Excel Add-In for Kingdee K3 WISE

Build 24.0.8963


Query t_supplier in Kingdee.


Name Type Description
UUID [KEY] String Mapping to field t_Item.UUID
Number String Mapping to field t_Item.FNumber
Name String Mapping to field t_Item.FName
Level Long Mapping to field t_Item.FLevel
ParentNumber String Mapping to field t_Item.FNumber join with t_Item.FParentID
ParentName String Mapping to field t_Item.FName join with t_Item.FParentID
ParentUUID String Mapping to t_Item.UUID join with t_Item.FParentID
IsDetail Boolean Mapping to field t_Item.FDetail
ShortName String Mapping to field t_supplier.FShortName
Address String Mapping to t_supplier.FAddress
StatusNumber String Mapping to field t_SubMessage.FID join with t_supplier.FStatus
StatusName String Mapping to field t_SubMessage.FName join with t_supplier.FStatus
StatusUUID String Mapping to t_SubMessage.UUID join with t_supplier.FStatus
RegionNumber String Mapping to field t_SubMessage.FID join with t_supplier.FRegionID
RegionName String Mapping to field t_SubMessage.FName join with t_supplier.FRegionID
RegionUUID String Mapping to t_SubMessage.UUID join with t_supplier.FRegionID
TradeNumber String Mapping to field t_SubMessage.FID join with t_supplier.FTrade
TradeName String Mapping to field t_SubMessage.FName join with t_supplier.FTrade
TradeUUID String Mapping to t_SubMessage.UUID join with t_supplier.FTrade
LinkMan String Mapping to field t_supplier.FContact
Phone String Mapping to field t_supplier.FPhone
Fax String Mapping to field t_supplier.FFax
PostalCode String Mapping to field t_supplier.FPostalCode
Email String Mapping to field t_supplier.FEmail
SettleCurrencyNumber String Mapping to t_Currency.FNumber join with t_supplier.FCyID
SettleCurrencyName String Mapping to t_Currency.FName join with t_supplier.FCyID
SettleCurrencyUUID String Mapping to t_Currency.UUID join with t_supplier.FCyID
SettleModeNumber String Mapping to field t_Settle.FNumber join with t_supplier.FSetID
SettleModeName String Mapping to field t_Settle.FName join with t_supplier.FSetID
SettleModeUUID String Mapping to field t_Settle.UUID join with t_supplier.FSetID
Bank String Mapping to field t_supplier.FBank
BankNo String Mapping to field t_supplier.FAccount
TaxNum String Mapping to field t_supplier.FTaxNum
Discount Double Mapping to field t_supplier.FDiscount
SupplierClassTypeNumber String Mapping to field t_SubMessage.FID join with t_dl_Supplier_Supplier.SupplierClass_Number
SupplierClassTypeName String Mapping to field t_SubMessage.FName join with t_dl_Supplier_Supplier.SupplierClass_Number
SupplierClassTypeUUID String Mapping to t_SubMessage.UUID join with t_dl_Supplier_Supplier.SupplierClass_Number
Regmark String Mapping to field t_supplier.FRegmark
Licence String Mapping to field t_Supplier.FLicence
Permit String Mapping to field t_dl_Supplier_Supplier.Permit
Country String Mapping to field t_supplier.FCountry
Province String Mapping to field t_supplier.FProvince
Corperate String Mapping to field t_supplier.Fcorperate
StockAssigneeNumber String Mapping to field vwAssigneeStock.FNumber join with t_supplier.FStockIDAssignee
StockAssigneeName String Mapping to field vwAssigneeStock.FName join with t_supplier.FStockIDAssignee
StockAssigneeUUID String
ARAccountNumber String Mapping to field t_Account.FNumber join with t_supplier.FARAccountID
ARAccountName String Mapping to field t_Account.FName join with t_supplier.FARAccountID
ARAccountUUID String Mapping to t_Account.UUID join with t_supplier.FARAccountID
PreAccountNumber String Mapping to field t_Account.FNumber join with t_supplier.FpreAcctID
PreAccountName String Mapping to field t_Account.FName join with t_supplier.FpreAcctID
PreAccountUUID String Mapping to t_Account.UUID join with t_supplier.FpreAcctID
FavorPolicy String Mapping to field t_supplier.FFavorPolicy
DepartmentNumber String Mapping to field t_Item.FNumber join with t_supplier.FDepartment
DepartmentName String Mapping to field t_Item.FName join with t_supplier.FDepartment
DepartmentUUID String Mapping to t_Item.UUID join with t_supplier.FDepartment
EmployeeNumber String Mapping to field t_Item.FNumber join with t_supplier.Femployee
EmployeeName String Mapping to field t_Item.FName join with t_supplier.Femployee
EmployeeUUID String Mapping to t_Item.UUID join with t_supplier.Femployee
LastTradeDate Date Mapping to field t_supplier.FlastTradeDate
LastTradeAmount Double Mapping to field t_supplier.FlastTradeAmount
LastReceiveDate Date Mapping to field t_supplier.FlastReceiveDate
LastRPAmount Double Mapping to field t_supplier.FlastRPAmount
MaxDealAmount Double Mapping to field t_supplier.FmaxDealAmount
MinForeReceiveRate Double Mapping to field t_supplier.FminForeReceiveRate
CreditAmount Double Mapping to t_Item.UUID join with t_supplier.FCreditAmount
CreditDays Long Mapping to field t_Item.FNumber join with t_supplier.FCreditDays
CreditLevel String Mapping to field t_Item.FName join with t_supplier.FCreditLevel
CreditLimit String Mapping to t_Item.UUID join with t_supplier.FCreditLimit
City String Mapping to field t_supplier.FCity
HomePage String Mapping to field t_supplier.FHomePage
PaperPeriod Date Mapping to field t_supplier.FPaperPeriod
AlarmPeriod Long Mapping to field t_supplier.FAlarmPeriod
Branch String Mapping to field t_supplier.FBr
ValueAddRate Decimal Mapping to field t_supplier.FValueAddRate
PayTaxAcctIDNumber String Mapping to field t_Account.FNumber join with t_supplier.FPayTaxAcctID
PayTaxAcctIDName String Mapping to field t_Account.FName join with t_supplier.FPayTaxAcctID
PayTaxAcctIDUUID String Mapping to t_Account.UUID join with t_supplier.FPayTaxAcctID
OtherARAcctIDNumber String Mapping to field t_Account.FNumber join with t_supplier.FOtherARAcctID
OtherARAcctIDName String Mapping to field t_Account.FName join with t_supplier.FOtherARAcctID
OtherARAcctIDUUID String Mapping to t_Account.UUID join with t_supplier.FOtherARAcctID
OtherAPAcctIDNumber String Mapping to field t_Account.FNumber join with t_supplier.FOtherAPAcctID
OtherAPAcctIDName String Mapping to field t_Account.FName join with t_supplier.FOtherAPAcctID
OtherAPAcctIDUUID String Mapping to t_Account.UUID join with t_supplier.FOtherAPAcctID
PreARAcctIDNumber String Mapping to field t_Account.FNumber join with t_supplier.FPreARAcctID
PreARAcctIDName String Mapping to field t_Account.FName join with t_supplier.FPreARAcctID
PreARAcctIDUUID String Mapping to t_Account.UUID join with t_supplier.FPreARAcctID
ARAccountIDNumber String Mapping to field t_Account.FNumber join with t_supplier.FARAccountID
ARAccountIDName String Mapping to field t_Account.FName join with t_supplier.FARAccountID
ARAccountIDUUID String Mapping to t_Account.UUID join with t_supplier.FARAccountID

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.8963