Highlights forecast and commit exceptions, such as changes or mismatches, to ensure planning accuracy.
Name | Type | Description |
CollaborationOrderForecastsCollaborationOrderForecastId [KEY] | Long | A unique identifier linking the exception quantities to the corresponding collaboration order forecast. |
CollaborationOrderForecastId | Long | A unique identifier for the collaboration order forecast associated with this exception quantity. |
ExceptionId [KEY] | Long | A unique identifier for the exception record related to the forecast. |
BucketId [KEY] | Long | A unique identifier for the time bucket in which the exception occurred. |
ExceptionTypeCode | String | A code representing the type of exception that occurred in the forecasted quantities. |
BucketAggregationCode | String | A code indicating the bucket aggregation type for the exception quantity. |
BucketStartDate | Date | The date when the time bucket for the exception quantity begins. |
BucketEndDate | Date | The date when the time bucket for the exception quantity ends. |
ExceptionFactor | Decimal | A numerical factor representing the magnitude or severity of the exception. |
PrimaryExceptionVariable | Decimal | The primary variable contributing to the exception in the forecast. |
SecondaryExceptionVariable | Decimal | The secondary variable contributing to the exception in the forecast. |
MaximumCommitVersion | Int | The highest commit version impacted by the exception. |
MaximumForecastVersion | Int | The highest forecast version impacted by the exception. |
Finder | String | A system-generated reference used to locate the exception quantities for the collaboration order forecast. |