JDBC Driver for Zoho Inventory

Build 24.0.8963


Get list of Organization

Table Specific Information


The 本製品 will use the Zoho Inventory API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator. The rest of the filter is executed client-side within the 本製品.

  • OrganizationId supports the '=' comparison.

For example, the following queries are processed server side:

SELECT * FROM Organizations WHERE OrganizationId = '3350895000000089001'


Insert can be executed by specifying the Name, CurrencyCode, PortalName and TimeZone column. The columns that are not read-only can be inserted optionally. Following is an example of how to insert into this table.

INSERT INTO Organizations (Name, CurrencyCode, PortalName, TimeZone) VALUES ('Test', 'USD', 'newportal', 'PST')


Update can be executed by specifying the Id in the WHERE Clause. The columns that are not read-only can be Updated. For example:

UPDATE Organizations SET Name = 'test2' WHERE OrganizationId = '3285934000000136008'


Delete can be executed by specifying the Id in the WHERE Clause For example:

DELETE FROM Organizations WHERE OrganizationId = '3350895000000089001'


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
OrganizationId [KEY] String True

ID of the organisation generated by the server.

AccountCreatedDate Date True

Date of creation of the account.

Name String False

Name of the Organisation.

Address String False

Billing address of the organisation

CurrencyCode String False

Code of currency.

Country String True

Country of Organization.

IsLogoUploaded String True

Boolean to check if logo of the organisation if available.

UserRole String True

Role of the user(s).

DateFormat String False

Format of Date.

FieldSeparator String False

Separator used to classify fields.

UserStatus String True

Status of the user.

ContactName String True

Name of the contact person of the organisation.

IndustryType String False

Business type.

CurrencyFormat String True

Format of currency.

CurrencyId String True

Id of currency.

CurrencySymbol String True

Symbol of currency.

Email String True


FiscalYearStartMonth String False

Starting month of teh financial year.

IsDefaultOrg Boolean True


IsOrgActive Boolean True


LanguageCode String False

Language for use.

PortalName String False

Poratal name for the organisation.

PlanName String True


PlanPeriod String True


PlanType Integer True


PricePrecision Integer True


TaxGroupEnabled Boolean True


TimeZone String False

Time zone in with the organization is located geographically..

OrgAddress String False

Billing address of the organisation

RemitToAddress String False

Shipping address of the organisation

IndustrySize String True

The size of the industry. The possibe values could be

使用できる値は次のとおりです。small scale, medium scale, large scale

ZiMigrationStatus Integer True


Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.8963