An example board.
Table-Specific Information
Note: This is an example board. Column names are retrieved dynamically from the API and may differ from the examples provided.SELECT
The 本製品 uses the Monday API to process some of the filters. The 本製品 processes other filters client-side within the 本製品.Note that multiple filters are supported server-side (when they are all connected solely by AND logical operators or solely by OR logical operators).
- ItemId supports the '=', 'IN', operators.
- Item supports the '=', 'IN', '!=', 'NOT IN', 'CONTAINS' operators.
- Text supports the '=', 'IN', '!=', 'NOT IN', 'CONTAINS' operators.
- Check supports the '=', '!=', 'IS TRUE', 'IS FALSE', 'IS NOT TRUE', 'IS NOT FALSE' operators.
- BoardRelationDisplayValue supports the '=', '!=' operators when comparing with an empty string.
- BoardRelationLinkedItemIds supports the '=', '!=' operators when comparing with an empty string.
- TagsText supports the '=', '!=' operators when comparing with an empty string.
- TagsIds supports the '=', '!=' operators when comparing with an empty string.
- CountryCode supports the '=', 'IN', '!=', 'NOT IN', 'IS NULL', 'IS NOT NULL' operators.
- CountryName supports the '=', 'CONTAINS', 'IS NULL', 'IS NOT NULL' operators.
- DependentOnDisplayValue supports the '=', '!=' operators when comparing with a string containing only one pair of square brackets '[]'.
- DependentOnLinkedItemsIds supports the '=', '!=' operators when comparing with an empty string.
- EmailLabel supports the '=', 'IN', '!=', 'NOT IN', 'CONTAINS', 'IS NULL', 'IS NOT NULL' operators.
- Hour supports the '=', 'IN', '!=', 'NOT IN' operators for time values between 04:00 inclusive and 23:59 inclusive, and the 'IS NULL', 'IS NOT NULL' operators.
- Date supports the '=', 'IN', '!=', 'NOT IN', '>', '>=', '<', '<=', 'IS NULL', 'IS NOT NULL' operators.
- Datetime supports the 'IS NULL', 'IS NOT NULL' operators.
- TimelineFrom supports the 'IS NULL', 'IS NOT NULL' operators.
- TimelineTo supports the 'IS NULL', 'IS NOT NULL' operators.
- WeekStartDate supports the 'IS NULL', 'IS NOT NULL' operators.
- WeekEndDate supports the 'IS NULL', 'IS NOT NULL' operators.
- LinkUrlText supports the '=', 'IN', '!=', 'NOT IN', 'CONTAINS', 'IS NULL', 'IS NOT NULL' operators.
- Numbers supports the '=', '!=', 'IN', 'NOT IN', '>', '>=', '<', '<=', 'IS NULL', 'IS NOT NULL' operators.
- PeopleText supports the '=', '!=' operators when comparing with an empty string.
- PeopleValue supports the 'IS NULL', 'IS NOT NULL' operators.
- DropdownText supports the '=', '!=' operators when comparing with an empty string.
- DropdownValue supports the 'IS NULL', 'IS NOT NULL' operators.
- PhoneCountryShortName supports the '=', 'IN', '!=', 'NOT IN', 'IS NULL', 'IS NOT NULL' operators.
- Phone supports the '=', 'CONTAINS', 'IS NULL', 'IS NOT NULL' operators.
- Rating supports the '=', 'IN', '!=', 'NOT IN', 'IS NULL', 'IS NOT NULL' operators.
- StatusIndex supports the '=', 'IN', '!=', 'NOT IN', 'IS NULL', 'IS NOT NULL' operators.
- StatusLabel supports the '=', 'IN', '!=', 'NOT IN', 'IS NULL', 'IS NOT NULL' operators.
- LastUpdated supports the '=', 'IN', '!=', 'NOT IN' operators.
