | |
DefaultIssueLocationID | String | |
ProductManager | String | |
ReplenishmentSource | String | |
ProductWorkgroup | String | |
Override | Bool | |
InventorySubaccount | String | |
DailyDemandForecast | Double | |
PreferredVendor | String | |
Status | String | |
InventoryAccount | String | |
QtyOnHand | Double | |
ReplenishmentWarehouse | String | |
LastForecastDate | Datetime | |
OverridePreferredVendor | Bool | |
OverrideStdCost | Bool | |
Seasonality | String | |
WarehouseID | String | |
IsDefault | Bool | |
ServiceLevel | Double | |
PriceOverride | Bool | |
Custom_itemsiterecords_SiteID_INSite_SiteCD | String | |
Custom_itemsiterecords_NoteText | String | |
Custom_itemsiterecords_NoteID | String | |
Custom_itemsiterecords_InventoryID | String |
Task_Reminder is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
RemindAtDate | Datetime | |
IsActive | Bool | |
RemindAtTime | Datetime |
Task_TimeActivity is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ProjectTask | String | |
TimeSpent | String | |
BillableOvertime | String | |
Overtime | String | |
BillableTime | String | |
Project | String | |
Custom_TimeActivity_CostCodeID | String |
TaxCategory_Details is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentTaxCategoryID [KEY] | String | |
CashDiscount | String | |
CalculateOn | String | |
TaxCategory | String | |
TaxType | String | |
Description | String | |
TaxID | String |
TaxZone_ApplicableTaxes is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentTaxZoneID [KEY] | String | |
TaxID | String | |
Custom_Details_Tax_TaxType | String | |
Custom_Details_Tax_TaxApplyTermsDisc | String | |
Custom_Details_Tax_TaxCalcRule | String | |
Custom_Details_TaxZoneID | String | |
Custom_Details_Tax_Descr | String |
Tax_TaxSchedule is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentTaxID [KEY] | String | |
MinTaxableAmount | Double | |
MaxTaxableAmount | Double | |
DeductibleTaxRate | Double | |
RevisionID | Int | |
TaxRate | Double | |
ReportingGroup | String | |
TaxID | String | |
StartDate | Datetime | |
Custom_TaxRevisions_TaxType | String |
Tax_Zones is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentTaxID [KEY] | String | |
TaxZoneID | String | |
DefaultTaxCategory | String | |
Description | String | |
TaxID | String |
TransferOrder_Details is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentReferenceNbr [KEY] | String | |
Description | String | |
Subitem | String | |
LineNbr | Int | |
ToLocationID | String | |
ReasonCode | String | |
ExpirationDate | Datetime | |
UOM | String | |
InventoryID | String | |
FromLocationID | String | |
LotSerialNbr | String | |
Qty | Double | |
Custom_transactions_Availability | String | |
Custom_transactions_ReceiptedQty | String | |
Custom_transactions_DocType | String | |
Custom_transactions_INTransitQty | String | |
Custom_transactions_NoteID | String | |
Custom_transactions_RefNbr | String | |
Custom_transactions_NoteText | String |
TrialBalance_Details is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentImportNbr [KEY] | String | |
Description | String | |
Type | String | |
Selected | Bool | |
MappedSubaccount | String | |
ImportedAccount | String | |
Line | Int | |
MappedAccount | String | |
ImportedSubaccount | String | |
YTDBalance | Double | |
Status | String | |
MapNbr | String | |
CurrencyYTDBalance | Double |
VendorClass_Attributes is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentClassID [KEY] | String | |
DefaultValue | String | |
Active | Bool | |
SortOrder | Int | |
Description | String | |
AttributeID | String | |
Required | Bool | |
Custom_Mapping_EntityClassID | String | |
Custom_Mapping_CSAttribute_IsInternal | Bool | |
Custom_Mapping_ControlType | String | |
Custom_Mapping_EntityType | String |
VendorPricesInquiry_VendorPriceDetails is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentInventoryID [KEY] | String | |
Description | String | |
CurrencyID | String | |
Vendor | String | |
VendorName | String | |
Price | Double | |
RecordID | Int | |
EffectiveDate | Datetime | |
ExpirationDate | Datetime | |
Promotional | Bool | |
UOM | String | |
BreakQty | Double | |
InventoryID | String | |
CreatedDateTime | Datetime | |
LastModifiedDateTime | Datetime | |
Custom_Records_SiteID | String | |
Custom_Records_AlternateID | String |
VendorPriceWorksheet_VendorSalesPrices is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentReferenceNbr [KEY] | String | |
Description | String | |
CurrencyID | String | |
Vendor | String | |
LineID | Int | |
Tax | String | |
UOM | String | |
PendingPrice | Double | |
ReferenceNbr | String | |
BreakQty | Double | |
InventoryID | String | |
SourcePrice | Double | |
Custom_Details_AlternateID | String | |
Custom_Details_SiteID | String |
Vendor_Attributes is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentVendorID [KEY] | String | |
Value | String | |
Attribute | String | |
RefNoteID | String | |
Required | Bool |
Vendor_Contacts is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentVendorID [KEY] | String | |
ContactID | Int |
Vendor_MainContact is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentVendorID [KEY] | String | |
LanguageOrLocale | String | |
