Manages subsets of organizations for logistics, manufacturing, or asset management purposes.
Name | Type | Description |
OrganizationId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier for the inventory organization. |
OrganizationCode | String | Short code uniquely identifying the inventory organization. |
OrganizationName | String | Full name of the inventory organization. |
ManagementBusinessUnitId | Long | Unique identifier for the business unit managing this inventory organization. |
ManagementBusinessUnitName | String | Name of the business unit responsible for managing this inventory organization. |
LegalEntityId | Long | Unique identifier for the legal entity associated with this inventory organization. |
LegalEntityName | String | Name of the legal entity associated with this inventory organization. |
ProfitCenterBusinessUnitId | Long | Unique identifier for the profit center business unit associated with this inventory organization. |
ProfitCenterBusinessUnitName | String | Name of the profit center business unit associated with this inventory organization. |
Status | String | Current status of the inventory organization (for example, Active, Inactive). |
LocationId | Long | Unique identifier for the location associated with this inventory organization. |
LocationCode | String | Short code representing the location associated with this inventory organization. |
InventoryFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the organization is enabled for inventory management. 'True' means enabled; 'False' means disabled. |
ManufacturingPlantFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the organization is designated as a manufacturing plant. 'True' means enabled; 'False' means disabled. |
ContractManufacturingFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the organization operates as a contract manufacturing facility. 'True' means enabled; 'False' means disabled. |
MaintenanceEnabledFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the organization is enabled for maintenance activities. 'True' means enabled; 'False' means disabled. |
MasterOrganizationId | Long | Unique identifier for the master organization governing this inventory organization. |
MasterOrganizationCode | String | Short code representing the master organization governing this inventory organization. |
MasterOrganizationName | String | Name of the master organization governing this inventory organization. |
IntegratedSystemType | String | Specifies the type of integrated system associated with this inventory organization. |
ItemGroupingCode | String | Code used for grouping items within this inventory organization. |
ItemDefinitionOrganizationId | Long | Unique identifier for the item definition organization associated with this inventory organization. |
ItemDefinitionOrganizationCode | String | Short code representing the item definition organization. |
ItemDefinitionOrganizationName | String | Name of the item definition organization associated with this inventory organization. |
ManufacturingParametersExistFlag | Bool | Indicates whether manufacturing parameters are configured for this inventory organization. 'True' means they exist; 'False' means they do not. |
CreatedBy | String | Username or system entity that created this inventory organization record. |
CreationDate | Datetime | Timestamp indicating when the inventory organization record was initially created. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | Username or system entity that last modified the inventory organization record. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | Timestamp indicating when the inventory organization record was last updated. |
FixedAssetCorporateBookTypeCode | String | Specifies the corporate book type code for fixed assets associated with this inventory organization. |
Finder | String | A system-defined query or lookup used to retrieve inventory organization records based on specific criteria. |