Tableau Connector for Monday

Build 24.0.9111


Get a collection of webhooks.

Table-Specific Information


The connector uses the Monday API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator. The connector processes other filters client-side within the connector.

  • BoardId supports the '=' comparison operator.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM Webhooks WHERE BoardId = '5574930939'


The following inputs can be used in INSERT statements:

BoardId, Config, Event, Url

INSERT INTO Webhooks (BoardId,Config,Event,Url) VALUES ('5574930939','{\"columnId\":\"status\", \"columnValue\":{\"$any$\":true}}','change_status_column_value','')


You can delete entries by specifying the Id.

DELETE FROM Webhooks WHERE Id = '242031214'


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String False

The webhooks's unique identifier.

BoardId String False

Board unique identifier.

Config String False

The webhooks's config.

Event String False

The event webhook will listen to.

使用できる値は次のとおりです。change_column_value, create_column, change_status_column_value, change_subitem_column_value, change_specific_column_value, create_item, create_subitem, create_update, edit_update, delete_update, create_subitem_update, change_subitem_name, change_name, item_deleted, subitem_deleted, item_archived, subitem_archived, item_restored, item_moved_to_any_group, item_moved_to_specific_group, move_subitem

AppWebhooksOnly Bool False

Filters webhooks that were created by the app initiating the request.


SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。

Name Type Description
Url String

The webhook URL.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.9111