DuplicateFound | Bool | |
JobTitle | String | |
MiddleName | String | |
FirstName | String | |
DoNotFax | Bool | |
Status | String | |
ParentAccount | String | |
OwnerEmployeeName | String | |
Phone3 | String | |
Phone2 | String | |
Phone1 | String | |
Phone2Type | String | |
MaritalStatus | String | |
String | ||
FaxType | String | |
DoNotCall | Bool | |
Active | Bool | |
Owner | String | |
DoNotMail | Bool | |
Title | String | |
Gender | String | |
Phone1Type | String | |
ContactID | Int | |
WebSite | String | |
ContactClass | String | |
CompanyName | String | |
AddressIsSameAsInAccount | Bool | |
NoMassMail | Bool | |
LastOutgoingActivity | Datetime | |
DisplayName | String | |
ContactMethod | String | |
Workgroup | String | |
AddressValidated | Bool | |
LastIncomingActivity | Datetime | |
SourceCampaign | String | |
SpouseOrPartnerName | String | |
Reason | String | |
Synchronize | Bool | |
ConvertedBy | String | |
Image | String | |
Type | String | |
NoMarketing | Bool | |
DateOfBirth | Datetime | |
Duplicate | String | |
DoNotEmail | Bool | |
Phone3Type | String | |
Source | String | |
BusinessAccount | String | |
LastName | String | |
Fax | String | |
QualificationDate | Datetime | |
WorkgroupDescription | String |
Vendor_PaymentInstructions is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentVendorID [KEY] | String | |
Value | String | |
PaymentInstructionsID | String | |
PaymentMethod | String | |
Description | String | |
LocationID | Int |
Vendor_RemittanceContact is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentVendorID [KEY] | String | |
LanguageOrLocale | String | |
DuplicateFound | Bool | |
JobTitle | String | |
MiddleName | String | |
FirstName | String | |
DoNotFax | Bool | |
Status | String | |
ParentAccount | String | |
OwnerEmployeeName | String | |
Phone3 | String | |
Phone2 | String | |
Phone1 | String | |
Phone2Type | String | |
MaritalStatus | String | |
String | ||
FaxType | String | |
DoNotCall | Bool | |
Active | Bool | |
Owner | String | |
DoNotMail | Bool | |
Title | String | |
Gender | String | |
Phone1Type | String | |
ContactID | Int | |
WebSite | String | |
ContactClass | String | |
CompanyName | String | |
AddressIsSameAsInAccount | Bool | |
NoMassMail | Bool | |
LastOutgoingActivity | Datetime | |
DisplayName | String | |
ContactMethod | String | |
Workgroup | String | |
AddressValidated | Bool | |
LastIncomingActivity | Datetime | |
SourceCampaign | String | |
SpouseOrPartnerName | String | |
Reason | String | |
Synchronize | Bool | |
ConvertedBy | String | |
Image | String | |
Type | String | |
NoMarketing | Bool | |
DateOfBirth | Datetime | |
Duplicate | String | |
DoNotEmail | Bool | |
Phone3Type | String | |
Source | String | |
BusinessAccount | String | |
LastName | String | |
Fax | String | |
QualificationDate | Datetime | |
WorkgroupDescription | String |
Vendor_ShippingContact is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentVendorID [KEY] | String | |
LanguageOrLocale | String | |
DuplicateFound | Bool | |
JobTitle | String | |
MiddleName | String | |
FirstName | String | |
DoNotFax | Bool | |
Status | String | |
ParentAccount | String | |
OwnerEmployeeName | String | |
Phone3 | String | |
Phone2 | String | |
Phone1 | String | |
Phone2Type | String | |
MaritalStatus | String | |
String | ||
FaxType | String | |
DoNotCall | Bool | |
Active | Bool | |
Owner | String | |
DoNotMail | Bool | |
Title | String | |
Gender | String | |
Phone1Type | String | |
ContactID | Int | |
WebSite | String | |
ContactClass | String | |
CompanyName | String | |
AddressIsSameAsInAccount | Bool | |
NoMassMail | Bool | |
LastOutgoingActivity | Datetime | |
DisplayName | String | |
ContactMethod | String | |
Workgroup | String | |
AddressValidated | Bool | |
LastIncomingActivity | Datetime | |
SourceCampaign | String | |
SpouseOrPartnerName | String | |
Reason | String | |
Synchronize | Bool | |
ConvertedBy | String | |
Image | String | |
Type | String | |
NoMarketing | Bool | |
DateOfBirth | Datetime | |
Duplicate | String | |
DoNotEmail | Bool | |
Phone3Type | String | |
Source | String | |
BusinessAccount | String | |
LastName | String | |
Fax | String | |
QualificationDate | Datetime | |
WorkgroupDescription | String |
Warehouse_Locations is an auto-generated table.
Name | Type | Description |
ParentWarehouseID [KEY] | String | |
AssemblyAllowed | Bool | |
Active | Bool | |
TransfersAllowed | Bool | |
Description | String | |
ReceiptsAllowed | Bool | |
SalesAllowed | Bool | |
LocationID | String | |
PickPriority | Int | |
Custom_location_PrimaryItemClassID | String | |
Custom_location_TaskID | String | |
Custom_location_ProjectID | String | |
Custom_location_NoteID | String | |
Custom_location_IsCosted | Bool | |
Custom_location_PrimaryItemValid | String | |
Custom_location_SiteID | Int | |
Custom_location_PrimaryItemID | String | |
Custom_location_InclQtyAvail | Bool | |
Custom_location_NoteText | String |
ストアドプロシージャはファンクションライクなインターフェースで、Acumatica の単純なSELECT/INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE 処理にとどまらずCloud の機能を拡張します。
ストアドプロシージャは、パラメータのリストを受け取り、目的の機能を実行し、プロシージャが成功したか失敗したかを示すとともにAcumatica から関連するレスポンスデータを返します。
Name | Description |
Attach a file to a record.
