FireDAC Components for Azure Analysis Services

Build 22.0.8462

Establishing a Connection

You can create and manage connections with the Data Explorer and the FireDAC Connection Editor wizards. See Connection Definitions for more information on creating connections from code and creating persistent, private, or temporary connections.

Connecting to Azure Analysis Services

To connect, set the Url property to a valid Azure Analysis Services server, for instance, asazure://, in addition to authenticating.

Optionally, set Database to distinguish which Azure database on the server to connect to.

Authenticating to Azure Analysis Services

Azure AD

Azure AD is a connection type that leverages OAuth to authenticate. OAuth requires the authenticating user to interact with Azure Analysis Services using an internet browser. The component facilitates this in several ways as described below. Set your AuthScheme to AzureAD. All AzureAD flows assume that you have done so.

Desktop Applications

CData provides an embedded OAuth application that simplifies OAuth desktop Authentication. Alternatively, you can create a custom OAuth application. See Creating a Custom AzureAD App for information about creating custom applications and reasons for doing so.

For authentication, the only difference between the two methods is that you must set two additional connection properties when using custom OAuth applications.

After setting the following connection properties, you are ready to connect:

  • InitiateOAuth: Set this to GETANDREFRESH. You can use InitiateOAuth to avoid repeating the OAuth exchange and manually setting the OAuthAccessToken.
  • OAuthClientId: (custom applications only) Set this to the client Id in your application settings.
  • OAuthClientSecret: (custom applications only) Set this to the client secret in your application settings.
  • CallbackURL: Set this to the Redirect URL in your application settings.

When you connect the component opens the OAuth endpoint in your default browser. Log in and grant permissions to the application. The component then completes the OAuth process:

  1. Extracts the access token from the callback URL and authenticates requests.
  2. Obtains a new access token when the old one expires.
  3. Saves OAuth values in OAuthSettingsLocation that persist across connections.

Web Applications

When connecting via a Web application, you need to register a custom OAuth app with Azure Analysis Services. See Creating a Custom AzureAD App. You can then use the component to get and manage the OAuth token values. Get an OAuth Access Token

Set one of the following connection properties groups depending on the authentication type to obtain the OAuthAccessToken:

  1. Authenticating using a Client Secret
    • OAuthClientId: Set this to the client Id in your app settings.
    • OAuthClientSecret: Set this to the client secret in your app settings.
  2. Authenticating using a Certificate
    • OAuthClientId: Set this to the client Id in your app settings.
    • OAuthJWTCert: Set this to the JWT Certificate store.
    • OAuthJWTCertType: Set this to the type of the certificate store specified by OAuthJWTCert.

You can then call stored procedures to complete the OAuth exchange:

  1. Call the GetOAuthAuthorizationUrl stored procedure. Set the AuthMode input to WEB and set the CallbackURL input to the Redirect URI you specified in your app settings. If necessary, set the Permissions parameter to request custom permissions.

    The stored procedure returns the URL to the OAuth endpoint.

  2. Open the URL, log in, and authorize the application. You are redirected back to the callback URL.
  3. Call the GetOAuthAccessToken stored procedure. Set the AuthMode input to WEB. Set the Verifier input to the "code" parameter in the query string of the callback URL. If necessary, set the Permissions parameter to request custom permissions.

To connect to data, set the OAuthAccessToken connection property to the access token returned by the stored procedure. When the access token expires after ExpiresIn seconds, call GetOAuthAccessToken again to obtain a new access token.

Headless Machines

To configure the driver to use OAuth with a user account on a headless machine, you need to authenticate on another device that has an internet browser.

  1. Choose one of these two options:

    • Option 1: Obtain the OAuthVerifier value as described in "Obtain and Exchange a Verifier Code" below.
    • Option 2: Install the component on another machine and transfer the OAuth authentication values after you authenticate through the usual browser-based flow, as described in "Transfer OAuth Settings" below.

  2. Then configure the component to automatically refresh the access token from the headless machine.

Option 1: Obtain and Exchange a Verifier Code

To obtain a verifier code, you must authenticate at the OAuth authorization URL.

Follow the steps below to authenticate from the machine with an internet browser and obtain the OAuthVerifier connection property.

  1. Choose one of these options:

    • If you are using the Embedded OAuth Application click Azure Analysis Services OAuth endpoint to open the endpoint in your browser.
    • If you are using a custom OAuth application, create the Authorization URL by setting the following properties:
      • InitiateOAuth: Set to OFF.
      • OAuthClientId: Set to the client Id assigned when you registered your application.
      • OAuthClientSecret: Set to the client secret assigned when you registered your application.
      Then call the GetOAuthAuthorizationUrl stored procedure with the appropriate CallbackURL. Open the URL returned by the stored procedure in a browser.

  2. Log in and grant permissions to the component. You are then redirected to the callback URL, which contains the verifier code.
  3. Save the value of the verifier code. Later you will set this in the OAuthVerifier connection property.
Next, you need to exchange the OAuth verifier code for OAuth refresh and access tokens. Set the following properties:

On the headless machine, set the following connection properties to obtain the OAuth authentication values:

  • InitiateOAuth: Set this to REFRESH.
  • OAuthVerifier: Set this to the verifier code.
  • OAuthClientId: (custom applications only) Set this to the client Id in your custom OAuth application settings.
  • OAuthClientSecret: (custom applications only) Set this to the client secret in the custom OAuth application settings.
  • OAuthSettingsLocation: Set this to the path to the file where the driver saves the OAuth token values that persist across connections.

