Excel Add-In for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9175


Maintains descriptive flexfields for carrier entities to support custom attributes.


Name Type Description
CarriersCarrierId [KEY] Long Unique identifier linking this descriptive flexfield (DFF) entry to a specific carrier record.
CarrierId [KEY] Long Unique identifier for the carrier, automatically generated when a new carrier record is created. This serves as the primary key.
_FLEX_ValidationDate Date Date when the DFF data was validated for the carrier.
_FLEX_Context String Context name for the DFF used in defining additional attributes for shipping methods.
_FLEX_NumOfSegments Int Total number of segments defined in the DFF for the carrier.
_FLEX_NumOfVisibleSegments Int Total number of visible segments in the DFF for the carrier.
ActiveFlag String Indicates whether the DFF entry for the carrier is active. 'True' means active; 'False' means inactive.
CarrierName String Name of the carrier associated with this DFF entry.
Finder String A system-defined query or lookup used to retrieve carrier records with DFF data.
ManifestingEnabledFlag String Indicates whether manifesting is enabled for this carrier. 'True' means manifesting is required; 'False' means it is not.

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Build 24.0.9175