Note:このプロシージャは、インデックス付きパラメータを使用します。 インデックス付きパラメータは、プロシージャの入力として単一のパラメータを複数のインスタンスに提供することを容易にします。
Param# という名前の入力パラメータがあるとします。このようなインデックス付きパラメータの複数のインスタンスを入力するには、次のように実行します。
EXEC ProcedureName Param#1 = "value1", Param#2 = "value2", Param#3 = "value3"
以下の表では、インデックス付きの入力パラメータは、名前の末尾に '#' 文字が付きます。
Name | Type | Description |
TopLevelEntity | String | The name of the entity for which you are going to attach a file. |
KeyValue# | String | The values for one or more key fields of the record to which you are going to attach a file. You should provide the number and order of key fields as they are defined on the corresponding Acumatica ERP form. |
LocalFile | String | The local file path including the file name of the file to be attached. |
FileName | String | The name of the file that you are going to attach with the extension. |
Name | Type | Description |
Status | String | Specific message text describing the status or any errors or warning for the stored procedure. |
Perform an action on an Acumatica ERP form.
To execute an Acumatica Action, you will need to specify the action that you are going to execute via the 'ActionName' input parameter, the entity type via the TopLevelEntity input parameter, the EntityRecord and optionally the Action parameters via the Parameters input, if you are executing a custom Action.
To specify the entity record, you may either submit the single record in JSON format, or you may create a temporary table containing group of recrods and then reference the temporary table in the EntityRecord input parameter.
Note: The custom parameters can only be submitted in the JSON format as in the example below.
EXEC ExecuteAction ActionName = 'Close', TopLevelEntity = 'Case', EntityRecord = '{"id": "e3f46a39-1a14-e911-816f-bc920a5e0ac8"}', Parameters = '{ "custom": { "FilterPreview": { "Reason": { "type" : "CustomStringField", "value" : "Abandoned" } } } }'
To submit a record in the JSON format, you will need set the EntityRecord input parameter to the JSON object containing the record on which the action is going to be executed.
For example, via the below statement you can confirm the shipment for the shipment with number 003523.
EXEC ExecuteAction ActionName = 'ConfirmShipment', TopLevelEntity = 'Shipment', EntityRecord = '{ "Type": { "value": "Shipment" }, "ShipmentNbr": { "value": "003523" } }'
You should note, that only one entity record can be specified in the EntityRecord input parameter when using the JSON format.
If using a temporary table, it must be defined and inserted within the same connection. Closing the connection will clear out any temporary tables in memory.
Start by inserting the related entities corresponding to the same entity type into a temporary table.
The following statements add three Shipment records into the Shipment#TEMP temporary table.
INSERT INTO Shipment#TEMP (Type, ShipmentNbr) VALUES ('Shipment', '003523') INSERT INTO Shipment#TEMP (Type, ShipmentNbr) VALUES ('Shipment', '003524') INSERT INTO Shipment#TEMP (Type, ShipmentNbr) VALUES ('Shipment', '003525')
Lastly, reference the temporary table via the EntityRecord input parameter, just as in the below example.
EXEC ExecuteAction ActionName = 'ConfirmShipment', TopLevelEntity = 'Shipment', EntityRecord = 'Shipment#TEMP'
If more than one entity record is provided, the Cloud will automatically split the records and execute the Action for each of them.
Name | Type | Description |
TopLevelEntity | String | The name of the entity type for which you are going to perform an action. |
ActionName | String | The name of the action that you are going to execute. |
EntityRecord | String | The entity record in the JSON format or the temporary table of entity records to which the action should be applied. |
Parameters | String | The parameters of the action in the JSON format. |
Name | Type | Description |
Status | String | Specific message text describing the status or any errors or warning for the execute action. |
AffectedRecords | String | The number of affected records. |
Obtain a file attached to a record
Name | Type | Description |
FileId | String | The internal identifier of the file in the system. |
DownloadTo | String | The local file path including the file name of the file to be downloaded. Leave empty to keep the file in memory. |
Name | Type | Description |
Status | String | Specific message text describing the status or any errors or warning for the stored procedure. |
FileData | String | If the DownloadTo input is empty. |
Cloud はAcumatica OData API をリレーショナルビューとしてモデル化します。OData スキーマでは、読み取り専用テーブル(ビュー)のみがサポートされています。
リモートデータへのあらゆる変更はクエリに即時に反映されます。テーブル定義は動的に取得されます。接続すると、Cloud はAcumatica に接続し、適切なWeb サービスを呼び出してビューのリストとビューのメタデータを取得します。
このセクションでは、API の制限および要件について説明します。既定のSupportEnhancedSQL 機能を使って、これらの制限の大半を回避できます。
Acumatica からOData を介して公開されたすべての一般的なお問い合わせを表示します。CData Cloud はビュー およびカラムのメタデータを動的に読み込みます。そのため、カスタマイズ内容と今後の標準Acumatica エンティティに 追加される新機能の両方が含まれます。
Note: Generic Inquiries are not exposed via OData by default, and you may need to expose them. To do this, on the Acumatica Generic Inquiries Screen check the "Expose via OData" checkbox.
