Get a collection of users.
View-Specific Information
The 本製品 uses the Monday API to process some of the filters. The 本製品 processes other filters client-side within the 本製品.
- Id supports the '=','IN' comparison operators.
- TeamsIds supports the '=','IN' comparison operators.
- Email supports the '=','IN' comparison operators.
- IsGuest supports the '=' comparison operator.
- IsPending supports the '=' comparison operator.
- NonActive supports the '=' comparison operator.
SELECT * FROM Users WHERE IsPending = true
SELECT * FROM Users WHERE IsGuest = true
SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Id = '27278379'
SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Id IN ('27278379', '27278377')
SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Email = '[email protected]'
SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Email IN ('[email protected]', '[email protected]')
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | The user's unique identifier. | |
TeamsIds | String |
Teams.Id | A list of teams unique identifiers to which the user belongs. |
Name | String | The user's name. | |
Phone | String | The user's phone number. | |
Birthday | Date | The user's birthday. | |
CurrentLanguage | String | The current user's language. | |
CountryCode | String | The user's country code. | |
CreatedAt | Datetime | The user's creation date. | |
LastActivity | Datetime | Last date and time when user was active. | |
String | The user's email. | ||
Enabled | Bool | Whether or not the user is enabled. | |
IsAdmin | Bool | Whether or not the user is an account admin. | |
IsGuest | Bool | Whether or not the user is a guest. | |
IsPending | Bool | Whether or not the user is a pending user | |
IsVerified | Bool | Whether or not the user verified their email. | |
IsViewOnly | Bool | Whether or not the user is a view only user. | |
JoinDate | Date | The date the user joined the account. | |
Location | String | The user's location. | |
MobilePhone | String | The user's mobile phone number. | |
PhotoOriginal | String | The user's photo in the original size. | |
PhotoSmall | String | The user's photo in small size (150x150). | |
PhotoThumb | String | The user's photo in thumbnail size (100x100). | |
PhotoThumbSmall | String | The user's photo in small thumbnail size (50x50). | |
PhotoTiny | String | The user's photo in tiny size (30x30). | |
TimeZoneIdentifier | String | The user's timezone identifier. | |
Title | String | The user's title. | |
Url | String | The user's profile url. | |
UtcHoursDiff | Int | The user's utc hours difference. | |
SignUpProductKind | String | The product to which the user signed up to first. | |
AccountFirstDayOfTheWeek | String | The first day of the week for the account (sunday / monday) | |
AccountId | String | The account's unique identifier. | |
AccountLogo | String | The account's logo. | |
AccountName | String | The account's name. | |
AccountPlanMaxUsers | Int | The maximum users allowed in the plan. | |
AccountPlanPeriod | String | The plan's time period. | |
AccountPlanTier | String | The plan's tier. | |
AccountPlanVersion | Int | The plan's version. | |
AccountShowTimelineWeekends | Bool | Whether or not to show weekends in the timeline. | |
AccountSlug | String | The account's slug. | |
AccountTier | String | The account's tier. | |
AccountCountryCode | String | The account's country two-letter code in ISO3166 format. | |
AccountSignUpProductKind | String | The product the account signed up to first. | |
AccountProducts | String | The account's active products. | |
OutOfOfficeActive | Bool | Is the status active? | |
OutOfOfficeDisableNotifications | Bool | Are notification disabled? | |
OutOfOfficeStartDate | Date | The status start date. | |
OutOfOfficeEndDate | Date | The status end date. | |
OutOfOfficeType | String | Out of office type. | |
NonActive | Bool | Return non active users in the account. |