ADO.NET Provider for AlloyDB

Build 23.0.8839


This section provides a walk-through of writing data access code to AlloyDB in ADO.NET.

Connecting from Code

See Establishing a Connection for the prerequisite information you need to deploy the provider and configure the connection to AlloyDB. Connecting from Code shows how to connect with the classes AlloyDBConnection, AlloyDBConnectionStringBuilder, and, in ASP.NET, AlloyDBDataSource.

Discovering Schemas

You can use the classes detailed in Schema Discovery to discover the table schemas at run time. You can also query the available System Tables to retrieve schema information, data source information, and other data provider metadata.

Executing SQL

You can use native ADO.NET interfaces to execute data manipulation SQL to AlloyDB: Querying with the DataReader and Querying with the DataAdapter provide code examples and guides to using native ADO.NET interfaces to access AlloyDB data. Results can be processed from the DataTable instance filled or from the DataReader returned.

Modifying the Data shows how to use the provider to update changes to a data set.

Connection Pooling

Instantiate pooled connections by configuring the connection string. See Connection Pooling to create and configure a pool.

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Build 23.0.8839