Cmdlets for Kingdee K3 WISE

Build 24.0.8963


Query t_Department in Kingdee.


Name Type Description
UUID [KEY] String Mapping to field t_Item.UUID
Number String Mapping to field t_Item.FNumber
Name String Mapping to field t_Item.FName
Level Long Mapping to field t_Item.FLevel
ParentNumber String Mapping to field t_Item.FNumber join with t_Item.FParentID
ParentName String Mapping to field t_Item.FName join with t_Item.FParentID
ParentUUID String Mapping to t_Item.UUID join with t_Item.FParentID
IsDetail Boolean Mapping to field t_Item.FDetail
ManagerNumber String Mapping to field t_SubMessage.FID join with t_Department.FManager
ManagerName String Mapping to field t_SubMessage.FName join with t_Department.FManager
ManagerUUID String Mapping to t_SubMessage.UUID join with t_Department.FManager
Phone String Mapping to field t_Department.FPhone
Fax String Mapping to field t_Department.FFax
PropertyNumber String Mapping to field t_SubMessage.FID join with t_Department.FDProperty
PropertyName String Mapping to field t_SubMessage.FName join with t_Department.FDProperty
PropertyUUID String Mapping to t_SubMessage.UUID join with t_Department.FDProperty
Note String Mapping to field t_Department.FNote
CostAccountNumber String Mapping to field t_Account.FNumber join with t_Department.FAcctID
CostAccountName String Mapping to field t_Account.FName join with t_Department.FAcctID
CostAccountUUID String Mapping to t_Account.UUID join with t_Department.FAcctID
CostAccountTypeNumber String Mapping to field t_SubMessage.FID join with t_Department.FCostAccountType
CostAccountTypeName String Mapping to field t_SubMessage.FName join with t_Department.FCostAccountType
CostAccountTypeUUID String Mapping to t_SubMessage.UUID join with t_Department.FCostAccountType
FOtherArAcctIDNumber String Mapping to field t_Account.FNumber join with t_Department.FOtherArAcctID
FOtherArAcctIDName String Mapping to field t_Account.FName join with t_Department.FOtherArAcctID
FOtherArAcctIDUUID String Mapping to t_Account.UUID join with t_Department.FOtherArAcctID
FOtherAPAcctIDNumber String Mapping to field t_Account.FNumber join with t_Department.FOtherAPAcctID
FOtherAPAcctIDName String Mapping to field t_Account.FName join with t_Department.FOtherAPAcctID
FOtherAPAcctIDUUID String Mapping to t_Account.UUID join with t_Department.FOtherAPAcctID
FPreApAcctIDNumber String Mapping to field t_Account.FNumber join with t_Department.FPreApAcctID
FPreApAcctIDName String Mapping to field t_Account.FName join with t_Department.FPreApAcctID
FPreApAcctIDUUID String Mapping to t_Account.UUID join with t_Department.FPreApAcctID
FPreArAcctIDNumber String Mapping to field t_Account.FNumber join with t_Department.FPreArAcctID
FPreArAcctIDName String Mapping to field t_Account.FName join with t_Department.FPreArAcctID
FPreArAcctIDUUID String Mapping to t_Account.UUID join with t_Department.FPreArAcctID

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Build 24.0.8963