After the OAuth settings file is generated, you need to re-set the following properties to connect:

  • InitiateOAuth: Set this to REFRESH.
  • OAuthClientId: (custom applications only) Set this to the client Id assigned when you registered your application.
  • OAuthClientSecret: (custom applications only) Set this to the client secret assigned when you registered your application.
  • OAuthSettingsLocation: Set this to the file containing the encrypted OAuth authentication values. Make sure this file grants read and write permissions to the component to enable the automatic refreshing of the access token.

Option 2: Transfer OAuth Settings

Prior to connecting on a headless machine, you need to create and install a connection with the driver on a device that supports an internet browser. Set the connection properties as described in "Desktop Applications" above.

After completing the instructions in "Desktop Applications", the resulting authentication values are encrypted and written to the path specified by OAuthSettingsLocation. The default filename is OAuthSettings.txt.

Once you have successfully tested the connection, copy the OAuth settings file to your headless machine.

On the headless machine, set the following connection properties to connect to data:

  • InitiateOAuth: Set this to REFRESH.
  • OAuthClientId: (custom applications only) Set this to the client Id assigned when you registered your application.
  • OAuthClientSecret: (custom applications only) Set this to the client secret assigned when you registered your application.
  • OAuthSettingsLocation: Set this to the path to your OAuth settings file. Make sure this file gives read and write permissions to the component to enable the automatic refreshing of the access token.

Azure Service Principal

Azure Service Principal is a connection type that goes through OAuth. Set your AuthScheme to AzureServicePrincipal. The authentication as an Azure Service Principal is handled via the OAuth Client Credentials flow, and it does not involve direct user authentication. Instead, credentials are created for just the app itself. All tasks taken by the app are done without a default user context, but based on the assigned roles. The application access to the resources is controlled through the assigned roles' permissions.

Note: You must create a custom application prior to assigning a role. See Creating a Custom AzureAD App for more information.

When authenticating using an Azure Service Principal, you must register an application with an Azure AD tenant. Follow the steps below to create a new service principal that can be used with the role-based access control.

Assign a role to the application

To access resources in your subscription, you must assign a role to the application.

  1. Open the Subscriptions page by searching and selecting the Subscriptions service from the search bar.
  2. Select the particular subscription to assign the application to.
  3. Open the Access control (IAM) and select Add > Add role assignment to open the Add role assignment page.
  4. Select Owner as the role to assign to your created Azure AD app.

Complete the Authentication

You are ready to connect after setting one of the below connection properties groups, depending on the configured app authentication (client secret or certificate).

In both methods

Before choosing client secret or certicate authentication, follow these steps then continue to the relevant section below:

  1. AuthScheme: Set this to the AzureServicePrincipal in your app settings.
  2. InitiateOAuth: Set this to GETANDREFRESH. You can use InitiateOAuth to avoid repeating the OAuth exchange and manually setting the OAuthAccessToken.
  3. AzureTenant: Set this to the tenant you wish to connect to.
  4. OAuthClientId: Set this to the client Id in your app settings.
Authenticating using a Client Secret

Continue with the following:

  1. OAuthClientId: Set this to the client Id in your app settings.
  2. OAuthClientSecret: Set this to the client secret in your app settings.

Authenticating using a Certificate

Continue with the following:

  1. OAuthJWTCert: Set this to the JWT Certificate store.
  2. OAuthJWTCertType: Set this to the type of the certificate store specified by OAuthJWTCert.

Azure Password

To connect using your Azure credentials directly, specify the following connection properties:

  • AuthScheme: Set this to AzurePassword.
  • User: Set this to your user account you use to connect to Azure.
  • Password: Set this to the password you use to connect to Azure.
  • AzureTenant: Set this to the Directory (tenant) ID, found on the Overview page of the OAuth app used to authenticate to Azure Analysis Services on Azure.


If you are running Azure Analysis Services on an Azure VM, you can leverage Managed Service Identity (MSI) credentials to connect:

  • AuthScheme: Set this to AzureMSI.

The MSI credentials are automatically obtained for authentication.

Using the FireDAC Connection Editor

Complete the following steps to use the FireDAC Connection Editor to assign a Azure Analysis Services connection to a TFDConnection object:

  1. Open a project and drop a TFDPhysCDataAASDriverLink from the Tool Palette onto the Form Designer.
  2. Drop a TFDConnection object onto the Form Designer.
  3. Double-click the TFDConnection and select CDataAAS in the Driver Id menu.
  4. Define the necessary connection properties.
  5. To execute ad-hoc SQL statements based on this connection, enter SQL commands on the SQL Script tab.
  6. In the Form Designer, select the TFDConnection object and set the Connected property to true.

Using the Data Explorer

Complete the following steps to use the Data Explorer to define persistent connections that can be shared across applications and projects:

  1. Click View > Tool Windows > Data Explorer in RAD Studio and expand the FireDAC node.
  2. Right-click the CData Azure Analysis Services Data Source node and click Add New Connection.
  3. Enter a name for the connection. The FireDAC Connection Editor opens.

Working with Persistent Connections

The connections you define in the Data Explorer can be assigned to a TFDConnection object by specifying the connection name in the TFDConnection object's ConnectionDefName property.

Browsing Data and Metadata

The Data Explorer also provides options for browsing Azure Analysis Services objects at design time:

  • Expand the CData Azure Analysis Services Data Source node in the Data Explorer to view the defined connections.
  • Expand a connection node to find the database objects available for a connection.
  • Drill down to a database object to find metadata such as primary keys.
  • To display data, double-click a table or view or right-click and click View.

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Build 22.0.8462