Tableau Connector for Microsoft Dynamics 365

Build 24.0.8963


Lists associations for a given table and navigation property. Set the IncludeNavigationProperties connection property to true in order to use this stored procedure.


Name Type Required Description
FromId String False The ID of the entity you are listing associations for.
UrlId String False An alternative to specifying the FromId. This is the complete URL to the resource you are listing the associations for. It is required to be specified in the case that the navigation property is an abstract, or to specify more specific child types where the navigation property entity type is used as a basetype.
FromTable String True The table where the entity comes from that you are listing entities for. For example, if the FromId was from a table called Customers, set this parameter to: Customers.
NavigationProperty String True The navigation property you are listing assications for. It can be obtained from ListNavigationProperties.

Result Set Columns

Name Type Description
Uri String The linked URL.

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Build 24.0.8963