SSIS Components for Monday

Build 24.0.8963


Get a collection of boards.

View-Specific Information


The component uses the Monday API to process some of the filters. The component processes other filters client-side within the component. You can turn off the client-side execution of the query by setting SupportEnhancedSQL to false in which case any search criteria that refers to other columns will cause inconsistent data.

  • Id supports the '=','IN' comparison operators.
  • BoardKind supports the '=' comparison operator.
  • State supports the '=' comparison operator.
  • WorkspaceId supports the '=','IN' comparison operators.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM Boards WHERE Id = '2182296646'
SELECT * FROM Boards WHERE Id IN ('2307103055', '2182296646', '2181960030')
SELECT * FROM Boards WHERE Id IN ('2307103055', '2182296646', '2181960030') AND BoardKind = 'public'
SELECT * FROM Boards WHERE BoardKind = 'public'


The following inputs can be used in INSERT statements:

Name, Description, BoardKind, BoardFolderId, WorkspaceId, TemplateId, BoardOwnerIds, BoardOwnerTeamIds, BoardSubscriberIds, BoardSubscriberTeamIds, Empty

INSERT INTO Boards (WorkspaceId,BoardKind,Name,Description,BoardFolderId,BoardOwnerIds,BoardSubscriberTeamIds,Empty) VALUES ('3820334','public','NewBoard','A newly created board.','12689416','51688059,51085546','960990',true)


The following inputs can be used in UPDATE statements (note that due to API limitations only one column's value can be updated per statement):

Id, Name, Description, Communication, State, BoardAttributes

UPDATE Boards SET Name='AnotherName' WHERE Id='5549166043'
UPDATE Boards SET State='archived' WHERE Id='5549166043'


You can delete entries by specifying the Id.

DELETE FROM Boards WHERE Id='5549166043'


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String False

The unique identifier of the board.

CreatorId String False


The user's unique identifier.

Name String False

The board's name.

ItemTerminology String False

The Board's item nickname, one of a predefined set of values, or a custom user value.

ItemsCount Int False

The number of items on the board.

TopGroupId String False


The group's unique identifier.

Description String False

The board's description.

UpdatedAt Datetime False

The last time the board was updated at.

Type String False

The board object type.

BoardKind String False

The board's kind (public / private / share).

BoardFolderId String False


The board's folder unique identifier.

Communication String False

Get the board communication value - typically meeting ID.

Permissions String False

The board's permissions.

TagsIds String False


A comma separated list of the tags' unique identifiers.

State String False

The board's state (all / active / archived / deleted).

WorkspaceId String False


The board's workspace unique identifier (null for main workspace).


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
TemplateId String

Optional board template id.

BoardOwnerIds String

Optional, comma-seperated list of board owner user ids.

BoardOwnerTeamIds String

Optional, comma-seperated list of board owner team ids.

BoardSubscriberIds String

Optional, comma-seperated list of board subscriber ids.

BoardSubscriberTeamIds String

Optional, comma-seperated list of subscriber team ids.

Empty Bool

Optional flag to create an empty board (without any default items).

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.8963