Data Model
The provider uses the HubDB endpoints in the HubSpot CMS API to model HubDB tables as relational tables and views.
The provider models draft tables as SQL tables. Most tables in HubDB are dynamic, but all share the following columns: Id, CreatedAt, UpdatedAt, PublishedAt, PagePath, PageName and ChildTableId.
Note that the provider will discover a draft version of every table that has been published.
The provider models published tables as read-only SQL views.
Aside from the Owners view, which lists owners available for an account, views in HubDB are dynamic.
All dynamic views share these columns: Id, CreatedAt, UpdatedAt, PublishedAt, PagePath, PageName and ChildTableId.
Stored Procedures
Stored Procedures are function-like interfaces to HubDB. They can be used to perform tasks such as importing data and publishing tables.