Set mock app subscription for the current account.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
AppId | String | True | The app id of the app to mock subscription for. |
PartialSigningSecret | String | True | The last 10 characters of the app's signing secret. |
PlanId | String | False | The plan id for the mocked plan. |
IsTrial | Boolean | False | Is the subscription a trial. |
RenewalDate | Datetime | False | The subscription renewal date. |
BillingPeriod | String | False | Billing period [monthly/yearly]. |
PricingVersion | Int | False | Pricing plans version. |
Result Set Columns
Name | Type | Description |
Success | Boolean | Indicates whether or not the operation executed successfully. |
Details | String | Any extra details on the operation's execution. |
PlanId | String | The plan id for the mocked plan. |