ストアドプロシージャ は、Acumatica のファンクションライクなインターフェースです。これらは、テーブルと直接対話する標準的な操作には適さない追加のタスクを 実行するために使用できます。
ストアドプロシージャはファンクションライクなインターフェースで、Acumatica の単純なSELECT/INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE 処理にとどまらずCloud の機能を拡張します。
ストアドプロシージャは、パラメータのリストを受け取り、目的の機能を実行し、プロシージャが成功したか失敗したかを示すとともにAcumatica から関連するレスポンスデータを返します。
Name | Description |
以下のテーブルは、Acumatica のデータベースメタデータを返します。
SELECT * FROM sys_catalogs
Name | Type | Description |
CatalogName | String | データベース名。 |
SELECT * FROM sys_schemas
Name | Type | Description |
CatalogName | String | データベース名。 |
SchemaName | String | スキーマ名。 |
SELECT * FROM sys_tables
Name | Type | Description |
CatalogName | String | テーブルまたはビューを含むデータベース。 |
SchemaName | String | テーブルまたはビューを含むスキーマ。 |
TableName | String | テーブル名またはビュー名。 |
TableType | String | テーブルの種類(テーブルまたはビュー)。 |
Description | String | テーブルまたはビューの説明。 |
IsUpdateable | Boolean | テーブルが更新可能かどうか。 |
次のクエリは、Events テーブルのカラムとデータ型を返します。
SELECT ColumnName, DataTypeName FROM sys_tablecolumns WHERE TableName='Events'
Name | Type | Description |
CatalogName | String | テーブルまたはビューを含むデータベースの名前。 |
SchemaName | String | テーブルまたはビューを含むスキーマ。 |
TableName | String | カラムを含むテーブルまたはビューの名前。 |
ColumnName | String | カラム名。 |
DataTypeName | String | データ型の名前。 |
DataType | Int32 | データ型を示す整数値。この値は、実行時に環境に基づいて決定されます。 |
Length | Int32 | カラムのストレージサイズ。 |
DisplaySize | Int32 | 指定されたカラムの通常の最大幅(文字数)。 |
NumericPrecision | Int32 | 数値データの最大桁数。文字データおよび日時データの場合は、カラムの長さ(文字数)。 |
NumericScale | Int32 | カラムのスケール(小数点以下の桁数)。 |
IsNullable | Boolean | カラムがNull を含められるかどうか。 |
Description | String | カラムの簡単な説明。 |
Ordinal | Int32 | カラムのシーケンスナンバー。 |
IsAutoIncrement | String | カラムに固定増分値が割り当てられるかどうか。 |
IsGeneratedColumn | String | 生成されたカラムであるかどうか。 |
IsHidden | Boolean | カラムが非表示かどうか。 |
IsArray | Boolean | カラムが配列かどうか。 |
IsReadOnly | Boolean | カラムが読み取り専用かどうか。 |
IsKey | Boolean | sys_tablecolumns から返されたフィールドがテーブルの主キーであるかどうか。 |
SELECT * FROM sys_procedures
Name | Type | Description |
CatalogName | String | ストアドプロシージャを含むデータベース。 |
SchemaName | String | ストアドプロシージャを含むスキーマ。 |
ProcedureName | String | ストアドプロシージャの名前。 |
Description | String | ストアドプロシージャの説明。 |
ProcedureType | String | PROCEDURE やFUNCTION などのプロシージャのタイプ。 |
次のクエリは、SendMail ストアドプロシージャのすべての入力パラメータについての情報を返します。
SELECT * FROM sys_procedureparameters WHERE ProcedureName='SendMail' AND Direction=1 OR Direction=2
Name | Type | Description |
CatalogName | String | ストアドプロシージャを含むデータベースの名前。 |
SchemaName | String | ストアドプロシージャを含むスキーマの名前。 |
ProcedureName | String | パラメータを含むストアドプロシージャの名前。 |
ColumnName | String | ストアドプロシージャパラメータの名前。 |
Direction | Int32 | パラメータのタイプに対応する整数値:input (1)。input/output (2)、またはoutput(4)。input/output タイプパラメータは、入力パラメータと出力パラメータの両方になれます。 |
DataTypeName | String | データ型の名前。 |
DataType | Int32 | データ型を示す整数値。この値は、実行時に環境に基づいて決定されます。 |
Length | Int32 | 文字データの場合は、許可される文字数。数値データの場合は、許可される桁数。 |
NumericPrecision | Int32 | 数値データの場合は最大精度。文字データおよび日時データの場合は、カラムの長さ(文字数)。 |
NumericScale | Int32 | 数値データの小数点以下の桁数。 |
IsNullable | Boolean | パラメータがNull を含められるかどうか。 |
IsRequired | Boolean | プロシージャの実行にパラメータが必要かどうか。 |
IsArray | Boolean | パラメータが配列かどうか。 |
Description | String | パラメータの説明。 |
Ordinal | Int32 | パラメータのインデックス。 |
次のクエリは、Events テーブルの主キーを取得します。
