CData Python Connector for SAP Cloud for Customer
The CData Python Connector for SAP Cloud for Customer allows developers to write Python scripts with connectivity to SAP Cloud for Customer. The connector wraps the complexity of accessing SAP Cloud for Customer data in an interface commonly used by python connectors to common database systems.
Key Features
- A variety of WHL files or a single TAR.GZ file that accommodate several execution environments after installation with "pip install".
- Supported for Python versions 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, 3.11, and 3.12. Said python versions are all supported within Windows, Mac, and Linux environments.
- Write and execute SQL queries to fetch and update data in SAP Cloud for Customer.
- Custom dialect class that enables SQLAlchemy 1.3 and 1.4 to use this connector.
Getting Started
See Getting Started to install the connector to your python distribution and to create a basic connection to SAP Cloud for Customer.
Using the Python Connector/Using from Tools
See Using the Connector for examples of executing basic SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, and EXECUTE queries with the module's provided classes.
See Using from Tools to connect SAP Cloud for Customer data to tools such as Pandas or Petl.
SQLAlchemy ORM
SQLAlchemy can be leveraged to model the tables in SAP Cloud for Customer with mapped classes. See From SQLAlchemy for instructions for configuring the Python connector with SQLAlchemy.
Pandas' DataFrames can be used alongside the connector to generate analytical graphics. See From Pandas for a guide.
Schema Discovery
See Schema Discovery to query the provided system tables, which allows users to discover the available tables, views, and stored procedure, alongside additional information about their columns or parameters.
Advanced Features
Advanced Features details additional features supported by the connector, such as defining user defined views, ssl configuration, remoting, caching, firewall/proxy settings, and advanced logging.
SQL Compliance
See SQL Compliance for a syntax reference and code examples outlining the supported SQL.
Data Model
See Data Model for the available database objects. This section also provides more detailed information on querying specific SAP Cloud for Customer entities.
Connection String Options
The Connection properties describe the various options that can be used to establish a connection.