ODBC Driver for SAP Cloud for Customer

Build 23.0.8839

Windows DSN Configuration

Using the Microsoft ODBC Data Source Administrator

You can use the Microsoft ODBC Data Source Administrator to edit the DSN configuration. Note that the DSN is created during the installation process.

Complete the following steps to edit the DSN configuration:

  1. Select Start > Search, and enter ODBC Data Sources in the Search box.
  2. Choose the version of the ODBC Administrator that corresponds to the bitness of your application (32-bit or 64-bit).
  3. Click the System DSN tab.
  4. Select the system data source and click Configure.
  5. Edit the information on the Connection tab and click OK.

Note: For .NET Framework 4.0, the driver distributes Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2022 Redistributable. For .NET Framework 3.5, the driver distributes Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable.

Ensuring Registry Access

The driver stores connection information in the Windows registry. To ensure that the driver can write to the registry, perform either of the following actions:

  1. Run the calling application as an administrator.
  2. Connect via a User DSN instead of a System DSN.

Connecting to SAP Cloud for Customer

To identify your SAP Cloud for Customer instance, set the following:
  • Tenant: The full domain name of your SAP Cloud for Customer tenant.
  • Url: The URL corresponding to your SAP Cloud for Customer instance. You must specify this if it differs from the default service of "c4codata". Otherwise, omit this connection property.

Authenticating to SAP Cloud for Customer

User Credentials

Set the AuthScheme to Basic and specify the following:

  • User: Your SAP Cloud for Customer username.
  • Password: Your SAP Cloud for Customer password.

Azure AD

Set the AuthScheme to AzureAD.

Configuring a Custom Extension

This configuration requires a custom extension to SAP Hybris. This extension can be created using the yempty tool.

Connection Configuration

After configuring your custom extension, set the following to authenticate:

  • OAuthClientId: The application Id of the connector application, found in the Overview section of the app registration.
  • OAuthClientSecret: The client secret value of the connector application. Azure AD displays this when you create a new client secret.
  • CallbackURL: The redirect URI of the connector application. For example: https://localhost:33333
  • SSOProperties: Set the following additional properties, each separated by a commma, in the format A=B;C=D; etc.
    • Resource: The URL of your environment.
    • AzureTentant: The Id of the Azure AD tenant where the applications are registered.

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Build 23.0.8839