- TimeTrackingRunning supports the '=', '!=', 'IS TRUE', 'IS FALSE', 'IS NOT TRUE', 'IS NOT FALSE' operators.
- VoteVoterIds supports the '=', '!=' operators when comparing with an empty string.
The following columns are sorted server-side when including an ORDER BY clause:
- CreatedAt supports 'ASC NULLS FIRST', 'DESC NULLS LAST'.
- UpdatedAt supports 'ASC NULLS FIRST', 'DESC NULLS LAST'.
- BoardRelationDisplayValue supports 'ASC NULLS FIRST', 'DESC NULLS LAST'.
- Check supports 'ASC NULLS FIRST', 'DESC NULLS LAST'.
- ColorPickerColor supports 'ASC NULLS FIRST', 'DESC NULLS LAST'.
- CountryName supports 'ASC NULLS FIRST', 'DESC NULLS LAST'.
- DependentOnDisplayValue supports 'ASC NULLS FIRST', 'DESC NULLS LAST'.
- EmailLabel supports 'ASC NULLS FIRST', 'DESC NULLS LAST'.
- Numbers supports 'ASC NULLS LAST', 'DESC NULLS FIRST'.
- LinkUrlText supports 'ASC NULLS FIRST', 'DESC NULLS LAST'.
- Phone supports 'ASC NULLS FIRST', 'DESC NULLS LAST'.
- Rating supports 'ASC NULLS FIRST', 'DESC NULLS LAST'.
- TimeTrackingDuration supports 'ASC NULLS FIRST', 'DESC NULLS LAST'.
The following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM Board WHERE ItemId = '5465844671'
SELECT * FROM Board WHERE ItemId IN ('5465844671','5465844679')
SELECT * FROM Board WHERE Item = 'Item 2'
SELECT * FROM Board WHERE Item != 'Item 2'
SELECT * FROM Board WHERE Item NOT IN ('Item 1','Item 2')
SELECT * FROM Board WHERE Item Contains 'Item'
SELECT * FROM Board WHERE Check = True
SELECT * FROM Board WHERE Check != True
SELECT * FROM Board WHERE Check = False
SELECT * FROM Board WHERE Check != False
SELECT * FROM Board WHERE BoardRelationLinkedItemIds = ''
SELECT * FROM Board WHERE BoardRelationLinkedItemIds != ''
SELECT * FROM Board WHERE BoardRelationDisplayValue = ''
SELECT * FROM Board WHERE BoardRelationDisplayValue != ''
SELECT * FROM Board WHERE CountryCode = 'US'
SELECT * FROM Board WHERE CountryCode != 'US'
SELECT * FROM Board WHERE CountryCode IN ('US','UK')
SELECT * FROM Board WHERE CountryCode NOT IN ('US','UK')
SELECT * FROM Board WHERE DependentOnDisplayValue = '[]'
SELECT * FROM Board WHERE DependentOnDisplayValue != '[]'
SELECT * FROM Board WHERE Hour='07:32:00'
SELECT * FROM Board WHERE Numbers IN (12, 55)
SELECT * FROM Board WHERE Numbers = 10
SELECT * FROM Board WHERE Numbers != 10
SELECT * FROM Board WHERE Numbers > 10
SELECT * FROM Board WHERE Numbers >= 10
SELECT * FROM Board WHERE Numbers < 10
SELECT * FROM Board WHERE Numbers <= 10
SELECT * FROM Board WHERE Text = 'test' AND Numbers = 10
SELECT * FROM Board WHERE Text = 'test' OR Numbers = 10
The following inputs can be used in INSERT statements:
GroupId, ItemName, CreateLabelsIfMissing, BoardId, BoardRelationLinkedItemIds, Checkbox, CountryCode, CountryName, DateDate, DateDatetime, DependencyLinkedItemsIds, DropdownText, DropdownValue, Email, EmailLabel, Hour, LinkUrl, LinkUrlText, LocationLat, LocationLng, LocationAddress, LongText, Numbers, PeopleValue, PhoneCountryShortName, Phone, Rating, StatusIndex, StatusLabel, TagsIds, Text, TimelineFrom, TimelineTo, WeekStartDate, WeekEndDate, WorldClock
INSERT INTO Board (Item,GroupId,Check) VALUES ('Test','topics',true)
