Power BI Connector for Kingdee K3 WISE

Build 24.0.8963


Query SEorderEntry join with SEorder.FInterId in Kingdee.


Name Type Description
UUID [KEY] String Unique identifier of the SaleOrder record.Mapping to field SEOrder.UUID
EntryId [KEY] Long Mapping to field SEorderEntry.FEntryId
ItemUUID String Mapping to field t_Item.UUID join with SEorderEntry.FItemId
ItemNumber String Mapping to field t_Item.FNumber join with SEorderEntry.FItemId
ItemName String Mapping to field t_Item.FName join with SEorderEntry.FItemId
UnitUUID String Mapping to field t_MeasureUnit.UUID join with SEorderEntry.FUnitID
UnitNumber String Mapping to field t_MeasureUnit.FNumber join with SEorderEntry.FUnitID
UnitName String Mapping to field t_MeasureUnit.FName join with SEorderEntry.FUnitID
Price Double Mapping to field SEorderEntry.FPrice
Qty Double Mapping to field SEorderEntry.FQty
Amount Double Mapping to field SEorderEntry.FAmount
TaxRate Double Mapping to field SEorderEntry.FTaxRate
CESS Double Mapping to field SEorderEntry.FCESS
FinalAmount Double Mapping to field SEorderEntry.FFinalAmount
Discount Double Mapping to field SEorderEntry.FDiscount
ContractUUID String Mapping to field t_RpContract.UUID join with SEorderEntry.FContractInterID
ContractNumber String Mapping to field t_RpContract.FContractID join with SEorderEntry.FContractInterID
ContractName String Mapping to field t_RpContract.FContractNO join with SEorderEntry.FContractInterID
Note String Mapping to field SEorderEntry.FNote

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Build 24.0.8963