Excel Add-In for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9175


Manages subsets of organizations for logistics, manufacturing, or asset management purposes.


Name Type Description
OrganizationId [KEY] Long Unique identifier for the inventory organization.
OrganizationCode String Short code uniquely identifying the inventory organization.
OrganizationName String Full name of the inventory organization.
ManagementBusinessUnitId Long Unique identifier for the business unit managing this inventory organization.
ManagementBusinessUnitName String Name of the business unit responsible for managing this inventory organization.
LegalEntityId Long Unique identifier for the legal entity associated with this inventory organization.
LegalEntityName String Name of the legal entity associated with this inventory organization.
ProfitCenterBusinessUnitId Long Unique identifier for the profit center business unit associated with this inventory organization.
ProfitCenterBusinessUnitName String Name of the profit center business unit associated with this inventory organization.
Status String Current status of the inventory organization (for example, Active, Inactive).
LocationId Long Unique identifier for the location associated with this inventory organization.
LocationCode String Short code representing the location associated with this inventory organization.
InventoryFlag Bool Indicates whether the organization is enabled for inventory management. 'True' means enabled; 'False' means disabled.
ManufacturingPlantFlag Bool Indicates whether the organization is designated as a manufacturing plant. 'True' means enabled; 'False' means disabled.
ContractManufacturingFlag Bool Indicates whether the organization operates as a contract manufacturing facility. 'True' means enabled; 'False' means disabled.
MaintenanceEnabledFlag Bool Indicates whether the organization is enabled for maintenance activities. 'True' means enabled; 'False' means disabled.
MasterOrganizationId Long Unique identifier for the master organization governing this inventory organization.
MasterOrganizationCode String Short code representing the master organization governing this inventory organization.
MasterOrganizationName String Name of the master organization governing this inventory organization.
IntegratedSystemType String Specifies the type of integrated system associated with this inventory organization.
ItemGroupingCode String Code used for grouping items within this inventory organization.
ItemDefinitionOrganizationId Long Unique identifier for the item definition organization associated with this inventory organization.
ItemDefinitionOrganizationCode String Short code representing the item definition organization.
ItemDefinitionOrganizationName String Name of the item definition organization associated with this inventory organization.
ManufacturingParametersExistFlag Bool Indicates whether manufacturing parameters are configured for this inventory organization. 'True' means they exist; 'False' means they do not.
CreatedBy String Username or system entity that created this inventory organization record.
CreationDate Datetime Timestamp indicating when the inventory organization record was initially created.
LastUpdatedBy String Username or system entity that last modified the inventory organization record.
LastUpdateDate Datetime Timestamp indicating when the inventory organization record was last updated.
FixedAssetCorporateBookTypeCode String Specifies the corporate book type code for fixed assets associated with this inventory organization.
Finder String A system-defined query or lookup used to retrieve inventory organization records based on specific criteria.

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Build 24.0.9175