INSERT INTO Board (Item,GroupId,CountryCode,CountryName) VALUES ('Test','topics','US','United States')
INSERT INTO Board (Item,GroupId,Date) VALUES ('Test','topics','2023-11-16')
INSERT INTO Board (Item,GroupId,Datetime) VALUES ('Test','topics','2023-11-16 09:00:00.0-05:00')
INSERT INTO Board (Item,GroupId,DependentLinkedItemsIds) VALUES ('Test','topics','[5561036960, 5561037791]')
INSERT INTO Board (Item,GroupId,DropdownText) VALUES ('Test','topics','label1,label2')
INSERT INTO Board (Item,GroupId,DropdownText,CreateLabelsIfMissing) VALUES ('Test','topics','label3,label4','true')
INSERT INTO Board (Item,GroupId,DropdownValue) VALUES ('Test','topics','{"ids":[1,2]}')
INSERT INTO Board (Item,GroupId,Email,EmailLabel) VALUES ('Test','topics','[email protected]','Mail')
INSERT INTO Board (Item,GroupId,Hour) VALUES ('Test','topics','09:00:00')
INSERT INTO Board (Item,GroupId,LinkUrl,LinkUrlText) VALUES ('Test','topics','', 'TestLink')
INSERT INTO Board (Item,GroupId,LocationLat,LocationLng,LocationAddress) VALUES ('Test','topics',29.9772962,31.1324955,'Giza Pyramid Complex')
INSERT INTO Board (Item,GroupId,LongText) VALUES ('Test','topics','TestText')
INSERT INTO Board (Item,GroupId,Numbers) VALUES ('Test','topics','-10')
INSERT INTO Board (Item,GroupId,PeopleValue) VALUES ('Test','topics','{"personsAndTeams":[{"id":51688059,"kind":"person"},{"id":51085546,"kind":"person"}]}')
INSERT INTO Board (Item,GroupId,PhoneCountryShortName,Phone) VALUES ('Test','topics','US','12345678900')
INSERT INTO Board (Item,GroupId,Rating) VALUES ('Test','topics','5')
INSERT INTO Board (Item,GroupId,StatusIndex) VALUES ('Test','topics','2')
INSERT INTO Board (Item,GroupId,StatusIndex,StatusLabel,CreateLabelsIfMissing) VALUES ('Test','topics','15','NewLabel','true')
INSERT INTO Board (Item,GroupId,StatusLabel) VALUES ('Test','topics','Working on it')
INSERT INTO Board (Item,GroupId,TagsIds) VALUES ('Test','topics','[20826704,20826705]')
INSERT INTO Board (Item,GroupId,BoardLinkedItemIds) VALUES ('Test','topics','[5561037791,5561036960]')
INSERT INTO Board (Item,GroupId,Text) VALUES ('Test','topics','TestText')
INSERT INTO Board (Item,GroupId,TimelineFrom,TimelineTo) VALUES ('Test','topics','2023-11-01','2023-12-04')
INSERT INTO Board (Item,GroupId,WeekStartDate,WeekEndDate) VALUES ('Test','topics','2023-11-05','2023-11-11')
INSERT INTO Board (Item,GroupId,World_Clock) VALUES ('Test','topics','Africa/Algiers')
INSERT INTO Board (Item, RelativeTo, PositionRelativeMethod) VALUES ('new', '7161109809', 'before_at')
The following inputs can be used in UPDATE statements:
CreateLabelsIfMissing, BoardId, BoardRelationLinkedItemIds, Checkbox, CountryCode, CountryName, DateDate, DateDatetime, DependencyLinkedItemsIds, DropdownText, DropdownValue, Email, EmailLabel, Hour, LinkUrl, LinkUrlText, LocationLat, LocationLng, LocationAddress, LongText, Numbers, PeopleValue, PhoneCountryShortName, Phone, Rating, StatusIndex, StatusLabel, TagsIds, Text, TimelineFrom, TimelineTo, WeekStartDate, WeekEndDate, WorldClock, GroupId, State
Note that GroupId, State and column values cannot be updated in the same statement.
