CData Python Connector for Microsoft Power BI XMLA

Build 24.0.9111

Tables and Views

The connector possesses system tables that are used to discover the tables and views available in the data model. Of these system tables, "sys_tables" and "sys_views" are used to fetch information about the available tables and views respectively:


import cdata.powerbixmla as mod
conn = mod.connect("initiateoauth=GETANDREFRESH")
cur = conn.cursor()
cmd = "SELECT * FROM sys_tables"
rs = cur.fetchall()
for row in rs:


import cdata.powerbixmla as mod
conn = mod.connect("initiateoauth=GETANDREFRESH")
cur = conn.cursor()
cmd = "SELECT * FROM sys_views"
cur.execute(cmd, params)
rs = cur.fetchall()
for row in rs:

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Build 24.0.9111