Tableau Connector for Odoo

Build 23.0.8839

Configuring a Connection

After Installing the Connector you can connect and create a Data Source for data in Odoo.

Setting Up a Data Source

Complete the following steps to connect to the data:

  1. Under Connect | To a Server, click More....
  2. Select the data source called Odoo by CData.
  3. Enter the information required for the connection.
  4. Click Sign In.
  5. If necessary, select a Database and Schema to discover what tables and views are available.

Using the Connection Builder

The connector makes the most common connection properties available directly in Tableau. However, it can be difficult to use if you need to use more advanced settings or need to troubleshoot connection issues. The connector includes a separate connection builder that allows you to create and test connections outside of Tableau.

There are two ways to access the connection builder:

  • On Windows, use a shortcut called Connection Builder in the Start menu, under the CData Tableau Connector for Odoo folder.
  • You can also start the connection builder by going to the driver install directory and running the .jar file in the lib directory.

In the connection builder, you can set values for connection properties and click Test Connection to validate that they work. You can also use the Copy to Clipboard button to save the connection string. This connection string can be given to the Connection String option included in the connector connection window in Tableau.

Connecting to Odoo

To connect, set the Url to a valid Odoo site, User and APIToken to the connection details of the user you are connecting with, and Database to the Odoo database.

If you are not using API tokens (they are only supported in Odoo 14 and above), you can also provide the password in the APIToken field.

Access Rights

In order for the connector to determine what models you can access in Odoo, the user you connect with must have permissions to read from "ir.model.access" (an internal Odoo model that governs access rights). Normally this is reserved for administrators, but it can be granted to any user by creating a service group:
  1. As an administrator, open the Odoo settings page and enable "developer mode". If this is not available you may need to login as the superuser instead.
  2. Open the Groups page (under the Users dropdown) and create a new group
  3. Set the Application to "Administration" and the name to "Service Access"
  4. Add any users who need service access in the Users tab
  5. In the Access Rights tab, add an entry for the "ir.model.access" object (it may be called "Model Access"), check Read Access, and give it the name "Inspect Models"
  6. Save the group

If making this change is not possible, then you should set the CheckPermissions option to false. That will list all models in Odoo as tables, regardless of what permissions your user actually has for those models.

Next Step

See Using the Connector to create data visualizations.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 23.0.8839