Power BI Connector for Kingdee K3 WISE

Build 24.0.8963


Query t_Account in Kingdee.


Name Type Description
UUID [KEY] String Mapping to field t_Account.UUID
Number String Mapping to field t_Account.FNumber
Name String Mapping to field t_Account.FName
HelperCode String Mapping to field t_Account.FHelperCode
GroupNameNumber String Mapping to field t_Account.FGroupID
GroupNameName String Mapping to field t_AcctGroup.FName join with t_Account.FGroupID
GroupNameUUID String Mapping to t_AcctGroup.UUID join with t_Account.FGroupID
DC String Mapping to field t_Account.FDC
CurrencyNumber String Mapping to field t_Currency.FNumber join with t_Account.FCurrencyID
CurrencyName String Mapping to field t_Currency.FName join with t_Account.FCurrencyID
CurrencyUUID String Mapping to t_Currency.UUID join with t_Account.FCurrencyID
AdjustRate Boolean Mapping to field t_Account.FAdjustRate
Contact Boolean Mapping to field t_Account.FContact
Quantities Boolean Mapping to field t_Account.FQuantities
IsCash Boolean Mapping to field t_Account.FIsCash
IsBank Boolean Mapping to field t_Account.FIsBank
Journal Boolean Mapping to field t_Account.FJournal
IsCashFlow Boolean Mapping to field t_Account.FIsCashFlow
MeasureUnitNumber String Mapping to field t_MeasureUnit.FNumber join with t_Account.FMeasureUnitID
MeasureUnitName String Mapping to field t_MeasureUnit.FName join with t_Account.FMeasureUnitID
MeasureUnitUUID String Mapping to t_MeasureUnit.UUID join with t_Account.FMeasureUnitID
IntRate Double Mapping to field t_Account.FintRate
Level Long Mapping to field t_Account.FLevel
Detail Boolean Mapping to field t_Account.FDetail
Acctint Boolean Mapping to field t_Account.FAcctint
FControlSystem Int Mapping to field t_Account.FControlSystem
ParentNumber String Mapping to field t_Account.FNumber join with t_Account.FParentID
ParentName String Mapping to field t_Account.FName join with t_Account.FParentID
ParentUUID String Mapping to t_Account.UUID join with t_Account.FParentID

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Build 24.0.8963