SELECT * FROM sys_keycolumns WHERE IsKey='True' AND TableName='Events'
Name | Type | Description |
CatalogName | String | キーを含むデータベースの名前。 |
SchemaName | String | キーを含むスキーマの名前。 |
TableName | String | キーを含むテーブルの名前。 |
ColumnName | String | キーカラムの名前 |
IsKey | Boolean | カラムがTableName フィールドで参照されるテーブル内の主キーかどうか。 |
IsForeignKey | Boolean | カラムがTableName フィールドで参照される外部キーかどうか。 |
PrimaryKeyName | String | 主キーの名前。 |
ForeignKeyName | String | 外部キーの名前。 |
ReferencedCatalogName | String | 主キーを含むデータベース。 |
ReferencedSchemaName | String | 主キーを含むスキーマ。 |
ReferencedTableName | String | 主キーを含むテーブル。 |
ReferencedColumnName | String | 主キーのカラム名。 |
SELECT * FROM sys_foreignkeys WHERE ForeignKeyType = 'FOREIGNKEY_TYPE_IMPORT'
名前 | タイプ | 説明 |
CatalogName | String | キーを含むデータベースの名前。 |
SchemaName | String | キーを含むスキーマの名前。 |
TableName | String | キーを含むテーブルの名前。 |
ColumnName | String | キーカラムの名前 |
PrimaryKeyName | String | 主キーの名前。 |
ForeignKeyName | String | 外部キーの名前。 |
ReferencedCatalogName | String | 主キーを含むデータベース。 |
ReferencedSchemaName | String | 主キーを含むスキーマ。 |
ReferencedTableName | String | 主キーを含むテーブル。 |
ReferencedColumnName | String | 主キーのカラム名。 |
ForeignKeyType | String | 外部キーがインポート(他のテーブルを指す)キーかエクスポート(他のテーブルから参照される)キーかを指定します。 |
SELECT * FROM sys_primarykeys
Name | Type | Description |
CatalogName | String | キーを含むデータベースの名前。 |
SchemaName | String | キーを含むスキーマの名前。 |
TableName | String | キーを含むテーブルの名前。 |
ColumnName | String | キーカラムの名前。 |
KeySeq | String | 主キーのシーケンス番号。 |
KeyName | String | 主キーの名前。 |
SELECT * FROM sys_indexes WHERE IsPrimary='false'
Name | Type | Description |
CatalogName | String | インデックスを含むデータベースの名前。 |
SchemaName | String | インデックスを含むスキーマの名前。 |
TableName | String | インデックスを含むテーブルの名前。 |
IndexName | String | インデックス名。 |
ColumnName | String | インデックスに関連付けられたカラムの名前。 |
IsUnique | Boolean | インデックスが固有の場合はTrue。そうでない場合はFalse。 |
IsPrimary | Boolean | インデックスが主キーの場合はTrue。そうでない場合はFalse。 |
Type | Int16 | インデックスタイプに対応する整数値:statistic (0)、clustered (1)、hashed (2)、またはother (3)。 |
SortOrder | String | 並べ替え順序:A が昇順、D が降順。 |
OrdinalPosition | Int16 | インデックスのカラムのシーケンスナンバー。 |
このテーブルをクエリする際は、config 接続文字列を使用する必要があります。
SELECT * FROM sys_connection_props WHERE Value <> ''
Name | Type | Description |
Name | String | 接続プロパティ名。 |
ShortDescription | String | 簡単な説明。 |
Type | String | 接続プロパティのデータ型。 |
Default | String | 明示的に設定されていない場合のデフォルト値。 |
Values | String | 可能な値のカンマ区切りリスト。別な値が指定されていると、検証エラーがスローされます。 |
Value | String | 設定した値またはあらかじめ設定されたデフォルト。 |
Required | Boolean | プロパティが接続に必要かどうか。 |
Category | String | 接続プロパティのカテゴリ。 |
IsSessionProperty | String | プロパティが、現在の接続に関する情報を保存するために使用されるセッションプロパティかどうか。 |
Sensitivity | String | プロパティの機密度。これは、プロパティがロギングおよび認証フォームで難読化されているかどうかを通知します。 |
PropertyName | String | キャメルケースの短縮形の接続プロパティ名。 |
Ordinal | Int32 | パラメータのインデックス。 |
CatOrdinal | Int32 | パラメータカテゴリのインデックス。 |
Hierarchy | String | このプロパティと一緒に設定する必要がある、関連のある依存プロパティを表示します。 |
Visible | Boolean | プロパティが接続UI に表示されるかどうかを通知します。 |
ETC | String | プロパティに関するその他のさまざまな情報。 |
Cloud がデータソースにオフロードできるSELECT クエリ処理について説明します。
SQL 構文の詳細については、SQL 準拠 を参照してください。
以下はSQL 機能のサンプルデータセットです。 SELECT 機能のいくつかの側面がサポートされている場合には、カンマ区切りのリストで返されます。サポートされていない場合、カラムにはNO が入ります。
名前 | 説明 | 有効な値 |
COUNT | COUNT 関数がサポートされているかどうか。 | YES, NO |
IDENTIFIER_QUOTE_OPEN_CHAR | 識別子をエスケープするための開始文字。 | [ |
