Tableau Connector for Monday

Build 24.0.9111


An example subitems board.

Table-Specific Information

The connector uses the Monday API to process some of the filters. The connector processes other filters client-side within the connector.


Note: 'Subitems'-type tables support the same server-side filters and CUD operations as the main board.

SELECT C.ItemId AS ChildId, C.Subitem AS ChildName, P.ItemId AS ParentId, P.Item AS ParentName FROM BoardSubitems C INNER JOIN Board P ON C.ParentItemId = P.ItemId


The following inputs can be used in INSERT statements:

ParentItemId, GroupId, ItemName, CreateLabelsIfMissing, BoardId, BoardRelationLinkedItemIds, Checkbox, CountryCode, CountryName, DateDate, DateDatetime, DependencyLinkedItemsIds, DropdownText, DropdownValue, Email, EmailLabel, Hour, LinkUrl, LinkUrlText, LocationLat, LocationLng, LocationAddress, LongText, Numbers, PeopleValue, PhoneCountryShortName, Phone, Rating, StatusIndex, StatusLabel, TagsIds, Text, TimelineFrom, TimelineTo, WeekStartDate, WeekEndDate, WorldClock

INSERT INTO BoardSubitems (ParentItemId, Subitem) VALUES ('5562458608','NewSubItem')


The following inputs can be used in UPDATE statements:

CreateLabelsIfMissing, BoardId, BoardRelationLinkedItemIds, Checkbox, CountryCode, CountryName, DateDate, DateDatetime, DependencyLinkedItemsIds, DropdownText, DropdownValue, Email, EmailLabel, Hour, LinkUrl, LinkUrlText, LocationLat, LocationLng, LocationAddress, LongText, Numbers, PeopleValue, PhoneCountryShortName, Phone, Rating, StatusIndex, StatusLabel, TagsIds, Text, TimelineFrom, TimelineTo, WeekStartDate, WeekEndDate, WorldClock

UPDATE BoardSubitems SET WorldClock = 'Europe/Amsterdam' WHERE ItemId = '5573109452'


You can delete entries by specifying the ItemId.

DELETE FROM BoardSubItems WHERE ItemId = '5561890829'


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
ItemId [KEY] String False

The item's unique identifier.

ParentItemId String False

The item's parent unique identifier.

CreatorId String False

The item's creator unique identifier.

CreatedAt Datetime False

The item's create date.

UpdatedAt Datetime False

The item's last updated date.

State String False

The item's state (all, active, archived, deleted).

RelativeLink String False

The item's relative path.

ItemEmail String False

The item's email.

Url String False

The item's link.

AssetsIds String False

A comma separated list of the items' assets/files unique identifiers.

GroupId String False

The title of the group that contains this item.

GroupTitle String False

The title of the group that contains this item.

Subitem String False

The item's name.

OwnerText String False

The column's textual value in string form.

OwnerValue String False

The column's value in json format.

StatusIndex Int False

The index of the status in the board.

StatusIsDone Bool False

Whether the status is done.

StatusLabel String False

The label of the status.

StatusUpdateId String False

The ID of an update attached to the status.

StatusLabelStyleColor String False

The style of the status label. The label's color in hex format.

StatusLabelStyleBorder String False

The style of the status label. The label's border color in hex format.

DateIcon String False

The string representation of selected icon.

Date Date False

The column's date value.

Datetime Datetime False

The column's datetime value.


SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。

Name Type Description
CreateLabelsIfMissing Bool

Create Status/Dropdown labels if they're missing. Requires permission to change board structure.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.9111