Excel Add-In for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9175


Manages descriptive flexfields for units of measure, enabling customization and extension of unit-specific details.


Name Type Description
UnitsOfMeasureUOMId [KEY] Long Unique identifier linking this descriptive flexfield (DFF) entry to a specific unit of measure.
UnitOfMeasureId [KEY] Long Unique identifier for the unit of measure. This value is system-generated when a unit is created. Maps to the UOMId parameter in the root resource.
_FLEX_ValidationDate Date The date when the DFF validation was last performed for the unit of measure.
_FLEX_Context String DFF context name associated with the unit of measure.
_FLEX_NumOfSegments Int Number of segments defined within the DFF for the unit of measure.
_FLEX_NumOfVisibleSegments Int Number of visible segments within the DFF for the unit of measure.
DisableDate Date The date when the unit of measure is disabled and no longer available for use.
Finder String A system-defined query or lookup used to retrieve unit of measure DFF records.
UOM String The name of the unit of measure.
UOMClass String The unit of measure class that categorizes the unit of measure.
UOMClassCode String Unique code representing the unit of measure class.
UOMCode String User-defined short code that uniquely identifies the unit of measure.
UOMId Long Unique identifier for the unit of measure.

Copyright (c) 2025 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.9175