Also note that certain types require specifying all related columns to update the object's value (this includes Email, Link, Location, Phone, Timeline, and Week).
UPDATE Board SET GroupId = 'new_group' WHERE ItemId = '5562458608'
UPDATE Board SET State = 'archived' WHERE ItemId = '5562458608'
UPDATE Board SET Check = false WHERE ItemId = '5561890829'
UPDATE Board SET CountryCode = 'US', CountryName = 'United States' WHERE ItemId = '5561890829'
UPDATE Board SET CountryCode = NULL, CountryName = NULL WHERE ItemId = '5561890829'
UPDATE Board SET Date = '2023-11-25' WHERE ItemId = '5561890829'
UPDATE Board SET Date = NULL WHERE ItemId = '5561890829'
UPDATE Board SET Datetime = '2023-11-23 04:00:00.0' WHERE ItemId = '5561890829'
UPDATE Board SET DependentLinkedItemsIds = '[5562459384, 5562458774]' WHERE ItemId = '5561890829'
UPDATE Board SET DependentLinkedItemsIds = NULL WHERE ItemId = '5561890829'
UPDATE Board SET DropdownText = 'Label1,Label2' WHERE ItemId = '5561890829'
UPDATE Board SET DropdownText = 'Label6,Label7',CreateLabelsIfMissing = 'true' WHERE ItemId = '5561890829'
UPDATE Board SET DropdownValue = '{"ids":[2,3]}' WHERE ItemId = '5561890829'
UPDATE Board SET DropdownValue = NULL WHERE ItemId = '5561890829'
UPDATE Board SET Email = '[email protected]',EmailLabel = 'NewMail' WHERE ItemId = '5561890829'
UPDATE Board SET Email = NULL, EmailLabel = NULL WHERE ItemId = '5561890829'
UPDATE Board SET Hour = '21:00:00' WHERE ItemId = '5561890829'
UPDATE Board SET Hour = NULL WHERE ItemId = '5561890829'
UPDATE Board SET LinkUrl = '', LinkUrlText = 'TestText' WHERE ItemId = '5561890829'
UPDATE Board SET LinkUrl = NULL, LinkUrlText = NULL WHERE ItemId = '5561890829'
UPDATE Board SET LocationAddress = NULL, LocationLat = NULL, LocationLng = NULL WHERE ItemId = '5561890829'
UPDATE Board SET LocationLat = '82', LocationLng = '135', LocationAddress = 'TestLocation' WHERE ItemId = '5561890829'
UPDATE Board SET LongText = 'changed text' WHERE ItemId = '5561890829'
UPDATE Board SET LongText = NULL WHERE ItemId = '5561890829'
UPDATE Board SET Numbers = 10 WHERE ItemId = '5561890829'
UPDATE Board SET Numbers = NULL WHERE ItemId = '5561890829'
UPDATE Board SET PeopleValue = '{"personsAndTeams":[{"id":51085546,"kind":"person"},{"id":961021,"kind":"team"}]}' WHERE ItemId = '5561890829'
UPDATE Board SET PeopleValue = NULL WHERE ItemId = '5561890829'
UPDATE Board SET Phone = NULL, PhoneCountryShortName = NULL WHERE ItemId = '5561890829'
UPDATE Board SET PhoneCountryShortName = 'US', Phone = '16102347959' WHERE ItemId = '5561890829'
UPDATE Board SET Rating = '1' WHERE ItemId = '5561890829'
UPDATE Board SET Rating = NULL WHERE ItemId = '5561890829'
UPDATE Board SET StatusIndex = '2' WHERE ItemId = '5561890829'
UPDATE Board SET StatusIndex = NULL WHERE ItemId = '5561890829'
UPDATE Board SET StatusLabel = 'NewLabel', StatusIndex = '159', CreateLabelsIfMissing = 'true' WHERE ItemId = '5561890829'
UPDATE Board SET StatusLabel = 'Working on it' WHERE ItemId = '5561890829'
UPDATE Board SET TagsIds = '[20826705,20833783]' WHERE ItemId = '5561890829'
UPDATE Board SET TagsIds = NULL WHERE ItemId = '5561890829'
UPDATE Board SET BoardLinkedItemIds = NULL WHERE ItemId = '5561890829'
UPDATE Board SET BoardLinkedItemIds = '[5562459384, 5561890829, 5562458774]' WHERE ItemId = '5561890829'
UPDATE Board SET Text = 'changedText' WHERE ItemId = '5561890829'
UPDATE Board SET Text = NULL WHERE ItemId = '5561890829'
UPDATE Board SET TimelineFrom = '2023-01-01', TimelineTo = '2023-10-10' WHERE ItemId = '5561890829'
