CData Python Connector for Zoho Inventory

Build 24.0.8963

Creating a Custom OAuth App

To obtain an OAuthClientId, OAuthClientSecret, and CallbackURL, create an app linked to your Zoho Inventory account.

Create and Configure a Custom OAuth App

Register your application with Zoho's Developer console. You can create an app linked to your Zoho Inventory account as follows:

  1. To register your application, go to
  2. If this is your first Zoho Inventory OAuth app, click GET STARTED. If you have already made at least one OAuth app, click Add Client ID in the top-right corner of the app list.
  3. Select Server-based Applications.
  4. Fill the required details in the form.

    • Enter a Client Name for your OAuth app and the Homepage URL for your business.
    • Click the "+" button and enter a callback URL in the Authorized Redirect URIs.
      • If the connector is running on a web application, set a callback URL that points to the server running the connector. For example:
      • If the connector is running on desktop or headless machine, set a "localhost:<port>" callback URL that points to an active port on the machine running the connector. For example: https://localhost:33333
    • Click CREATE.

  5. Note the Client ID and Client Secret displayed on the following screen.

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Build 24.0.8963