JDBC Driver for Zoho Inventory

Build 24.0.8963


ストアドプロシージャはファンクションライクなインターフェースで、Zoho Inventory の単純なSELECT/INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE 処理にとどまらず本製品 の機能を拡張します。

ストアドプロシージャは、パラメータのリストを受け取り、目的の機能を実行し、プロシージャが成功したか失敗したかを示すとともにZoho Inventory から関連するレスポンスデータを返します。

CData JDBC Driver for Zoho Inventory ストアドプロシージャ

Name Description
ApplyCreditsToABill Apply vendor credit to existing bills.
ApproveACreditNote Approve a Vendor credit.
ApproveARetainerInvoice Approve a retainer invoice.
ApproveAVendorCredit Approve a Vendor credit.
BillMarkAsOpen Marks a Bill as Open.
BillMarkAsVoid Marks a Bill as Open.
BulkExportInvoices Maximum of 25 invoices can be exported in a single pdf.
BulkPrintInvoices Export invoices as pdf and print them..
BulkPrintPackages Print package slips.
BundlingHistory Mark Contact as active
CancelWriteOffInvoice Enable automated payment reminders for an invoice.
CompositeItemsMarkAsInactive Mark Contact as active
CompositeItemsMarkAsActive Mark Contact as active
EmailContact Send email to contact.
ContactEmailStatement Email Statement to the contact
ContactMarkAsActive Mark Contact as active
ContactMarkAsInactive Marks a contact as inactive
ContactPersonMarkAsPrimaryContact Mark as Primary Contact Person
ConvertCreditNoteToDraft Convert a voided credit note to Draft.
ConvertCreditNoteToOpen Convert a credit note in Draft status to Open.
CreateASalesReturnReceive Disable automated payment reminders for an invoice.
CreditNoteUpdateBillingAddress Updates the billing address for this invoice alone.
CreditNoteUpdateShippingAddress Updates the billing address for this invoice alone.
CreditNoteUpdateTemplate Update the pdf template associated with the retainer invoice.
DeleteAnItemImage Deletes the image associated for an item in Zoho Inventory.
DeleteSalesReturnReceive Deletes the image associated for an item in Zoho Inventory.
EmailAnInvoices Email an invoice to the customer.
EmailCreditNote Email a credit note.
EmailRetainerInvoice Email a retainer invoice to the customer. Input json string is not mandatory. If input json string is empty, mail will be send with default mail content.
EnableMultiWarehouse Enable Multiple warehouse for an organisation.
GetAPackage Get package details
GetATaxAuthority Get the details of a tax authority.
GetATaxExemption Get the details of a tax exemption.
GetOAuthAccessToken Gets an authentication token from Zoho Inventory.
GetOAuthAuthorizationURL Gets the authorization URL that must be opened separately by the user to grant access to your application. Only needed when developing Web apps. You will request the OAuthAccessToken from this URL.
GetStatementMailContent Get Content of Mail
InviteAUser Send invitation email to a person, you wish to add as a user to your organisation.
InvoiceAddAttachment Attach a file to an invoice.
InvoiceDeleteAPayment Delete payment related to invoice
InvoiceDeleteAttachment Delete the file attached to the invoice.
InvoiceDisablePaymentReminder Disable automated payment reminders for an invoice.
InvoiceEnablePaymentReminder Enable automated payment reminders for an invoice.
InvoiceGetAttachment Attach a file to an invoice.
InvoiceMarkAsDraft Mark a voided invoice as draft.
InvoiceMarkAsSent Mark a draft retainer invoice as sent.
InvoiceUpdateAttachmentPreference Update the preference for the attachment related to invoice
InvoiceUpdateBillingAddress Updates the billing address for this invoice alone.
InvoiceUpdateShippingAddress Updates the billing address for this invoice alone.
InvoiceUpdateTemplate Update the pdf template associated with the invoice.
InvoiceWriteOff Write off the invoice balance amount of an invoice.
ItemGroupsMarkAsActive Changes the status of an item to active.
ItemGroupsMarkAsInactive Mark an item as inactive.
ItemsDeleteItemImage Deletes the image associated for an item in Zoho Inventory.
ItemsMarkAsActive Changes the status of an item to active.
ItemsMarkAsInactive Changes the status of an item to active.
ListComments List recent activities of a contact.
MailContent Get the mail content of a contacts billing statement.
MarkARetainerInvoiceAsSent Mark a draft retainer invoice as sent.
MarkAsActive Mark Contact as active
MarkAsActiveGroupItems Changes the status of an item to active.
MarkAsConfirmedSalesOrders Changes the status of a Sales Order to Confirmed.
MarkAsInactive Mark Contact as Inactive
MarkAsInactiveGroupItems Changes the status of an item to active.
MarkAsReceived Mark Contact as active
MarkAsVoidSalesOrders Changes the status of a Sales Order to Void.
MarkItemAsActive Changes the status of an item to active.
MarkItemAsInactive Mark an item as inactive.
PriceListMarkAsActive Mark the pricebook as Active.
PriceListMarkAsInactive Mark the pricebook as Active.
PurchaseordersMarkAsCancelled Changes the status of an item to active.
PurchaseordersMarkAsIssued Changes the status to Issued.
RefreshOAuthAccessToken Refreshes the OAuth access token used for authentication with Zoho Inventory.
RetainerInvoiceMarkAsDraft Mark a voided retainer invoice as draft.
RetainerInvoiceUpdateBillingAddress Updates the billing address for this invoice alone.
RetainerInvoiceUpdateTemplate Update the pdf template associated with the retainer invoice.
SalesOrderMarkAsConfirmed Changes the status of a Sales Order to Confirmed.
SalesOrderMarkAsVoid Changes the status of a Sales Order to Void.
ShipmentOrdersMarkAsDelivered Changes the status of a Sales Order to Confirmed.
SubmitACreditNoteForApproval Submit a Vendor credit for approval.
SubmitARetainerInvoiceForApproval Submit a retainer invoice for approval.
SubmitAVendorCreditForApproval Submit a Vendor credit for approval.
TransferOrdersMarkAsReceived Changes the status of a transfer order to Received.
UpdateRetainerInvoiceTemplate Update template for retainer invoice
UserMarkUserAsActive Mark an inactive user as active.
UserMarkUserAsInactive Mark the user as inactive.
VendorCreditConvertToOpen Change an existing vendor credit status to open.
VoidACreditNote Mark the credit note as Void.
VoidAnInvoice Mark an existing invoice as void.
VoidARetainerInvoice Mark an existing retainer invoice as void.
VoidVendorCredit Mark an existing vendor credit as void.
WarehouseMarkAsActive Mark warehouse as Active.
WarehouseMarkAsInactive Mark warehouse as Inactive.
WarehouseMarkAsPrimary Mark warehouse as primary.

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Build 24.0.8963