UPDATE Board SET TimelineFrom = NULL, TimelineTo = NULL WHERE ItemId = '5561890829'
UPDATE Board SET WeekStartDate = '2023-11-13', WeekEndDate = '2023-11-19' WHERE ItemId = '5561890829'
UPDATE Board SET WeekStartDate = NULL, WeekEndDate = NULL WHERE ItemId = '5561890829'
UPDATE Board SET WorldClock = 'America/New York' WHERE ItemId = '5561890829'
UPDATE Board SET WorldClock = NULL WHERE ItemId = '5561890829'
You can delete items by specifying the ItemId.
DELETE FROM Board WHERE ItemId = '5561890829'
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
ItemId [KEY] | String | False |
The item's unique identifier. | |
CreatorId | String | False |
The item's creator unique identifier. | |
CreatedAt | Datetime | False |
The item's create date. | |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | False |
The item's last updated date. | |
State | String | False |
The item's state (all, active, archived, deleted). | |
RelativeLink | String | False |
The item's relative path. | |
ItemEmail | String | False |
The item's email. | |
Url | String | False |
The item's link. | |
AssetsIds | String | False |
A comma separated list of the items' assets/files unique identifiers. | |
GroupId | String | False |
The title of the group that contains this item. | |
GroupTitle | String | False |
The title of the group that contains this item. | |
Item | String | False |
The item's name. | |
BoardRelationDisplayValue | String | False |
A string representing all the names of the linked items, separated by commas. | |
BoardRelationLinkedItemIds | String | False |
The linked item IDs. | |
ButtonLabel | String | False |
The button's label. | |
ButtonColor | String | False |
The button's color in hex value. | |
ButtonValue | String | False |
The column's value in json format. | |
Check | Bool | False |
The column's boolean value. | |
ColorPickerColor | String | False |
The color in hex value. | |
ColorPickerValue | String | False |
The column's value in json format. | |
CountryCode | String | False |
The country's two-letter code. | |
CountryName | String | False |
The country's name. | |
DateIcon | String | False |
The string representation of selected icon. | |
Date | Date | False |
The column's date value. | |
Datetime | Datetime | False |
The column's datetime value. | |
DependencyDisplayValue | String | False |
Choose the item your task will be dependent on. If the “dependent on” item’s date is changing, the other dates will adjust automatically A string representing all the names of the linked items, separated by commas. | |
DependencyLinkedItemsIds | String | False |
Choose the item your task will be dependent on. If the “dependent on” item’s date is changing, the other dates will adjust automatically The linked items ids. | |
DocFileId | String | False |
The file's unique identifier. | |
DocFileCreatorId | String | False |
The ID of user who created the file. | |
DocFileObjectId | String | False |
The associated board or object's unique identifier. | |
DocFileUrl | String | False |
The file's url. | |
DocFileDocId | String | False |
The unique identifier of the document associated with the file. | |
DropdownText | String | False |
The column's textual value in string form. | |
DropdownValue | String | False |
The column's value in json format. | |
String | False |
The column's email value. | ||
EmailLabel | String | False |
The column's text value. It can be the same as email when user didn't enter any text. | |
FileText | String | False |
The column's textual value in string form. | |
