CData Python Connector for Zoho Inventory

Build 24.0.8963


Get Line items of Bills.

Table Specific Information


The connector will use the Zoho Inventory API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator. The rest of the filter is executed client-side within the connector.

  • BillId supports the '=' comparison.

For example, the following queries are processed server side:

SELECT * FROM BillLineItems WHERE BillId = '3350895000000089001'


Name Type References Description
BillId Long


Unique ID generated by the server.
AccountId Long Account Id.
AccountName String Account Name.
BCYRate Double BCY Rate.
CustomerId Long Customer Id.
CustomerName String Customer Name.
Description String Desciption of line item.
Discount Double Discount.
ImageName String Image Name.
ImageType String Image Type.
InvoiceId Long Invoice Id.
InvoiceNumber String Invoice Number.
IsBillable Boolean Checks whether the line item is billable or not.
IsComboProduct Boolean Check whether the line item is a combo product.
IsDropShippedItem Boolean Checks whether the item shipment has been dropped.
ItemCustomFields String Custom Fields.
ItemId Long


Item Id of line item.
ItemOrder Integer Order of the line item, starting from 0
ItemTotal Double Item total.
ItemType String Item type.
LineItemId [KEY] Long Unique ID generated by the server for each line item..
Name String Name of line item.
Quantity Integer Quantity of line item.
Unit String Unit of line item.
PriceBookId Long PriceBook Id.
ProjectId Long Project Id.
ProjectName String Project Name.
PurchaseOrderItemId Long Purchase Order Item Id.
Rate Integer Rate.
ReceiveItemId Long Receive Item Id.
SKU String SKU.
TaxId Long Tax Id.
WarehouseId Long Warehouse Id.
WarehouseName String Warehouse Name.

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Build 24.0.8963