Excel Add-In for GraphQL

Build 23.0.8839

SELECT Execution

When a SELECT query is issued, the add-in executes the GET method of the schema, which invokes the add-in's built-in operations to process GraphQL. In the GET method you have control over the request for data. The following procedures show several ways to use this: search the remote data, server-side, with SELECT WHERE, or implement paging.

Mapping SELECT criteria to GraphQL arguments

The following sections show how to translate a SELECT WHERE statement into a GraphQL query to GraphQL APIs. The procedure uses the following statement:

FROM <table> 
WHERE ModifiedAt<'2019-10-30 05:05:36.001'

If this filter is supported on the server via query parameters, you can use the other:filter property of the api:info column definition to specify the desired mapping. For the above query, the add-in will use this property to map the modifiedAt < '<date>' filter to the query parameter that returns results that were modifed before a given date, and the modifedAt > '<date>' filter to the query parameter that filters results that were modifed after.

  • other:filter is a semicolon separated list of <parameter name>:<operator list>. <parameter name> is the name of the query parameter and <operator list> is a comma-separated list of operators used for the mapping. Valid operators are <, <=, =, > and >=.
  • other:argumentType is a required extra info. It should contain the type of the argument based on the GraphQL schema type language.

To perform this mapping, the add-in would use the following markup for the modifedAt column definition:

<attr name="ModifiedAt" xs:type="datetime" other:relativePath="modifiedAt" other:argumentType="DateTime" description="When the vendor was last modified." other:filter="modifiedAtAfter:>;modifiedAtBefore:<" />

This query results in the following postdata:

    "variables": {
        "ModifiedAt_modifiedAtBefore": "2019-10-30T09:05:36.001Z"
    "query": "query($ModifiedAt_modifiedAtBefore:DateTime) {\r\nbusinesses {\r\nedges {\r\nnode {\r\ncustomers(modifiedAtBefore:$ModifiedAt_modifiedAtBefore) {\r\nedges {\r\nnode {\r\nid\r\nmodifiedAt\r\n}\r\n}\r\npageInfo {\r\ntotalPages\r\ncurrentPage\r\n}\r\n}\r\nid\r\n}\r\n}\r\npageInfo {\r\ntotalPages\r\ncurrentPage\r\n}\r\n}\r\n}\r\n"

Path filters

There exist GraphQL services where the GraphQL argument is not enough to process the filter serverside. The path should be changed. In order to correctly use a path filter you need to complete the following steps:
  1. Add the path to the other:possiblePaths extra info and map it with the column name you want to filter.

    Ex: other:possiblepaths="{'path':'/businesses/edges/node','id':{'path':'/business'}}"

  2. Set the other:isPathFilter to TRUE in the column defintion.
    <attr  name="Id"  xs:type="string" key="true" other:relativePath="id" other:isPathFilter="true" other:filter="id:="  />
After completing these steps the following SQL query
SELECT Id,Name,CreatedAt FROM Businesses WHERE Id='QnVzaW5M6ZTY4ZDA2MmQtYzkzZS00MGZkLTk4YWUtNDg2YzcxMmExNzFl'
will be converted to the postdata:
    "variables": {
        "Id_id": "QnVzaW5M6ZTY4ZDA2MmQtYzkzZS00MGZkLTk4YWUtNDg2YzcxMmExNzFl"
    "query": "query($Id_id:ID) {\r\nbusiness(id:$Id_id) {\r\nid\r\nname\r\ncreatedAt\r\n}\r\n}\r\n"


The driver supports two pagination modes.

  • Cursor
    other:paginationObjects = "{
        'labels': {
            'cursorName': 'after',
            'cursorType': 'String',
            'pageSizeArgumentName': 'first',
            'pageSizeArgumentType': 'Int',
            'paginationType': 'Cursor',
            'isConnection': 'True',
            'pageInfo': ['endCursor', 'hasNextPage', 'hasPreviousPage', 'startCursor']
    The following postdata will be generated after processing the other:paginationObjects table extra info specified above:
        "variables": {
            "UserLogin_owner": "testaccount71",
            "RepositoryName_name": "test",
            "first": <Pagesize>
        "query": "query($UserLogin_owner:String!, $RepositoryName_name:String!, $first:Int) {\r\nrepository(owner:$UserLogin_owner, name:$RepositoryName_name) {\r\nlabels(first:$first) {\r\nedges {\r\nnode {\r\nid\r\ncolor\r\ncreatedAt\r\ndescription\r\nisDefault\r\nname\r\nresourcePath\r\nupdatedAt\r\nurl\r\n}\r\n}\r\npageInfo {\r\nendCursor\r\nhasNextPage\r\n}\r\n}\r\nname\r\n}\r\n}\r\n"
  • Offset
        'businesses': {
            'offsetArgumentName': 'page',
            'offsetArgumentType': 'Int',
            'pageSizeArgumentName': 'pageSize',
            'pageSizeArgumentType': 'Int',
            'paginationType': 'Offset',
            'isConnectionObject': 'True',
            'pageInfo': ['currentPage', 'totalPages', 'totalCount']
    The following postdata will be generated after processing the other:paginationObjects table extra info specified above:
        "variables": {
            "pageSize_1": <Pagesize>
        "query": "query($pageSize_1:Int) {\r\nbusinesses(pageSize:$pageSize_1) {\r\nedges {\r\nnode {\r\nid\r\n}\r\n}\r\npageInfo {\r\ntotalPages\r\ncurrentPage\r\n}\r\n}\r\n}\r\n"

Process Other SELECT Statements Server Side


You can sort the results serverside if the GraphQL service supports it by specifying the following properties:
  • The other:orderByFormat can be specified in the table definition or in the column definition.
    <rsb:info title="Labels" desc="Lists information about the different labels you can apply on an issue." other:orderByFormat="{field: {orderByArgumentValue}, direction: {sortOrder}}">
    <attr name="CreatedAt" xs:type="datetime" other:relativePath="createdAt"  other:orderByFormat="{field: {orderByArgumentValue}, direction: {sortOrder}}" other:orderBy="orderBy:CREATED_AT" />
  • The other:orderBy should be specified only in the column definition. The format of this property is <orderByArgumentName>:<orderByArgumentValue>
    <attr name="CreatedAt" xs:type="datetime" other:relativePath="createdAt"  other:orderBy="orderBy:CREATED_AT" />
After completing these steps the following SQL query
will be converted to the postdata:
    "variables": {
        "first": <Pagesize>
    "query": "query($first:Int) {\r\nrepository {\r\nlabels(sort:{field: CREATED_AT, direction: ASC}, first:$first) {\r\nedges {\r\nnode {\r\nid\r\n}\r\n}\r\npageInfo {\r\nendCursor\r\nhasNextPage\r\n}\r\n}\r\n}\r\n}\r\n"

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 23.0.8839