FileValue | String | False |
The column's value in json format. | |
Hour | Time | False |
The column's time value. | |
IntegrationIssueId | String | False |
ID of the issue. | |
IntegrationEntityId | String | False |
ID of the entity. | |
IntegrationIssueApiUrl | String | False |
URL of the issue. | |
IntegrationValue | String | False |
The column's value in json format. | |
LastUpdated | String | False |
ID of the user who updated the item. | |
LinkUrl | String | False |
Url. | |
LinkUrlText | String | False |
Url text. | |
LocationLat | Double | False |
Latitude. | |
LocationLng | Double | False |
Longitude. | |
LocationPlaceId | String | False |
Place ID of the location. | |
LocationAddress | String | False |
Address. | |
LocationCity | String | False |
City. | |
LocationCityShort | String | False |
City. | |
LocationCountry | String | False |
Country. | |
LocationCountryShort | String | False |
Country short name (e.g. PE for Peru). | |
LocationStreet | String | False |
Street. | |
LocationStreetNumber | String | False |
Number of building in the street. | |
LocationStreetNumberShort | String | False |
Short number of building in the street. | |
LocationStreetShort | String | False |
Street. | |
LongText | String | False |
Long text. | |
MirrorDisplayValue | String | False |
The display value of the mirrored items' column. | |
MirroredItems | String | False |
The mirrored items. | |
Numbers | Double | False |
Number. | |
PeopleText | String | False |
The column's textual value in string form. | |
PeopleValue | String | False |
The column's value in json format. | |
PhoneCountryShortName | String | False |
ISO-2 country code. | |
Phone | String | False |
Phone number. | |
Rating | Int | False |
Rating value. | |
StatusIndex | Int | False |
The index of the status in the board. | |
StatusIsDone | Bool | False |
Whether the status is done. | |
StatusLabel | String | False |
The label of the status. | |
StatusUpdateId | String | False |
The ID of an update attached to the status. | |
StatusLabelStyleColor | String | False |
The style of the status label. The label's color in hex format. | |
StatusLabelStyleBorder | String | False |
The style of the status label. The label's border color in hex format. | |
TagsText | String | False |
The column's textual value in string form. | |
TagsIds | String | False |
Tag IDs. | |
Text | String | False |
The column's textual value in string form. | |
TimeTrackingRunning | Bool | False |
Whether the time tracker is running. | |
TimeTrackingStartedAt | Datetime | False |
The date when the time tracker was started. | |
TimeTrackingDuration | Int | False |
Total duration of the time tracker in seconds. | |
TimelineFrom | Date | False |
The start date of the timeline. | |
TimelineTo | Date | False |
The end date of the timeline. | |
TimelineVisualizationType | String | False |
The visualization type for the timeline. | |
VoteCount | Int | False |
The total number of votes. | |
VoterIds | String | False |
A list of IDs of users who voted. | |
WeekStartDate | Date | False |
The start date of the week. | |
WeekEndDate | Date | False |
The end date of the week. | |
WorldClock | String | False |
Timezone. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
RelativeTo | String |
The item to set the position next to. |
PositionRelativeMethod | String |
The position relative method to another item (before_at / after_at). |
CreateLabelsIfMissing | Bool |
Create Status/Dropdown labels if they're missing. Requires permission to change board structure. |