IDENTIFIER_QUOTE_CLOSE_CHAR | 識別子をエスケープするための終了文字。 | ] |
SUPPORTED_OPERATORS | サポートされているSQL 演算子。 | =, >, <, >=, <=, <>, !=, LIKE, NOT LIKE, IN, NOT IN, IS NULL, IS NOT NULL, AND, OR |
GROUP_BY | GROUP BY がサポートされているかどうか。サポートされている場合、どのレベルでサポートされているか。 | NO, NO_RELATION, EQUALS_SELECT, SQL_GB_COLLATE |
OUTER_JOINS | 外部結合がサポートされているかどうか。 | YES, NO |
SUBQUERIES | サブクエリがサポートされているかどうか。サポートされていれば、どのレベルでサポートされているか。 | NO, COMPARISON, EXISTS, IN, CORRELATED_SUBQUERIES, QUANTIFIED |
REPLICATION_SKIP_TABLES | レプリケーション中にスキップされたテーブルを示します。 | |
REPLICATION_TIMECHECK_COLUMNS | レプリケーション中に更新判断のカラムとして使用するかどうかを、(指定された順に)チェックするカラムのリストを含む文字列の配列。 | |
IDENTIFIER_PATTERN | 識別子としてどの文字列が有効かを示す文字列値。 | |
SUPPORT_TRANSACTION | プロバイダーが、コミットやロールバックなどのトランザクションをサポートしているかどうかを示します。 | YES, NO |
DIALECT | 使用するSQL ダイアレクトを示します。 | |
KEY_PROPERTIES | Uniform データベースを特定するプロパティを示します。 | |
SUPPORTS_MULTIPLE_SCHEMAS | プロバイダー用に複数のスキームが存在するかどうかを示します。 | YES, NO |
SUPPORTS_MULTIPLE_CATALOGS | プロバイダー用に複数のカタログが存在するかどうかを示します。 | YES, NO |
DATASYNCVERSION | このドライバーにアクセスするために必要な、CData Sync のバージョン。 | Standard, Starter, Professional, Enterprise |
DATASYNCCATEGORY | このドライバーのCData Sync カテゴリ。 | Source, Destination, Cloud Destination |
SUPPORTSENHANCEDSQL | API で提供されている以上の、追加SQL 機能がサポートされているかどうか。 | TRUE, FALSE |
SUPPORTS_BATCH_OPERATIONS | バッチ操作がサポートされているかどうか。 | YES, NO |
PREFERRED_CACHE_OPTIONS | 使用したいcacheOptions を指定する文字列値。 | |
ENABLE_EF_ADVANCED_QUERY | ドライバーがEntity Framework の高度なクエリをサポートしているかどうかを示します。サポートしていなければ、クエリはクライアントサイドで処理されます。 | YES, NO |
PSEUDO_COLUMNS | 利用可能な疑似カラムを示す文字列の配列。 | |
MERGE_ALWAYS | 値がtrue であれば、CData Sync 内でMerge Model が強制的に実行されます。 | TRUE, FALSE |
REPLICATION_MIN_FUNCTION | サーバーサイドでmin を実行するために使用する式名を、プロバイダーが指定できるようになります。 | |
REPLICATION_START_DATE | レプリケート開始日を、プロバイダーが指定できるようになります。 | |
REPLICATION_MAX_FUNCTION | サーバーサイドでmax を実行するために使用する式名を、プロバイダーが指定できるようになります。 | |
IGNORE_INTERVALS_ON_INITIAL_REPLICATE | 初回のレプリケートで、レプリケートをチャンクに分割しないテーブルのリスト。 | |
CHECKCACHE_USE_PARENTID | CheckCache 構文を親キーカラムに対して実行するかどうかを示します。 | TRUE, FALSE |
CREATE_SCHEMA_PROCEDURES | スキーマファイルの生成に使用できる、ストアドプロシージャを示します。 |
次のクエリは、WHERE 句で使用できる演算子を取得します。
WHERE 句では、個々のテーブルの制限や要件が異なる場合がありますので注意してください。詳しくは、データモデル セクションを参照してください。
Name | Type | Description |
NAME | String | SQL 構文のコンポーネント、またはサーバー上で処理できる機能。 |
VALUE | String | サポートされるSQL またはSQL 構文の詳細。 |
次のクエリは、バッチ処理で変更された行のId を取得します。
SELECT * FROM sys_identity
Name | Type | Description |
Id | String | データ変更処理から返された、データベース生成Id。 |
Batch | String | バッチの識別子。1 は単一処理。 |
Operation | String | バッチ内の処理の結果:INSERTED、UPDATED、またはDELETED。 |
Message | String | SUCCESS、またはバッチ内の更新が失敗した場合のエラーメッセージ。 |
プロパティ | 説明 |
AuthScheme | The scheme used for authentication. Accepted entries are Basic, OAuth, OAuthImplicit and OAuthPassword. |
URL | The base URL of your Acumatica site. |
User | 認証で使用されるAcumatica ユーザーアカウント。 |
Password | ユーザーの認証で使用されるパスワード。 |
Company | Your Acumatica Company. |
EndpointName | The name of the endpoint in Acumatica WebService which you wish to access. You can find available endpoints in Web Service Endpoints form in Acumatica ERP. |
EndpointVersion | The version of the endpoint. You can find available endpoints in Web Service Endpoints form in Acumatica ERP and their version under Endpoint Version. |
