ADO.NET Provider for Microsoft Power BI XMLA

Build 24.0.9111

Data Model


This section shows the available API objects and provides more information on executing SQL to Microsoft Power BI XMLA APIs.

The provider models dimensions as tables, cubes as schemas, and a combination of the Workspace and DataSet Catalog as the Catalog. The provider supports connecting to multiple workspaces at the same time by supplying a comma-separated list of workspaces in the Workspace property. The result is that each workspace shows up in the catalogs as WorkspaceName_CatalogName.

Key Features

  • The provider models Microsoft Power BI XMLA entities like documents, folders, and groups as relational views, allowing you to write SQL to query Microsoft Power BI XMLA data.
  • Stored procedures allow you to execute operations to Microsoft Power BI XMLA.
  • Live connectivity to these objects means any changes to your Microsoft Power BI XMLA account are immediately reflected when using the provider.

Measure Attributes

By default, all measure attributes are listed in a 'Measures' view. However, you can set SplitMeasures to 'true' to split the measures view; the result is each measure attribute is included in its respective view based on the Measure Group value. Further classification based on 'Measure Directories' is not included.

Stored Procedures

Stored Procedures are function-like interfaces to Microsoft Power BI XMLA. Stored procedures allow you to execute operations to Microsoft Power BI XMLA, including downloading documents and moving envelopes.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.9111