Retrieves and manages commit measure details associated with collaboration order forecasts, including supply commit responses.
Name | Type | Description |
CollaborationOrderForecastsCollaborationOrderForecastId [KEY] | Long | A unique identifier linking the committed quantities to the corresponding collaboration order forecast. |
CollaborationOrderForecastId | Long | A unique identifier for the collaboration order forecast associated with this commit quantity. |
CollaborationOrderForecastDetailsId [KEY] | Long | A unique identifier for the detailed record associated with the collaboration order forecast. |
BucketId [KEY] | Long | A unique identifier for the time bucket used in the commit quantity. |
CorrelationCode | String | A unique code identifying the orchestration process instance. |
BucketStartDate | Date | The date when the time bucket for the commit quantity begins. |
BucketEndDate | Date | The date when the time bucket for the commit quantity ends. |
BucketAggregationCode | String | The code indicating the bucket aggregation type for the commit quantity. Accepted values are defined in the lookup type ORA_VCS_BUCKET_AGGR_LEVEL. These values can be managed in the Setup and Maintenance work area under the Manage Supply Chain Collaboration Lookups task. |
Quantity | Decimal | The quantity that the supplier has committed to supply. |
CommitMismatchReasonCode | String | A code representing the reason the supplier could not commit to the requested forecast quantity, resulting in a mismatch. |
CommitMismatchReason | String | A description of the reason for the commit mismatch between the requested and committed quantities. |
Version | Int | The version number of the commit time bucket for the collaboration order forecast. |
CommittedByPersonId | Long | A unique identifier for the user who committed the quantity. |
CommittedByUserName | String | The username of the person who committed the quantity. |
CommitDate | Datetime | The date and time when the commit quantity was last confirmed. |
CommittedByPartyCode | String | A code identifying the type of user who performed the commit action. Accepted values are defined in the lookup type ORA_VCS_PARTY_ORIGIN. These values can be managed in the Setup and Maintenance work area under the Manage Supply Chain Collaboration Lookups task. |
Finder | String | A system-generated reference used to locate the committed quantities for the collaboration order forecast. |