プロパティ | 説明 |
OAuthClientId | OAuth 認証サーバーを使用してアプリケーションを登録する場合に割り当てられたクライアントId。 |
OAuthClientSecret | OAuth 認証サーバーにアプリケーションを登録する場合に割り当てられたクライアントシークレット。 |
OAuthGrantType | OAuth フローのグラント種別。 |
プロパティ | 説明 |
SSLServerCert | TLS/SSL を使用して接続するときに、サーバーが受け入れ可能な証明書。 |
プロパティ | 説明 |
Verbosity | ログファイルの記述をどの程度の詳細さで記載するかを決定するverbosity レベル。 |
プロパティ | 説明 |
BrowsableSchemas | このプロパティは、使用可能なスキーマのサブセットにレポートされるスキーマを制限します。例えば、BrowsableSchemas=SchemaA,SchemaB,SchemaC です。 |
Schema | Used to specify what Acumatica API to use. The default one is the REST Contact API. When OData is specified the OData API will be used and all the Generic Inquires exposed via OData will be dynamically retrieved. |
プロパティ | 説明 |
IncludeCustomFields | Whether or not to retrieve custom fields that are added to Acumatica Screens. |
InquiryTables | Comma seperated Inquiry Tables. Inquiry tables in Contract 3 Acumatica API version 17.200.001 are: AccountByPeriodInquiry, AccountBySubaccountInquiry, AccountDetailsInquiry, AccountSummaryInquiry, InventoryAllocationInquiry, InventorySummaryInquiry, InvoicedItemsInquiry, SalesPricesInquiry,VendorPricesInquiry. |
MaxRows | クエリで集計またはGROUP BY を使用しない場合に返される行数を制限します。これはLIMIT 句よりも優先されます。 |
Pagesize | Acumatica から返されるページあたりの結果の最大数。 |
PseudoColumns | このプロパティは、テーブルのカラムとして疑似カラムが含まれているかどうかを示します。 |
Timeout | タイムアウトエラーがスローされ、処理をキャンセルするまでの秒数。 |
このセクションでは、本プロバイダーの接続文字列で設定可能なAuthentication プロパティの全リストを提供します。
プロパティ | 説明 |
AuthScheme | The scheme used for authentication. Accepted entries are Basic, OAuth, OAuthImplicit and OAuthPassword. |
URL | The base URL of your Acumatica site. |
User | 認証で使用されるAcumatica ユーザーアカウント。 |
Password | ユーザーの認証で使用されるパスワード。 |
Company | Your Acumatica Company. |
EndpointName | The name of the endpoint in Acumatica WebService which you wish to access. You can find available endpoints in Web Service Endpoints form in Acumatica ERP. |
EndpointVersion | The version of the endpoint. You can find available endpoints in Web Service Endpoints form in Acumatica ERP and their version under Endpoint Version. |
The scheme used for authentication. Accepted entries are Basic, OAuth, OAuthImplicit and OAuthPassword.
The base URL of your Acumatica site.
The base URL of your Acumatica site. For example:
認証で使用されるAcumatica ユーザーアカウント。
このフィールドは、Password とともに、Acumatica サーバーに対して認証をするために使われます。
Your Acumatica Company.
This connection parameter is required when Schema is set to "OData".
The name of the endpoint in Acumatica WebService which you wish to access. You can find available endpoints in Web Service Endpoints form in Acumatica ERP.
The name of the endpoint. You can find available endpoints in Web Service Endpoints form (ScreenId SM207060) in Acumatica ERP. Under Endpoints properties, you will find the Endpoint Name and Endpoint Version.
The version of the endpoint. You can find available endpoints in Web Service Endpoints form in Acumatica ERP and their version under Endpoint Version.
The version of the endpoint. You can find available endpoints in Web Service Endpoints form (ScreenId SM207060) in Acumatica ERP. Under Endpoints properties, you will find the Endpoint Name and Endpoint Version.
