Excel Add-In for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9111

Getting Started

Connecting to Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Establishing a Connection shows how to authenticate to Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM and configure any necessary connection properties. You can create a connection profile by clicking Get Data and selecting From Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM on the CData ribbon.

Advanced Configurations

You can also configure add-in capabilities through the available Connection properties, from data modeling to firewall traversal. The Advanced Settings section shows how to set up more advanced add-in configurations and troubleshoot connection errors.

Configuring a Connection Profile

You can configure access control in a connection profile by defining the operations allowed against Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM data and store the profile in the workbook to make the workbook easy to share. See Managing Connections for more configuration options for connection profiles.

Connecting from Excel

The add-in adds controls to the Excel ribbon, standard Excel formulas, and VBA classes for writing macros.

Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM Version Support

The add-in leverages the REST API for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM to enable access to your supply chain management data.

See Also

  • See Using the Excel Add-In to work with Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM data from the CData ribbon.
  • By Writing Parameterized Queries in the From Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM dialog, you can easily create a dynamic spreadsheet based on an underlying SQL SELECT query. Cell values provide the query's input parameters.
  • Use the CData Excel Functions to execute multiple queries from the same sheet or to use cells and ranges to manipulate Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM data.
  • See Using the Excel Add-In (VBA) to write macros that can automate any of the capabilities available on the ribbon.

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Build 24.0.9111