Power BI Connector for Zoho Inventory

Build 24.0.8963


Views are similar to tables in the way that data is represented; however, views are read-only.

Queries can be executed against a view as if it were a normal table.

CData Power BI Connector for Zoho Inventory Views

Name Description
BillLineItems Get Line items of Bills.
BillPayments Get payments of the bills.
BillTaxes Taxes of the bills.
BillVendorCredits Vendor credits of the bills.
CompositeItemsBundlesLineItems Get the line items of the bundles.
CompositeItemsMappedItems Read the mapped items of the Composite items.
CompositeItemsTaxPreferences Tax refereces of composite items..
ContactContactPersons Get contact persons of the contacts.
ContactListComments List recent activities of a contact
ContactsGetMailContent List mail content of a contact.
ContactsGetMailContentFromEmails List from emails of Mail Content for Contacts.
ContactsGetMailContentToContacts List to contacts of Mail Content for Contacts
CreditNoteGetMailContent List mail contents of Credit Notes.
CreditNoteGetMailContentToContacts List to contacts of Mail Content for Credit Notes.
CreditNoteGetMailHistory List email history of credit notes.
CreditNoteListTemplates List of templates for credit notes.
CreditNotesGetMailContentEmailTemplates List Email Templates of Mail Content for Credit Notes.
CreditNotesGetMailContentFromEmails List from emails of Mail Content for Credit Notes.
CreditNotesInvoices List invoices of Credit Notes.
CreditNotesLineItems List line items of Credit Notes.
CreditNotesTaxes List taxes of credit notes.
CustomerPaymentsInvoices Get Invoices of Customer Payments.
InventoryAdjustmentsLineItems Line items of the inventory adjustments.
InvoiceGetMailContent Get mail contents of invoices.
InvoiceListPayments List Payments of Invoices.
InvoiceListTemplates List templates of Invoices.
InvoicesContactPersons List Contact Persons of the invoices.
InvoicesGetMailContentEmailTemplates List Email Templates of Mail Content for Invoices.
InvoicesGetMailContentFromEmails List from emails of Mail Content for Invoices.
InvoicesGetMailContentToContacts List to contacts of Mail Content for Invoices.
InvoicesGetPaymentReminderMailContent Get payment reminder for Invoices.
InvoicesLineItems Line items of Invoices.
InvoicesTaxes List taxes of invoices.
ItemGroupsAttributeOptions List Item Groups Attribute Options.
ItemGroupsAttributes List attributes of item groups.
ItemGroupsItems List items of Item Groups.
ItemTaxPreferences List tax preference of the items.
OrganizationAddress List addresses of Organizations.
PackageLineItems List line items of the package.
PackagesContactPersons List Contact persons of the Package.
PriceBookItems List items of pricebooks.
PurchaseOrderBills List Bills of purchase orders.
PurchaseOrderDocuments List Documents of Purchase Orders.
PurchaseOrderLineItems List line items of Purchase Orders.
PurchaseOrderPurchaseReceives List Purchase receives of purchase items.
PurchaseOrderTaxes List taxes of purchaseorders
PurchaseReceiveLineItems List line tiems of purchase receives.
RetainerInvoiceGetMailContent Get mail content of retainer invoice.
RetainerInvoiceGetMailContentFromEmails List from emails of Mail Content for Retainer Invoices.
RetainerInvoiceGetMailContentToContacts List to contacts of Mail Content for Retainer Invoices.
RetainerInvoiceListPayments Get payments of Retainer Invoice.
RetainerInvoiceListTemplates List templates of retainer invoices.
RetainerInvoicesLineItems List line items of retainer invoice.
RetainerInvoicesPaymentOptionsPaymentGateways Payment Gateways of Retainer Invoices
RetainerInvoicesTaxes List taxes of retainer invoices.
SalesOrderDocuments List documents of sales orders.
SalesOrderLineItems List line items of sales orders.
SalesOrderTaxes List taxes of Sales Orders.
SalesReturnReceiveLineItems List line items of sales receives of sales returns.
SalesReturnsComments List comments of Sales Returns.
SalesReturnsCreditNotes List Credit Notes of Sales Returns.
SalesReturnsLineItems List line items of Sales Retruns.
SalesReturnsSalesReceives List sales receives of sales returns.
ShipmentOrdersLineItems List line items of shipment orders..
ShipmentOrdersTaxes List taxes of shipment orders.
TransferOrderLineItems List line items of transfer orders.
VendorCreditsComments List Comments of VendorCredits.
VendorCreditsDocuments List Documents related to vendor credits.
VendorCreditsLineItems List line items of Vendor Credits.
VendorCreditsLineItemsTags Tags of the List line items of Vendor Credits.

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Build 24.0.8963