このセクションでは、本プロバイダーの接続文字列で設定可能なOAuth プロパティの全リストを提供します。
プロパティ | 説明 |
OAuthClientId | OAuth 認証サーバーを使用してアプリケーションを登録する場合に割り当てられたクライアントId。 |
OAuthClientSecret | OAuth 認証サーバーにアプリケーションを登録する場合に割り当てられたクライアントシークレット。 |
OAuthGrantType | OAuth フローのグラント種別。 |
OAuth 認証サーバーを使用してアプリケーションを登録する場合に割り当てられたクライアントId。
OAuth アプリケーションの登録の一環として、コンシューマキーとも呼ばれるOAuthClientId 値、およびクライアントシークレットOAuthClientSecret が提供されます。
OAuth 認証サーバーにアプリケーションを登録する場合に割り当てられたクライアントシークレット。
OAuth アプリケーションの登録の一環として、コンシューマキーとも呼ばれるOAuthClientId が提供されます。また、コンシューマーシークレットと呼ばれるクライアントシークレットも提供されます。クライアントシークレットをOAuthClientSecret プロパティに設定します。
OAuth フローのグラント種別。
このセクションでは、本プロバイダーの接続文字列で設定可能なSSL プロパティの全リストを提供します。
プロパティ | 説明 |
SSLServerCert | TLS/SSL を使用して接続するときに、サーバーが受け入れ可能な証明書。 |
TLS/SSL を使用して接続するときに、サーバーが受け入れ可能な証明書。
TLS/SSL 接続を使用する場合は、このプロパティを使用して、サーバーが受け入れるTLS/SSL 証明書を指定できます。コンピュータによって信頼されていない他の証明書はすべて拒否されます。
説明 | 例 |
フルPEM 証明書(例では省略されています) | -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIChTCCAe4CAQAwDQYJKoZIhv......Qw== -----END CERTIFICATE----- |
証明書を保有するローカルファイルへのパス。 | C:\cert.cer |
公開鍵(例では省略されています) | -----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY----- MIGfMA0GCSq......AQAB -----END RSA PUBLIC KEY----- |
MD5 Thumbprint (hex 値はスペースおよびコロン区切り) | ecadbdda5a1529c58a1e9e09828d70e4 |
SHA1 Thumbprint (hex 値はスペースおよびコロン区切り) | 34a929226ae0819f2ec14b4a3d904f801cbb150d |
このセクションでは、本プロバイダーの接続文字列で設定可能なLogging プロパティの全リストを提供します。
プロパティ | 説明 |
Verbosity | ログファイルの記述をどの程度の詳細さで記載するかを決定するverbosity レベル。 |
このセクションでは、本プロバイダーの接続文字列で設定可能なSchema プロパティの全リストを提供します。
プロパティ | 説明 |
BrowsableSchemas | このプロパティは、使用可能なスキーマのサブセットにレポートされるスキーマを制限します。例えば、BrowsableSchemas=SchemaA,SchemaB,SchemaC です。 |
Schema | Used to specify what Acumatica API to use. The default one is the REST Contact API. When OData is specified the OData API will be used and all the Generic Inquires exposed via OData will be dynamically retrieved. |
このプロパティは、使用可能なスキーマのサブセットにレポートされるスキーマを制限します。例えば、BrowsableSchemas=SchemaA,SchemaB,SchemaC です。
スキーマをデータベースからリストすると、負荷がかかる可能性があります。接続文字列でスキーマのリストを提供すると、 パフォーマンスが向上します。
Used to specify what Acumatica API to use. The default one is the REST Contact API. When OData is specified the OData API will be used and all the Generic Inquires exposed via OData will be dynamically retrieved.
Used to specify what Acumatica API to use. The default one is the REST Contact API. When OData is specified the OData API will be used and all the Generic Inquires exposed via OData will be dynamically retrieved.
このセクションでは、本プロバイダーの接続文字列で設定可能なMiscellaneous プロパティの全リストを提供します。
プロパティ | 説明 |
IncludeCustomFields | Whether or not to retrieve custom fields that are added to Acumatica Screens. |
InquiryTables | Comma seperated Inquiry Tables. Inquiry tables in Contract 3 Acumatica API version 17.200.001 are: AccountByPeriodInquiry, AccountBySubaccountInquiry, AccountDetailsInquiry, AccountSummaryInquiry, InventoryAllocationInquiry, InventorySummaryInquiry, InvoicedItemsInquiry, SalesPricesInquiry,VendorPricesInquiry. |
MaxRows | クエリで集計またはGROUP BY を使用しない場合に返される行数を制限します。これはLIMIT 句よりも優先されます。 |
Pagesize | Acumatica から返されるページあたりの結果の最大数。 |
PseudoColumns | このプロパティは、テーブルのカラムとして疑似カラムが含まれているかどうかを示します。 |
Timeout | タイムアウトエラーがスローされ、処理をキャンセルするまでの秒数。 |
Whether or not to retrieve custom fields that are added to Acumatica Screens.
Leave this set to true if you have custom fields added and have not extended the API to include custom fields in your entities. Set it to false if you don't want to retrieve custom fields.
Acumatica endpoints support a small amount of custom fields per request. Once a certain amount is reached, it is recommended to setup an extended endpoint and include the custom fields in it.
Comma seperated Inquiry Tables. Inquiry tables in Contract 3 Acumatica API version 17.200.001 are: AccountByPeriodInquiry, AccountBySubaccountInquiry, AccountDetailsInquiry, AccountSummaryInquiry, InventoryAllocationInquiry, InventorySummaryInquiry, InvoicedItemsInquiry, SalesPricesInquiry,VendorPricesInquiry.
クエリで集計またはGROUP BY を使用しない場合に返される行数を制限します。これはLIMIT 句よりも優先されます。
クエリで集計またはGROUP BY を使用しない場合に返される行数を制限します。これはLIMIT 句よりも優先されます。
Acumatica から返されるページあたりの結果の最大数。
Pagesize プロパティは、Acumatica から返されるページあたりの結果の最大数に影響を与えます。より大きい値を設定すると、1ページあたりの消費メモリが増える代わりに、パフォーマンスが向上する場合があります。
Entity Framework ではテーブルカラムでない疑似カラムに値を設定できないため、この設定はEntity Framework で特に便利です。この接続設定の値は、"Table1=Column1, Table1=Column2, Table2=Column3" の形式です。"*=*" のように"*" 文字を使用して、すべてのテーブルとすべてのカラムを含めることができます。
Timeout が0に設定されている場合は、操作がタイムアウトしません。処理が正常に完了するか、エラー状態になるまで実行されます。
Timeout の有効期限が切れても処理が完了していない場合は、Cloud は例外をスローします。